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The Orders of Chivalry, from the Original Statutes of the various Orders of Knighthood and other Sources of Information. With 3 Portraits and 63 Plates, beautifully coloured and heightened with gold, 4to, coloured, £6. 6s., Plain, £3. 3s.

"Major Lawrence-Archer has produced a learned and valuable work in his account of 'The Orders of Chivalry.' He explains that the object of the book is to supply a succinct account of the chivalric orders in a convenient form. The literary form of the work is amply convenient for reference and study. Its material form could be convenient only to some knight of the times when armour was worn in the field, and men were stronger in the arm than they are now. It is a handsome volume. The size of the book is doubtless due to the introduction of a series of engraved plates of the badges and crosses of the various orders described. Those plates are executed in a finished stylo, and give the work an exceptional valuo for students of heraldic symbolism. The author may be congratulated on the successful issue of a laborious and useful task.”—Scotsman, 14th May 1888.

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"A charming book, full of wit and fancy and information, and worthy of its subject."-Scotsman.

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The Local Muhammadan Dynasties, Gujarat. Forming a Sequel to Sir H. M. Elliott's " History of the Muhammadan Empire of India," demy 8vo, 218.


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Mosses, perhaps, receive about as little attention from botanists as any class of plants, and considering how admirably mosses lend themselves to the collector's purposes, this is very remarkable. Something may be due to the minuteness of the size of many of the species, and something perhaps to the difficulties inherent in the systematic treatment of these plants; but we fancy the chief cause of comparative neglect with which they are treated is to be sought in the want of a good illustrated English treatise upon them. In the work which is now before us, Dr Braithwaite aims at placing the British mosses on the same vantage-ground as the more favoured classes of the vegetable kingdom; and judging from the sample lately issued, he will succeed in his endeavours."-Popular Science Review.


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With numerous illustrations from originals brought from Lhasa, and from photographs by the author.

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