THE OR Philanthropist's Museum. INTENDED CHIEFLY AS AN ANTIDOTE AGAINST THE ANTICHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF ENDLESS MISERY. VOL. II. Behold, I make All things new. REV. xxi. 5. London: PRINTED FOR THE EDITOR, W. VİDLER; AND SOLD BY TEULON, No. 100, Houndsditch; and PARSONS, Paternoster Row, 1798. PREFACE 2074 v2 1798 TO THE SECOND VOLUME. * T this conclusion of the second year of our Miscellany, we look back and bless the Father of Mercies with heart-felt gratitude, that He has brought us hitherto, and helped us thus far. Our work was begun in weakness, and we have had shame, poverty, and reproach to ftruggle with; but we have persevered, and still mean to perfevere: testifying, 'That the living God is the (foter) Reftorer of all men, especially of those that believe.' In oppofition to this fcripture testimony, we see on the one hand our Calvinift brethren declaring that God doth not love all; but that he made the greater part to be endless monuments of his implacable vengeance: and on the other hand our Arminian brethren declaring the love of God to all; but admitting his final failure of restoring all. The God of the former, is great in power and wisdom; but capricious in his conduct, and deficient in goodness: Who that views this character can fincerely love it? The God of the latter, is exceeding good; but deficient in power and wisdom: Who can trust such a being? If, therefore, Calvinists and Arminians both love and trust the Deity, it is not under the characters which their feveral systems afcribe to him; but they are constrained to hide the imperfections which their views cast upon him, and boast of a God whose highest glory their several schemes will not admit of. We are happy that our feeble labours have had fome success, and that the veil which has covered the divine character through the errors of modern fashionable systems of religion-has, in measure, been removed: and that the glory of God has shone forth on many minds, in the face of Jesus Christ. Truth, however long it may be obfcured, will finally be triumphant; it will make its way, in spite of the united influence of force and fraud; it will enlighten the earth, and bless mankind with its benign and cheering inAuence. The Universal cause, though still comparatively feeble, is increasing in numbers, learning, and respectability. A witness to its truth has lately appeared among the Episcopal Clergy, in the person of Mr. John Brown, M. A. late of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, who, in the present year, has published an Effay on the subject. Our correspondents also are increasing, and we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to them in general; and especially to our friend, Mr. Richard Wright, Paftor of the Universal Church at Wif 1 beach, whose acceptable labours have formed no inconfiderable part of |