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tion. We have got feveral zealous members in the Courts of Justice, and we are able to afford them pay, and other good additions. Lately we have got poffeffion of the Bartholomew Inftitution for young clergymen, having fecured all their fupporters. Through this we fhall be able to supply Bavaria with fit priests. Two of our beft youths have got journeys from the court, and they will go to Vienna, where they will do us great fervice." The following directions are given among a variety of others, by a Chief of the Order. "We must acquire the direction of education-of church management-of the profefforial chair, and of the pulpit-We must preach the warmest concern for humanity, and make people indifferent to all other relations-We must gain the reviewers, and the journalists, and the booksellers-We must try to gain an influence in the mili tary academies (this may be of mighty confequence), the printing-houses, &c. Painting and engraving are highly worth our care. We must win the common people in every corner. There is no way of influencing men fo powerfully as by means of the woThese should therefore be our chief ftudy; we should infinuate ourselves into


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their good opinion, give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion, and of ftanding up for themselves; it will be an immenfe relief to their enflaved minds, to be freed from any one bond of restraint, and it will fire them the more, and cause them to work for us with zeal, without knowing that they do fo; for they will be only indulging their own desire of perfonal admiration.” Both the French Free-Masonry, and the German Illuminifm, had their female adepts. These were to be admitted into claffes fuited to their characters, whether vicious or virtuous; and were to be deluded into principles and conduct beft calculated to promote the views of the fociety, but not to be entrusted with its fecrets *. "Should I mention (to the


"This affociation might moreover ferve to gratify those brethren who had a turn for fenfual pleasure." Let me intreat my fair countrywomen to peruse the admirable Address of Profeffor Robifon to them, upor the importance of their conduct at the prefent moment; confidered with a view to the real dignity of the fex, and the true interefts of the nation. See Robifon, p. 243. This Addrefs may ferve as an excellent Introduction to Mifs H. More's "Strictures on Female Education"-a work which, in confequence of its very great merit, has obtained a degree of popularity almost unprecedented.

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adepts) our fundamental principles, fo un-
queftionably dangerous to the world, who
would remain? What fignify the innocent
ceremonies of the Prieft's degree, in com-
parison with your maxim, that we may use
for a good end thofe means which the wicked
employ for a base purpose?" "The Order
must poffefs the power of life and death,
in confequence of our oath; and with
propriety, for the fame reason, and by
the fame right, that any government in the
world poffeffes it: for the Order comes in
their place, making them unnecessary. When
things cannot be otherwife, and ruin would
enfue if the affociation did not employ this
mean, the Order muft, as well as public
rulers, employ it for the good of mankind,
and therefore for its own prefervation. Nor
will the political conftitution fuffer by this;
for there are always thousands equally ready
and able to fupply the place." We need
not wonder that one of the chiefs told
the profeffors that "death, inevitable death,
from which no potentate could protect them,
awaited every traitor to the Order;" or
that the French Convention,
"the Image
which this Beaft caufed to be made," pro-
pofed to take. off the German Princes and

9 3

Generals, and whoever was in their way, by fword or poifon.

Voltaire, Rouffeau, and their affociates, had founded their fyftem upon liberty and equality. They began with afferting, that all men were equal and free-then, masking their design under the right of free enquiry, they gradually annihilated Chriftianity in the minds of their adepts; and leaving no other bafis for any religion to rest upon than the fophiftry of a reason, the perpetual fport of the paffions and the imagination, they conducted them to Materialism and Atheism. With respect to Government, they afferted, that all men being equal and free, every citizen had an equal right to form the laws, and to the title of fovereign". And by thus abandoning all authority to the capricious fluctuations of the multitude, and declaring that no government can be legitimate, but that founded on the will of the fovereign people, they ftruck at the root of all government whatever, while they perceived the neceffity

"It will be recollected that the French have publickly called themselves "A nation of kings."


of establishing a fort of temporary democracy in France, for the purpose of completing their object, UNIVERsal ruin. Illuminifm was therefore only a more dreadful form of the fame Syftem of abomination. The principles were the fame, but surrounded with the terrors characteristic of a German inftitution, and leading more directly to the propofed end, by means more grofsly profligate, yet equally infidious-means which could not have fucceeded, unless the world had been prepared by the fecret operations of the difciples of Voltaire.

Application of the foregoing Facts to

As it appears that Illuminism has produced in Germany the fame gradual progrefs from religion to atheism, from decency to diffolutenefs, from loyalty to rebellion, which the fecret orders of FreeMasonry have done in France, and by fimilar means: we are as clearly authorized

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