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which province it extended into Russia. In 1808 to 1813 it extended from Constantinople to Odessa, to Smyrna, and to various localities in Transylvania. It also prevailed about the same time in Bosnia and Dalmatia. In 1812 to 1814 it prevailed in Egypt, and, as usual, was conveyed from there to European countries. During the same year it prevailed extensively in Moldavia, Wallachia, and Bessarabia. In 1831 it again prevailed as an epidemic in Constantinople and various parts of Roumelia, and again it appeared in Dalmatia in 1840 and in Constantinople in 1841. Egypt, which for centuries had been the principal focus from which plague had been introduced into Europe, continued to suffer from the disease until 1845, when it disappeared from that country.

The last appearance of Oriental plague in Europe, until its recent introduction into Portugal, was the outbreak on the banks of the Volga in 1878-79. The disease had previously prevailed in a mild form in the vicinity of Astrakhan and was probably introduced from that locality. An interesting fact in connection with this epidemic is that in Astrakhan the disease was so mild that no deaths occurred, and that the earlier cases on the right bank of the Volga were of the same mild form, but that the disease there increased rapidly in severity, and soon became so ma

lignant that scarcely any of those attacked recovered. This is to some extent the history of epidemics elsewhere, and not only of plague, but of other infectious. diseases, such as typhus fever, cholera, and yellow fever. In all of these diseases the outset of an epidemic may be characterised by cases so mild in character that they are not recognised, and during the progress of the epidemic many such cases may continue to occur. These cases are evidently especially dangerous as regards the propagation of the disease, for when they are not recognised no restrictions are placed upon the infected individuals, although they may be sowing the germs broadcast.

The termination of an epidemic in the pre-sanitary period depended to a considerable extent upon the fact that those who suffered a mild attack acquired thereby an immunity, and that when the more susceptible individuals in a community had succumbed to the prevailing disease there was a necessary termination of the epidemic for want of material.

Another factor which, no doubt, has an important bearing upon the termination of epidemics is a change in the virulence of the germ as a result of various natural agencies. Time will not permit me to discuss this subject in its scientific and practical aspects, but the general fact may be stated that all known disease germs may vary greatly in their pathogenic

virulence, and that in every infectious disease mild cases may occur, not only because of the slight susceptibility of the individual, but also because of the "attenuated" virulence of the specific germ. In the eighteenth century, the beginning of sanitary science, isolation of the sick, and seaboard quarantines came to the aid of these natural agencies, and did much in the way of arresting the progress of this pestilential disease. At the present day these measures, together with disinfection by heat or chemical agents, are relied upon by sanitarians with great confidence as being entirely adequate for the exclusion of this disease or for stamping it out if it should effect a lodgment in localities where an enlightened public sentiment permits the thorough execution of these preventive measures; but when the disease prevails among an ignorant population which strenuously objects to the carrying out of these measures, the contest between the sanitary officer and the deadly germ is an unequal one, and the stamping out of an epidemic becomes a task of great magnitude, if not entirely hopeless. This is illustrated by the experience of the English in their encounter with bubonic plague in their Indian Empire.

Plague seemed to be almost a thing of the past and no longer gave any uneasiness in the countries of Europe which had formerly suffered from its rav

ages, when in February, 1894, it made its appearance in the city of Canton, China, and three months later in Hong Kong. The disease is known to have been epidemic in the province of Yunnan, which is about nine hundred miles distant from Canton, since the year 1873, but it attracted little atten

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FIG. I. Bacillus of bubonic plague. A, magnified 1000 diameters; more highly magnified to show "end-staining."


tion until the lives of Europeans living in the city of Hong Kong were threatened by the outbreak of an epidemic among the Chinese residents of that place. Many thousands of deaths occurred in Canton during the three months which elapsed after its introduction to that city before it effected a lodgment in Hong Kong.

Fortunately this outbreak gave the opportunity

for competent bacteriologists to make scientific investigations relating to the specific cause of this scourge of the human race and to the demonstration that it is due to a minute bacillus. This discovery was first made by the Japanese bacteriologist, Kitasato, who had received his training in the laboratory of the famous Professor Robert Koch, of Berlin. This discovery was made in the month of June, 1894, in one of the hospitals established by the English officials in Hong Kong. About the same time the discovery was made, independently, by the French bacteriologist, Yersin. From this time the study of the plague has been established upon a scientific basis and very material additions have been made to our knowledge with reference to the prevention and treatment of the disease.

That the plague bacillus has not lost any of its original virulence is amply demonstrated by the high death-rate among those attacked, and we are justified in ascribing its restricted prevalence to the general improvement in sanitary conditions in civilised countries and to the well directed efforts of public health officers in the various localities to which it has been introduced during recent years. In the Philippine Islands, where it prevailed to a considerable extent when our troops first took possession of the city of Manila and where the conditions among the natives

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