OR A VIEW OF THE MOSAICAL RECORDS, WITH RESPECT TO THEIR COINCIDENCE WITH PROFANE ANTIQUITY; THEIR INTERNAL CREDIBILITY; AND THEIR CONNECTION WITH CHRISTIANITY: COMPREHENDING The Subftance of Eight Lectures read before the University At the UNIVERSITY PRESS, for the AUTHOR: Sold by W. HANWELL and J. PARKER; and J. CookE: alfo by J. HATCHARD, Piccadilly, London. MDCCCI. TO JACOB BRYANT, Esa. THE ANALYST OF ANCIENT MYTHOLOGY, THIS WORK IS, WITH PERMISSION, RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS OBLIGED HUMBLE SERVANT, GEORGE STANLEY FABER. A 2 EXTRACT FROM THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF THE LATE REV. JOHN BAMPTON, A.M. CANON OF SALISBURY. "I give and bequeath my Lands " and Estates to the Chancellor, Masters, "and Scholars of the University of Ox"ford for ever, to have and to hold all "and fingular the faid Lands and Estates upon trust, and to the intents and pur poses hereinafter mentioned; that is to fay, I will and appoint that the Vice"Chancellor of the University of Oxford "for the time being fhall take and receive "all the rents, iffues, and profits thereof, "and (after all taxes, reparations, and ne |