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arrangement whereby that freight saving could be apportioned. I don't know exactly how it would take place.

Mr. MCHUGH. As apportioned among the

Mr. LILLEY. The two persons doing the operation, I would presume. I have not had direct access to this information.

Mr. McHUGH. Senator, in this connection, I wonder if it would be appropriate for the Texas Co. to furnish the committee the specific details in connection with these two transactions which Mr. Lilley has referred to.

Mr. LILLEY. Would you like us to put those in the record?

Mr. MCHUGH. Please.

One last question. The arrangements which are referred to here, the specific transactions which the members of the Middle East Emergency Committee engaged in pursuant to these various schedules, are they worked out at meetings of MEEC?

Mr. LILLEY. The schedules themselves?

Mr. McHUGH. No. The individual transactions taken pursuant

Mr. LILLEY. No, sir.

Mr. MCHUGH. Pursuant to the schedules.

Mr. LILLEY. The individual transactions are not done in the MEEC. Mr. McHUGH. Where are they done?

Mr. LILLEY. As I understand it, the base data supplied by the MEEC goes to the supply and distribution department of individual companies which then attempt from their base data to see what can be done on an individual basis.

Mr. MCHUGH. You mean, they would be negotiated by conferences in the offices of the companies involved?

Mr. LILLEY. No, sir. I would not say that.

I would say that one individual company would attempt, based on the data available, to work out an arrangement to save tankers with another individual company.

Mr. MCHUGH. Where would that be done?

Mr. LILLEY. I would presume they might do it in one office or another of the companies. They might do it by telephone, as far as I know. It would not be done in the MEEC.

Mr. McHUGH. It would not be done under the supervision of MEEC or any of the subcommittees of MEEC?

Mr. LILLEY. Not as I understand it.

May I say that I did not come here fully prepared to talk on all the details of the MEEC operation. Mr. Coleman, as chairman of that committee, I believe has a much more elaborate authoritative statement than mine on this subject. I primarily came here to tell you our particular position, and I haven't all the background necessary on this subcommittee or the supply and distribution operation to fully inform you. I will be glad to get it, to get you any data you need, if Mr. Coleman doesn't give it to you.

Mr. McHUGH. As the Senator stated, we expect to hear from Mr. Coleman subsequently. In that connection, Senator, I think it might be appropriate for the company to withhold the submission of information we have just requested until we have completed the testimony of Mr. Coleman and some of the other MEEC members, to determine whether or not we may have the information we need or we may be able to get it at that time.

Senator O'MAHONEY. I think the information we asked this after


Mr. McHUGH. I was just referring to our request to have them describe the details of these two particular transactions.

Senator O'MAHONEY. Well, that is all right.

Mr. MCHUGH. It may be possible that Mr. Coleman would be able to furnish that information, and, if not available, Senator, we can request it again.

Senator O'MAHONEY. Again I thank you for your patience in staying with us so long. We are very grateful to you, Mr. Foley, and to you, Mr. Lilley, for your readiness to answer our questions.

Mr. FOLEY. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to be here.
Mr. LILLEY. It has been a pleasure, Senator.

Senator O'MAHONEY. Thank you very much.

The committee will adjourn now, at the call of the Chair, but the probability is that that call will not come until Wednesday, next. There are some witnesses whom we had hoped we might reach today, but it has been impossible to do so, for obvious reasons. Mr. Cresente of Ohio had requested to be heard, but we could not reach him, and we beg his pardon.

The committee now stands in recess, at the call of the Chair.

(Whereupon, at 6:30 p. m., the subcommittees recessed, subject to the call of the Chair.)

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