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Walker and Elgood, Law Relating to Executors and Administrators. 3rd ed. By Elgood. London 897.

don 899.

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West and Austin, Kelly's Conveyancing Draughtsman. 3rd ed. Lon


By Hansell.


9th ed. 2 vols. London

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White and Tudor, Selection of Leading Cases in Equity. With Notes.
7th ed. By Snow. 2 vols. London 897.
Williams, Law and Practice of Bankruptcy. 6th ed.

London 894.

Law of Executors and Administrators. 893.

Wills, Theory and Practice of the Law of Evidence.

8. Strafrecht und Strafprocess.


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Aschrott, Strafen- u. Gefängniswesen in England während des letzten
Jahrzehnts. Eine Ergänzg. zu dem im J. 1887 erschienenen Buche
,,Strafensystem u. Gefängniswesen in England". Berlin 896.
Burrows, History of the Foreign Policy of Great Britain. London 896. 14 40
Disney and Gundry, Criminal Law: A Sketch of its Principles and
Practice. London 895.

Griffiths, Mysteries of Police and Crime. Survey of Wrongdoing and
its Pursuit. 2 vols. London 899.

Halton, Etude sur la procédure criminelle en Angleterre et en France.
Paris 898.

Harris, Principles of the Criminal Law. 8th ed., by Attenborough.

London 899.

Hastings, Law of Fraud and Misrepresentation. 2nd ed.
Jelf, Corrupt and Illegal Practices Prevention Act, 1883.
London 894.

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London 893. 10 80
With Notes.
Law of Evidence Peculiar to Criminal Cases under the Act of
1898. London 898.
Jervis, Sir J., Archbold's Pleading Evidence. Practice in Criminal
Cases. 22nd ed., by Craiges and Stephenson. London 900.
Macdonald, Criminal Law of Scotland. 3rd ed. London 894.

Melsheimer, The Coroners Acts, 1887 and 1892. With Forms and Pre-
cedents. Being the Sixth Edition of the Treatise by Sir John Jervis
on the Office and Duties of Coroners. London 898.
Mews, Digest of Cases Relating to Criminal Law, down to the end of
1897. London 899.


1 20

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Parnell, British Policy, from Social, Home and Imperial Points of View.
London 895.


Russell, Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanours. 3 vols. 6th ed.
Smith and Keep. London 896.


138 60

Saunders, Law of Negligence. London 899.
Schuster, das Strafrecht Grossbritanniens. Berlin 894.



Seeley, Growth of British Policy: An Historical Essay. 2 vols. don 895.


Snowden's Police Officers' Guide. 9th ed. By Lees. London 892. Stephen, Digest of the Criminal Law (Crimes and Punishments). 5th ed. London 895.

14 40 12 60

Tallack, Penological and Preventive Principles. With Special Reference
to Europe and America, and to Crime, Pauperism, &c. &c. 2nd
ed. London 895.
Vincent, Police Code and General
the British Empire. 10th ed.
Wharton, treatise on criminal law.

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9. Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht.

a. Allgemeines.

Arnold, Law of Municipal Corporations. 4th ed. By Mackenzie and
and Johnson. London 894.

Blackwell, Law of Meetings: Concise Statement of the Law Respecting
the Conduct of Meetings in General. London 898.
Blunden, Local Taxation and Finance. London 895.
Carmichael, the County and Borough Police Acts. 1831-1900. Lon-
don 900.

Chesney, Indian Polity: A View of the System of Administration in
India. 3rd ed. London 895.

Eaton, the government of Municipalities. London 899.

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Gross, Bibliography of British Municipal History, Including Guilds and
Parliamentary Representation. London 897.

14 40

Guide to Local Government in Counties, Parishes and Burghs. 2nd ed. Edinburgh 895.

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Hadden's Handbook on the Local Government Act, 1894. 3rd ed.
London 895.

Hopkins, the Boroughs of the Metropolis: A Handbook to Local Ad-
ministration in London under the London Government Act, 1899.
London 900.

Hugo, Städteverwaltung u. Munizipal-Sozialismus in England. Stutt-
gart 897.

Hunt, London Local Government: Law Relating to the London County
Council. 2 vols. London 897.

London Government Act, 1899: The Law Relating to Metropolitan
Boroughs, &c. London 899.

[blocks in formation]

Jenken, Law Relating to Parish Councils: Being the Local Government Act, 1894. London 894.


Jenks, English Local Government. London 894.


Lithiby, Law of District and Parish Councils: Being the Local Government Act, 1894. London 894.


Macmorran, and Dill, the Local Government Act, 1888. 3rd ed. London 898.



Lushington and Naldrett, Local Government Act 1899. London 900. 15 Mather, Compendium of Sheriff Law, especially in Relation to Writs of Execution. London 894.

Mothersole, Parish Councils Guide: Being the Local Government Act,
1894, with Notes. London 894.
Parker, Duties of County Councils under the Local Government Act,
1894, &c. London 894.



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10 20

Pixley, Auditors: Their Duties and Responsibilities under the Com-
panies Acts and other Acts of Parliament. 7th ed. London 896. 25 20
Pollard, Study in Municipal Government: The Corporation of Berlin.
London 893.
4 20

Richards, Payne, and Soper, the Parish Councillors' Guide to the
Local Government Act, 1894. With Explanations and Notes.
London 894.

Seager, Government of London under the London Government Act,
899. London 900.

Shaw, Municipal Government in Great Britain. London 895.
Sinzheimer, der Londoner Grafschaftsrat. Ein Beitrag zur städt. Sozial-


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7 20

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reform. 1. Bd. Die Schlussperiode der Herrschaft der Mittelklasse in der Londoner Stadtverwaltung. Stuttgart 900. Stone, and Pease, Local Government Act, 1894. Guide to Parish Councils and Parish Meetings. 8th ed. London 898. Strickland, Alphabetical Table of Public General Acts in Force Relating to England, 1235-1897. London 898. Puttkammer & Mühlbrecht, Buchhandlung für Staats- und Rechtswissenschaft.

3 20

Thayer, Cases on constitutional law, with notes, Parts 1 and 2. V. 1.
Cambridge 894.

Walpole, Land of Home Rule: History and Constitution of the Isle
of Man. London 893.

Wilcox, Study of City Government: Outline of the Problems of Municipal Functions, Control. &c. London 897.

Wright, Office of Magistrate. 3rd ed. London 898.

b. Die Verfassung und ihre Geschichte.

Anson, Law and Custom of the Constitution. Part I, Parliament. 3rd ed.
Oxford 897.

Part. II. The Crown. 2nd ed. 896.

Bagehot, the English Constitution. New and Cheaper ed. London 896.
Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution. 5th
ed. London 897.

Disraeli, Vindication of the English Constitution, &c. London 895.
Feilden, Constitutional History of England, 3rd ed., by Etheridge.
London 895.

Johnston, Handbook of the British Constitution, History of Its Origin
and Growth. London 899.

Macy, the English constitution: commentary on its nature and growth.
New York 897.

Montague, elements of English constitutional history from the earliest
times to the present day. London 894.
Preuss, die englische Staats-Verfassung. Eine gedrängte Darstellg.
derselben. Oldenburg 894.

Rolin-Jaequemyns, le mouvement vers une constitution fédérale de l'em-
pire britannique, au point de vue international. Bruxelles 892.
Stubbs, Constitutional History of England. Library edition. 3 vls.


Vol. I. 6. ed. 897.

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Taylor, origin and growth of the English constitution. An historical treatise. 2 pts. Boston 898.

c. Das Parlament und seine Geschichte. Wahlrecht. Bagehot, Essays on Parliamentary Reform. New and cheaper ed. London 896.

Blair, Manual for Parliamentary, County Council and Municipal Election and Election Petitions. Edinburgh 893.




7 20



Follett, the Speaker of House of Representatives. London 896. v. Gneist, History of the English Parliament: Its Growth and Development through a Thousand Years, 800 to 1887, 4th ed. London 895. Grego, History of Parliamentary Elections and Electioneering, from the Stuarts to Queen Victoria. New ed. London 892. Hedderwick, Parliamentary Election Manual. 2nd. ed. London 900. Lucy, Diary of the Home Rule Parliament. 1892-1895. London 896. 12 60 Mackenzie and Lushington, the Parliamentary and Local Government Registration Manual. 2nd ed. London 897.


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May's Parliamentary Practice. 10 ed. By Palgrave and Boham-Carter.
London 893.


Reid, the House of Lords Question. London 899.

7 20

Rogers on Elections. Vol. 3: Municipaal and other Elections and Petitions. 17th ed. By Day. London 895.

25 20

(3 vls. cplt. 75.60.)

Skottowe, History of Parliament. 4th ed. London 895.


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Smith, History of the English Parliament, together with an Account
of the Parliaments of Scotland and Ireland. 2 vols. London 893. 28 80
Todd, Parliamentary Government in England. New ed., by Walpole.
2 vols. London 893.

Torrens, Twenty Years in Parliament. London 893.
Walpole, le Gouvernement parlamentaire en Angleterre. Trad. par
Todd. Av. préf. de Casimir-Périer. 2 vols. Paris 900.
10. Kirchenrecht.




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Black, Scottish Parochial Law other than Ecclesiastical. Edinburgh 893. 9 60 Blunt, Book of Church Law: Being an Exposition of the Legal Rights and Duties of the Parochial Clergy and the Laity of the Church

of England. Revised by Phillimore and Jones. 8th ed. London 899. 10 80 Dale, the Clergyman's Legal Handbook and Churchwarden's Guide: Being a Manual of the Laws affecting the Relative Rights, Position and Duties of the Clergy and their Parishioners. 7th ed. Edited by Risley. London 899.

Makower, Verfassung der Kirche von England. Berlin 894.

constitutional history and constitution of the church of England;
from the German. London 895.

Phillimore, Ecclesiastical Law of the Church of England. 2nd ed. 2 vols.
London 895.

Reichel, Complete Manual of Canon Law. Vol I, The Sacraments.
London 896.

Smith, Law and Practice in the Ecclesiastical Courts. 4th ed.
London 895.

Warren, Law of the Church of Ireland, London 895.

11. Militärrecht.

Gunter, Military Law and Customs of War. London 897.

2 2 20


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75 60

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Pratt, Military Law: Its Procedure and Practice. 8th ed. London 894. 5 40

XXVI. Frankreich.
1. Allgemeines.

Bertheau, Dictionnaire général de droit et de jurisprudence. Réper toire raisonné de la pratique des affaires. Paris 890-99. (Environ 12 vls.) Chaque volume

Sont parus les tomes I-VIII.

Cadet, Dictionnaire usuel de législation, comprenant les éléments du droit civil, commercial, industriel, maritime, criminel, administratif, etc. 8e éd. Paris 895.

Carpentier et Frèrejouan du Saint, Répertoire général alphabétique du
droit français. Paris. En vente les tomes I-XVI, plus les
tomes XXIV à XXVII. 20 vls. 887-898.
Catalogue de la bibliothèque du ministère des affaires étrangères.
Bureau de législation. Catalogue 1er juillet 1892. Bruxelles 893.
Compte Général de l'Administration de la justice criminelle en France,
depuis 1826 jusques et y compris 1895. 71 v. Paris.

de l'Administration de la justice civile et commerciale. 1821-95. 62 vol. Paris.

Dalloz, Jurisprudence générale ou Répertoire méthodique et alphabé tique de législation, de doctrine et de jurisprudence; nouvelle édit. 44 vols. Paris.





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Dalloz, Jurisprudence générale. Supplément. 19 vols.

Recueil périodique. Annés 1845-1899. 55 vols.
Abonnement annuel.

Table alphab. (1845 à 1867). 4 vols.



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(1867 à 1877). 2 vols.

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Collection complète, comprenant: Répertoire-Supplément, Recueil jusqu'en 1899. Tables.

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Dictionnaire de la jurisprudence de la cour d'appel de Caen. Table de vingt-trois années (1873 à 1895 inclusivement) du Recueil de la jurisprudence de la cour de Caen. Ouvrage faisant suite aux trois Dictionnaires de la jurisprudence de la Cour de Caen de MM. de Guernon (1800-1841), Bidard (1841-1854), Lechevalier (1854—1872); par la Rédaction du Recueil de Caen. Caen 900.

Durand de Nancy, le droit usuel, ou l'avocat de soi-même. guide en affaires. Nouvelle édit. Paris 899.


Frémont et Bourdon-Viane, manuel des examens de droit. 1re et 2e années. 2 vols. Paris 898.

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Pandectes Françaises, nouveau répertoire de doctrine, de législation et de jurisprudence. Ouvrage en souscription. 38 vols. parus. Paris 886-899. Le vol.

Lacoste, de la chose jugée en matière civile, criminelle, disciplinaire et administrative. Paris 893.



Périer, manuel de législation. Droit public et droit civil. 2e édit.
Paris 899.
Rendu et Bénard, Répertoire alphab. de droit usuel. 2 vols. Paris 895. 20

2. Rechtsquellen.

André, les coutumes de Normandie.

Lois françaises et jurisprudence des Tribunaux normands, concernant le voisinage, la mitoyenneté et les servitudes. Paris 896. Beautemps Beaupré, coutumes et institutions de l'Anjou et du Maine antérieures au XVIe siècle. 4 vols. Paris 877-897. Bulletin des Lois, Arrêtés, Décrets, Ordonnances rendues depuis 1789, jusques et y compris 1898. 390 vols y compris les Tables (14 v.). Paris.



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720 Abonnement annuel. 9 Carpentier, Codes et Lois pour la France, l'Algérie et les colonies. 4e éd. 3 vols. Lois et Décrets, Codes et Traités, Supplément de 1899. Paris 900. Lois et Décrets 12 50 Codes et Traités 12 50

Code de l'Algérie annoté. Recueil chronologique des lois, ordon-
nances, décrets, etc., formant la législation algérienne actuelle-
ment en vigueur, par Estoublon et Lefébure. Alger 896.
Codes complets, comprenant toutes les modifications apportées aux lois
jusqu'à ce jour. Paris 896.

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Conseil d'Etat, Recueil des arrêts du Collection economique 1895 et 1896, avec les tables. 8 vls. Paris.

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