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Hydra is a long straggling serpent having its head near Procyon and extending its tail beyond Virgo, a total distance of more than 100°.

stars of the fourth magniSeveral delicate triangles

The principal star is Cor Hydræ, of the second magnitude. It is a lone star, and may be easily found by a line drawn from y Leonis through Regulus, and continued about 23°. The head is marked by a rhomboidal figure of four tude lying near Procyon. may be formed of them and other small stars lying near. The Crater or Cup is a beautiful and very striking semicircle of six stars of the fourth magnitude directly south of Leonis. Corvus, the raven, lies 15° east of the Cup. & Corvi is in the equinoctialcolure.


Mythological history.-Hydra was a fearful serpent which in ancient times infested the lake Lerna. destruction constituted one of the twelve labors of Hercules. The Crow was formerly white, it is said, but was changed to its raven tint on account of its proneness to tale-bearing.

Cor Caroli (a) is marked by a line passing from Benetnasch (2) through Berenice's Hair to Denebola (B).

Berenice's Hair is a beautiful cluster midway between Cor Caroli and Denebola. Near by is a single bright star of the fourth magnitude.

Mythological history.-Berenice was the wife of Ptolemy. Her husband going upon a dangerous expedition, she promised to consecrate her beautiful

tresses to Venus if he should return in safety. Soon after the fulfilment of this vow the hair disappeared from the temple where it had been deposited Berenice being much disquieted at this loss, Conon, the astronomer, announced that the locks had been transferred to the heavens. In proof of which, he pointed out this cluster of hitherto unnamed stars. All parties were satisfied with this happy termination of the difficulty.

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Boötes, the bear-driver, is represented as a huntsman grasping a club in his right hand, while in his left he holds by the leash his two greyhounds, with which he is pursuing the Great Bear continually around the north pole.


Principal stars.-Arcturus, a magnificent star

* Job, ix. 9.


of the first magnitude, is in the left knee. It forms a triangle with Denebola and Spica, and also one with Denebola and Cor Caroli. It travels in its orbit fifty-four miles per second, or more than three times as fast as the earth. Its light reaches the earth in about twenty-six years. Mirac (8) lies in the girdle, ♪ in the right shoulder, Alkaturops (~) in the club, ß in the head, and Seginus (7) in the left shoulder. Seginus forms with Cor Caroli and Arcturus a triangle, right-angled at Seginus. Three small stars in the left hand of Boötes lie near Benetnasch.

Mythological history.-Boötes is supposed to have been Arcas, the son of Callisto. (See Ursa Major.)

Hercules is represented as a warrior clad in the skin of the Nemean lion, holding a club in his right hand and the dog Cerberus in his left. His foot is near the head of Draco, while his head lies 38° south, and his club reaches 10 degrees beyond.

The principal star is Ras Algethi (a of Hercules and of Serpentarius). This forms a triangle with B and S. A peculiar figure of four stars (", ", (, ε), north of these, marks the body. (See Maps, Nos. 5, 7, and 7.) The left knee is pointed out by 4, and the left foot by y.

Mythological history. This constellation immortalizes the name of one of the greatest heroes of antiquity. Hercules was the son of Jupiter and Alcmena. While he was yet lying in his cradle, Juno, in her jealousy, sent two serpents to destroy him. The precocious infant, however, strangled

them with his hands. By the cunning artifice of Juno, Hercules was made subject to Eurystheus, his elder half-brother, and compelled to perform all his commands. Eurystheus enjoined upon him a series of the most difficult and dangerous enterprises which could be conceived. These are termed the "Twelve Labors of Hercules." Having completed these tasks, he afterward achieved others equally celebrated. Near the close of his life he killed the centaur Nessus. The dying monster charged Dejanira, the wife of Hercules, to preserve a portion of his blood as a charm to use in case the love of her husband should ever fail her. In time, Dejanira thought she needed the potion, and Hercules having sent for a white robe to wear at a sacrifice, she steeped the garment in the blood of Nessus. No sooner had Hercules put on the fatal robe than the venom stung his bones and boiled through his veins. He attempted to tear it off, but in vain. It stuck to his flesh, and tore off great pieces of his body. The hero finding he must die, ascended Mount Eta, where he erected a funeral pyre, spread out the skin of the Nemean lion, and laid himself down upon it. Philoctetes applied the torch. With perfect serenity of countenance Hercules awaited approaching death

"Till the god, the earthly part forsaken,
From the man in flames asunder taken,
Drank the heavenly ether's purer breath.
Joyous in the new unwonted lightness
Soared he upward to celestial brightness,
Earth's dark, heavy burden lost in death."


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Corona consists of six stars arranged in a semicircular form. The brightest of these is Alphacca. This makes a triangle, with Mirac (e) and d in Boötes. It forms a similar figure with Mirac and Arcturus.

Serpentarius, or Ophiuchus, the serpentbearer, is represented under the figure of a man grasping in both hands a prodigious serpent, which is writhing in his grasp.

Principal stars.-Ras Alhague (a), in the head, is of the second magnitude. It is about 5° from Ras Algethi. They form a pair of stars conspicuous like the pairs in Gemini, Canis Minor, Canis Major, etc. 6 marks the right shoulder, and x the left. There is

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