used, one of which shall be so located that it will be in full view of the person setting such valves. Other than at times of application of hydrostatic test, water relief valves on hot-water boilers may be tested with air pressure; at times of hydrostatic test they shall be tested with hydraulic pressure. Gauges shall in all cases be tested immediately before the safety valves or water relief valves are set or tested or any change made in the setting, except that gauges on hot-water boilers may be tested with air pressure simultaneously with the test of relief valves at times other than when the hydrostatic test is made. If the indicated pressure of the test gauge and the gauge on boiler vary more than 3 pounds, they shall be removed from the boiler, tested, and corrected before the safety valves or water relief valves are set.*† [As amended Mar. 2, 1936] 91.317 Water glass and gauge cocks-(a) Lowest reading; danger line. Every steam boiler shall be equipped with at least one water glass, and three gauge cocks which can be easily opened and closed by hand. The lowest gauge cock and the lowest reading of the water glass and the line on the badge plate shall correspond and be not less than 2 inches above the danger line. The danger line shall be that at which there will be no danger of overheating any part of the boiler. The danger line for vertical firetube boilers shall be not less than one-half the length of the tube above the lower tube sheet; and for vertical submerged tube boilers, the upper surface of the top tube sheet. Steam boilers which are not now equipped with water glasses shall have them applied before July 1, 1926. [As amended Mar. 2, 1936] (b) Water-glass valves. All water glasses shall be supplied with two valves, one in the upper and one in the lower connection to the boiler, and a drain valve, so constructed and located that the valves can be easily opened and closed by hand. (c) Cleaning. The spindles of all gauge cocks and water-glass valves shall be removed and cocks and valves thoroughly cleaned each time the boiler is washed. (d) Testing. Water glasses must be blown out and gauge cocks tested before each trip. (e) Water and lubricator glass shields. Tubular water glasses and lubricator glasses must be provided with a safe and suitable shield which will permit the glass to be easily seen and prevent the glass from flying in case of breakage. (f) Illumination. Water glasses and pressure gauges shall be sufficiently illuminated to enable accurate readings to be easily made.*† [As amended Mar. 2, 1936] 91.318 Feed-water appliances. Feed-water appliances and their connections must be kept in good condition, free from leaks and accumulations of scale or other foreign matter and be tested before each trip.*† 91.319 Water tubes; flared or beaded; defects. The ends of all water tubes shall extend through the tube sheet or headers and be properly flared or beaded. If flared, they shall extend through sheet or header not less than one-fourth inch nor more than one-half inch and *For statutory citation, see note to § 91.1. Page 1313 be flared to an angle of not less than 30°. If beaded, the bead shall extend over the sheet not less than one-eighth inch for the entire circumference of the tube. Water tubes improperly applied, bulged, blistered, leaking, cracked, or tubes with sufficient scale to cause overheating shall not be continued in service.*† 91.320 Boiler washing—(a) Frequency. Boilers shall be washed as often as water conditions require. Steam boilers in service shall be washed not less frequently than once each month, and at the time of quarterly inspection. Hot-water boilers in service shall be washed not less frequently than once each year. When boilers are washed, all handhole plates and washout plugs shall be removed. If boilers can be washed without removing handhole plates and washout plugs, such plates and plugs shall be removed immediately after boiler is washed and as thorough interior inspection be made as conditions will permit. Sediment and scale shall be removed from water tubes at washout periods. [As amended Mar. 2, 1936] (b) Record. An accurate record of all boiler washouts shall be kept in the office of the railroad company and a copy of the last record kept in the boiler compartment. The following information must be given on the day that the boiler is washed: Number of boiler; number of locomotive unit on which it is mounted; date of washout; signature of boiler washer or inspector who knows that boiler was washed; statement if spindles of gauge cocks and water-glass valves were removed and cocks and valves cleaned; signature of the inspector or employee who removed the spindles and cleaned the cocks and valves.*† 91.321 Leaks. (a) All valves, joints, studs, and seams shall be kept reasonably free from leaks. (b) If a leak develops under the lagging, an examination and proper repairs shall be made. (c) When washout plugs or boiler studs develop leakage, the pressure shall be removed, the threads examined, and proper repairs made.*+ 91.322 Feed-water tanks and strainers. Feed-water tanks shall be maintained free from leaks and accumulations of scale, or other foreign matter, and suitable screens provided for feed pipes.*† 91.323. Fuel tanks and piping-(a) Leaks. Fuel tanks and related piping shall be maintained free from leaks. (b) Safety cut-out valve. When fuel is fed from tank by gravity or pressure a safety cut-out valve shall be provided in the fuel line adjacent to the supply tank, which will automatically close when tripped and which can be operated by hand from inside and outside of cab. (c) Vents. Fuel reservoirs shall be arranged so they can be filled and vented only from outside of the cab or other compartments. Vent pipes shall not discharge on the roof nor on or between the rails.* [As amended Mar. 2, 1936] 91.324 Feed-water and fuel-oil reservoir testing. Feed-water and fuel-oil reservoirs carrying pressure shall be inspected and tested in accordance with § 91.206 (a), (b).*† Page 1314 *For statutory citation, see note to § 91.1. *For statutory citation, see note to § 91.1. 91.325 Boiler and reservoir fastenings. All boilers and reservoirs shall be securely fastened in place.*† 91.326 Steam headers. Where two or more boilers are connected to the same steam header, they shall each have a suitable valve between boiler and header.*† 91.327 Oil-burning fire boxes. Means shall be provided for expelling accumulated gases from fire box of oil-burning boilers before fire is lighted.*† SPECIFICATIONS 91.328 Locomotive units (a) Specification. A specification, size 8 by 101/2 inches, Form No. 4-A (§ 91.201), shall be filed with the chief United States Inspector for each unit, and a copy kept in the office of the mechanical engineer of the company operating the locomotive. These specifications shall be filed as promptly as conditions permit, but not later than April 1, 1926. (b) Alteration report. When any changes are made which affect the data shown on the specification, a corrected specification or an alteration report, Form No. 19-A, size 8 by 1011⁄2 inches, showing such changes, shall be filed within 30 days after the changes are made.*† Form No. 19-A by ALTERATION REPORT FOR LOCOMOTIVE UNITS The following alterations were made on locomotive unit No. operated Company, on ---, 19--, at NOTE: Describe below what alterations or changes were made which affect the data previously furnished in specification Form No. 4-A. Approved Mechanical Engineer. 91.329 Boiler-(a) Specification. A specification, size 8 by 1012 inches, Form No. 4-B, containing the results of the calculations made in determining the working pressure and other necessary data, shall be filed with the chief United States Inspector for each boiler used in connection with locomotives other than steam, and a copy shall be kept in the office of the mechanical engineer. These specifications shall be verified by the oath of the engineer making the calculations, and shall be approved by the chief mechanical officer of the railroad company operating the locomotive. These specifications shall be filed as promptly as thorough examination and accurate calculation will permit. When accurate specifications and drawings of boiler are available, the data for specification, Form No. 4-B, may be taken from such specifications and drawings, these specifications must be completed and forwarded prior to April 1, 1926. When accurate drawings and specifications are not available the required data must be obtained at the first opportunity when general repairs are made, or when tubes are removed. Specifications must be forwarded within 1 month after examination has been made, and all examinations must be completed and specifications filed prior to July 1, 1927; tubes being removed if necessary to enable the examination to be made before this date. Page 1315 Water level danger line is at date Railroad Company 19__ Rivets. (Give location) (Kind) (Make) (Number) (Size) ; ----; Number ; (Style) Location (Number) (O. dia.) Water tubes (O. dia.) (Thickness) (Kind) (Style of thds.) (Max. spacing) Boiler shell ; (Diameter) (Thickness of sheets) Were you furnished with authentic records of tests of material used in boiler? Records on file in the office of the of the Company show lowest tensile strength of shell sheets to be per square inch. pounds A drawing or blue print of the boiler showing principal features of construction, thickness of sheets, location and size of braces, staybolts, and details of seams must be filed as a part of this specification. The maximum stresses, in pounds per square inch, at the allowed working pressure were found by calculation to be as follows: Staybolts at least cross sectional area Braces Shearing stress on rivets Tension on net section of plate at weakest seam The foregoing dimensions and data which were taken from the boiler were furnished by Data upon which above calculations were made were obtained from drawing No. dated 19 furnished by Mechanical Engineer. } State of County of SS: being duly sworn, says that he is the officer who signed the foregoing specification; that he has satisfied himself of the correctness of the drawings and data used, has verified all of the calculations, and has examined the record of present condition of boiler dated and sworn to by Inspector pounds per square inch. and believes that the design, renders it safe for a work (Name of affiant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19__ Notary Public. Approved Title Page 1316 (b) Alteration report. When any repairs or changes are made, which affect the data shown in the specification, a corrected specification or an alteration report on Form No. 19-B, size 8 by 1011⁄2 inches, properly certified to, giving details of such changes, shall be filed within 30 days from the date the repairs or changes are completed. Report of patches must be accompanied by a drawing or blueprint of the patch, showing its location in regard to the center line of boiler, giving accurate dimensions, and showing the nature and location of the defect. Patches previously applied must be reported the first time the boiler is stripped to permit an examination.*† Form No. 19-B ALTERATION REPORT FOR BOILER NO.____ The following alterations were made on boiler No.-------- operated by NOTE: Describe below what alterations or changes were made which will affect the data previously furnished in specification, Form No. 4-B. When blueprints or drawings accompany report, paste same below or on back of report. State of County of 6 being duly sworn, says that he inspected the alterations and changes described above and certifies that the above report is true and correct. Notary Public. The above alterations have caused the following changes in calculated maximum stresses for this boiler. NOTE: If stresses are not affected by the alterations, insert the words, "Stresses not changed." Mechanical Engineer. PERIODICAL REPORTS 91.330 Locomotive assignment lists. Where locomotive units are transferred from one Federal inspection district to another Federal inspection district, an assignment list of locomotive units shall be supplied to each such United States inspector at least once every 3 months, showing the unit numbers assigned to their respective districts, and the reports required by §§ 91.331–91.334 shall be sent to the inspector on whose list the unit numbers are shown.*† 91.331 Monthly locomotive unit inspection and report-(a) General instructions. Not less than once every month each locomotive unit used shall be inspected in accordance with the law and the rules and instructions in this subpart, and a report, Form No. 1-A (§ 91.206), made on good grade of pale blue paper, size 6 by 9 inches. This report shall be subscribed and sworn to before an officer authorized to administer oaths, by the inspectors who made the inspection, and by the officer in charge. Within 10 days after each inspection a *For statutory citation, see note to § 91.1. Page 1317 |