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Peace which he sees others so foolishly part with, as not knowing the value of it: befides a most comfortable Prospect of that further Blefsedness, of which this here is but a Tast, even the Everlasting Sabbath, and Rest of the Saints of God, To which God of his Mercy bring us all, thro' Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Love of God, and the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.



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Take heed, Brethren, left there be in any of You an Evil Heart of Unbelief.


HEN the Doctrine of Christ was First Publish'd to the World, as it carry'd with it the Clearest Evidence of Truth, whereby it was able to approve itself a Faithfull Saying, 1 Tim. 1. 15. so it had likewise stamp'd upon it the most amiable Characters of Goodness, sufficient to render it worthy of All Acceptation, ibid.

A continu'd Series of Prophecies, deliver'd down successively from Age to Age, for above three thousand Years before our Saviour's



viour's appearing in the Flesh, all Visibly Centring and Receiving their full Accomplishment in Him, was an Unexceptionable Proof of his being Sent from God. Especially, when in those Predictions were foretold, not only such Things, as Omniscience only could foresee, but fuch as Omnipotence only could bring to pass: Those Mighty Works, I mean, which Our Blessed Saviour did. For, the Truth of the Strange and Invisible Mysteries that he Taught, he confirm'd by as Strange, but Visible Miracles that he wrought; and to give Authority to his Words, which were such as never Man spake, he Perform'd Such Works as never Man did. Now either of these taken singly, The Prophecies I mean that spoke of Him, or the Miracles that were done by Him, were a very convincing Proof of his Miffion, and were therefore often feparately urg'd as/ Such, by Chrift Himself The Works that I do, bear Witness of me, that the Father hath fent me. John 5.36. And a little after, Search the Scriptures, V. 39. meaning the Prophetical Writings, They are They which testify of me: For had ye believ'd Mofes, je would have believ'd me, for he wrote of me. But if feverally propos'd, each of these was a strong Argument; join'd together they amounted to an invincible Demonstration: And therefore our Saviour, when the Baptift fent

his Disciples to ask this Question, Luke 7. 20. Art thou He that should come, or look we for another ? willing to give full Conviction to this his Great Forerunner, instead of a direct Answer, refers him to a Notable Prediction of the Prophet Ifaiah, 35.5. and 61. 1. and fulfills it in the fight of those that came to him on his Errand; Go, tell John, says he, What things Ye have seen and heard, How that the Blind See; the Lame Walk; and the Lepers are Cleansed; the Deaf Hear; the Dead are Raised; to the Poor the Gofpel is Preach'd. Luke 7.21, 22

Where he at once appeals, both to Prophecy and Miracles, shewing John's Disciples such Works, then, in their Sight, accomplish'd, but long before by the Propher foretold, as None but a Divine Power could Effect, none but a Divine Wisdom could Foreknow.

:Such were the Credentials, which our Saviour produc'd: abundantly sufficient to confirm the Divinity of his Mission, and confequently the Truth of that Doctrine, he was fent to Preach.

But the Gofpel of Christ was, not only by the concurrent Testimony of Prophecies forerunning it, and Miracles attending it, thus Outwardly furnish'd with sufficient Motives, to Convince the Understanding; but so recommended by the Intrinfic Worth

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