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And they found the light and life and beheld the Lord of glory.

O Christ, Thou art our resurrection and life: we are dead without Thee;

We are even in the pit where all things are dead save thine everlasting judgments.

Let my heart seek Thee betimes when I rise in the morning: show me the light of thy countenance.

Raise me to newness of life lift up my spirit to thy throne on high;

Where Thou sittest at the right hand of God and every tongue confesseth Thee to be the Lord.

Cleanse my heart this day from all doublemindedness: Thou that art the truth.

Keep me this day in the ways of thy word : Thou that art the way to the Father.

Help me with thy shield of defence: Thou that art the Captain of salvation.

Exalt me in hope to thy kingdom: strengthen me in the faith of thy precious blood.

Bear me up on the promises of thy word: sustain me with thy hand of tender mercy, Above every stone of offence: above every stumbling-block of temptation.

And let to-morrow find me higher than today until the tale of my days be told.

Then Thou wilt raise me at the last day : and I shall not fear to meet Thee.

Praised be thy name, O Lord blessed be Thou, O God of my salvation.



AGAIN I behold thy works, O Lord: and I feel thy Spirit of life within me.

O how glorious are the testimonies of thy love who can count them?


Verily Thou art love my body and my spirit declare it from day to day.

In love Thou hast created them in love Thou hast redeemed them.

Cause thy love to dwell in my heart : and let it be perfected within me.

Lord! Thou hast had mercy on the children of disobedience: Thou hast not broken to pieces the vessels of thy wrath.

We are living, we are living : and Thou hast given us a heart and lips to praise Thee.

Thou hast taken away our fear : Thou hast given us boldness in the day of thy judgment. Thou hast forgiven us all our sins: therefore we will love Thee with all our heart.

Thou didst lay down thy life for us, O Christ therefore we will walk in thy love for


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O LORD, thy sun hath returned unto the heavens again thy light hath visited us.

He hath brought it back again from the far quarters of the earth and he hath enlightened nation after nation on his way.

And people after people have blessed his beams and thy servants have lifted : up their hands, and cried,

O Thou Lord of light and life thanks and blessing be unto Thee!

For Thou hast brought us from darkness into light Thou hast born us anew out of the nothingness of sleep.

And Thou recallest to our remembrance thy crowning mercy even that which Thou hast wrought for our souls.

For even thus from the distant shores of the East and after the visiting of many lands on

the way;

Thy Dayspring from on high did at length visit us thy Christ did give us his light.

Cause us to rejoice in it continually : and make us to walk by it in the way of thy commandments.

Make us diligent to keep it burning in our own hearts and faithful to deal it forth to others.

Be merciful to them that lie in darkness : and comfort thy people whom Thou hast brought into thy marvellous light.

Fill thy Church with the brightness of thy presence maintain in it the dwelling-place of thy glory.

Clothe her princes with mercy and deck her priests with righteousness.

Harness her people with the armour of light: and go forth at their head, O Captain of salvation!

That they may follow thy triumph at the last day and enter with Thee through the everlasting doors;

And dwell with Thee in light and sing forth thy praises for ever.



THE stars have faded from the sky the glory of the host of heaven is quenched.

Yea, the morning star hath become dim: the brightness of his countenance waxeth faint;

For He cometh, He cometh, to rule the day : the Sun with the gladness of a bridegroom approacheth.

The darkness fleeth before Him and all the songs of life salute Him.




O Thou Sun of righteousness the sun is as darkness before Thee!

Thou neither risest nor settest: Thou neither wanest, nor waxest.

But thy brightness is eternal: thy glory is unchangeable.

Thou art the light to our souls: Thou givest life to our hearts.

Thou changest us from glory to glory: according to the image of thy brightness.

All that came before Thee are gone they were the stars that proclaimed thy coming.

O worship Him, all ye angels : bow down
before Him, all ye ministering spirits in heaven.

O ye Prophets and Apostles, adore Him:
O ye saints and servants, give honour to his


Thrones and dominions, reverence ye Him: principalities and powers, confess ye Him. Bless Him, O my spirit: glorify Him, O my soul.

March 30th Jebs

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