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- Obtain approval of Program Director and forward request to
FRA for fund authorization.

Follow-up on fund requests to insure expedited response to FRA.

Notify initiating organization and NECIP Procurement, upon receipt of funds authorization from FRA, to proceed with the lease action and advise any limitations or special instructions.

3) NECIP PMO Accounting will:

- Assign cost management accounting codes (upon notification from Program Management of leasing approval) and furnish that information to lease initiating organizations.

Review all purchase requisitions for leased equipment received from Equipment Engineering and insure that following is correct:

O Cost management code including work package number

o Availability of authorized funds in work package

Forward after approval to NECIP Procurement.

Process all invoices for payment of lease costs to Equipment
Engineering or Automotive Control for approval.

- Upon receipt of invoices properly approved by Equipment
Engineering or Automotive Control process invoice for payment.

Process all Receiving Reports, NRPC Form 136 (Attachment #1),
from receiving organizations (as specified in the purchase order)
and file with the vendor purchase order payments copy as evidence
of receipt of equipment.

Receive and file Shipping Documents, NRPC Form 696 (Attachment #2), from shipping organizations and file with the vendor purchase order payments copy as evidence of return of equipment.

Insure that commitment and expenditure visibility is maintained in PACCS on all leased equipment authorized by work package.

4) Equipment Engineering will:

Maintain accountability records on all leased track equipment
to include:

o Type of Equipment

O Amtrak Control Number


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Coordinate with Construction and other Amtrak organization
(such as Bridge Construction and Building, Communications
and Signals, Electric Traction, etc.) to assist in determining
the leasing requirements for the purpose of requesting FRA
authorization of funds.

- Obtain lease approval from Program Management; initiate purchase requisition providing appropriate specification for lease of equipment with Amtrak I.D. numbers; obtain needed approval signatures; and forward to Accounting for review and approval. Prepare Quality Control Inspection Sheet (Attachment #3) and Receiving Report (Attachment #1) upon receipt of equipment; notify buyer immediately if equipment is unacceptable.

- Affix Amtrak Control Number (decal or other means) and Lease Expiration Date Decal to equipment in a conspicuous location; notify user organization that equipment is available; and arrange for shipment to destination point or pick up.

Maintain equipment in serviceable condition in accordance with terms of lease.

Maintain a continuous record of repairs necessary during lease period.

- Notify user organization forty-five (45) calendar days prior to lease expiration in preparation for return to lessor or initiation of request for extension.

- Obtain request for extension from user organization (if equip-
ment is needed past lease expiration date); prepare funds
authorization request; and forward to Program Management for

Prepare purchase requisition (when funds authorization is
approved) to extend the period of lease.

Prepare purchase requisition to terminate lease thirty (30) calendar days in advance of purchase order lease termination date.



Perform inspection of leased equipment using Quality Control
Inspection Sheet (Attachment #3) for return of equipment to
Lessor. (In coordination with buyer, determine if a joint
inspection by the lessor and lessee is required and arrange
for an appropriate time and location of the joint inspection.)

Provide copy of inspection report to Procurement showing any
discrepancies other than normal fair wear and tear.

- Perform such repairs (if required) prior to return of equipment to Lessor.

Prepare Shipping Document (Attachment #2) returning equipment
to Lessor and forward copies to Accounting and Procurement.

Review for approval all invoices received for Maintenance of
Way Equipment.

5) Procurement will:

- Assist Construction and Equipment Engineering in establishing
cost estimates for leased track equipment.

Process purchase requisitions received in accordance with
existing procedures.

- Provide copy of the lease purchase order, along with any
special "Terms and Conditions" to all affected organizations
in accordance with existing procedures.

- Arrange for repair (upon notification from user organization) of
equipment (if Amtrak does not repair the equipment) in
accordance with the lease-rental agreement terms.

- Arrange for Lessor for a lease termination inspection (in
coordination with Equipment Engineering).

Include necessary "Terms and Conditions" (AMTRAK/NECIP-04 4/78)
in lease agreement.

- Maintain active status on all leased equipment and notify
Equipment Engineering of lease expirations sixty (60) days
prior to expiration date.

b. Automotive Vehicles. Processing of purchase requisitions for automotive vehicles to be leased will be in accordance with provisions of NECIP

Procurement Directive #9, "Processing of Purchase Requisition", dated 4-18-78.

1) Automotive Control will:



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Initiate purchase requisition with Amtrak I. D. number,
provide appropriate specifications, and obtain approval
signatures after receipt of lease request approval from
Program Management to lease automotive vehicle(s).

Forward purchase requisition to Accounting for approval.

- Arrange to inspect (upon notification from Procurement of
vehicle availability) at Lessor's facility prior to delivery
to Amtrak destination and immediately notify buyer in the
event vehicle is damaged or unacceptable.

Affix Amtrak Control Number Decal and Lease Expiration Date
Decal to vehicle upon receipt; notify user organization that
vehicle is available; and arrange for pick up or shipment to
destination point.

- Notify user organization forty-five (45) calendar days prior to lease expiration with instructions for return of vehicle to lessor or initiation of request for extension.

- Obtain request for extension from user organization (if equipment is needed past lease expiration date); prepare funds authorization request; and forward to Program Management for processing.

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Prepare purchase requisition (when funds authorization is
approved) to extend period of lease.

Prepare purchase requisition to terminate lease thirty (30) calendar days in advance of purchase order lease termination date.

Perform inspection of leased equipment using Quality Control
Inspection Sheet (Attachment #3) for return of vehicle to
lessor. (In coordination with buyer, determine if a joint
inspection by lessor and lessee is required and arrange for
an appropriate time and location of the joint inspection.)

- Provide a copy of the inspection report to Procurement showing any discrepancies other than normal fair wear and tear.

- Maintain accountability for leased vehicles to include:

o Type of Vehicle

o Amtrak Control Number


Lessor's Serial Number

O Purchase Order Number

Period of Rental

O Lessor's Name

Rental Cost

O Location by Division and Gang

Insure that vehicles are maintained in a serviceable condition in accordance with terms of lease.

- Report in writing to Amtrak Security using Amtrak Traffic
Accident Form, NRPC-1310 (Attachment #4) in the event of
willful damage, theft or accident.

Determine accountability for willful damage and take appropriate disciplinary measures.

- Prepare Shipping Document (Attachment #2) for returning vehicles to lessor and forward copies to Accounting and Procurement.

Review for approval all invoices received on leased vehicles.

2) Procurement will:

Assist Automotive Control in establishing cost estimates for lease automotive vehicles.

Process purchase requisitions received in accordance with
existing procedures.

Provide a copy of the lease purchase order, along with any special Terms and Conditions to all affected organizations in accordance with existing procedures.

- Arrange for repair (upon notification from user organization) of

vehicle in accordance with the lease-rental agreement terms.

Include necessary "Terms and Conditions" (Amtrak/NECIP-04
in lease agreement.


- Maintain active status of all leased vehicles and notify Automotive Control of lease expirations sixty (60) days prior to expiration date.


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