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As the ducts increase in size they are provided with a fibrous coat, and the epithelium in their interior becomes columnar.

The interlobular ducts do not anastomose.

Sacculi in the Coats of the Ducts.

When the fibrous coat reaches a certain degree of thickness it contains numerous little cavities, or sacculi, arranged entirely round the tube in the pig and in most animals, but forming two parallel rows, one on either side of the duct, in the human subject.

These little sacculi often communicate with each other in the coats of the duct. The smaller branches of the duct also anastomose frequently, either in the coats of the duct or just external to them.

The sacculi appear to serve the purpose of bringing the bile in the thick walled ducts into closer relation with the vessels which surround them, and especially with the branches of the artery which are distributed to their coats.

Of the Vasa Aberrantia and of the arrangement of the Vessels around them.

In the transverse fissure of the human liver and some others, and in the large portal canals, are found some peculiar branches of the duct, vasa aberrantia, with numerous sacculi on their walls, which anastomose with each other and form a network.

In the same localities in the human subject, and in the gallbladder, a very peculiar arrangement of the vessels occurs. Both arteries and veins form a network, and each branch of the artery is accompanied with two branches of the vein, one on either side of it.


ROLFINKIUS. Dissertatio de Hepate, Jena.

F. GLISSON. Anatomia Hepatis, London.




BIANCHI. Historia Hepatica, Taurin, 1616, 4to; 1710, 8vo.










SYLVIUS DE LA BOE. De Bile et Hepatis Usu, Lugd., Bat.

J. WEPFER. De Dubiis Anatomicis, Epistola ad J. H. Paulum, Norimb.
MALPIGHI. De Viscerum Structura, Bologna, London, 1699.
BIDLOO. Anatomia Corporis Humani, Amstel.

HOFFMAN. De Venâ Portæ, Altnorf.

REVERHORST. De Motu Bilis Circulari, Lugd., Bat.

1698. STAHL. De Vena Portæ, Porta Malorum, Halle.

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Pozzi. Commentariolo Epist. pro Gland. Hepat. et Glissoni Caps., &c.
FANTON. Brev. Manducatio, Hist. Anat. Corp. Hum., Taurin.

WEPFER. De Hepate.


HARTMANN. De Bile, in Halleri Diss. Anat.

HELVETIUS. De Structurâ Hepatis, Lugd., Bat.

FUCHS. De Vena Portæ, Argent.

SALZMANN. De Vena Portæ, in Halleri Diss. Anatom., Vol. III.
VATER. Reply to Berger, De Novo Bilis Diverticulo Circa Orificium
Ductus Choledochi ut et Valvulosâ Colli Vesicæ Constructione,
Viteb. 1720; in Halleri Disp. Anatom. Vol. III.
HUBER. De Bile, Basle.

WAINRIGHT. Anatomical Treatise on the Liver with Diseases, &c.,

GÜNZ. De Venâ Cavâ, Vena Umbilic. et Anastom. har. Venar. in
Hepate, Leipzig.

RUYSCH. Opera Omnia, Amstel.

1739-40. WALTHER. De Venâ Porta. Lips., in Halleri Diss. Anatom., Vol. III.

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SEEGER. De Ortu et Progressu Bilis Cystic, Lugd. Bat., in Halleri
Diss., Vol. III.

MORGAGNI. Adversaria Anatomica, Lugd., Bat.

MOSEDER. De Vesiculâ Felleà, Argent.

WESTPHAL. De existentiâ Ductuum Hepatico-cysticorum in Homine,

1745. JUNCKER. Singulari quædam ad Vesicam Felleam ejusque Bilem Spect., Halle, 1745.

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WOERTMANN. De Bile Utilissimo xvλoñoinσŋws Instrumento, Ultraj.

* The list of the earlier works has been taken principally from Mr. Erasmus Wilson's Article, " Liver," in Todd's Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology.

1746-8. BERTRANDI. Dissert. Anatom. de Hepat. et Oculo, Turin. FRANKEN. Hep. Historia Anatomica, Lugd., Bat.









FERRIEN. Sur la Structure des Viscerès nommés Glanduleux et particulièrement sur celle des Reins et du Foie, in Mem. de Paris. HALLER. Disputationes Anatomicæ.

RAMSAY. On the Bile, Edinburgh.

SCHREDER. Experimenta ad Veriorem Cysticæ Bilis indolem decla-
randam capta, Gottingen.

SPIELMAN. Resp. J. M. Roederer Experimenta Circa Naturam Bilis,

MACLURY. Experiments on the Human Bile, London.

UTENDORFER. Experimenta nonnulla et Observationes de Bile, Argentorat.

1775. AMBODICK. De Hepate, Strasbourg.

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LOBSTEIN. Reply to Ambodick's Diss. de Hepate, Argentorat.

WALTER. Observationes Anatomicæ.

SABATIER. Traité d'Anatomie, Paris.

VAN DER LEUW. De Bilis indole ejusque in Chylificatione utilitate,

GOLDWITZ. Neue Versuche zu einer wahren Physiologie der Galle,

WALTER. De Structurâ Hepatis et Vesiculæ Felles, Annot. Acad.

WALTER. De Polyp. Uteri et Hepate, Berlin.

RICHTER. Expl. Circa Bilis Naturam, Erlangen.
BLEULAND. Icon Hepatis Fotûs Octimestris.

THILOW. De Vasis Bilem ex Receptaculo ad Renes Ferentibus.
PLOUCQUET. Reply to Bolley, Exp. Circa Vim Chylific., Tubingen.
SAUNDERS. A Treatise on the Structure, &c., of the Liver, Bile, and
Biliary Concretions, London.

SEMMERING. De Corporis Humani Fabrica, Vol. VI.

NIEMEYER. Comment. de Commercio inter Animi Pathemat. Hepar

Bilemque, &c., Gottingen.

MURRAY. Reply to Froelich, Delineatio Sciagraphica Venæ Portæ,

METZGER. Anatomia Hepat. Comparatae Specimen, Regiom.

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DOMLING. Ist Die Leber Reinigung's Organ? Vienna.


1801. BICHAT. Anatomie Descriptive, Paris.

1803. PORTAL. Cours d'Anatomie Médicale, Paris.


HOEULIEU. Descript. Anat. Syst. Ven. Port., &c., Francfort. 1817. SCHUMANN. Diss. de Hepatis in Foetu magnitud. caus. ejusd. functioni,

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MAPPES. Dissert. de Penitiori Hepatis Humani Structurâ, Tubingen.
BERMANN. Diss. de Structurâ Hepatis Ven. Port.

FELICI. Osservaz. Fisiologich. Sopra le Funzioni della Milza, Vena
Porta, del Fegato, &c., Milan.

WALTHER. Diss. de Psychica Hepatis Dignitate, Halle.

BICHAT. Anatomie Générale, Paris.

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Prodromo della Grande Anatomia Firenze.


BELTZ. Quædam de Hepatis Dignitate, Berlin..



J. F. MECKEL. Manuel d'Anatomie, Générale, Descriptive, et Pathologique, translation by Jourdain and Breschet.

Dictionnaire de Médecine, art. Foie.

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Ueber die Rindsubstanz der Leber, in Reil's Archiv.,

ROOSE. Physiolog. Untersuch. Ist Galle im Blute ?

WOLF. De Vesiculæ Felles Humanæ Ductus, &c., in Act. Acad.
Petrop., Vol. III.

PLATNER. Super Vulgari Doct. de Funct. Hepat., &c., Questiones
Physiol., Vol. II.

MÜLLER. De Glandularum Secernent Struct. Penit., Berlin.

VOISIN. Nouvel Aperçu sur la Physiologie du Foie et sur l'Usage de la Bile, Paris.

KIERNAN. The Anatomy and Physiology of the Liver, in the Philosophical Transactions.

CRUVEILHIER. Anatom. Descriptive, Paris.

BERRES. Anatomie der Mikroskopischen Gebilde des Menschlichen
Körpers, Wien.

KRAUSE. Ueber den feineren Bau der Leber, in Müller's Archiv.,
St. 10.

BURDACH. Physiologie, translation by Jourdain, Paris.

DUJARDIN et VERGER. Recherches Anat. et Micros. sur le Foie des
Mammifères, Paris.

HENLE. In Hufeland's Journal, p. 8.

E. HALLMAN. De Cirrhosi Hepatis, Berol.

LAMBRON. Mémoire sur la Structure intime du Foie, Archiv. Générales de Médecine, 1841, 3a série.

1841-42. W. BOWMAN. Article, "Mucous Membrane," in Todd's Cyclopædia

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of Anatomy and Physiology.

E. H. WEBER. Annot. Anat. et Physiolog., Prol. VI., VII., VIII., Lips.
HENLE. Allgemeine Anatomie, Leipzig.

KRAUSE. Handbuch der Menschlichen Anatomie, Hannover.

TODD and Bowman. The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of

A. KRUKENBERG. Untersuchungen ueber den feineren Bau der
Menschlichen Leber, in Müll. Archiv., St. 318.

J. MÜLLER. Uek er den Bau der Leber, Anmerkung zur Krukenberg-
schen Arbeit, Archiv.

E. H. WEBER. Ueber den feineren Bau der Menschlichen Leber,
Müller's Archiv., St. 303.

SCHLEMM. De Hepate et Bile Crustaceorum et Molluscorum quo-
rundam, Diss. Berol.

THEILE. Art. Leber, in R. Wagner's Handw. der Phys. II., St. 308.
KARSTEN. Disq. Microsc. et Chem. Hepatis et Bilis Crustaceorum et
Molluscorum in Nova Acta Ac. Nat. Cur., Vol. XXI., St. 295.

BACKER. De Structura subtiliori Hepatis Sani et Morbosi, Diss.
Inaug. Trajecti ad Rhenum.


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KRAUSE. Ueberden feineren Bau der Leber, in Müller's Archiv.,


St. 24.

ARNOLD. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen.

1846. HANDFIELD JONES. On the Secretory Apparatus of the Liver, Philosophical Transactions, p. 473.

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HASSALL. The Microscopical Anatomy of the Human Body in Health
and Disease.

H. MECKEL. Mikrographie einiger Drüsenapparate der Niederen
Thiere, Müller's Archiv., p. 1.

NICOLUCCI. Sulla Struttura interna del fegato in Filiatre Sebezio,
p. 65.

LANGENBECK. Mikroskopisch-Anatomische Abbildungen, Göttingen. WILLIAMS. On the Physiology of Cells, in Guy's Hospital Reports, 2 ser., Vol. IV., p. 283.

ERASMUS WILSON. Article "Liver," in the Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology.

QUAIN and SHARPEY. Elements of Anatomy.

NATALIS GUILLOT. Sur la Structure du Foie des Animaux Vertebrés,
Ann. d. sc. nat.

WHARTON JONES. Microscopic Examination of the contents of the
Hepatic Ducts, Philosophical Transactions, II.

HANDFIELD JONES. On the Nerves of the Liver, London Medical

LEIDY. Researches into the Comparative Structure of the Liver,
American Journal of the Medical Sciences, January, 1848, p. 55.
M. WILL. Ueber die Gallenorgane der Wirbellosen Thiere, Müller's
Archiv., p. 502.

HANDFIELD JONES. On the Structure and Development of the Liver,
Philosophical Transactions, I. p. 109.

R. RETZIUS. Ueber den Bau der Leber, Müll. Archiv, II., p. 141.
F. WILL. Ueber die Absonderung der Galle, Erlangen.

VON BIBRA. Chemische fragmente über die Leber und die Galle,

E. H. WEBER. Zusätze zu seinen Untersuchungen über den Bau der
Leber, in Berichte der K. Sächs. Ges. d. Wissench, zu Leipzig,
St. 151.

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Ueber den Periodischen, Farbenwechsel der Leber der Hünchen und Frosche, St. 15; ibid. St. 15.

HYRTL. Lehrbuch der Anatomie des Menschen.

C. WEDL. Ueber die traubenförmigen Gallengangdrüsen, in Sitzungsber. der Wiener Akad., Dec. 1850, p. 480.

E. H. WEBER. Programmata Collecta, Fasc. II., Lips.

N. WEJA. Beiträge zur feineren Anatomie der Leber, Müller's Archiv.,
p. 79.

KÖLLIKER. Mikroskopische Anatomie, Zweite Band, Zweite Hälfte,

GERLACH. Handbuch der Allgemeinen und speziellen Gewebelehre,

A. LEREBOULLET. Mémoire sur la Structure intime du Foie et de
l'altération connue sous le nom de Foie Gras, Paris.
GRAY. On the Structure and Use of the Spleen.
GERLACH. Handbuch der Gewebelehre, Mainz, 1854.
CARPENTER. Principles of Comparative Physiology.
REMAK. In Müller's Archiv.

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