| Cavendish Weedon - Music - 1602 - 36 pages
...certifieth Another. 3. There is nether Speech nor 'Language but their Voices are heard among them. 4- Their Sound is gone out into all Lands, and their Words into the Ends of the World. sol«, for a 5. In them hath he let a Tabernacle for B*/t. the Sun who Cometh forth as a Bridegroom... | |
| John Johnson - Sermons, English - 1728 - 394 pages
...gave fome Apoftles, andfome Evangelifts, and fome Prophets and Teachers, that their Sound might go out into all Lands, and their Words into the Ends of the World. He faw the abfolute Neceffity of a peculiar Order of Men, to take Infledions from himfelf in all Things... | |
| 1739 - 332 pages
...And the Firmament Jheiuetb his bandy-work. One Day telleth another: And one Night certifeth another. There is neither Speech nor Language : But their Voices...Lands : And their Words into the Ends of the World. As fuch a bold and fiiblime manner of Thinking furnifhes very noble Matter for an Ode, the Reader may... | |
| 1729 - 320 pages
...the firmament fheiveth his hnndy-'Li-ork. One Day telleth another : And one Night certifttth another. There is neither Speech nor Language: But their Voices are heard among them. Their Sound is gtne out into all Lands : jlnd their Words into the Ends of the World. As fuch a bold and fublime manner... | |
| Joseph Addison - Apologetics - 1733 - 380 pages
...another- there is neither fpeech nor language : But their voices are heard amon£ them. Their found is gone out into all lands: And their words into the ends of the world. As fuch a bold and fublime manner of thinking furnimes very noble matter for an Ode, the reader may... | |
| Enoch Sterne - 1733 - 194 pages
...Hearers were immediately convinced, aod " The Sound of the Heavenly Evangelifts " and Apoftles went out into all Lands, and their " Words into the Ends of the Earth. * " So that they who derived their Ignorance from their Anccftors, being freed from their cruel... | |
| Joseph Addison - Apologetics - 1753 - 376 pages
...another. There is neither fpeech nor Ian guage : But their voices are beard among them. Their found is gone out into all lands: And their words into the ends of the world. As fuch a bold and fublime manner of thinking furnifhes very noble matter for an Ode, the reader may... | |
| 1765 - 500 pages
...another. 3 There is neither fpeech, nor, language: but their voices heard among them. 4 Their found is gone out into all lands: and their words into the ends of the world. 5 In them hath he fet a tabernacle for the fun: which cometh forth as a bride-groom out of his chamber,... | |
| 1765 - 410 pages
...another. 3 There is neither fpeech nor language : but their voices sre heard among them. 4 Their found is gone out into all lands : and their words into the ends of the world. 5 Inthein hath he fet a tabernacle for the fun : which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber,... | |
| Theophilus Lindsey - 1774 - 262 pages
...another. 3 There is neither fpeech, nor language, but their voices are heard among them. 4 Their found is gone out into all lands ; and their words into the ends of the world. 5 In them hath he fee a tabernacle for the fun, which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber,... | |
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