PROFESSOR LONGFELLOW'S NEW POEM. THE GOLDEN LEGEND: A MYSTERY. By HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. DAVID BOGUE, FLEET Street. H. NOEL HUMPHREYS' NEW WORK. (931) Very shortly will be published, in super-royal 8vo. handsomely bound in cloth, gilt edges, with Twelve Chromo-lithographic Illustrations, executed in the best manner, and Title printed in gold and silver, TEN CENTURIES OF ART: Its Progress in Europe from the 9th to the 19th Century; with a Glance at the Artistic Works of Classical By HENRY NOEL HUMPHREYS, Author of "Ancient Coins and Medals," &c. By G. P. R. JAMES, Esq. Author of "The Fate," "The Woodman," "Henry Smeaton," "The Old Oak Chest," &c. II. In 1 vol. REVELATIONS OF ROME. By the Author of "Revelations of Russia," "Eastern Europe." With a Plan of Rome, and numerous Illustrations. III. In 2 vols. 30s. THE SHRINES AND SEPULCHRES OF THE OLD AND NEW WORLD. By Dr. MADDEN. Illustrated with numerous Plates. IV. In 3 vols. 8vo. THE PIRATE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN. By the Author of "Peter the Whaler." On Saturday, November 29th, will be published, price ONE SHILLING, the First Number of (933) THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF TERVYON OLITHERS By W. HARRISON AINSWORTH, Esq. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY HABLOT K. BROWNE. To be completed in Twenty Monthly Numbers. LONDON: CHAPMAN AND HALL, 193, PICCADILLY. (934) Now ready, in super-royal 8vo. with numerous Illustrations, uniform with "THE NILE BOAT," &c. Footsteps of Our Lord and his Apostles: A SUCCESSION OF VISITS TO THE SITES AND SCENES OF NEW TESTAMENT NARRATIVE. By W. H. BARTLETT. * This work contains 25 beautifully-executed Engravings on Steel, nearly 300 pages of Letterpress, and several Woodcuts. II. GLEANINGS ON THE OVERLAND ROUTE. With 28 Steel Plates and Maps, and 23 Woodcuts. Super-royal 8vo. 16s. cloth gilt; 28s. morocco elegant. III. THE NILE BOAT; Or, Glimpses of the Land of Egypt. Illustrated by 35 Steel Engravings and Maps, with numerous Cuts. 2d Edition, super-royal 8vo. 16s. cloth gilt; 28s. morocco elegant. IV. FORTY DAYS IN THE DESERT, On the Track of the Israelites. With 27 Engravings on Steel, a Map, and numerous Woodcuts. 4th Edition, super-royal 8vo. 12s. cloth gilt; 21s. morocco gilt. V. WALKS ABOUT JERUSALEM LONDON: ARTHUR HALL, VIRTUE, AND CO. 25, PATERNOSTER Row. THE BOOKSELLERS ALMANACK for 1852. Designed especially for Booksellers and their Assistants in London and its Suburbs, who are already, or who are intending to become, Members of the Booksellers' Provident Institution, of whom a complete list is printed thereon, &c. &c. Price 1s. on a large sheet, with an elegant ornamental Border, and tinted lithographic View of the Retreat, executed and printed by Messrs. Ashbee and Tuckett. Aylott and Jones, 8, Paternoster Row. (937) R. AND A. SUTTABY WILL PUBLISH, NOV. 20TH, ALMANACKS AND POCKET BOOKS FOR 1852. 1. TH HE REGENT; or, Royal Tablet of Memory containing an Almanack and Diary. Embellished with a beautiful Frontispiece, and Six other Engravings on Steel, from Designs by Mr. Havel, 4s.; bound in morocco, 6s. ; or roan tuck, 5s. 2. LE E SOUVENIR; or, Pocket Tablet: containing an Almanack. Embellished with a Frontispiece, and Four other Subjects beautifully printed in Oil Colours, by Mr. G. Baxter, 4s. in paper box; morocco tuck, 6s.; or roan tuck, 5s. **The above may be had in a variety of bindings, suitable for Christmas or New Year's Presents. THE 3. THE LADY'S and GENTLEMAN'S POLITE ASSISTANT, and Useful Remembran. cer; containing an Almanack, with Explanatory Notes. Embellished with a Frontispiece, with other Engravings, 3s. 6d. roan tuck. ARUNDINES CAME (935) Sive Musarum Cantabrigiensium Lusus Canori. Collegit atque edidit HENRICUS DRURY, A.M. 4th Edition, revised, 12s. London: John W. Parker and Son, West Strand. Cambridge: John Deighton. THE (939) On January 1, and to be continued annually, THE CHURCHMAN'S YEAR-BOOK for 1852; or, the Ecclesiastical Annual Register: being a Record of Facts and Proceedings in connexion with the Church of England during the Year 1851. 7s. **The work will contain, among other matters, all important Episcopal Documents and Correspon dence; the Debates of both Houses of Parliament on questions connected with the Church; Abstracts of Acts passed and Papers presented to Parliament during the Session; Proceedings of the Universities, Courts of Law, Church Societies, and of the Church Abroad and in the Colonies; with Procoedings of the Houses of Convocation; Diocesan Synods; and other interesting Miscellaneous Information, including Lists of Persons Ordained, Preferments, Deaths, &c. C. Cox, 12, King William Street, Strand. (940) THE ALMANACKS FOR 1852. Will be published on Thursday, November 20, HE POLITE REPOSITORY; or, Pocket Companion; with Fourteen splendid Engravings and Frontispiece, from original Drawings, engraved by JOHN PYE, Esq., containing a variety of useful and general information. Morocco tuck, 6s.; roan tuck, 5s. THE HISTORICAL ALMANACK: with THE Frontispiece, engraved by C. Cook, Esq., and a full Chronology. Morocco tuck, 3s. 6d.; roan tuck, 2s. 6d. ings, HE CORONET ALMANACK: with *The above may be had in a variety of elegant and handsome bindings suitable for Christmas Presents. A LIST of COUNTRY BANKERS, corrected to the present time, printed on Sheet Super-royal, 2s. Peacock, Mansfield, and Son, 18, Salisbury Square, Fleet Street. (940) Just published, folio, 8s. Shortly will be published, uniform with Mary Powell, THE FARMING ACCOUNT BOOK. By WARREN'S ANNUAL FARMER'S ACCOUNT BOOK. Fourteenth Edition, enlarged. Price-Folio, for large farms, 9s.; Quarto, for small farms and for Schools where Youths are Libellus a Margareta More, quindecim annos nata, Chelseiæ inceptus. Also, in preparation, with Illuminations, QUEEN PHILIPPA'S GOLDEN BOOKE. Recently published, post 8vo. 7s. 6d. antique, trained for Agricultural Pursuits, 5s. 6d. Also, Folio, Y MAIDEN and MARRIED LIFE of with pages for a weekly instead of daily account of Labour, 7s. Also, price 2s., the Third Edition of THE FLOCKMASTER'S COMPANION THE and SHEPHERD'S GUIDE. Also, price 2s., the Second Edition of A READY RECKONER, for the use of Malsters, Farmers, and Seedsmen: to enable them to ascertain the Amount of any Quantity of Corn at any price. By OSWALD FORDHAM. Royston S. and J. Warren. London: Whittaker and Co.; Longman and Co.; Ridgway. To be had of all Booksellers. THE (941) THE RED BOOK FOR 1852. 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A Legend of Reading Abbey: a Novelet. By C. Rambles by Rivers: The Duddon, the Mole, the The Textile Manufactures of Great Britain. By G. Bird Architecture. By James Rennie, A.M. Chymical Manufactures of Great Britain. By G. Dodd. British Manufactures: Metals. By G. Dodd. *The above works from part of "Knight's Weekly and Monthly Volumes," but are complete in themselves. Catalogues containing the whole of the series (160 volumes) can be had of all booksellers. C. Cox, King William Street, Strand. (948) STANDARD SCHOOL BOOKS. DR, SMITH'S CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. DICTIONARY of GREEK and ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. 2nd Edition. With 500 Woodcuts, 8vo. 42s. A SCHOOL DICTIONARY of ANTIQUITIES. Abridged from the above Work. With 200 Woodcuts, 16mo. 10s. 6d. DICTIONARY of GREEK and ROMAN With 560 BIOGRAPHY and MYTHOLOGY. Woodcuts, 3 vols. 8vo. £5. 15s. 6d. DICTIONARY of GREEK and ROMAN GEOGRAPHY. With Woodcuts and Atlas, 8vo. [In the press. A NEW CLASSICAL DICTIONARY, for SCHOOLS. 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