Organization of Congress, Hearings Before... |
Common terms and phrases
administrative Affairs Agriculture amendment Appropriations Committee assistant authority believe bill Budget Bureau clerk Committee on Rules congressional consideration constituents course District of Columbia duties elected employees executive agencies executive branch executive departments expenditures expenses experience fact feel functions GALLOWAY give hearings House and Senate House of Representatives important interest investigation joint committee jurisdiction lative Legislative Reference Service legislature majority matter Members of Congress ment MICHENER minority mittee October 19 October 24 operation ORGANIZATION OF CONGRESS party person personnel PLUMLEY present President problems procedure proposed question recommendations record resolution responsibility Revised salary Senator La Follette Senator WHITE session special committees staff staffing standing committees Stat statement Statutes subcommittee suggestion thing tion United United States Capitol United States Senate VICE CHAIRMAN vote War Production Board
Popular passages
Page 11 - ... and to make such expenditures, as it deems advisable. The cost of stenographic services to report such hearings shall not be in excess of 25 cents per hundred words. The expenses of the committee, which shall not exceed $5,000, shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved by the chairman.
Page 54 - Congress, to employ such clerical and other assistants, to require by subpena or otherwise the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books, papers, and documents, to administer such oaths, to take such testimony, and to make such expenditures, as it deems advisable.
Page 53 - Congress who are members of the Commission shall serve without compensation in addition to that received for their services as Members of Congress; but they shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of the duties vested in the Commission.
Page 518 - The financial transactions of the Corporation for any fiscal year during which Federal funds are available to finance any portion of its operations may be audited by the General Accounting Office in accordance with the principles and procedures applicable to commercial corporate transactions and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Comptroller General of the United States.
Page 544 - State to make a certificate of the amount of such expenditure as he may think it advisable not to specify; and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have
Page 54 - Reports provided for under this subsection shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives, as the case may be, if the Senate or the House of Representatives, as the case may be, is not in session.
Page 199 - ... is authorized to hold such hearings, to sit and act at such times and places during the sessions, recesses, and adjourned periods of the...
Page 540 - Committee, and in necessary travel, and while so engaged they may be paid actual travel expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence and other expenses.
Page 539 - Appropriations made pursuant to subsection l(c) may be used, but not to exceed $35,000, for scientific consultations or extraordinary expenses Upon the approval or authority of the Administrator and his determination shall be final and conclusive upon the accounting officers of the Government.
Page 224 - Washington, DC The subcommittee met, pursuant to adjournment, at 10 am in the committee room of the House Committee on Public Lands, the Honorable Robert F.