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Mansell, J. C., On Leucojum vernum,


'Manuel de la Flore de Belgique' F.
Crépin, 300.

Markham, C. R., Cinchona in Ceylon,
95, 240.

On Cinchona Culti-

vation in India, 310.
Marlborough College Natural History
Society, Report for 1865, 1866, 335.
Mas, Sur les Nouvelles Variétés d'Ar-
bres à fruit, 206.
Massaria eburnea, 101.

Masters, M. T., On the Corona of
Narcissus, 265.

Double Flowers, 206.
Martins, C., Notice of 'Du Spitzberg
au Sahara,' 32.
Megacarpaa polyandra, 199.
Mentha Javanica, 54.

Mettenius, G. H., Obituary of, 388.
Microdictyonemeæ, 65.
Microdictyon, 41, 65; M. Calodictyon,

68; Krausii, 69; Montagnei, 69;
tenuius, 69, 291; Velleyanum, 68,

Microsphæria comata, 98.

Milne, W. G., Letter from, 94; Death
of, 272.

Mitchell, W. S., On the Leaf-bed at
Alum Bay, Isle of Wight, 310,


Moggridge, J. T., On Monstrosities
in Ophrys insectifera, 167.
Moggridge, M., A New Station for
Wolffia arrhiza, 263, 309.

On the Zones of Coni-
feræ on the Maritime Alps, 309.
Monstrosities in Ophrys insectifera,
by J. T. Moggridge, 167.
Monstrosity in Ophrys aranifera, by
W. G. Smith, 168.
Montagne, J. F. C., Death of, 64.
Moore, Dr., On Inula salicina, 33.
and A. G. More, 'Cy-
bele Hibernica,' 333, 361.

On the
Climate, Flora, and Crops of Ire-
land, 201.

Moore, Lindley and, 'The Treasury of
Botany,' 62.

More, A. G., Dr. Moore and, 'Cybele
Hibernica,' 333, 361.

of Ireland, 201.

On Climate

[blocks in formation]

Paine, J. A., On Scolopendrium vul-

gare in New York, 356.
Papaya vulgaris, by A. Ernst, 81.
Parlatore, F., Le Specie di Cotoni,'
206, 268.

Passiflora, Fruits of, grown at Jar-
dine Hall, 392.
Peperomia acutifolia, 142; adscen-
dens, 140; Andinacea, 134; Ban-
groana, 134; Boivini, 146; Bot-
terii, 145; Caledonica, 135; car-
diophylla, 141; Carlosiana, 140;
Casapiana, 146; Casaretti, 141;
Chiliensis, 144; Choroniana, 141;
ciliosa, 144; ciliaris, 144; cordu-
lata, 137; Cubensis, 142; decur-
rens, 143; defoliata, 138; diffusa,
133; Dominicana, 146; Fernando-
poiana, 134; fragrans, 140; Fra-
seri, 134; glabra, 143; Guadalou-
pensis, 139; Hoffmannii, 133;
Jamesoniana, 137; lævis, 139; lan-
ceolato-peltata, 136; lanceolata,
145; linearis, 145; lignescens, 137;
Lyalli, 140; Macræana, 145; Ma-
thewsii, 144; Mascharena, 135;
Miqueliana, 138; Moulmeiniana,
140; muscophylla, 133; nana, 135;
olivacea, 146; ovato-peltata, 132;
parvifolia, 133; patula, 139; pe-
dunculata, 146; petiolaris, 138;
Pichinchæ, 144; piperea, 143; pro-
cumbens, 141; pseudo-dependens,
137; reptans, 143; San-Carlosiana,
138; septuplinervia, 142; serpens,
136; Sprucii, 133; subpeltata, 136;
subrotundifolia, 136; succulenta,
142; sylvestris, 142; Tarapotana,
137; Trianæ, 135; Venezuelania,
139; villosa, 135; Weddellii, 135.
Phanerogamous Plants, A New Ar-
rangement of,' by B. Clarke,


Phoma glandicola, 108; Petiolorum,

Phyllactidium, A Genus of Algæ, new
to the British Flora, by J. E. Gray,
225; Additional Note on, 370; pul-
chellum, 368.
Phyllodictyon, 65, 69; pulcherri-
mum, 70.
Phyllomania, 26.

Phyllosticta Atriplicis, 115; Cirsii,
115; Cytisi, 115; Erysimi, 116;
limbalis, 116; primulæcola, 116;
VOL. IV. [DECEMBER 1, 1866.]

ruscicola, 115; Sambuci, 116; Vi-
ciæ, 115.
Piperaceae Nova, by C. de Candolle,
132, 161, 210.

Piper aculeatum, 216; androgynum,
165; arthantopse, 161; Birmani-
cum, 163; Rogolense, 214; Boivini,
164; bullosum, 165; calceolarium,
217; cinereum, 214; confusum,
211; cordatum, 213; cordulatum,
217; Cubense, 163; decurrens,
215; Fendlerianum, 213; fistulo-
sum, 212; Francovilleanum, 219;
glanduligerum, 215; Griffithii, 166;
hirtellum, 218; inæquale, 217;
Kappleri, 213; lenticellosum, 167;
Leonense, 166; Lessertianum, 164;
Lindenianum, 218; montanum,
214; multiplinervium, 214; otto-
niæfolium, 213; ovale, 166; pa-
chystachyon, 216; Panamense, 216;
pedicellare, 211; pedicellatum, 164;
pedunculatum, 162; petiolare, 212;
petiolatum, 161; propinquum, 167;
Quitense, 163; rugulosum, 211;
Sagoti, 162; Seemannianum, 164;
singulare, 161; Spruceanum, 216;
subflavum, 210; subfuscum, 217;
subulatum, 165; Tigerianum, 300;
Tiguanum, 218, 300; Teguenda-
nense, 215; Trianæ, 162; trigonum,
212; Venezuelense, 216; verrucu-
losum, 215; vestitum, 166; Victo-
rianum, 218; villosum, 212.
Piperoides, 161.

Pithecolobium Saman, 390.
Plantago alpina, 15, 94.

Plymouth, Some uncommon Plants
near, 287.

Pods, Explosion of, with a Report,

Podosphæra clandestina, 97; Kunzei,

Poisonous Properties of Euphorbia
Caracasana, by A. Ernst, 284.
Pollen-grains of certain Ranunculacea,
and of Lotus corniculatus and L.
major, by G. Gulliver, 281.
Pollichia, notice of the 25th Anniver-
sary, 32.

Pollinia eriopoda, 173.
Polygala, a new species from China,
by H. F. Hance, 117; P. cyanolo-
pha, 117.
Polyporus terrestris, 131.

2 D

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Portrait of, in Bennett's
'Men of Eminence,' 272.
Selaginellas growing in Edinburgh
Botanic Gardens, 392.

Seligeria calcicola, by W. Carruthers,
38; paucifolia, 39.

Senecio Byzantinus, 233; Canadensis,

Septoria alnicola, 114; Castanacola,

114; Chelidonii, 113; Clematidis,
111; Epilobii, 112; Ficariæ, 111;
Fraxini, 112; Gei, 113; Hydro-
cotyles, 111; Lysimachiæ, 113;
Menyanthes, 111; pyricola, 110;
Ribis, 114; Rosarum, 112; sca-
biosacola, 113; Scleranthi, 113;

Sedi, 112; Sorbi, 112; Unedinis,
111; Viburni, 110.
Sequoia, Le Diamètre d'une, 203.
Shaw, J., On the Distribution of
Mosses in Great Britain, 309, 354.
Shetland Isles, Flora of, 2.

Shetland Flora, Corrections in the, by
H. C. Watson, 348.

Siebold, Cryptomeria Japonica, 207.
Sur les Plantes du Japon cul-

tivées a Leiden, 207.

Silver, A., 'Outlines of Botany,' 30.
Smith, J., On Brainea, 15.

[blocks in formation]

Solanaceæ, Structure of the Testa of
the Seed, 208.

Soldanella, Development of the Flower
of, 274, foot note.

Sphærella, 245; S. isariphora, 104.
Sphæria abbreviata, 102; Alliariæ,
103; Araucaria, 103; diplospora,
102; Epidermidis, 103; Kirkiana,
95; Petioli, 103; Ruborum, 102.
Sphæriæ, Foliicolous, 241, 300.
Sparassis crispa, 94.

Stachys palustri-sylvatica, 78.
Staminal arrangements in some Species

of Potentilla, and in Nuttallia ce-
rasiformis, by A. Dickson, 273.
Stark, R. M., A Botanical Tour
through Canada, 159; United States,

Stenocystis, 49.

Sterculia lanceolata, 52.

Stirpium Novarum Tetras, by H. F.
Hance, 171.

Suregada æquoreum, 173.
'Systema Naturæ,' Photo-lithograph
of the First Edition, 93.

Tacea oceanica, 261.

Tate, R., Flora of the Shetland Isles, 2.

Tate, R., Andromeda polifolia, 377.
Thalictrum flexuosum var., 72.
"The Every-day Book of Natural
History,' by J. Cundall, 89.
Thirsk Botanical Exchange Club, Re-
port for 1865, 72.

Thymus Chamædrys, 77; Serpyllum,

Tocuyo River, Vegetable Products of,

Tree-vegetation of Australia, 267.
Trevesia, 352.

Triana, Sur les Manuscrits de l'Expé-
dition Botanique de Grenade, par
Mutis, 207.

Trichobasis fallens, 105; Hydro-
cotyles, 104; Parnassiæ, 104;
Rhamni, 104.

Trifolium flavescens, 52; ovatifolium,


Trimen, H., Exotic Plants about
London in 1865, 147.

Wolffia arrhiza, 219.

and Dyer, engaged on a

'Flora of Middlesex,' 64.
Tulasne, 'Selecta Fungorum Carpo-
logia,' 128.

Uncinula Wallrothii, 98.

Unger, Plant remains in Egyptian
Bricks, 272.

'Uredineen, Neue Untersuchungen
über,' by A. de Bary, 60.

Uredo Empetri, 108; Euonymi, 107;
Orchidis, 103; Padi, 107; Tropaoli,
Uromyces concentrica, 106; Grami-
num, 107; Polygoni, 106; sparsa,

Valsa amygdalina, 100; ceratophora,
101; tetratrupha, 101; thelebola,
Variegated Foliage and Double Flow-
ers not occurring together, 60.
Vegetation of the Great Australian
Bight, 120.

Venezuelan Plants, 304.
Venezuelan Woods, 359.

Venturia, 244.

Verrucaria isidioides, 25.

nigritella, 25.

Verrucariæ, Saxicolar, 158.

Viola lutea, var. hamulata, 74; odo-
rata, 73; permixta, 73.

Walnut, Meaning of the name, 26.
Ward, N. B., The Poor Man's Garden,

Warner, R., On Cool Vinery Orchids,


Watson, H. C., Corrections in the

'Shetland Flora,' 348.
Wawra, H., 'Botanical Results of the
Journey to Brazil of Maxmilian I.,'

Wellingtonia gigantea Cones, grown
at Tillichewan Castle, 240.
Welwitschii Iter Angolense, 123.
Wendland on the Culture of Palms,

West, T., On the Structure of the
Testa of the Seed of Solanaceæ, 208.

White-flowered Varieties of British
Plants, 87.

Wight, On the Phenomena of Vege-
tation in the Indian Spring, 208.
Wilkomm and Lange, Prodromus
Flora Hispanica' to be discon-
tinued, 239.

Wimmer, F., Salices Europeæ,' 383.
Wolffia, Frond Cells of, 375.
Wolffia arrhiza in England, by H.
Trimen, 219; A new British Sta-
tion for, 263.

Wright, W. P., Botanical Notes of a
Tour in the Islands of Arran, Ire-
land, 309.
Wynnea, 390.





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