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ESSRS. BANGS, BROTHERS, and CO., of New York, solicit from the Publishers of Great Britain consignments of


Books, Stereotype Plates, Stationery,

And all Merchandise of a like Class, for the TRADE SALE, which will be held early in APRIL: the shipment of all such Goods should be made immediately.

[ocr errors]

These Sales are patronised by the leading and most extensive Houses, and afford means superior to any other for the introduction to the notice of the American Trade of both surplus and new Stock suitable for circulation in the United States, being numerously attended by the dealers of the various States of the Union and the Canadas.

Mr. SAMPSON Low, of London, will exhibit CATALOGUES of previous Sales, and afford all needful explanations.

NEW YORK: Feb. 1851.


MR. GEORGE MEASOM, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON WOOD, Continues to execute all orders entrusted to his care in the first style of the Art, at exceedingly moderate charges.

An In-door Pupil required. Premium, 150 Guineas, two-thirds of which can remain unpaid for twelve months.

74, Charrington Street, Oakley Square, London.

J. H. JACKSON begs respectfully to inform


LAR'S SPELLING ASSITANTS.-CAUTION.-Booksellers and the Public are requested to take Notice that the Copyright in this work is vested in us, and that any person selling, or offering for sale in Great Britain or the Colonies, copies of an Edition published by Messrs. Simms and M'Intyre, of Belfast, or any copies of any o'her Edition of the said Work not published by us, will be proceeded against as infringing such copyright; and that no Irish' reprint of such Work can be legally sold out of Ireland. LONGMAN, BROWN, AND Co. WHITTAKER AND CO..

London, Feb. 1851.


By post on stamp,


the London and Country Trade, that in order to obviate the difficulties which they have experienced in obtaining his books and smaller publications, in General Literature, Science, Theology, and Classics. he has taken the premises in Queen's Head Passage, Paternoster Row, lately occupied by Mr. Ives. J. H.

14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden.

Jackson trusts that his having taken the above step A GOOD BUSINESS to be disposed of in

will ensure the prompt and full execution of any orders the Trade may receive for his publications. Islington Green, March 1851.

O the BOOK TRADE in TOWN and

TO COUNTRY. RA and Co. having en

larged their premises, beg respectfully to inform the Trade that they can now offer increased facilities for the supply of Miscellaneous Books and Magazines. Country orders punctually executed.

51 and 52, Paternoster Row, London. March 1851.

IMPELLERS. To be Disposed of, on advantaMPORTANT to PRINTERS and BOOK.

geous terms, a first-rate Business, where a large trade has been done, on the principles of the Church of England. About £400 required. Satisfactory reasons given. Address B. and S., care of Messrs. Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers'-Hall Court, London.


an improving Town in the County of Lincoln. Coming in about £500. Satisfactory reasons for leaving the same.-Address A. B., Publishers' Circular Office, 169. Fleet Street.

[blocks in formation]

ANTED, by a Bookseller and Publisher in the City, a YOUNG MAN as ASSISTANT: one who has had experience in a Retail London House will be preferred.-Apply by letter, stating Age, Salary, and previous Situations, to E. L., Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street.

may be had on application (or sent by post on receipt of a postage label) to John Russell Smith, 4, Old Compton Street, Soho, London.-WANTED, a Set of SOWERBY'S BOTANY, 36 vols.


Letters to be addressed to Mr. SAMPSON Low, Office of the Publishers' Circular, stating lowest price, carriage free. Anecdota Græca, ed. Cramer.

[blocks in formation]

Hunter's Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus.
Illustrated News. Complete set.

Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, 12 vols. 8vo.
Moore's Irish Melodies, with the Music. 9 parts.

Newton's Works, by Bp. Horsley, 5 vols.

Nicholas's Rolls of Arms of Henry III. and Edw. III. 8vo. Shakspere, by M. Wood. Vol. 14. Kearsley, 1806.

Shaw's Museum Leverianum. 2 vols. 4to. coloured plates,


Sophocles, ed. Erfurdt, Priestley's edit. 1824. Vol. 4.
Transactions of the Microscopic Society.

Valpy's Delphin Classics, 8vo. Vol. 97-Plinii Secundi
Opera, Vol 10.

Wilkinson's History of the Ancient Egyptians.
Modern Egypt and Thebes.

Printed at 57, Skinner Street, Snowhill, in the City of London, by ELIEZER CHATER WILSON, of 6, Palmer Terrace, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington; and published by SAMPSON Low, of 14, Great James Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the Office, 169, Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West.-Saturday, March 1, 1851.

[blocks in formation]

General Record of British and Foreign Literature ;


[blocks in formation]










{88. per annum.


[blocks in formation]

107-109 109-111 110


The ANNUAL CATALOGUE, including Pamphlets, Single Sermons, &c. is now ready, price 2s. 6d.



AGRICULTURAL Magazine and Plough, Jan. and Feb.
1851. 8vo. sewed, 1s. each..
ANDREW CLAIBORNE : a Tale of Encumbered Estates.
By "Celticus." No. 1, 8vo. sewed, 1s....................... [1227
(Vide Adv. 158.)


APPEAL (The): a Magazine for the People. Vol. 5. July to December, 1850. 12mo. (Leeds), sewed, 44 .[1228 ARNOLD (T. K.)-Henry's First Latin Book. By the Rev. T. K. Arnold. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 3s... ASHWELL'S Table of Comparative Values of the Ell, Metre, and Yard, from One Penny to Twenty-five shillings. On a Card, 1s... [1230 BANCROFT (G.)-History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. By George Bancroft. Vol. 1, Part 2, 12mo. pp. 281, and Vol. 2, Part 1, 12mo. cloth, each 1s. 6d.; bds. Is. ..[1231

(Popular Library.)

BANGS (N.) The Present State, Prospects, and Responsibilities of the Methodist Episcopal Church. By Nathan Bangs. 24mo. (New York), pp. 326, cloth, 38. .[1232 BARWELL (Mrs.)-Childhood's Hours. By Mrs. Barwell. 12mo. with Illustrations, pp. 140, cloth, 3s... [1233 BIBLIOTHECA Parva Theologica. A Catalogue of Books recommended to Students in Divinity; to which are prefixed Dr. Wotton's Thoughts on the Study of Divinity, and a List of Books recommended to their Pupils. By Bishop Van Mildert, Bishop Lloyd, and Dr. Burton. 8vo. pp. 54, sewed, 1s. ... [1234 BICKERSTETH'S Book of Private Devotions: a Collection of the most valuable Early Devotions of the Reformers and their Successors in the English Church. 3d edition, abridged, cloth, 3s. 6d.... .[1235 BLAKEY (R.)-Historical Sketch of Logic, from the Earliest Times to the Present Days. By Robert Blakey. 8vo. pp. 560, cloth, 12s. . [1236 (Vide Adv. 227.) BODEN (J.)-Simple and Elementary Method of Teaching the French Language. By J. Boden. 12mo. sd. 2s. 6d.[1237 BOND (T. E.)-A Practical Treatise on Dental Medicine. By Thomas E. Bond, A.M., M.D. 8vo. pp. 324, calf, 12s... .[1238 BOOK (The) of British Poesy, Ancient and Modern; being select Extracts from our best Poets, arranged in Chronological Order. With an Essay on British Poetry, by the Rev. George Gilfillan. A.M. Square (Liverpool), pp. 432, cloth, 7s. 6d. ; cloth gilt, 8s.; mor. 12s. .....[1239 (Vide Adv. 196.)

BREWSTER (D.)-A Popular Treatise on Magnetism. By Sir David Brewster. Post 8vo. (Edinb.) with 107 Illustrations, pp. 370, cloth, 38..... .[1240


BOOTH (J. C.)-The Encyclopædia of Chemistry, Practical and Theoretical, embracing its Application to the Arts, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Geology, Medicine, &c. By James C. Booth, A.M.; assisted by Campbell Morfit. 2d edition, Svo. (Philadelphia), pp. 974, plates, sheep, . [1241 BRITISH Archæological Association. A Report of the Proceedings at the Fifth General Meeting, held in the faithful City of Worcester, in the Month of August, 1848. Edited by Alfred J. Dunkin. 8vo. pp. 464, cloth, 21s. ; 4to. 31s. 6d... . [1242 BROWN (J.)-Elementary Free-hand Drawing. Hints designed to aid Teachers in the Use of the Course of Drawing for Primary Schools. By John Brown, Esq. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 6d. .[1243

BURGHLEY (LORD.)-Life and Times of William Cecil, the great Lord Burghley. By W. H. Charlton, M.A. 2d edit. 12mo. cloth, 2s. .[1244 BURKE (J. B.)-Dictionary of the Landed Gentry, 1851. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, 42s.... . [1245

(Vide Adv. 192.) CALENDAR of the Anglican Church: illustrated with brief Accounts of the Saints who have Churches dedicated in their Names, or whose Images are most frequently met with in England; the Early Christian and Medieval Symbols, and an Index of Emblems. 12mo. pp. 384, cloth, 10s. 6d. . [1246 CAMPÁN (Madame.)-Conversations of a Mother with a Daughter and some other Persons. In French and English. 12mo. new edition, cloth, 3s. 6d. [1247 CARR (T. S.)-Latin Selections: Cornelius Nepos, Phædrus, and Ovid's Metamorphoses; with Historical and Geographical Outlines, the Rules of Syntax for Construction, a Vocabulary, and Exercises in Scanning, &c. By T. S. Carr. 6th edition, with New Appendix, 38. 6d. Appendix, separately, 6d. .[1248

CASTLE (H. J.)—Elementary Book for Young Surveyors and Levellers. By H. J. Castle. Post 8vo. boards, reduced to 5s.... [1249 CATHOLIC'S VADE-MECUM: a Select Manual of Prayers for Daily Use. Royal 32mo. pp. 387, cl. 2s... [1250 CHALKLEY (T.)—A Journal of the Life, Travels, and Christian Experiences of Thomas Chalkley. Written by Himself. A new edition, detached from his Works. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 386, cloth, 2s. 6d... CHAPLET (A) of Pearls; containing "The Abbaye Bell," "The Dream," and other Poems. Ornamented with many illuminated borders, by Mrs. C. Randolph. Imp. 8vo. 21s.; mor. 31s. 6d. [1353

(Vide Adv. 134.)


CHURCH of England Sunday School Quarterly Magazine.
Vol. 3, 8vo. cloth, 5s.
(Vide Adv. 55.)
CHURCH SKETCHES for English Cottagers. 18mo. pp.
122, sewed. 6d..
CHURCHILL (F.)-On the Diseases of Women, including
Diseases of Pregnancy and Childbed. By F. Churchill,
M.D., M.R.I.A. 3d edit. (Dublin), 12mo. cl. 2s. 6d.[1255
CLARKE (M. C.)-The Girlhood of Shakespeare's He-
roines; in a Series of Fifteen Tales. By Mary Cowden
Clarke. Tale 4: Desdemona, the Magnifico's Child. Sq.
sewed, Is...
CLERICAL (The) and Scholastic Monthly Note Book of
Valuable and Instructive Information for Leisure Mo-
ments. No. 1, 8vo. pp. 54, sewed, 1s.
COBBIN (I.)-Scripture Light or Popish Darkness. By
Ingram Cobbin. 18mo. cloth, 1s.
COCHRANE (Rev. James) Companion to the Lord's Sup-
per: being Helps to the due and profitable Observance
of the Communion Season. 12mo. (Edinb.) cl. 1s. 6d.[1259
COLERIDGE (H.)-Poems, by Hartley Coleridge. With
a Memoir of his Life. By his Brother. 2 vols. 12mo.
pp. 774, cloth, 148.....
COLLINS (W. W.) Rambles beyond Railways. 8vo, cloth,
15s. (NOT 21s. as in List for Feb. 15)
COLLOQUIE on Religion and Religious Education, origi-
nally published as a Supplement to Hampden in the
19th Century. 12mo. pp. 234, cloth, 2s. 6d......... [1262
(Phoenix Library.)


CONFESSIONAL (The) Unmasked. 8vo. sd. 1s. 6d. [1263
CONFESSOR (The): a Novel. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 930,
cloth, 31s. 6d.
COOKESLEY (W. G.)-Explanatory Index to the Map of
Ancient Rome. By the Rev. W. G. Cookesley, M.A.
Eton. 8vo. pp. 107, map, cloth, 5s....
COUSINS (The); or, Mary Mowbray and Lucy Lovett: a
Tale of Early Life. 18mo. pp. 172, cloth, 1s....... [1266
CROSS (F.)-Hints to all about to Rent, Buy, or Build
House Property. By Francis Cross. 3d edit. 12mo. pp.
164, cloth, 2s. 6d.
DART (J. H.)-A Compendium of the Law and Practice of
Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate. By J. Henry
Dart. 8vo. pp. 724, bds. 21s.
D'AUBIGNE (J. H. M.)-Rationalism and Popery Refuted:
Three Discourses on the Authority of the Scriptures. By
J. H. M. D'Aubigne. Translated from the French, with
12mo. pp. 132,
a Preface, by the Rev. W. K. Tweedie.
cloth, 2s.
D'AUBIGNE (J. H. M.)-The Authority of God; or, the
True Barrier against Romish and Infidel Aggression:
4 Discourses. By the Rev. J. H. M. D'Aubigné.
an Introduction. 12mo. pp. 300, cloth, 4s. 6d...... [1270
(Vide Adv. 212.)


[1271 DEBT and SURPLUS: a Letter to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P. 8vo. sewed, 2d. DE LA BECHE (H. T.)-The Geological Observer. By Sir Henry T. De La Beche. 8vo. pp. 880, cl. 18s. ..[1272 (Vide Adv. 220.)

DEVOUT MUSINGS on the Book of Psalms.

sewed, 1s..

Part 2,


By A. C.





Psalms 41 to 75. 32mo. sewed, Is... DICK (A. C.)-Dissertation on Church Polity. Dick. 2d edition, 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. DIGEST (A) of the Laws of Moses, Moral, Civil, Bial. 4to. (Birkenhead), sewed, 2s. 6d... DI! ROSE'S National Song Book. 32mo. cl. 28. DREAMER (The) and the Worker: a Story of the Present Time. By R. H. Horne, Esq. Author of "Orion," &c. .[1277 2 vols. pp. 650, 1. 1s. Corrected to NoDUBLIN 'University Calendar, 1851. vember 20, 1850. 12mo. (Dublin), pp. 380, cloth, 5s.[1278 DUMAS (A.)-Black Tulip. By A. Dumas. Royal 8vo. [1279 DUNCAN (J.)-Observations on the Affairs and Policy of the Eastern Counties Railway Company. By John Dun. [1280 can, Solicitor. 8vo. sewed, Is... EASY HYMN TUNES, with the Words in full, adapted for Catholic Schools. 12mo. pp. 46, sewed, 1s. 4d. [1281 EDA MORTON and Her Cousins; or, School Room Days. [1282 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 418, cloth, 6s... EDWARDS (E.)-A Letter to the London Union on Church Matters. By the Rev. Edward Edwards. 8vo. pp. 44, [1283 sewed, 1s. 6d. ELEMENTARY (An) Course of Mathematics, prepared for the Use of the Royal Military Academy. Vol. 1, royal 8vo. pp. 460, cloth, 188... ELLIOT (J.)-An Elementary Course of Practical Mathematics for the Use of Schools. Part 2, Practical GeoBy James Elliot. metry and Mensuration. (Edinb.) pp. 140, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 242.) ESLING (C. H. W.)-The Broken Bracelet, and other Poems. By Mrs. C. H. W. Esling. 12mo. pp. 288, cloth, [1286




[blocks in formation]

EULENSTEIN (C.)-An Easy Grammar to the German
Language. By Charles Eulenstein. 3d edition, 12mo.
pp. 150, cloth, 4s,


EXETER (BP. OF)-Speech in the House of Lords, on
Tuesday, Feb. 28, on the Bill to make lawful Marriages
within certain of the Prohibited Degrees of Affinity. 8vo.
pp. 40, sewed, 1s. 6d....


FALL of PALMYRA (The), and Rome and the early Chris-
tians. Complete in 1 vol. 12mo. pp. 508, cl. 2s. 6d. [1289
(Popular Library.)

[ocr errors]

FAMILIAR SKETCHES of Catholic Life: in a Series of
Letters from a Foreign Catholic to an English Pro-
testant. 1st Series, square, pp. 330, cl. 3s. 6d...... [1290
FAMILY PASTIME; or, Homes made Happy. 1851.
12mo. pp. 100, cloth, 1s.

FARRAND (B.)-Man Natural and Spiritual. By Banks
Farrand. Post Svo, pp. 264, cloth, 7s.
FATAL HARMONY; or, an Argument between the
Jesuits and Sleigh Church. 12mo. (Cheltenham), sewed,


FELKIN (W.)-The Commercial Aspect of the Great Exhibition in 1851. 8vo. pp. 30, sewed, 6d.; gilt, 1s..... [1294 FEMALE JESUIT (The); or, the Spy in the Family. Including her Autobiography; or, "Seventeen Years of Convent Life," and her recent Intrigues in a Protestant Family near London. Cr. 8vo. pp. 456, cloth, 7s. 6d.[1295 (Vide Adv. 204.)

[1296 FERGUSON (R.)-History of England complete. Fine paper, 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d.. (Cassell's Library.) 2 vols. post. pp. 600, FIRST (The) ANGEL: a Novel. ..[1297 cloth, 21s... FLAGG (J. F. B.)-Ether and Chloroform; their Employment in Surgery, Dentistry, Midwifery, Therapeutics, &c. By J. F. B. Flagg, M.D. 12mo. pp. 189, cloth,

3s. 6d...

(1298 and Ireland: with the Genealogical and Historical NoFORSTER (H. R.)-The Pocket Peerage of Great Britain tices of the Nobility, the Archbishops and Bishops, Titles of Courtesy, the Privy Council, &c. Square, pp. . [1299 540, cloth, 5s.

(Vide Adv. 131.) FOSTER (J. F. L.)-The New Colony of Victoria, formerly Port Phillip: together with some Account of the other Austrian Colonies. By John Fitzgerald Leslie Foster. .[1300 12mo. pp. 92, cloth, 1s. 6d...

FOX (H. W.)-A Memoir of the Rev. Henry Watson Fox,
B.A. By the Rev. George Townsend Fox, B.A. With a
Preface by the Rev. H. V. Elliott. 3d edition, post 8vo.
pp. 424, cloth, 7s. 6d.

FOYE (M. W.)-Romish Rites, Offices, and Legends; or,
Authorised Superstitions and Idolatries of the Church of
Rome. By the Rev. M. W. Foye. 2d edition, post Svo.
pp. 416, cloth, 68.


FRAZER (W.)-Elements of Materia Medica; containing
the Chemistry and Natural History of Drugs, &c. With
the Preparations of the British Pharmacopoeias. By
William Frazer. 8vo. pp. 460, cloth, 12s...........[1303
(Vide Adv. 227.)

FREUND (J. C. H.)-A Small Contribution to the Great
Exhibition of 1851. By J. C. H. Freund, 8vo. pp. 40,
sewed, 1s...
-Christ our Example. 8th edition, 12mo. pp.
FRY (C.).
296, cloth, 5s.
FULFORD (J. L.)-A Letter to the Inhabitants of the Pa-
rish of Woodbury, in the Diocese of Exeter. By the
. [1306
Rev. J. L. Fulford. 12mo. pp. 24, 3d.
GILBERT'S New Map of London for 1851; with Refer-
ences to Public Offices, Inns of Court, Theatres, Railways,
&c. 1s. in case, or with Index, 1s. 6d.
GILFILLAN (R.)-Poems and Songs. By Robt. Gilfillan.
4th edition, with Memoir of the Author. 12mo. (Edinb.)
pp. 406, cloth, 5s.
GLASGOW (The) Infant School Magazine. New edition,
18mo, cloth, 3s.


GLEIG (G. R.)-History of England. By the Rev. G. R.
Gleig. 2 Parts in 1 vol. 3d edition, 18mo. pp. 310, cloth,
2s. 6d...
GLEIG (G. R.)-School Series. Edited by the Rev. G. R.
Gleig. Fourth Book of History-Sacred History. In 2
parts. Part 1, 1s...
GOODWIN (T.)-Exposition of the Book of Revelation.
By Thomas Goodwin. Svo. (Plymouth), boards. re-
duced to 1s. 6d.
GRANT (J.)-Adventures of an Aide-de-Camp. By James
Grant. 2d Series, 12mo. pp. 243 bds. Is.; cl. 1s. 6d.[1313
(Railway Library.)
GREAT EXHIBITION, Official Plans of, on a Sheet. Is.
GREAT NEWES from Newcastle, giving an Account of
the Scots Army before that Towne, from the 27th of Aug.
to the 4th Sept. 1640. Now first printed from the Original
MS. 8vo. sewed, 1s...

[blocks in formation]

GREENE (G. W.)-Historical Studies. By G. W. Greene.
12mo. (New York), reduced to 7s. 6d....
GREG (W. R.)-The Creed of Christendom, its Formation
and Superstructure. By Wm. Rathbone Greg.
8vo. pp. 308, 10s. 6d...
GUIZOT'S Monk. Translated by A. R. Scoble. 12mo.
boards, 1s. 6d...
(Bohn's Shilling Series.)
GUNPOWDER PLOT.-True Account of, extracted from
Lingard's England and Dodd's Church History: with
Notes and Remarks. By Vindicator. 8vo. pp. 138,
cloth, 3s. 6d...
GWILT (J.) — An Encyclopædia of Architecture, Histo-
rical, Theoretical, and Practical. By Joseph Gwilt. Il-
lustrated with more than 1000 Engravings on Wood, by
R. Branston, from Drawings by J. S. Gwilt. 2nd edit.
with a Supplementary View of the Symmetry and Sta-
bility of Gothic Architecture. 8vo. pp. 1102, cl. 52s. 6d.
(Vide Adv. 203.)

GWILT (J.)-Supplement to the Encyclopædia of Architecture. By Joseph Gwilt. With many additional Engravings on Wood. 8vo. pp. 276, cloth, 6s......... [1321 (Vide Adv. 203.)

HALL (Mrs. S. C.)-Midsummer Eve. Svo. reduced to 16s. cloth ..[1322 HALLELUJAH (The); or, Devotional Psalmody: being a Choice Collection of Standard Tunes, Ancient and Modern. Part I. Selected by the Rev. J. J. Waite and Henry John Gauntlett. Royal 8vo. cloth, 5s....... [1323 HAMBLETON (J.)-Specimens of Translation and Versification. By Joseph Hambleton. Post 8vo. pp. 102, sewed, 2s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 102.) ..[132+ HARBAUGH (Rev. H.)-Heaven; or, an Earnest and Scriptural Inquiry into the Abode of the Sainted Dead. By the Rev. H. Harbaugh. Post 8vo. pp. 290, cl. 48.[1325 HARPER (T. N.)-A Plea for Simple Toleration: a Letter to the Lord Bishop of London in defence of those Rites and Doctrines which have been condemned in his last Charge. By Thomas Norton Harper, Incumbent of St. Peter's Chapel, Pimlico. Svo. pp. 244, 5s. ........[1326 (Vide Adv. 234.)

HAVILLAND (C. R. DE.)-Rome's Outworks; or, Our Controversy with Rome. By C. R. De Havilland, M.A. Svo. pp. 208, cloth, 6s. .[1327 HENSON (J.)-Life of Josiah Henson, formerly a Slave, as narrated by Himself. 2d edition, with a Preface by T. Binney. 12mo. pp. 140, sewed, 1s... [1328 HEYGATE (W. E.)-Probatio Clerica; or, Aids in SelfExamination to Candidates of Holy Orders, or for those of the Clergy who may desire them, with Hints on College Life. By the Rev. W. E. Heygate, M.A. 2d edit. fep. 8vo. pp. 130, 2s. 6d. ..[1329 HINTS from Utopian Schools, No. 2, unfolding further details of their system. 12mo. pp. 20, sewed, Is... [1330 HIRD (W. G.)-Etymological Dictionary of Scripture Names accented and explained: with copious illustrative Notes, and Introductory Observations on the Origin of Language, &c. By W. G. Hird. 2d edition, greatly enlarged and improved. 12mo. (Bradford), pp. 142, cloth, 2s. 6d.... . [1331 HOGG'S Instructor. Vol. 6, New Series. Royal 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d.. [1332 HOMER.-The Iliad of Homer. Literally translated, with explanatory notes, by Theodore Aldis Buckley. 12mo. pp. 466, cloth, 5s. .[1333 (Bohn's Classical Library.) HOOPER (Dr.)-Physician's Vade-mecum; or, a Manual of the Principles and Practice of Physic. New edition, considerably enlarged and improved, with an Outline of General Pathology and Therapeutics. By Wm. Augustus Guy. 12mo. pp. 584, cloth, 10s. 6d..

[1334 HOKNER (S. S.)-The Medical Student's Guide in Extracting Teeth. By S. S. Horner. Post 8vo. pp. 76, cloth, 3s.


HUMPHRY (W. G.)-The Early Progress of the Gospel: being the Hulsean Lectures for the Year 1850. By Wm. Gilson Humphry, B.D. 8vo. pp. 216, cloth, 78..... [1336 HYMNS and Thoughts for the Sick and Lonely. 2d edit. 18mo. (Bath), cloth, gilt, 2s. 6d. ..[1337

ILLUSTRATIONS of ZOOLOGY; comprising above 1000 Figures of Quadrupeds, Birds, Fish, Reptiles; with Descriptive Letterpress. Imperial 4to. 89 plates, cloth, gilt edges, 31s. 6d.... .[1338

(Vide Adv. 47.) IMESON (W. T.)-Self-suggestive Chronology; or, a New and Simple Method of Recollecting the Dates of all the important Events in Scripture, Ecclesiastical, and Profane History. By W. T. Imeson, B.A. 8vo. pp. 17, cloth, 1s. 6d.. ..[1339 IMPERIAL (The) DICTIONARY, English, Technological, and Scientific. Edited by John Ogilvie. Illustrated by 2000 engravings. 2 vols. imp. 8vo. cloth, 4. 10s. [1340 INDESTRUCTIBLE LESSON BOOKS for Children. Four Parts bound in 1 vol. 5s. .[1341

(Vide Adv. 134.)

IRISH QUARTERLY REVIEW (The). No. 1, 2s. 6d.[1342 JACKSON (F.)-A First Series of Practical Sermons. By the Rev. Frederic Jackson. 12mo. pp. 270, cl. 5s... [1343 | JACKSON (J.)-The Christian Character: Six Sermons preached in Lent. By John Jackson. 3d edit. pp. 176, cloth, 4s...

[1344 | JAHR (G. H. G.)-Homœopathic Hand-Book and Clinical Guide for the Treatment of Diseases. By Dr. G. H. G. Jahr. Translated from the German, by D. Spillan. 12mo. pp. 636, cloth, 12s..... [1345 JESUITISM: its Principles and Practices. By the Rev. Verner M. White, A.B. 12mo. 4d. sewed. .[1346 JOHNSON (E.)—The Hydropathic Treatment of Diseases peculiar to Women, and of Women in Childbed, with some Observations on the Management of Infants. By Edward Johnson, M.D. New edition, 12mo. (Ipswich), cloth, 2s. 6d.. . [1347 JOURDAIN (M.)-A Treatise on Diseases and Surgical Operations of the Mouth and Parts adjacent; with Notes of Cases, Ancient and Modern. By M. Jourdain. Translated from the French. Royal 8vo. pp. 444, calf, 12s.[1:48 JOWETT'S Christian Visitor. Genesis to Job. 3d edit. fep. 38. 6d. cloth... [1349

KELLY'S Practical Builder's Price Book for 1851. Royal Svo. bound, 8s.. .[1350 (Vide Adv. 149.) KLATTOWSKI (W.R.)-German Exercises for Beginners. New edition, 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d..... [1351

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LANE (A. J.)-Life at the Water Cure, or a Month at Malvern. A Diary by J. A. Lane. With the Sequel, and Confessions of a Water Patient, by Sir E. Bulwer Lytton. 18mo. pp. 334, sewed, 1s. 6d...



LAW LIST (THE), corrected to Jan. 1851. 12mo. bound, 6s. 6d... ....[1356 LAWSON (P. & SON.)-Catalogue of Fruit Trees, &c. By Peter Lawson and Son. 4to. (Edinburgh), pp. 32, sewed, 2s. 6d. LAYS OF PALESTINE. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 406, cl.7s. 6d. [1358 LEAKE (W. M.)-Greece at the End of Twenty-three Years' Protection. By William Martin Leakę. 8vo. sd. 6d. ..[1359 LECTURES on the Characters of Our Lord's Apostles. By a Country Pastor. 12mo. pp. 200, 3s. 6d... [1360 LECTURES (TWELVE) delivered before the Young Men's Christian Association in Exeter Hall, from Nov. 1849 to February 1850. New edit. 12mo. pp. 520, cl. 3s. 6d.[1361 LEDA TINAH, the Martyr's Child, and Derwent Bank. Post 8vo. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne), sewed, 1s. 6d. .. [1362 LEE (J.)-A Manual for Shipmasters, in a Series of Letters addressed to them in their Qualifications, &c. 4th edit. greatly enlarged and improved. By James Lee. 12mo. (Liverpool), pp. 430, cloth, 6s...


LEES (J.)—A Practical Digest of the Mercantile Marine Act, 13 & 14 Vict. cap. 93, being an Act for Improving the Condition of Masters, Mates, and Seamen. By Jas. Lees. 12mo. sewed, 1s. [1364 LESTER (J. W.)-Orations by the Rev. John W. Lester. 12mo. pp. 124, cloth, 4s... ..[1365 LETTER (A) to the Rev. J. Cumming, D.D., on the subject of his Lecture entitled "God in Science." By W. D. 8vo. pp. 48, sd. 1s. .[1366

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[blocks in formation]

(Vide Adv. 244.) NUMISMATIST (The): a Monthly Publication,exclusively devoted to the Familiar Illustration of the Science of Numismatography, or that Branch of Antiquarian Research which relates to Ancient Coins and Medals. By Maximillian Borrell. No. 1, 8vo. sewed, 3s. 6d..... [1452 (Vide Adv. 186.;

OSBORNE (S. G.)-Lady Eva; her Last Days. By the Hon. and Rev. S. G. Osborne. 12mo. pp. 166, cloth, ..[1403


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COOPER (C. P.)-The Pope's Apostolic Letters of Sept. 1850. Letter to an English Roman Catholic Peer from Charles Purton Cooper, F.R.S. 3d edition, 8vo. pp. 11, sewed, 1s.... . [1409 DAWSON (G.)-Two Lectures on the Papal Aggression Controversy: delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham. By George Dawson. Lecture 1, 8vo. (Birmingham), pp. 20, sewed, 4d. [1410 EULABETEOŃ: a Poem for the Times. 8vo. (Birmingham), pp. 32, sewed, 1s. ..[1411

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UBI LAPSUS? British Encouragement to Romish Aggression. By a Layman. 8vo. (Tunbridge Wells, sewed, 4d...

.{1426 WHITE (V. M.)-Priestcraft: Popery a Priestly Conspi racy against the Intelligence, the Morals, and the Liberties, Civil as well as Religious, of Man. By the Rev. Verner M. White. 12mo. (Liverpool), pp. 66, sd. ..[1427


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..[1438 PRESTON (G. H.)-Student's Theological Manual; comprising the History of the Canon, Theological Evidences, Biblical Antiquities, Old and New Testament History, Church History, Doctrine, and Prophecy. Collated and compiled from Standard Authors in Divinity. 8vo. cloth, 78. 6d... ..[1439 PROVE ALL THINGS. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 12, swd. 2d.. [1440 PUSEY (E. B.)-Renewed Explanation in consequence of the Rev. W. Dodsworth's Comments on Dr. Pusey's Letter to the Bishop of London. By the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D. 8vo. pp. 56, sewed, 1s.. .[1441

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