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As the season for making Presents advances, those who prefer Bibles and Standard Biblical Works for presentation, are invited to procure the DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE of SAMUEL BAGSTER and SONS, furnished without charge, and sent by post free. It contains a detailed account of choice Bibles in different languages, single and in combination, of English reference Bibles of every size and style of binding, of Concordances, Scripture Indexes, Books of Common Prayer in many languages, Lexicons, Grammars, Analytical helps, and other works bearing upon the Sacred Scriptures. The Bindings are, without exception, not only elegant and highly finished, but thoroughly durable, being constructed on the FLEXIBLE PRINCIPLE peculiar to Bagster's Bibles. The ornamental mountings, also, are of the best quality and workmanship only, and are of almost endless variety.



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THE SCRIPTURE POCKET-BOOK for 1852. Containing an Almanack; also a Passage of Scripture for every Day, with an Arrangement by which the Bible may be read in the course of the year; and a variety of Useful Information usually

found in Pocket-Books. Illustrated with an Engraving of Torquay, in Baxter's Oil Colours, 1s. 4d. near cover; 2s. roan tuck.



Πολλαι μεν θνητοις Γλωτται, μια δ' Αθανατοισιν.

HE HISTORY of PALESTINE, by Dr. KITTO, from the Patriarchal Age to the present time, with Introductory chapters on the Geography Customs and Institutions of the Hebrews. With a and Natural History of the Country, and on the Map and upwards of 200 Engravings on Wood and Steel, small 8vo. 6s., handsomely bound in cloth, or, 6s. 6d. with gilt leaves.

Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black. London : Longman and Co.



Martin's Illustrated Milton's
Paradise Lost.

Imp. 8vo. half-bound morocco, £1. 11s. 6d. ; or in
morocco, elegantly gilt, £2. 2s.

ANOTHER COPY, large paper, imp. 4to. Proofs, half-bound morocco, £2. 8s.

ANOTHER COPY, with the largest Plates, published at £21., £3. 13s. 6d.

Sir Walter Scott's Works and Life.

The Abbotsford, Cabinet, and all Editions, at greatly reduced prices, in cloth, or any style of binding.

THE CHRISTIAN ALMANACK for 1852. Percy's Reliques of Ancient English

Containing much Astronomical and other Information of popular Interest. With an engraved Frontispiece of Exeter Hall. 6d. sewed in a neat cover; 8d. superior cover, gilt edges; 1s. 4d. halfbound and interleaved.

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3 vols. small 8vo. with richly illuminated Titles, 15s. cloth; 18s. half-morocco.


Oracles from the British Poets.
A Drawing Room Table Book,
and Intellectual Companion for a Round Party.
18mo. 2s. 6d. cloth; or 3s. elegantly gilt.
The Gift for all Seasons:
Elegantly illustrated and bound, 5s.
Rural Records.

By JAMES SMITH. 2d Edition, small 8vo. 3s. 6d. (1039)


With Forty Illustrations by RICHARD DOYLE,

engraved by G. and E. Dalziel. Small 4to. 2s. 6d.
ornamented wrapper; 3s. 6d. cloth; coloured, gilt
edges, 6s.
(Vide SUPPLEMENT, p. 430.)

Addey and Co. (late Cundall and Addey), 21,
Old Bond Street.


BOOK is now ready, in One Volume, 8vo. price 10s.


**This work will be found equally indispensable and valuable to young men preparing for the Army as to those who have just entered it.

W. Thacker and Co. 87, Newgate Street. (1041)





NEW PUBLICATION BOARD, for exhibiting the Current Number of The Publishers' Circular, price 1s.-Also,

OW'S PAMPHLET PORTFOLIOS, for PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, &c.— These PORTFOLIOS are recommended for the convenience with which works published periodically may be preserved and referred to, affording all the advantages of a bound volume, with the facility of adding each part or number as published.



Sampson Low, 169, Fleet Street.

IR WALTER SCOTT'S POETICAL WORKS, with the Author's latest Notes, as well as several of the principal Poems themselves, being all Copyright, Printers and Publishers are hereby cautioned against violating the said Copyright, and the Public are warned that no work published under the title of "The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott" is complete, unless it be published by ROBERT CADELL, or by ADAM and CHARLES BLACK, Edinburgh.


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ARNES on the REVELATIONS-COB-paid at once. BIN'S EDITION.-KNIGHT and SON beg to acquaint the Trade that they have purchased the

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Copyright in Great Britain" of the above work,

which will shortly be published by them. KNIGHT and Son hereby caution all persons against purchasing or vending any other Edition, as the most prompt measures will be adopted to suppress piracy. Clerkenwell Close, Nov. 28, 1851.

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a superior set of 200 Quadrupeds, for a Natural His-
tory, and others. Illustrations for Histories of
England, Robinson Crusoe, Watts's Hymns, Fables,
Vignettes, Shipping, Racing, and many others.
Apply to Mr. J. Nicholson, Accountant and Estate
Agent, 17, Kingsland Crescent, Kingsland Road.

WOODCUTS.-To be Sold cheap!-Several

Hundred New Woodcuts, amongst which are

WANTED to PURCHASE, a good and
long-established BOOK and STATIONERY
BUSINESS. Any one wishing to retire will find this
an excellent opportunity of doing so.-Address to
P. P., 13, Percy Place, Clapham Road, London.


TO STATIONERS' and PRINTERS' ASSISTANTS about commencing Business.-The Advertiser, who is about taking to a well-established Stationery and Printing Business in the most populous district of the Midland Counties, is desirous of meeting with an experienced and active Young Man as PARTNER. The Advertiser being a Publisher of County Directories, and necessarily frequently absent from home, is his reason for desiring a partner. The amount required to participate equally in the profits of the business will be £250: being about one-third of the amount the Advertiser is about paying for the business.-Address E. C. L., care of Messrs. Williams, Coopers, and Co., 85, West Smithfield, London.

74, Charrington Street, Oakley Square, London.

Ttiser, who has been for a considerable period accustomed to teaching both large classes and private pupils, is desirous of meeting with a gentleman who may wish to withdraw from his present Connexion, or resign an Appointment to which he could introduce a Successor.-Communications, with particulars, addressed to M. Z., Publishers' Circular Office, 169,


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BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. -A Bookselling and Stationery BUSINESS, situate in one of the most fashionable Watering Places in the centre of England, to be disposed of in conse quence of the death of the late proprietor. The Stock (which is to be taken at a valuation,) consists of Books, Stationery, &c., calculated for such a place, and all of recent purchase. The above offers many advantages to any gentleman wishing to commence business. The connexion is already good, with great! facilities for improvement. The Premises are extensive and well adapted for business, and situated in the most fashionable part of the town. The Stock is valued at about £800. During the season the rooms have been let at good prices to visitors, and the furniture may also be taken at a valuation.Apply to Mr. J. Brook, Stamp Office, Huddersfield.


To be disposed of, in one of the largest manufacturing towns of Yorkshire, a first-class PRINTING OFFICE, containing an immense variety of Book and Ornamental Types, selected from the first Foundries in the kingdom; with Presses, Rolling Machines, Frames, and every requisite for executing in the best style all descriptions of work. It possesses a wide reputation, and the business connexion is both good and respectable.-For references and terms apply to Mr. Smith, Messrs. Stephenson, Blake, and Co.'s Letter Foundry, Sheffield; or to Williams, Cooper, and Co., 85, West Smithfield, London.

10 PRINTERS, and STATOKSELLERS Pisposed and po session had on Jan. 1st, 1852, a snug BUSINESS as above, doing a respectable trade at full prices, in a small country town, and no opposition. £50 per annum commission made by agencies. About £400 to £450 for Goodwill and Stock, which will be by valuation as agreed. Satisfactory reasons for selling given, and every introduction to customers by present occupier.-Apply to T. P., at Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street.


disposed of, an old-established BUSINESS in the
above lines, having also a Fire Insurance Agency,
and a good Newspaper connection. The Stock to be
taken at a valuation; no premium required: situated
in the centre of one of the principal Market Towns
in Essex.-Particulars may be obtained by letter only
addressed to R. C. H., Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.,
Stationers' Hall Court, London.



10 BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, and PRINTERS.-To be Sold, in one of the most important and improving towns in the West of England, a first-rate and old-established BUSINESS. The Premises are situated in the best part of the town, are well adapted for business, and the upper part of the house is fit for the immediate occupation of a respectable family. The estimated value of the Stock is about £1600; which might be reduced if necessary, and ample time for payment would be given to a responsible party.-Address S. G., Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Steeet.

10 be SOLD, immediately, a PRINTING, Coming in less than £200, and the yearly income considerably more than that sum.-Apply to B. B., 169, Fleet Street, London.



STATIONERS and PRINTERS.-To be disposed of, worthy the attention of working parties, with moderate capital, or a young working Printer and Bookbinder could be treated with alone, a BUSINESS in the above branches. Terms easy to respectable parties, and none others need apply.lisher's Circular Office, Fleet Strapon Address A. Y., care of Mr. Sampson Low. Pub


TO BOOK &NDOR, in consequence of the Proprietor wishing to retire, a BUSINESS in the above line, which has been established 17 years. The stock of Stationery is very small; the Bookbinding may be had separate. The stock of Stationery and Binding Tools will not exceed £300. Situate in a Market Town in Wilts.-Apply to T. A. Saunders, Salisbury.

T is leaving his present. The Advertiser, who TO BOOKSELLERS.-To be disposed of.

desirous of obtaining another ENGAGEMENT either
in Town or Country. Most satisfactory references
can be given to present and former employers.-Ad-
dress B. R., 65, Paternoster Row.

TIONERS, &c.-The Advertiser, (a person of
gentlemanly address, and intimately acquainted with
the business in all its branches,) is desirous of taking
the superintendence of a Concern in the Country;
the management of a Branch business; or to travel
either regularly or occasionally.-Address, post paid,
C. D., care of Mr. Page, 28, Moorgate Street, London.

-A Young Man, of good address and educa-
tion, and of seven years' experience in responsible
situations, desires an ENGAGEMENT in London
or a large Provincial Town, on which he would enter
immediately. References, recommendations, and
connections, will be given of great respectability, and
surety if desired.-Apply to Editor of the Publishers'
Circular, or to A. B., Post Office, Oxford.

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BOOKSELLING BUSINESS, snccessfully carried on for some years in one of the best positions at the West End. Any young man with a knowledge of French, and possessed of a limited capital, would find this an excellent opportunity.-For particulars, address, with real name, to S. S., Publisher's Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street.

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WANTED, a competent ASSISTANT, of genteel address and thorough business habits, to a Bookseller, Stationer, snd Printer.-Apply, with full particulars, to W. J. Taylor, East Street, Brighton. NO PRINTERS.-Wanted, a respectable and well-educated Man as OVERSEER in a geneOne who has ral Printing and Newspaper Office. held a similar situation would be preferred. References will be required as to ability, &c.-Address, stating salary, and other particulars, to Mr. Burbidge, Bookseller and Printer, Regent Place, Clifton.

WANTED, in an old-established Bookselling MAN, who has some knowledge of the Bookbinding, and Stationery Business, a respectable YOUNG and who has been used to a Retail Shop, as above, a Turnover, or one who would deem his board and

lodging equivalent for his services for the first year or so. He would be treated as one of the family. None need apply but those whose character will bear

TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c. the strictest investigation.

-Wanted, by a Young Man, a Situation as MANAGING ASSISTANT. Has had 12 years' experience; can give good references, and security if required.-Address B. B., care of Hamilton, Adams, and Co., 33, Paternoster Row.

Wanted, also, a steady, active YOUTH, from 14 to 18 years of age, as in-door Apprentice to the Bookselling and Stationery Business. A moderate premium.-Apply to Mr. Hatt, Bookseller, &c., Pear Hill, Cambridge.

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BOOK; for facilitating the keeping of Periodi

G. COLLINS begs to state that he still continues to supply, as usual

cal Accounts, and diminishing the Labour consequent CRAIG'S UNIVERSAL DICTIONARY,

on the great increase of Periodical Literature. Post folio, half-bound, cloth sides, interleaved with blotting paper, 5s. (No allowance.)


London George Bell, 186, Fleet Street. Rich- FAMILY ATLAS. mond: John Bell.


OD and CO.'S LIST of PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, &c. &c., for general circulation, is now ready, and will be supplied to the Trade, with their Addresses printed on the Title, at the following prices :

100, 6s.; 200, 9s. 6d. ; 300, 13s.; 400, 16s. 6d. ; 600, 21s.

All orders must be accompanied with a Post-office order. Orders sent carriage free to London for enclosure.

Dodd and Co. will feel obliged to Publishers if they will send the Title and Price of any new Magazine, &c. intended to be published in 1852, so that they may place it in their List, previous to December 20th, 1851.


Dodd and Co., Woburn, Beds.


BARRETT and CO. having had continued proofs of the success of their Letterpress Printing Ink, have every confidence in further recommending it to the notice of the Trade.

The manufacture of this Ink is conducted on sound Chemical Principles, under the personal supervision of an eminent Chemist, a Fellow of the Royal Society, who, for many years, has given his attention and research to the perfecting of Letterpress Ink.

This Ink possesses the property of keeping the Roller in good working order, so as never to loose the grip. It distributes freely-works sharp and clean-washes easily off the types-dries readily on paper, and sets off but little. Colour deep and permanent, never changing to the brown.

It does not skin in the barrel or dry on the roller, and is entirely divested of that unpleasant effluvium so injurious to the health of the workmen.

Lists of prices and terms will be forwarded on application to

Jeremiah Barrett and Co., Varnish and Colour Manufacturers, Nos. 130, 218, and 219, Bradford Street, Birmingham.


22, Paternoster Row, Dec. 1, 1851.


in Parts or Vols.

Ditto. .Ditto.

ARGRAUE BROTHERS, Wholesale and Export Envelope Makers and Manufacturing Stationers, Dye Sinkers, &c., 77, Newgate Street, London.

** Pattern books and prices, &c. sent free upon application.




Printer, Stationer, Bookseller, and Bookbinder, Dealer in Musical Instruments, Paper Hangings, and Patent Medicines,

VALUER AND APPRAISER, Market Place, Horncastle, respectfully informs the Trade, that having had considerable experience as a Valuer, in Lincolnshire and other Counties, and possessing a practical knowledge of every branch of the trade, he begs to offer his services as Appraiser to those who are about to enter upon or relinquish a Business. To persons disposing of their Business, or wishing to purchase, every assistance will be rendered, free of charge. References are permitted to gentlemen by whom he has been engaged; also to the following London Houses:-Messrs. Whittaker and Co., Ave-Maria Lane; Messrs. Williams, Cooper, and Co., West Smithfield; Messrs. Hunt, Fordrinier, and Co., King William Street; Messrs. Hodgkinson and Burnside, Upper Thames Street; Messrs. Castle and Lamb, Newgate Street; Messrs. Jeffrey, Allen, and Horne, Whitechapel; Messrs. Broadwood and Sons, Great Pulteney Street; Messrs. Barclay and Sons, Farringdon Street; also to Mr. Newcomb, Mercury Office, Stamford; and Messrs J. and C. Mozley, Derby.

To be disposed of, THREE old-established BUSINESSES. Capital required from £600 to £1500.


Letters to be addressed to Mr. SAMPSON LOW, Office of the Publishers' Circular, stating lowest price, carriage fræ Adams' Index Villaris.

Asiatic Researches, 4to. Vols. 1-5.

Bailey's Astronomical Tables and Formulæ.

Banker's Magazine. Sept. 1844.

Bateman's Turnpike Acts.

Jamieson's Winter Studies and Summer Rambles, 3 vols.
Kemble's Be'owulf. Text and Translation.

Keightley's History of England, 2 v. 1837. V. 2 (2 copies).
Key to Tutor's Assistant. (Vyse.)
Laud's Devotions, by Faber.

Buchanan on Taxation and the Commercial Policy of Law's (W.) Way to Divine Knowledge.

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Lawrence's Farriery.

Lightfoot's Works, by Pitman, 13 vols. 8vo. Vol. 2.
Lindley's Ladies' Botany, plain. Hatchard, 1837.
Lloyd (James) On the Management of Circulation, 1840.
Louth's English Grammar.

M'Gregor on the Taxation of Foreign Countries.
Malthus's Observations on Effects of the Corn Laws, 1814.
Grounds of an Opinion on the Policy of Restrict
ing the Importation of Foreign Corn. 1815.
Maurice's Kingdom of Christ. (Darton, 1838.)
Merivale's Lectures on the Principles of a Legislative Pro-
vision for the Poor in Ireland. 1838.

Colonization. Vol. 1.

Nautical Almanack previous to 1797.

Okin's Physio-Philosophy. (Ray Society.) Pearson's Practical Astronomy.

Vol. 1.

Forster's Mahomedanism Unveiled.

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Pictorial Shakspeare, original issue. Parts 1 to 30. Rogers's Italy, 8vo. sewed.

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Printed at 57, Skinner Street, Snowhill, in the City of London, by ELIEZER Chater Wilson, of 6, Palmer Terrace, in the Parish of St. Mary, islington; and published by SAMPSON LOW, of 14, Great James Street, in the Parish St. Andrew, Holborn, at the Office, 169, Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West.-Thursday, Dec. 4, 181

Simons's Three Lectures on the Cost of Obtaining Money

Southey's Cowper. Vol. 8 to


Spelman's History and Fall of Sacrilege.

Stephen's Central America, 2 vols. 8vo.

Sterne's Works, 12mo. (Dodsley.) Vol. 11, being Vol. 5 Sermons.

A New Version, from the Original Greek. Adapted for Schools and Young Persons.
With 100 Original Designs, by Tenniel.

Published by JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. (Vide Adv. 1014.)

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