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Bureau of Reclamation



Feasibility Reports

These are in-depth studies of proposed Reclamation projects to provide a basis for seeking construction authorization from Congress. These investigations, to be completed in three years or less, are comparable to Level "C" studies as defined by the Water Resources Council. Alternative means of performing the project are examined in detail and evaluated to determine need, feasibility, and desirability. Appraisal or reconnaisance studies are performed to determine whether feasiblity studies are warranted.

Environmental Impact Statement

A document identifying, measuring, and evaluating the social, economic and environmental impacts likely to be associated with the project alternatives. Draft and final EIS's are prepared and reviewed in concert with the Feasibility Report. Supplemental EIS's are prepared and reviewed on occasion to accompany Definite Plan Reports if conditions warrant (such as elapsed time since construction authorization or major changes in conditions). They may also be prepared in conjunction with certain Special Reports.

Definite Plan Reports

These are investigations undertaken following authorization for construction. Major alternatives are reexamined to insure that the final project is responsive to the authorizing legislation. These reports are the basis for project construction.

Special Reports

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These investigations are directed to critical or unique situations which may not be suited to appraisal or feasibility study. They may examine alteration of existing projects to improve capability to meet changing needs.

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