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Chemistry and Physics. On a new form of magneto-electric machine: On the synthesis

of chlorid of thioxyl, WURTZ, 107.-On a new series of hydrocarbons, SCHORLEMMER:

On the compounds of tantalum, MARIGNAC, 108.-On the preparation of iodhydric and

phosphoric acids, PETTENKOFER, 109.--On crotonic acid, BULK: On syntheses of

guanidin, A. W. HOFMANN: On flame reactions, BUNSEN, 110.

Mineralogy and Geology.-Geological Survey of Illinois, 110.-Contributions to the Pa-

leontology of Illinois and other Western States, by F. B. MEEK and A. H. WORTHEN,

113.-A Geological and Agricultural Survey of 100 miles west of Omaha: Notes on

the Geology of Western S. America, by A. RÉMOND, 114.-Carta Geologica di Savoja,

Piemonte e Liguria, Prof. ANGELO SISMONDA: Comptoir Minéralogique of F. Pisani at

Paris: Discovery of additional Mastodon remains at Cohoes, N. Y., 115-A Catalogue

of Official Reports upon Geological Surveys of the United States and British Prov-

inces, 116.-Human Remains in Belgium, 121.-Hübnerite a new mineral, 123.-Min-

eralogical Notices, by WM. P. BLAKE, 124.

Botany. The Miscellaneous Botanical Works of Robert Brown, Esq., 125.-Nature of

Anthers, &c., J. MUELLER: Air Innovation in Nomenclature in the recently issued

volume of the Prodromus, 126.-Mémoire sur la Famille des Pipéracées, par M. CASI-

MIR DECANDOLLE: American Heather, 128.

Astronomy.--Observations of Venus near its inferior conjunction, 129.

Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence. Telegraphic determination of Longitude between

Europe and America, 130.-Mr. George Peabody's recent gifts to Science, 131.-Obit-

uary-George W. Featherstonhaugh, 135.

Miscellaneous Bibliography. Geological Map of the Department of the Seine, by Mr.

DELESSE, 135.--The American Naturalist: A Manual of Blowpipe Analysis and De-

terminative Mineralogy, by WILLIAM ELDERHORST, M.D., 136.-Catalogue of the

Silurian Fossils of Anticosti, etc., by E. BILLINGS: Lessons in Elementary Chemis-

try, by HENRY E. ROSCOE: Lecture Notes for Chemical Students, etc., by EDWARD

FRANKLAND, 137. -Chemical Tables, by STEPHEN P. SHARPLES, 139.-A new Chem-

ical Nomenclature, by Prof. S. D. TILLMAN: Memoirs of the National Academy: No-

tices of New Works and Proceedings of Societies, 140.

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Mineralogy and Geology.--Note on the use of the name Hudson-river group, by F. B.

ΜΕΕΚ, 256.--Note on Bellinurus Danse, from the Illinois Coal-measures, by F. B. MEEK,

257.-Section of the Rocks of Illinois, from Worthen's Geological Report, 258.-Geo-

logical Survey of Canada-Catalogue of the Silurian Fossils of the Isle of Anticosti, &c.,

by E. BILLINGS, 259.--Tertiary of North and South Carolina, by T. A. CONRAD: On

Human remains in Belgium, by MR. DUPONT, 260.-Volcanic eruptions in Hawaii, by

Rev. T. COAN, 264.-Notice of a Human Skull, found near Angel's, Calaveras County,

by J. D. WHITNEY, 265.--Occurrence of the Silurian Series in Nevada, by J. D. WHIT-

NEY, 267.-Eozoön: On fossils in the Auriferous rocks of California, by W. P. BLAKE,

270.--On the Crystalline form of Pachnolite, by A. DESCLOIZEAUX, 271.

Botany. Salices Europæse: Le Specie dei Cotoni descritte da FILIPPO PARLATORE,

272.-Tree labels for the Arboretum: Ozone produced by plants Morphology of

Stamens, and use of Abortive Organs, 273.--Remarkable union of two trees, by


Astronomy and Meteorology.--November Meteors in 1866, 276.--New minor planet, An-

tiope, (90): New minor planet, (91): Comet: Aurora Borealis at Highland, Illinois, by


Miscellaneous Scientific Intelligence.--Analysis of a Meteoric Iron from Colorado, by Dr.

C. T. JACKSON, 280.--Hailstones in China, by S. W. WILLIAMS: U. S. Coast Survey:

Chicago Museum of Natural History, 281.--Obituary.-Prof. Bache, 232.-J. Burkhardt,

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