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[blocks in formation]

Duke of, proposed as a hus-

band for Elizabeth, 356.
his partiality for Coligny, 435.
his intrigues, 478.

Alessandrino (nuncio), audience at
Blois, 347.

failure of his embassy, 347.
Alva, Duke of, at Bayonne, 249.
his opinion on the state of
France, 253.

Tarquinian advice, 255, 272.
marches through Burgundy,

his opinion of Cardinal Lor-
raine, 357.

Amboise, tumult of, 81.

act of grace of, 86.

pacification and edict of, 224.
Amiens, judicious arrangements at,


Andelot offends Henry II., 68.

introduces reform in Brittany,

urges war, 267.

death of, 301.

Angers, persecutions at, 34.

massacre at, 448.

Angoulême, the bastard of, 409.

Anjou, Prince of, threatens Condé,

made lieutenant-general, 278.


Anjou commands royal army, 294.
wins battle of Jarnac, 296.
Moncontour, 305.

proposed marriage with Eliza-
beth, 332, 354.

his account of the massacre,
375, 383, 386, 387, 394,
396, 405, 406.

his fear of the king, 376.
disappointment at Maurevel's
failure, 383.

visit to the wounded admiral,

share of the plunder, 467.
scene with the elector-palatine,

Anthony of Navarre, 66.

his hesitation, 103.

invited to Orleans, 105.
plot to murder him, 108.
his apostasy, 185.

justifies the Vassy massacre,


death of, 215.

Army, French, in sixteenth century,


Arnay-le-Duc, battle of, 312.
Aurillac, murders at, 178.

Protestant retaliation, 310.
Avallon, chatelaine of, 239.


BANQUET in sixteenth century, 121.
Baptisms, forced, 287.

Bar, the proctor of, 239.
Barbeville burned, 76.
Battle of Dreux, 217.

St. Denis, 272.
Jarnac, 296.


Battle of Roche-Abeille, 302.
Moncontour, 304
Arnay-le-Duc, 312.

Bayeux, Huguenot sacrilege at, 240.
Bayonne, the meeting at, 248.

amusements at, 249.

diplomatic discussions at, 253.
Bearnese refuse to suppress the
preaching, 445.

Beauvais, Easter riots at, 156.
Behm, the admiral's murderer, 408,

Berquin, Louis de, burned, 5.
Beza at Poissy, 167.

audience of queen - mother,

address to the king, 170.
Birague, his origin, 320.
Blois, edict of, 73.

violence of Huguenots at, 156.
cruelties at capture of, 210.
festivities at, 347.

Bois Aubry, Abbot of, secretary of
clergy, his speech, 154.

Bordeaux, the massacre at, 451.
Bouchavannes, a traitor, 402.
Bricquemaut of Villemangis, execu-
ted at Amboise, 82.

Brigandage in France, 115.
Briquemaut, Colonel, his necklace,


rash language to Charles, 341.
hanged, 442.

Brissac, governor of Paris, 197.
death of, 301.

Brugière burned, 19.


CAHORS, bloody ript at, 178.
Calvin and his Institutes, 6.

defense of Reformers, 10.
letter to the prisoners, 43.
Cambresis, treaty of, 48.
Carcassonne, sacrilege at, 156.
Carriages introduced, 121.

Castelnau, trial and execution, 82.
Castelnaudary, Palm Sunday at, 238.
Catherine de Medicis, early life, 23.
skill in business, 24.
grief at Henry's death, 59.

[blocks in formation]

exultation at victory of Dreux,

advice to Charles, 245.
diplomacy at Bayonne, 248.
letter on the papal jurisdiction,

suspected of heresy, 286.

desires treaty to be observed,

reception of Coligny, 355.
described by Joan of Navarre,

opposes war in Flanders, 362.
interview with Charles at Mont-
pipeau, 363.

plots Coligny's death, 377.
at his bedside, 385.

plots a general massacre, 389.
consultation at the Tuileries,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Caumont, Duc de la Force, his singu- Charles IX. offers Coligny a guard,

lar escape, 432.

Cavaignes hanged, 442.

Cevennes, march through the, 312.
Chabot protects the Huguenots, 456.
Chambord, ordinance of, 78.
Chambres ardentes, 33.
Chantonnay complains of toleration,


Chapot, Jean, on the rack, 16.
Charles IX., his accession, 145.

opens the States-General, 150.
amnesties heretical prisoners,

issues letters patent of April,

acts in a court masque, 161.
presides over colloquy of Pois-
sy, 169.

calls an Assembly of Notables,

Triumvirate plot to seize him,


brought from Fontainebleau to
Paris, 193.

declared of age, 244.
reply to Alva, 256, 265, 323.
reproaches Coligny, 264.
plot to seize king, 269.
savage letter to Gordes, 271.
letters to Condé and Humières,
284, 317.

at siege of St. Jean d'Angely,

advice to justices of Gap, 317.
marriage, 322, 324.
mad sports, 323.

La Chasse Royale, 323.
supports William of Orange,


invites Coligny to court, 333.
distrust of Anjou, 334.
attachment to Teligny, 334.
reception of Coligny, 336.
letter to Duke of Savoy, 337.
reception of Queen Joan, 345.
answer to Alessandrino, 347.
letter to Pius V. on Margaret's
marriage, 351:
promises help to Prince Louis,

goes to Montpipeau, 362.

376, 403.
jealous of Anjou, 377.

wrath on hearing of attack on
Coligny, 318.

threatens to punish the assas-
sins, 382.

visits Coligny, 384.

tells his mother what Coligny
said to him, 387.

letters to pacify the Huguenots,

[blocks in formation]


last illness and death, 480.
Charpentier's apology for the massa-
cre, 464.

Chateaubriant, edict of, 33.
Chatillon, Cardinal of, assaulted, 156.
deliberations at, 267:
Church property, its confiscation pro-
posed, 165.

Clergy, corruption of, 3.

their power and wealth, 127.
abusive sermons, preached by
90, 286, 327.
Coconnas executed, 479.
Cognac besieged, 301.
Coligny, Gaspard de, 67.

advice at Amboise, 86.
Fontainebleau, 99.
Orleans, 112.

his wife's advice, 196.
saves the army at Dreux, 218.

[blocks in formation]

Coligny charged with plotting the Condé, Louis, Prince of, made pris-

murder of Guise, 222.

letter on his son's death, 228.
reconciliation with Guises at
Moulins, 260.
reproached by king, 264.
dissuades from war, 268.
skill and discipline, 272.
death of his wife, 280.
visit to Tanlay, 291.
flight to Rochelle, 291.
defeated at Jarnac, 296.
victory at Roche-Abeille, 302.
wounded at Moncontour, 305.
letter to his children, 306.
marches to the south, 308.
victory at Arnay-le-Duc, 312.
remonstrance with Charles,

marries Jacqueline of Mont-
bel, 334.

arrival at court, 336.
influence with Charles, 340.
urges war with Flanders, 344.
memoir on proposed war, 358.
letter to William of Orange
promising aid, 362.
warnings and cautions neglect-
ed, 367.

remarks at Henry's wedding,

last letter to his wife, 375.
wounded by an assassin, 379.
last interview with Charles,

murdered by Behm, 408.
outrages to his corpse, 411.

oner at Dreux, 218.

claims to be appointed lieuten-

ant-general, 266.

battle of St. Denis, 272.

marches to meet the reiters,

[blocks in formation]

DAMVILLE at Nismes, 276.
D'Aubigné at Amboise, 85.
De Crussol's account of Huguenots,

Delavoye, martyrdom of, 8.
De Nançay, captain of the guard, 401.
protects Margaret, 416.

De Pilles, his foolish threats, 388.
murdered in the Louvre, 415.

Combelle robbed of his dispatches, De Retz, his origin, 319.


[blocks in formation]

churches, 198.

rapid rise, 320.

voice against proposed massa-
cre, 397.

Des Adrets, his ferocious retaliation,


[blocks in formation]

manifesto to the Protestant Diana of Poitiers, character of, 26.

Dieppe, its wealth and commerce, 141.

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