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SEC. 201. The Secretary of Transportation is hereby 4 authorized, acting independently or in cooperation with 5 other Federal departments or agencies, to plan, design, con6 struct, maintain, and operate a facility or facilities, within the 7 District of Columbia or elsewhere, in which to conduct so 8 much of the research, development, and testing provided for 9 by this Act, and other research, development, and testing in 10 traffic safety authorized by law, as he may deem appropriate 11 and necessary.


SEC. 202. There is hereby authorized to be appropri13 ated, out of the highway trust fund, not to exceed $3,000,000 14 for the planning of the facility or facilities authorized by sec15 tion 201 of this Act, including necessary feasibility studies. 16 Any funds so appropriated shall remain available until ex17 pended.


SEC. 203. There is hereby authorized to be appropri19 ated, out of the highway trust fund, so much as may be 20 necessary for the construction of the facility or facilities 21 authorized by section 201 of this Act. Any funds so appro22 priated shall remain available until expended.



2 SEC. 301. Title 23, United States Code, is hereby

3 amended by adding at the end thereof a new chapter:



401. Authority of the Secretary.

402. Highway safety programs.

“403. Highway safety research and development.
401. National driver register.

4 "§ 401. Authority of the Secretary


"The Secretary is authorized and directed to assist and

6 cooperate with other Federal departments and agencies,

7 State and local governments, private industry, and other

8 interested parties, to increase highway safety.

9 "§ 402. Highway safety programs


"(a) The Secretary shall encourage and assist cach 11 of the States to establish a highway safety program designed 12 to reduce traffic accidents and deaths, injuries, and property 13 damage resulting therefrom. Such programs should be in accordance with uniform standards approved by the Secretary which standards shall include, but not be limited to,









provisions for an effective accident record system, measures

calculated to improve driver performance, vehicle safety,

highway design and maintenance, traffic control, and surveillance of traffic for detection and correction of high or potentially high accident locations.

"(b) Any funds authorized to be appropriated to aid

1 the States to conduct the highway safety programs described 2 in subsection (a) shall be subject to a deduction for the 3 necessary costs of administering the provisions of this section, 4 and the remainder shall be apportioned among the several 5 States as follows: 75 per centum on the basis of popula6 tion and 25 per centum as the Secretary in his administra7 tive discretion may deem appropriate. All provisions of 8 chapter 1 of this title that are applicable to Federal-aid pri9 mary highway funds (except the apportionment formula), 10 including the provisions relating to obligation, period of 11 availability, Federal share payable and expenditure of such 12 funds, shall govern the administration of the highway satety 13 funds authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section, 14 except as determined by the Secretary to be inconsistent with 15 this section. However, the Secretary shall apportion to the 16 States any funds authorized for the purposes of this section 17 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, as soon as they 18 shall be authorized. Where the term 'State highway depart19 ment' is used in chapter 1 of this title it shall mean the ap20 plicable State highway safety agency for the purposes of this 21 section.

22 "(c) The Secretary may make arrangements with other 23 Federal departments and agencies for assistance in the prep24 aration of uniform standards for the highway safety programs

1 contemplated by subsection (a) and in the administration. 2 of such programs. Such departments and agencies are di

3 rected to cooperate in such preparation and administration, 4 on a reimbursable basis.

5 "8 403. Highway safety research and development


"For the purpose of strengthening the highway safety

7 program of the Federal Government, the Secretary is au8 thorized to expand the highway safety research and develop9 ment activities under section 307 (a) of title 23, United 10 States Code, to cover all aspects of highway safety which 11 shall include, but not be limited to, highway safety systems 12 research and development relating to vehicle, highway, and 13 driver characteristics, accident investigations, communica14 tions, emergency medical care, and transportation of the 15 injured. The Secretary may use the funds appropriated for any fiscal year for the purposes of this section, independently



or in cooperation with other Federal departments or agen18 cies, for grants to State or local agencies, institutions, and 19 individuals for training or education of highway safety per20 sonnel, research fellowships in highway safety, development 21 of improved accident investigation procedures, community 22 emergency medical service plans, demonstration projects and 23 for related activities which are deemed by the Secretary to 24 be necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.

1 "8404. National Driver Register service


"(a) The Secretary shall establish and maintain a reg

3 ister containing the name of each individual reported to him 4 by a State, or political subdivision thereof, as an individual 5 with respect to whom such State or political subdivision has 6 denied, terminated, or temporarily withdrawn (except a 7 withdrawal for less than six months based on habitual viola8 tion) an individual's license or privilege to operate a motor 9 vehicle. Such register shall also contain such other infor10 mation as the Secretary may deem appropriate to carry out 11 the purposes of this section.



"(b) The Secretary shall, at the request of any State, or political subdivision thereof, or at the request of any Federal department or agency, furnish such information as may 15 be contained in the register established under subsection (a) 16 with respect to any individual applicant for a motor vehicle 17 operator's license or permit.


"(c) As used in this section, the term "State" includes

19 each of the several States, the Commonwealth of Puerto 20 Rico, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Virgin Islands, 21 the Canal Zone, and American Samoa."


SEC. 302. (a) The Act of July 14, 1960 (74 Stat.

23 526), as amended by the Act of October 4, 1961 (75 Stat.

24 779), is hereby repealed.

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