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small, and fuch advances were made towards the Mahometans by the unitarians of the last age, that there is good ground to think, that the unitarians will foon acknowledge the divine miffion of Mahomet. He also represents christianity on the principles of unitarianifm, as inferior to deifm, and when joined with materialism, as highly favourable to atheism. Such charges as these, I say, can proceed from nothing but ignorance and malevolence, and do not deferve a ferious refutation.

These are all the articles of importance on which we hold different opinions, every thing elfe being of lefs moment, and fubordinate to these.



N. B. (5) fignißes from the bottom of the page,

F. 95. 1. 1. (5) for unbegotten, read only begotten.
P. 107. l. 6. for Sheclinab, read Shechinab,
P. 4. 1. S. for then, read there.

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