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Hymn suitable to Particular Subjects and Occasions.

N. B. The Figures refer to the Hymns.


[blocks in formation]

Adam, the First and Second, 270.
Adopting Love, 124, 281.

Afflictions improved, 159. Instruction un-
der them desired, 373. moderated, 92.
salutary, 143. submitted to, 42. suc-
ceeded by Joy, 66. by Rest and Happi-
ness in Heaven, 212, 310, 358.
Angels, Christ seen of them, 304. their
Head, 299. their Reply to those who
sought Christ, 194. their Song at Christ's
Birth, 200, 201.

Appeal to Christ for the Sincerity of Love
to him, 246.

Ark, the godly Man's, 90. Noah saved
in it, an Emblem of the Believer's
Safety in Christ, 336.


Backsliders, their Ingratitude, 191, invited
to return, 122. God's Pity for them,
153. recollecting themselves, 149.
Blessing of God, necessary and desired,
53, 368.

Blessings spiritual, acknowledged, 283.
teinporal, God's Readiness to give them,
argued, 261.

Blood of Christ, admitting to the Holiest,
315. cleansing from Sin, 348. conquer-
ing Satan, 356. conveying Blessings,
347. purifying, 312.

Britain, God intreated for it, 120. his
Controversy with it, 158. unreformed
by Deliverances, 140, 155.

[blocks in formation]


Captives of Sin lamented, 129.

Care, anxious, reproved, 20, 47, 340. of
the Soul, most needful, 206, 207.
Cattle, the Hand of God upon them, 5.
Charity to the Poor, 188, 205. rewarded,

Childless Christians comforted, 112.
Children, Christ's Regard to them, 198.
commended to God, 51. destroyed,
141. instructed, 2. of God, 281, 326.
Christ, his Appearance after his Resurrec-
tion, 245. his second Appearance, 314,
342. his Ascension, 244. his Blood, see
Blood. his Compassion, 185, 205, 214,
235. his Complaint on the Cross, 192,
193. Christians complete in him, 299. his
Conquests, 41, 356, 357. the Door, 228.
our Fore-runner,311, forsaken by his Dis-
ples 191. by his Father, 192, 193. his
Flock comforted, 208. humbled and ex-
alted, 139, 330. his Intercession, 8. his
Invitations, 74, 224, 225, 360. our
Leader, 307, 353, 356. living to him,
276. the Lord our Righteousness, 132,
loving him, 239, 246. his Message, 203.
his Nativity, 200, 201. his Prayer for
his Enemies, 217. precious to Believers,
335. his Presence with his Churches,
195, 352. a Prince and Saviour, 248. re-
joiced in though unseen, 330. his Re-
surrection, 194, 218. Christians risen
and exalted with him, 287. the Root of
David, 359. Sanctification by him, 242,
266. Security in him, 336. his Sheep,
250, 231, 232. the Morning-Star, 359.
the Steward of God's Family, 85. the
living and Corner-Stone, 333, 334. his
Submission, 190. his Sufferings, see Suf-
ferings. the Sun of Righteousness, 173.
his Transfiguration, 183. his Triumph,
41. unchangeable, 323. Union with him,

267. our Wisdom, Righteousness, &c.

Christians, see Saints.

Church, the Birth-Place of the Saints, 49.
its Glory in the latter Day, 118. Christ's
Presence with it, 195. Care of it, 352.
its Prosperity, a Minister's Happiness,
301. purified and guarded, 107. its Secu-
rity, 182. praying for a Pastor, 13, 372.
Comfort, in God, 20. to the Childless,
112. under Death of Friends, 236, 260,
302. See Support.

Communion with God through Christ,
346, 347.

Compassion, of God, 55, 109. of Christ,
185, 205, 214, 219, 235, christian,
205, 282.

Conduct of Christ, mysterious, 234.
Consolation from God, 277. from Christ,

Covenant, the Blood of it delivering Priso-
ners,169.the Engagements of it desired,
137. rejoiced in, 23. supporting under
Troubles, 21. in Death, 22. unchange-
able, 355.

Courage in Religion 9. in the Cause of
Christ, 247.

Course, the Christian's finished with Joy,

Creatures, insufficient, 125. mean, 97.
vain, 268.

Cross of Christ, its Influence, 233. 276, 280.
Cup of Blessings, 106.
Cyrus's Spirit stirred up, 24.

Damoniac, recovered, 204. relapsing, 180.
David, encouraging himself in God, 20.
his vain Pursuit of Perfection on Earth,
63. his last words, 365.

Day, of smail Things not despised, 168. of

Grace, 127, 256. of Judgment, see

Dead quickened, 89. the pious, living to
God, 215.

Death, appointed to all, 313. conquered

by Christ, 308. under his Controul, 351.
of Friends improved, 164. Happiness
beyond it, 295. a great Journey, 27.
none in Heaven, 358. prepared for, 130,
313, 317. rejoiced in, 361. a Sleep, 196.
Support in it, 22, 32, 45. uncertain
Time of it, 130, 134, 329.
Delaying Sinners admonished, 127, 130,
256, 292, 309, 329.

Deliverance celebrated, 58, 59, 60, 364.
public, 272, 374. spiritual, 105, 204.
Desires known to God, 39. See Prayer.
Devil, see Satan.

Devotion, daily, 79. secret, 177. an Evi-

dence of Adoption, 281. See Prayer.
Diligence, christian, 199, 210, 296.


Education, good, 2. bad, 141.

Enemies, of God, destroyed, 44. of Christ,
destroyed, 213. his Prayer for them,
217. of the Church, restrained. 46. De-
fence against them, 95. Love to them,
217. spiritual, see Satan.

Enoch's Piety and Translation, 1.
Establishment in Religion, 341.
Eternity, of God, 54. of Christ, 323. of bea-
venly Happiness, 187, 302. employed
in God's Praise, 71.
Evening-Hymn, 363.

Examples, good, their usefulness, 175.


Faith, and Confession, 262. Jonah's re-
commended, 157, living by it, 280. in
God's Name, 30. in his Promises, 316.
struggling with unbelief, 197. the Syro-
phænician Woman's. 181.
Faithfulness, of God, 269, 316, 355.
Fall of Adam, Effects of it, 270.
Family Religion, 2. God's, under Christ's
Care, 85.

Farewel, the Christian, 279.
Fast-Days, Hymns for, 3, 6, 83, 84, 116,

120, 140, 155, 158, 186, 339, 369.
Fasts, unsuccessful, accounted for, 116.
Fathers, State of them reflected on, 165.
Fear, unreasonable, restrained, 15, 30,
47, 98.

Feast of Wisdom, 76. of the Gospel, 211.
the Christian's secret Feast, 222.
Fire, God's Controversy by it, 154. his
Word compared to it, 153, everlasting,
the Portion of the Wicked, 189.
Forgiveness of Enemies, 217. divine, see

Forsaking God, its Evil, 131. the Misery
of being forsaken by him, 18.
Foundation, the divine, firm, 305. of the
Church, is Christ, 333, 334.

Frailty of Man, and God's Pity, 55.
Fruitfulness of Christians, 237, 240.
Funeral Hymns, 17, 25, 27, 32, 42, 196,
208, 215, 260, 295, 302. See Death,
Grave, Resurrection.


Generations, passing away, 164. succeed-
ing, supported by God, 51.
Gentiles, Christ the Light of them, 202.

united to the Church, 113, 284.
Glory, divine, Moses's View of it, 11, fu-
ture, see Heaven.

Glorying in God alone, 128.

God, his Blessing desirable, 53, 368. his
Compassion, 55, 109,153. his Complacency
in his People, 38. in their Prosperity,
37. in his Thoughts of Peace, 135. in
the Salvation of his Church, 163. the
Dwelling-Place of his People, 51. his
Eternity, 54. his Faithfulness, 269, 316,
355. the God of the Patriarchs, 319. his
Goodness to Saints, 34. to all Creatures,

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56. crowning the Year, 43. ever-endur-
ing, 67. relished, 35. his Greatness, 97.
the Happiness of his People, 45. his Jus-
tice and Mercy, 12. his Knowledge of
our Days, 58. of our Distress, 39. of
our Frame, 55. his Love in Christ, 220.
his pardoning Mercy, 28, 50, 103, 160.
his Name proclaimed, 12. Trust in it,
30. his People his Portion, 14. our Por-
tion here and hereafter, 45, his Presence
desirable, 10, with his Saints, 38. our
Preserver, 102. our Protector, 31, 340.
his Providence, 47. its Bounties, 176,
297. the Salvation of his People, 56,
125. our Shepherd, 144. shining into the
Heart, 274. speaking Peace, 48, 109,
114. Support in him, 15, 45. unchange-
able, 54. unknown, 253. waiting to be
gracious, 93.

Goodness of God for Time and Eternity,

34. crowning the Year, 43. everlasting,
57. tasted, 35. universal, 56.
Gospel, its happy Effects, 86, 100, 111. its
Feast, 211. a Law of Liberty, 327. its
Progress desired, 120, 121. its grand
Scheme, 284. its joyful Sound, 50. its
Treasure in earthen Vessels, 275.
Government of God, Zion's Joy, 108. of
Christ, 85, 351. over Death and the un-
seen World, 351.

Grace, growing in it, 344. pardoning, 103.

160. perfecting, 325. quickening, 62.
saved by it, 266.
Gratitude, the Spring of Religion, 152.
See Praise.

Grave, its Solitude, 25, 27. Christ's Tri-
umph over it, 194, 350, 351. See Re-


Grief, at beholding Transgressors, 64.
moderated, 196, 268, 302.


Happiness, of God's Israel, 16. his Compla-
cency in it, 37, 38, 163. only in God, 45.
Hardening ourselves against God, fatal,
26, 256, 309.

Head of the Church, Christ, 290. of Angels
and Men, 299.

Health restored, 58, 59, 60. spiritual, 204,

Heaven, its Happiness, 295. an Inheri-
tance, 285.everlasting Light there, 119.
Inade meet for it, 298. its Rest, 310.
seeing Christ there, 295. to be sought
first, 178. View of it overcoming Grief
and Death, 358.
Heavenly-mindedness, 300.

Help from God, 19, 98, 257. sought and
obtained, 68.

House, of God above, 33, 354. of Prayer,

113. of Wisdom, 76.

Humiliation, and Exaltation of Israel, 99.

of Christ, 139, 351. Day of, see Fast.
Humility of a Penitent, 142, 371. under
God's Hand, 338, 339.

Hymn for Morning, 362. for Evening, 363.
for a Day of Prayer, 120, see Praise.
Hypocrisy, dreaded, 250.

Jabez's Prayer, 370.
Jacob's Vow, 4.


Jerusalem, Christ's Tears over it, 214. his
Gospel first preached there, 219. the
new, 354.

Incarnation of Christ, 200, 220.

Inconstancy in Religion, 151.
Inheritance of the Upright, 38. of Heaven,

Iniquity abounding, 186. to be avoided, 7.
Intercession of Christ, 8.

Invisible God, regarded, 321.

Joy, religious, 69. in God, 161, in Christ,
330, 335. in the Covenant, 22, 23.
Israel and Amalek, 6. backsliding, invited
to return, 122. blessed by the Priests,
368. its Happiness, 16. humbled and
exalted, 99. its Obstinacy, 88. its Stu-
pidity, 83.

Jubilee, the Gospel, 50.

Judgment appointed to all, 313. approach-
ing, 317. the Circumstances of it, 342.
no escaping it, 337. prepared for, 345.
desired and rejoiced in, 314, 361, hap-
py for the Saints, 303.
Judgments of God, deprecated, 373. com-
pared with his Mercies, 109.
Justice and Mercy of God, 12.


Key of David in Christ's Hand, 85, 350,

Kingdom of God, 108. to be first sought,
178. of Christ, 41,351. of Heaven, 187,

Knowledge of God sought, 150, experi-
mental, $45.


Law of Liberty, 827. of Love, 205, 282.
Liberality, see Charity.

Liberty given by Christ, 226, 227. the Law

of, 327. to enter the Holiest, 315.
Life, abundant by Christ, 229, 349. the
Christian's connected with Christ's,
236. the Fountain of it, 170. vain, 52.
uncertain, 130, 134, 329.

Light, shining into the Heart, 274. of the
Gentiles, Christ, 202. everlasting from
God, 119. of good Examples, 175.
Living to Christ, 276, 294. by Faith in
him, 280. to God hereafter, 215.
Love, of God in sending his Son, 220. in
giving all Things with him, 261. shed
abroad, 259. of Christ, in ministering
to Men, 184. in giving himself for them,
184, 291, 293. to Christ expressed, 335.
continued in 239. Appeal to him for its
Sincerity, 246. to Men, 291. unfeigned,
331. to Enemies, 217.

Majesty of God, 97.


Man, frail and mortal, 270. frail, but God
eternal, 54.

Manasseh's Repentance, 371.
Marriage, spiritual, 293.

Meditation and Retirement, 29.
Meek, their Happiness, 72.

Mercy, pardoning, 103, 160, 371. despis-
ed, 258. public, improved, 374, See

Military Ode, 366.

Ministers, under Christ's Care,352. Christ
ever with them, 195. comforted, that
they may comfort others, 271. Com-
fort on their Death, 17, 182, 195, 275.
faithful, promoted to join the Angels,
166. frail and weak, 275. given by God,
123. the Church's Prosperity,their Hap-
piness, 301. a sweet Savour to God, 273.
sought from God, 13, 372, watching for
Souls, 324. willing to be employed, 82.
die, but the Gospel lives, 275.
Ministry, instituted, 289. Christ's unsuc-
cessful, 104.

Miracles for Israel in the Wilderness, 47.
Moderation, christian, 268.
Morning Hymn, 362.
Mortality, see Man, Death.

Moses, his wise Choice, 320. his Regard to
the invisible God, 321. his Song, 357.
his View of the divine Glory, 11.
Mourners comforted, 66, 196, 302. See
Comfort, Support.

Multitude not to be followed to Evil, 7.


National Sins lamented, 140. Deliver-
ances celebrated, 272, 374,

Nature, frail, but God compassionate, 55.

and Scripture, 63.

Nearness to God through Christ, 113, 288.
New-Year's Day, Hymns for, 19, 43, 52,
67, 134, 257, 368,

Noah preserved in the Ark, 336.
November the 5th, Hymns for, 108, 272,

Obedience to the heavenly Vision, 82. to
God's Word, 136. the Design of na-
tional Deliverances, 374.

Ordination, Hymns for, 82, 123, 166, 275,
289, 324.


Pardon of Sin celebrated, 103, 153, 160.
for the chief of Sinners, 219, and
Strength, 160.

Part, the better chosen, 207, 320.
Patience, under Afflictions, 42. under my-
sterious Providences, 212. in waiting,
93, 295.

Patriarchs, a City prepared for them, 319.
Peace, with God sought, 91, obtained, 87,

114. rejoiced in, 135. improved, 48. in
Christ amidst Tribulations, 241. public
celebrated, 367.

Perfection, not to be found in Nature, 63.
in Religion, 341.

Persecution to be expected by Christians,


Perseverance of the Saints, 232, 341.
Pity, see Compassion.

Poor, trusting in God, 162. Charity to
them, 188, 205, 209.

Portion, of God, his People, 14. God, ours,

Power of God, 26, 156. the Security of the
Saints, 31, 216, 232.

Praise to God, everlasting, 71. for Christ,
201, 220, for his Goodness, 34, 35, 43,
56. for his everlasting Goodness, 67, 70.
for the Hope of Glory, 298. for Liberty
of Worship, 49. for Ministers, 125, 289.
for Pardon, 160. for public Peace, 367,
374. for Preservation, 257, for Protec-
tion, 31. for Recovery from Sickness, 58,
59, 60, 364. as our Shepherd, 144. for
spiritual Blessings, 283. for temporal
Blessings given with Christ, 261.
Prayer heard, 68, 370, 371. secret, 177.
Family, 2. for the Spirit, 251. for Mi,

nisters, 13, 372. for the Revival of Re-
ligion, 120, 121. House of Prayer, 113.
Preparation to meet God, 156. for Christ's
second Coming, 317, 343.

Presence of God desirable, 10, 368. of
Christ with his Churches, 17, 195.
Preservation, from God, 31, 95, 102, 257.
Pride punished, 26.

Prisoners, spiritual delivered, 105, 169,


Privileges, misimproved, 127, of Chris.
tians by the Blood of Christ, 287, 288,
347, 348, 356.

Promises, God's Fidelity to them,316,355.
Prosperity, from God, 53. not to be ex-

pected by Rebels against him, 26.
dreadful, if abused, 212.

Providence, 108. followed, 318. its Boun-
ties, 176, 297. its Mysteries to be clear-
ed up hereafter, 212, 234.

Quickening Grace desired, 62.
Quietness under Trouble, 42.


Race, the Christian, 296. Christ our Fore-
runner in it, 311.
Raiment, spiritual, 132, 165.
Rainbow round the Throne, 355.
Rebels against God warned, 44. punish-
ed, 26, 156. against Christ executed,

Rebellion, impudent, 136. Hymn for De.
liverance from it, 46.

Recovery from Sickness, 58, 59, 60, 364.
Redemption by Christ, 170, 226, 227, 266,


Rejoicing, in God amidst Poverty, 161. in
Christ, though unseen, 330. in our Co-
venant Engagements, 23. in the Views
of Death and Judgment, 314, 361. see
Religion revived, 146. Activity in it, 172.
Inconstancy in it, 151. Gratitude, the
Spring of it, 152,

Repentance commanded to all, 254. the
Means of Pardon, 28, 371. producing
Humility and Submission, 142,
Resignation, see Patience, Submission.
Rest, the holy Soul's in God, 57. remain-
ing for God's People, 310.

Resurrection of Christ, 194, 218. of Chris-
tians, 89, 260, 270, 287. by the Spirit,

Retirement, and Self-Examination, 29.
Returning to God, 122, 126, 149.
Revival of Religion attempted, 172. pray-
ed for, 120, 121.

Riches, their Vanity, 63, 212, Desire of
them moderated, 268. everlasting, ob-
tained by Charity, 209.
Righteous Men, see Saints.

Righteousness from Christ, 132, 165, 266,


Rod of God heard, 159. its good Effects,
143, 373.


Sabbath, the eternal, 310.

Sacrifice of Christ, 220, 291. see Blood, the
living, 263.

Safety in God, 31, 90, 95, 98, 102. in the
Ways of Religion, 96.

Saints, their Excellency, 77, 78. their
Happiness, 16, 38. God's Portion, 14.
their Prospects for Time and Eternity,
33, 45. their Sentence and final Happi-
ness, 187. Christ glorified in them, 303.
and Sinners' different Views in Time of
Danger, 94, their different End, 212.
Salvation, approaching, 264. beautifying

the Meek, 72. everlasting, 310, 314.
see Heaven. from God, 36. God magni-
fied for it, 40. speaking it to his People,
36. by Grace, 286. the Scheme of it
worthy of God, 307. the word of it sent
to us, 252.

Samaritan, the good, 205,

Sanctification of Christ and his Church, 242.
by Christ, 266, 293.
Satan, his Captives lamented, 129. con-
quered by Christ, 308. by Christians,
265, 356. his Power restrained, 216. his
Strong-holds cast down, 278.
Scripture, its Excellency, 63. see Word.
Seasons of the Year, 43.

Secret Prayer, 177.

Seeking Christ, 75. the Knowledge of God,
150. the Kingdom of God first, 178.
Things above, 300.
Self-Dedication, 23, 263.
Self-Examination, 29, 138.

Sepulchre in the Garden, 243. see Grave.
Serving Christ, 276, 294. with Zeal, 210,


Settlement of a Minister, a Hymn for, 123.
see Ordination, Minister.

Sheep, Christ's, their Character, 230. Hap-
piness, 231. Security, 232. comforted,
208. God's Care of them, 144. recover-
ed from Wandering, 65.
Shepherd of Saints, is God, 144.
Sickness, healed, 58, 59, 60, 364. spiritual,
healed, 204, 223.

Silence under Atliction, 42. see Sub-

Simeon's Song and Prophecy, 202.

Sin, its Captives lamented, 129. causing
Grief to good Men, 64. cleansed by
Christ's Blood, 512,348. pardoned, 169,
170. remonstrated against, 115. none in
Heaven, 310.

Singing in God's Way, 69, see Joy, Re-

Sinners, alarmed, 80, destroyed, 26. their

Doom, 148. exhorted, 328, recovered,
204. relapsing, 180. their final Sentence
and Misery, 189. warned of their Ap-
pearance at Judginent, 337. their vain
Refuge, 337.

Soldier, the Christian animated and crown-
ed, 353, 354.

Song of Moses and the Lamb, 357, see
Hymn, Praise.

Sorrow, see Affliction, Grief.

Soul, God its Saviour, 36. its Strength, 68.
the Care of it needful, 206, 207.

Spirit of God, compared to Water, 221,
225, 360. his Influences desired, 145,
251, 360. lifting up his Standard, 117.
the Proof of our Adoption, 281. quicken-
ing dead Saints, 260. revealing Heaven,

Spirits of Men under God's Influence,
24. departing, committed to Christ,

Spiritual Enemies, see Satan.

State of the Dead reflected on, 164.
Stone, the living, 333. the corner, 334.
Strength from Heaven, 15, 68, 98, 269.
Subjection to God, 322.

Submission to God, 42, 100. see Patience.
Success of the Gospel, 100, 111, 147, 173.

sought, 120, 121.

Sufferings of Christ, 191, 307. and his Suc-
cesses, 41, 139. of Christians, 306. see
Grief, Comfort, Support.

Sun of Righteousness, 173.

Supper, Lord's, Hymns for it, 171, 288,

Support from God, 15. in Death, 32, 45.
in the Covenant, under Troubles, 20,
21. in Death, 22. on the Death of faith-
ful Ministers, 17, 182, 195. pious
Friends, 17, 196, 208, 215, 260, 302.
young Christians, 234.
Sympathy, Christian, 205, 282.

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