Snatch me, juft mounting, from the bleft Abode: Affift the Fiends, and tear me from my God! No, fly me, fly me! far as Pole from Pole; O Grace ferene! oh Virtue heav'nly fair! Fresh blooming Hope, gay Daughter of the Sky! Enter, each mild, each amicable Guest ; Propt on fome Tomb, a Neighbour of the Dead! Come, Sifter, come! (it faid, or feem'd to say) Thy Place is here, fad Sifter, come away! • Once like thyself, I trembled, wept, and pray'd, Love's Victim then, though now a fainted Maid: But all is calm in this eternal Sleep; Here Grief forgets to groan, and Love to weep, • Ev'n Superftition lofes ev'ry Fear: For God, not Man, abfolves our Frailties here.' I come, I come! prepare your rofeate Bow'rs, Celestial Palms, and ever-blooming Flow'rs. Thither, where Sinners may have Řeft, I go, Where Flames refin'd in Breafts feraphic glow: Thou, Thou, Abelard! the laft fad Office pay, Ah no- It will be then no Crime to gaze on me. From opening Skies may ftreaming Glories fhine, May one kind Grave unite each hapless Name, And graft my Love immortal on thy Fame! Then, Ages hence, when all my Woes are o'er, When this rebellious Heart fhall beat no more; If ever Chance two wand'ring Lovers brings To Paraclete's white Walls and filver Springs, O'er the pale Marble fhall they join their Heads, And drink the falling Tears each other sheds; Then fadly fay, with mutual Pity mov'd, "Oh may we never love as thefe have lov'd! From the full Choir when loud Hofannas rise, And fwell the Pomp of dreadful Sacrifice, Amid Amid that Scene, if fome relenting Eye Glance on the Stone where our cold Relicks lie, Condemn'd whole Years in Abfence to deplore, The well fung Woes will footh my penfive Ghoft; He beft can paint 'em, who shall feel'em moft. FINIS. |