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To facilitate reference, tabular forms are also annexed, and the arrangement of the entire work on this easy method is calculated to introduce the reader, step by step, to an excellent understanding of the subjects treated upon."-HOME COMPANION. By the same Author, In One Volume, fcp. 8vo. price 7s. 6d. handsomely bound in cloth gilt; or 10s. 6d. bound in morocco, FLOWERS FROM THE HOLY LAND: Being an Account of the chief Plants named in Scripture; with Historical, Geographical, and Poetical Illustrations. By ROBERT TYAS, B.A. Author of "Favourite Field Flowers," &c. &c. With Twelve beautifully coloured Groups of Flowers, designed and coloured by Andrews. II. In Two Volumes, 12mo. price 7s. 6d. each, handsomely bound in cloth gilt; or 10s. 6d. morocco, Or, Wild Flowers of England popularly described: with illustrative Poetry, original and selected. By ROBERT TYAS, B.A. Queen's College, Cambridge, and Fellow of the Royal Botanic Society of London. With Twelve beautiful coloured groups. III. TYAS'S POPULAR FLOWERS. The FIRST SERIES, price 6s. 6d. handsomely bound in green cloth, gilt, contains Treatises on the Cultivation of the Geranium, Pansy, Carnation, Fuchsia, Dahlia, Rose, Camellia, Cactus, Chrysanthemum, Auricula, Hyacinth, and Tulip. With Twelve coloured Plates. Separate numbers, 6d. IV. TYAS'S POPULAR FLOWERS. The SECOND SERIES, price 6s. 6d. handsomely bound in green cloth, gilt, contains Treatises on the Cultivation of the Pink, Ranunculus, Polyanthus, Cineraria, Amaryllis, Calceolaria, Verbena, Balsam, Petunia, Phlox, and Hollyhock. With Eleven coloured Plates. Separate numbers, 6d. V. Price 6s. cloth, gilt edges; 7s. 6d. silk; or morocco elegant, 8s. 6d. OF FLOWERS. With many Groups of Flowers, tastefully designed and coloured. And they tell in a garland their loves and cares; Each blossom that blooms in their garden bowers This work teaches the eloquent language referred to in the above beautiful lines. 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