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corps organisées fossiles, rédigées pour la zoologie par M. Milne Edwards, pour la botanique par MM. Ad. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. IV. série. Botanique. Tome XX. No. 1-4. Paris, V. Masson & fils. 1863. Lex. 8. (p. 1-192. 17 tabb. aen., quarum 13 col.) 12 cahiers: 25 fr.

A. de Bary, Recherches sur le développement de quelques Champignons parasites. Mémoire pour servir de réponse à une question proposée par l'Académie des sciences en 1861 et pour servir de supplément aux travaux sur la question des générations dites spontanées. p. 5-148. 13 tabb. aen. et col.

J. Hanstein, Observations sur le développement du Marsilea à fruits comestibles de la Nouvelle-Hollande [Nardou]. [Extrait du Bulletin mensuel de l'Académie royale des sciences de Berlin, séance du & février 1862.] Traduit par M. K resz. p. 149-166. 2 tabb, aen. No. 14. et 15.

Ladisla Netto, Sur la structure anormale des tiges des lianes. p. 167-179. Cloez, Remarques sur la décomposition du gaz acide carbonique par les feuilles. p. 180-187.

J. Decaisne, De la variabilité dans l'espèce de poirier, résultat d'expériences faites au Muséum d'histoire naturelle, de 1853 à 1862 inclusivement. p 188192.

Annales des sciences naturelles. V. série. Zoologie et paléontologie comprenant l'anatomie, la physiologie, la classification et l'histoire naturelle des animaux publiées sous la direction de M. Milne Edwards. Tome I. No. 1-5. Paris, V. Masson & fils. 1864. Lex. 8. -320, 1 tab. aen., 16 tabb. lith., quarum 9 in 4 obl.)

(p. 1

12 cahiers: 25 fr.

H. Hollard, Recherches sur la signification homologique de quelques pièces faciales des poissons osseux. p. 5-19. 1 tab. aen. No. I. Camille Dareste, Note sur de nouvelles recherches sur la production artificielle des monstruosités. p. 20-22.

W. H. Baily, Remarques sur quelques Crustacés du terrain carbonifère appartenant au genre Belinurus, König, et description de deux nouvelles espèces du comté de la Reine, en Irlande. p. 23-29. 1 tab. lith. No. II. Henri Aucapitaine, Note sur l'habitat de l'Helix Carae, Cantraine. Alphonse Milne Edwards, Monographie des Crustacés fossiles de la famille des Cancériens. [Suite.] p. 31-88. 7 tabb. lith, quarum 5 in 4 obl. No. III -IX.

Ernest Faivre, Recherches expérimentales

p. 30.

sur la distinction de la sensibilité

et de l'excitabilité dans les diverses parties du système nerveux d'un insecte le Dytiscus marginalis. p. 89–104.

E. Bandelot, Recherches expérimentales sur les fonctions de l'encéphale des poissons. p. 105-112.

Lereboullet, Recherches sur les monstruosités du Brochet observées dans l'oeuf et sur leur mode de production. 2. mémoire. p. 113-271.

Recherches sur les monstruosités du Brochet observées dans l'oeuf, et sur leur mode de reproduction. (Fin.) p. 193-271. 2 tabb. No. 2. et 3. Fritz Müller, Observations sur la respiration des Ocypodiens. [Extraites d'une lettre adressée à M. Milne Edwards et datée de Destero, Brésil, le 12 juillet 1863. p. 272.

Archæopteryx Macrourus du calcaire jurassique de Solenhofen. 1 tab. lith. No. IV. Alphonse Milne Edwards, Monographie des Crustacés fossiles de la famille des Cancériens. Suite. p. 273-320. 3 tabb. lith. No. V-XII., quarum No. VI-VIII. et XII. in 4m. obl.

des sciences naturelles comprenant la zoologie, la botanique, l'anatomie et la physiologie comparée des deux règnes et l'histoire des corps organisés fossiles. IV. série, redigée pour la zoologie par M. Milne Edwards, pour la botanique par MM. Ad. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. Botanique. Tome XVIII. 6 cahiers. Paris, V. Masson & fls. 1863. Lex. 8. (384 p. 11 tabb. aen.)

12 cahiers 25 fr. Casimir de Candolle, Mémoire sur la famille des Juglandées. p. 6–48. 6

tabb. aen.

Alph. de Candolle, Note sur un nouveau caractère observé dans le fruit des chènes ot sur la meilleure division à adopter pour le genre Quercus. p. 49-58. Étude sur l'espèce à l'occasion d'une revision de la famille des Cupulifères. p. 59-110.

C. Kosmann, Études sur l'ozone exhalé par les plantes.

[Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences du 10 novembre 1862.] p. 111 -117.

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F. V. Jodin, Du role physiologique de l'oxygène chez les Mucédinées et les ferments. [Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences, séance da 28 avril 1862.] p. 118-124.

S. de Luca, Recherches sur la formation de la matière grasse dans les olives.
[Extrait des Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences, séance du
22 septembre 1862.] p. 125–129.
1 tab. sen.

Alfr. Courbon, Flore de l'île de Dissée [Mer rouge]. p. 130-158.
No. 7. Boucerosia Russeliana.

Ch. Naudin, Cucurbitacées cultivées au Muséum d'histoire naturelle en 1862.
Description d'espèces nouvelles et de quelques formes hybrides obtenues de plan.
tes de cette famille. p. 159-208. 4 tabb. aen. No. 8-11.
E. Cosson, Compositarum genera duo nova Algeriensia, auctoré
2 tabb. aen. No. 12. 18.

p. 209-213. H. F. Hance, Note sur deux espèces du genre Scolopia Schreb. p. 214-217. Manipulus plantarum novarum, potissime Chinensium, adjectis notulis nonnullis affinitates, caet., respicientibus: scripsit Henr. F. Hance. p. 217238.

G. Mann, Excursion botanique aux monts Cameroon.

[Lettre adressée à sir

p. 239

W. Hooker, et extraite du Journal de la Société linnéenne de Londres.] -254. Jules Lépine, Note sur l'usage de l'Eschynomene aspera Lin. [Eschynomene aquatica Roxb., Eschynomene indica Wall., Hedysarum lagenaria Lour.] p. 254 -256. Prodromus florae Novo-Granatensis ou énumération des plantes de la Nouvelle-Grenade, avec description des espèces nouvelles par J. Triana et J. E. Planchon (Suite.) p. 258-882.

Annales des sciences naturelles comprenant la zoologie, la botanique, l'anatomie et la physiologie comparée des deux règnes et l'histoire des corps organisés fossiles. IV. série. Redigée pour la zoologie par M. Milne Edwards, pour la botanique par A. Brongniart et J. Decaisne. Tome XIX. No. 4. Paris, V. Masson & fils. 1863. Lex. 8. (p. 193-256. 5 tabb. aen., quarum 1 in 4m.)

Ch. Naudin, Nouvelles recherches sur l'hybridité dans les végétaux. (Fin.) p. 193-203.

Ch. Darwin, Observations sur l'hétéromorphisme des fleurs, et ses conséquences pour la fécondation. p. 204-255. 1 tab. aen. No. 12. Anderson, Sur un nouvel exemple de parthénogénèse. p. 256.

Annals, The, and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geology. [Being a continuation of the ,,Annals" combined with Loudon and Charlesworth's,,Magazine of natural history."] Conducted by Prideaux John Selby, Charles C. Babington, John Edward Gray, and William Francis. Vol. XI. Third series. No. 66. June 1863. London: Taylor & Francis. 1863. 8m. (VIII p., p. 393–472. 1 tab. lith., 1 tab. aen.) 12 Nrs.: 30 sh.

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On the Capitella and their position in the system of the Annelida; by Edward Grube. (Translated by W. S. Dallas, from Wiegmann's Archiv, 1862.) p. 393-402. Remarks on the vessels of the latex, the vasa propria, and the receptacles of the elaborated juices of plants; by M. Lestiboudois. (Translated by Arlidge from the Comptes rendus" for March 1863.), p. 402-409. On Acantholeberis [Lilljeborg], a genus of Entomostraca new to Great Britain; by Alfred Merle Norman. (Plate XI.] p. 409-415. 1 tab. aen. On the form of the cells made by various wasps and by the honey bee; with an appendix on the origin of species; by Samuel Haughton. p. 415–429. On the former connexion of North Africa with South Europe; by Edward Suess. (From the Transactions of the Royal Imperial Geological Institution of Vienna, January 1863. Communicated by S. P. Woodward.) p. 429-433. Further observations on Amoeba villosa and other indigenous Rhizopods; by G. C. Wal lich. [Continued from p. 371. Plate X.] p. 434-453. 1 tab. lith. Bibliographical notices. p. 454-457. — Miscellaneous. p. 457-467. Index. P 468



The, and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geology. [Being a continuation of the,,Annals" combined with Loudon and Charlesworth's Magazine of natural history.] Conducted by Prideaux John Selby, Charles C. Babington, John Edward Gray and William Francis. Vol. XII. Third series. No. 67-72. London: Taylor & Francis. 1863. Sm. (VIII, 480 p. c. figg. xyl., 5 tabb. aen., 3 tabb. lith.) 12 Nrs.: 30 sh.

No. 67. On some phenomena of the development of the organic cell; by H. Kar

sten. Translated by Arlidge. [Plate I. p. 1-12. 1 tab. aen On the developmental history of the Stomapoda; by Fritz Müller. Translated from Wiegmann's Archiv, 1862, by W. S. Dallas. [Plate II.] p. 13-19. 1 tab. aen.- Lucernaria the Coenotype of Acalephæ; by Henry James Clark. p. 19-30. On Amoeba princeps and its reproductive cells, compared with Ethalium, Pythium, Mucor, and Achlya; by H. J. Carter. [Plate III. p. 3052. 1 tab. aen. On the Raphides of Rubiacea; by George Gulliver. p. 52. 53. On two Oceanic species of Protozoans related to the Sponges; by James D. Dana. p. 54. 55 c. figg. xyl. On the animals of Raphaulus. Spiraculum, and other tube-bearing Cyclostomacea; by William T. Blandford. p. 55-58. Bibliographical notices. p. 58-60. Proceedings of learned societies. p. 60-75 c. 3 figg. xyl. Miscellaneous. p. 76-80. No. 68. Species considered as to variation, geographical distribution, and succession; by Asa Gray. p. 81–97. On the species of Chelymys from Australia, with the description of a new species; by J. E. Gray. p. 98. 99. Notice of a new species of Pelomedusa from Natal; by J. E. Gray. p. 99. 100. tributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by H. W. Bates. [Continued.] p. 100-109. On the leaf-cells of the British species of Hymenophyllum; by George Gulliver. p. 109-111 c. 2 figg. xyl. On the value of the distinctive characters in Amoeba; by G. C. Wallich. P. 111-151. Description of a new species of Lycosa living in the Madeira (Lycosa Blackwallii); with some remarks on Lycosa tarentu oides maderiana, Valckenaer; by James Yate Johnson. p. 152-155. Bibliographical notice. p. 155-158. Proceedings of learned societies. p. 158-166. Miscellaneous. p. 166-168.

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e island of

No. 69. On the impregnation in Orchids as a proof of the two different effects of the pollen; by F. Hildebrand. p. 169-174. On the European species of the genus Labrax; by A. Günther. p. 174. 175 c. 3 figg. xyl. Notes on American Emydidæ, and Agassiz's observations on my catalogue of them; by J. E. Gray. p. 176-183. Descriptions of Cremnobates Syhadrensis and Lithotis rupicola, two new generic forms of Mollusca inhabiting cliffs in the Western Ghats of India; by William T. Blandford. [Plate IV.] p. 184-187. 1 tab. aen.


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On Cephalization, and on Megasthenes and Microsthenes in classification [being in continuation of an article on the higher subdivisions in the classification of mammals]; by James D. Dana. p. 187-198. On the value of the Villi" on the surface of Amoeba as a specific distinction. p. 198-200 On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera; by W. K. Parker. p. 200-219. the Formosan Reptiles; with notes on a few of the species, and some remarks on a fish [Orthagoriscus, sp.]; by R. Swinhoe. On Raphides and Sphaeraphides of Phanerogamia; with a notice of the crystal prisms of Iridaceae; by George Gulliver. [Plate IV. fig. 13.] p. 226-229. Proceedings of learned societies. p. 229-246 c. 2 figg. xyl. Miscellaneous. p. 246 -248.

[blocks in formation]

No. 70. On the presence of chlorophyll-cells and starch-granules, as normal parts of the organism, and on the reproductive process, in Difflugia pyriformis, Perty; also on a freshwater species of Echinocystidia; by H. J. Carter. p. 249–264. Notice of a Drassus and Linyphia new to science, and a Neriene hitherto unrecorded as British; by John Blackwall. p. 264-266. Second communication on the vasa propria, laticiferous vessels, &c., of plants; by M. T. Lesti bondois. Translated by Arlidge. p. 267-275. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by H. W. Bates. [Continued from p. 109.] p. 275-288. On the Raphides of Onagraceae; by G eorge Gulliver. p. 288-- 290. On the part played by deciduous plants in the tertiary floras previous to the miocene properly so called, and especially in that of the Gypsum of Aix; by the Count Gaston de Saporta. Translated from the Bibliothèque universelle, March 1863, by W. S. Dallas. p. 290-303. Remarks on the rev. S. Haughton's paper on the bee's cell, and on the origin of species; by Alfred R. Wallace. p. 303-309. On the tissue-cells of the involucres of Hymenophyllum; by George Gulliver. p. 309. 310 c. 4 figg. xyl. Bibliographical notices. p. 310-312. Proceedings of learned Societies. p 313-326 c. 3 figg. xyl. Miscellaneous. p. 326-328. No. 71. Further observations on the distinctive characters and reproductive phenomena of the Amoeban Rhizopods; by G. C. Wallich. p. 329-337. Description of two new Madeiran Land- Shells lately discovered by the Baraò do Castello de Paiva and Sr. J. M. Monis; by R. T. Lowe p. 338-340. Third communication on the vasa propria, laticiferous vessels, &c., of plants; by M. T. Lestiboudois. Translated by Arlidge. p. 340-318. Third account of new species of snakes in the collection of the British Museum; by Albert Günther. [Plates V. & VI.] p. 348-365. 2 tabb lith. Observations on Raphides; by George Gulliver. p. 865-367 c. 3 figg. xyl. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by II. W. Batos. [Continued from p. 288.] p. 367-381. Notice of a new species of Kinixys

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and other Tortoises from Central Africa; by J. E. Gray. p. 381. 382. On the skeleton of a Seal [Phoca Groenlandica?], and the cranium of a Duck, from

Bibliotheca hist. natur.: 1864. I.



On the

the pliocene beds, Fifeshire; by Robert Walker. p. 382–388. habits of Pagurus Pridauxii and Adamsia palliata; by Stuart Wortley. p. 888-390. Bibliographical notices. p. 391-397. Proceedings of learned Societies. p. 397-404 c. 5 figg, xyl. Miscellaneous. p. 404-408. No. 72. On Polytrema miniaceum, a Polythalmian; by Max Schultze. Translated by W. S. Dallas. p. 409-423. - On a new genus of terrestrial Mol. lusks from Japan; by Arthur Ada m. [Plate VII. figs. 11, 12.] p. 424 425. Characters of new operculate land-shells from the Andamans, and of Indian and Burmese species of Pupa; by W. H. Benson. p. 425-429. On the nomenclature of the Foraminifera; by W. K. Parker. Part X. The species enumerated by D'Orbigny in the Annales des sciences naturelles", vol. VII. 1826. p. 429-441. On new species of fishes from the Essequibo; by Albert Günther. p. 441-443. On the fossil red deer of Ireland: observations founded on the skeletons found at Bohoe, in the county Fermanagh, in 1865; by Samuel Haughton. p. 444-446. Observations on Raphides and Sphaeraphides; by George Gulliver. [Continued] p. 446. 447. Further observations on the distinctive characters, habits, and reproductive phenomena of the Amoeban Rhizopods. [Plate VIII] p. 448-468. 1 tab. lith. learned societies. Miscellaneous. p. 472-475. 476-480.


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p. 468-472.

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Proceedings of
Index. p.

Annals, The, and magazine of natural history, including zoology, botany, and geology. Conducted by Prideaux John Selby, Charles C. Babington, John Edward Gray and William Francis. III. series. Vol. VIII. No. 73-75. With 14 plates. London: Taylor & Francis. 1864. 8m. (p. 1-264 c. figg. xyl., 9 tabb. aen., 5 tabb. lith., quarum 2 in 4 obl, et 1 in Roy. fol.) 32 sh. 6 d. No. 73. On the Menispermaceae; by John Miers. p. 1–15. On the homologies of the insectean and crustacean types; by James D. Dan a. p. 16-18. On freshwater Rhizopoda of England and India; with illustrations. By H. J. Carter. Plates I. & II. p. 18-39. 2 tabb. aen. On the animal and affinities of Fenella; with a list of the species found in the seas of Japan; by Arthur Adams. p. 39-41. Observations on Raphides; by George Gulliver. [Continued from vol. XII. p. 447.] p. 41-48. - Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by H. W. Bates. [Continued from vol. XII. p. 381.] p. 43-56. On a new species of Hyaena from the Red Crag of Suffolk; by E. Ray Lankester. Plate VIII. p. 56— 59. 1 tab. lith. On species of Ostracoda new to Britain; by George S. Brady. Plates III. & IV. p. 59-64. 2 tabb. aen. On the Foraminifera of the Crag; by T. R. Jones and W. K. Parker. p. 64-68. On the law of the production of the sexes in plants, animals, and man; by Thury, p. 68– 72. On the process of mineral deposit in the Rhizopods and Sponges, as affording a distinctive character; by G. C. Wallich. p. 72-82 c. 5 figg, xyl. On undescribed British Hydrozoa, Actinozoa, and Polyzoa; by Alfred Merle Norman. Plates IX., X., XI. p. 82-90. 3 tabb. aen. Bibliographical notice. p. 90-92. Proceedings of learned societies. p. 93-111 o. 2 figg. xyl. Miscellaneous. p. 111. 112. Double number: 5 sh. No. 74. List of the British Pycnogonoidea, with descriptions of several new species; by George Hodge. [Plates XII. & XIII.] p. 113-117. 2 tabb. aen. On the climbing habits of Anabas scandens; by Jesse Mitchell. p. 117-119. Observations on Raphides; by George Gulliver. [Continued.] p. 119-121. On the Menispermaceae; by John Miers. [Continued.] p. 122-135. Characters of Coilostele, an undescribed genus of Auriculacea (?), and of species of Helix, Pupa, and Ancylus, from India, West Africa, and Ceylon; by W. H. Benson. p. 136-140. Notes on some molluscous animals from the seas of China and Japan; by Arthur Adam. p. 140-144. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera: Longicornes; by H. W. Bates. [Continued.] p. 144-164. Bibliographical notice. ings of learned societies. r. 165-182 c. 4 figg. xyl. 183. 184.

p. 164. 165.

ProceedMiscellaneous. p.

No. 75. On the Red Crag and its relation to the fluvio-marine Crag, and on the drift of the eastern counties; by S. V. Wood, jun. With a map, plate XVII. p. 185-203 c. 5 figg. xyl., 1 tab. lith. in Roy. fol. On the occurrence of Amoebiform Protoplasm, and the emission of Pseudopodia, among the Hydroida; by Allman. [Plate XIV.] p. 203-206. I tab. lith. On the species of Neaera found in the seas of Japan; by Arthur Adams. p. 206-209.- Characters of new land-shells from the Mahabaleshwar Hills in Western India, and from Agra in the North-west Provinces; by W. H. Benson. p. 209-211. Description of a labyrinthi-branchiate fish from the Nile (Ctenopoma Petherici); by Albert Günther. p. 211. - Observations on Raphides; by George Gulliver. [Continued] p. 212-215. On the extent, and some of the principal causes, of structural variation among the Difflugian Rhizopods; by G. C. Wallich. (Plates XV. & XVI.] p. 215-245. 2 tabb. lith. in 4 obl.

Bibliographical notices. p. 245-248. 248-261 c. fig. xyl. Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Gegründet von A. F. A. Wiegmann, fortgesetzt von W. F. Erichson. In Verbindung mit Leuckart und R. Wagner herausgegeben von F. H. Troschel. XXIX. Jahrgang. 2. u. 3. Heft. Berlin, Nicolai. 1863. 8m. 6 Hefte: 8 $

Proceedings of learned, Societies. p. Miscellaneous. p. 261-264.

1. Band. Mit 12 Tafeln. (VI p., p. 129-367, 4 tabb. lith., quarum col.) R. A. Philippi und Ludw. Landbeck, Beiträge zur Fauna von Peru. (Schluss.) p. 129-138.

H. Fenger, Anatomie und Physiologie des Giftapparates bei den Hymenopteren. Hierzu Taf. IX. p. 139-178. I tab. lith.

Fritz Müller, Ueber eigenthümliche Gebilde in der Samenflüssigkeit von JanthiHierzu Taf. X. Fig 1-10. p. 179-183. I tab. lith.


R. A. Philippi und Ludw. Landbeck, Ueber die Chilenischen Gänse. p.184 -202.

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) Beschreibung einer neuen Ente und einer neuen Seeschwalbe von Denselben. p. 202-206.

R. A. Philippi, Kurze Nachricht über ein paar Chilenische Fische.
Taf. X. Fig. a und b. p. 207-212.


Adolph Böcking, Monographie des Nandu oder südamerikanischen Strausses [Rhea americana]. p. 213-241.

V. Hensen, Ueber eine Brachiolaria des Kieler Hafens. p. 242-246.


H. Schaum, Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Kopfes und die Zahl der Abdomi. naisegmente bei den Insekten. [Aus The Annals and Mag. of nat. hist. 1863. no. 3 vom Verf. übersetzt.] Hierzu Taf. XI. p. 247-260. I tab. lith. et col. Prinz Maximilian zu Wied, Eine Frage an die Herren Botaniker über die Ursachen der schönen Herbstfärbung der Baumvegetation im nördlichen Amerika. p. 261-266.

Ein Paar zoologische Bemerkungen aus unserer uumittelbaren Umgebung, p. 267-270. Krauss, Ueber den Unterschied zwischen dem Schädel von Dicotyles labiatus Cas. et D. torquatus Cuv. p. 271-280.

J. Münter, Ueber den Hering der pommerschen Küsten und de an denselben sich anschliessenden Industriezweige. Bierzu Taf. XII. p. 281--360. 1 tab. lith. Max Schultze, Die Körnchenbewegung an den Pseudopodien der Polythalamien. p. 361. 362.

V. Hensen, Nachtrag zu dem Aufsatze über die Brachiolaria des Kieler Hafens [vrgl. oben p. 242]. p. 363. 364.

H. Schaum, Nachtrag zu dem Aufsatze über die Zusammensetzung des Kopfes und die Zahl der Abdominalsegmente bei den Insekten [s, oben S. 247.] p.365 -367.

II. Band.

Rudolph Wagner, Bericht über die Arbeiten in der allgemeinen Zoologie im Jahre 1862. p. 1-24.

G. Hartlaub, Bericht über die Leistungen in der Naturgeschichte der Vögel während des Jahres 1862. p. 1-64.

Aus der Heimath. Ein naturwissenschaftliches Volksblatt. Red.: E. A. Rossmässler. (6.) Jahrgang 1864. 52 Nrn. (Bog. mit eingedr. Holzschnitten.) Leipzig, Keil. hoch 4.

4 $

2 $ der Natur. Die neuesten Entdeckungen auf dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. (Redacteur: Wilhelm Bär.) Neue Folge Jahrgang 1864. IX. u. X. Band. 52 Nrn. (Bog. mit eingedr. Holzschnitten) Leipzig, Gebhardt & Reisland. Lex. 8. Barnard, M. R., Sport in Norway, and where to find it; together with a short account of the vegetable productions of the county; to which is added a list of the alpine flora of the Dovre Field, and of the Norwegian Ferns &c. London: Chapman & Hall. 1863. 8. (346 12 sh.

p.) Bates, Henry Walker, The naturalist on the river Amazons. 2. edition, with map and illustrations. London: Murray. 8. (472 p.)

12 sh.

Bellardi, Luigi, Nozioni elementari di storia naturale applicata, proposte ad uso delle scuole speciali e magistrali e degli istituti di commercio e d'industria. II parti. Torino, tip. G. B. Paravia e Comp.

1863. 16.

Parte I. Corpi inorganici, Mineralogia. 2. edizione.
Parte II. Corpi organici, lib. II. Zoologia. 3. edizione.

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