XII. An ENCYCLOPEDIA of COTTAGE, FARM, and VILLA ARCHITECTURE and FURNITURE; containing numerous Designs, from the Villa to the Cottage and the Farm, including Farm Houses, Farmeries, and other Agricultural Buildings; Country Inns, Public Houses, and Parochial Schools; with the requisite Fittings-up, Fixtures, and Furniture, and appropriate Offices, Gardens, and Garden Scenery; cach Design accompanied by Analytical and Critical Remarks. By J. C. LoOUDON. New Edition, edited by Mrs. LOUDON. 8vo. with more than 2,000 Engravings on Wood, 31. 3s. XIII. A DICTIONARY, PRACTICAL, THEORETICAL, and HISTORICAL, of COMMERCE and COMMERCIAL NAVIGATION. Illustrated with DICTIONARY, XIV. GEOGRAPHICAL, STATISTICAL, and HISTORICAL, of the various Countries, Places, and Principal Natural Objects in the ENCYCLOPEDIA of GEOGRAPHY; Comprising a complete Description of the Earth: exhibiting its relation to the Heavenly XVI. DICTIONARY of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, and MINES; Containing a clear Exposition of their Principles and Practice. By ANDREW URE, M.D. F.R.S. M.G.S. M.A.S. Lond.; M. Acad. N.L. Philad.; S. Ph. Soc. N. Germ. Hanov., Mulii., &c. New Edit. corrected. 8vo. with 1,241 Engravings on Wood, 27. 10s. SUPPLEMENT of RECENT IMPROVEMENTS. New Edition. 8vo. with Woodcuts, 14s. XVII. An ENCYCLOPÆDIA of DOMESTIC ECONOMY; Comprising such Subjects as are most immediately connected with Housekeeping: as, the Construction of Domestic Edifices, with the Modes of Warming, Ventilating, and Lighting them; a Description of the various Articles of Furniture, with the Nature of their Materials; Duties of Servants, &c. By THOMAS WEBSTER, F.G.S.; assisted by the late Mrs. PARKES. New Edition. 8vo. with nearly 1,000 Woodcuts, 21. 10s. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, Published by CHARLES DALY, 17, Greville Street, Hatton Garden. BYRON'S POETICAL WORKS. A New Goldsmith's (Oliver) Works-POEMS, Splendid Edition, in fcp. 8vo. double columns, containing 600 pages, new Illustrations on Steel, and Life and Notes by A. C. CUNNINGHAM, Esq. 8. d. 7 6 10 6 Plays, Vicar, Essays, and Life by Washington Boccaccio's Decameron-the Model of Imperial morocco.. (676) s. d. 5 8 2 6 0960 Gil Blas (of Santillane), Adventures of, Gentleman in Black, and Tales of other 0 Irving's (Washington) Sketch-Book, with Imperial morocco.. Waverley Anecdotes, with Illustrations, Imperial morocco.... 8 47 5 8 6 royal 18mo. cloth gilt 7 0 MISCELLANEOUS. то THE TRADE. LETTERPRESS PRINTING INK. N JOHN E. SOWERBY having purchased the MILLER and ARTHUR respectfully recom Stock, Copyright, &c. of SowERBY'S "ENGLISH BOTANY," and the other Works on Natural History published by his late Father, begs respectfully to state that such Works will be as heretofore sold by him, at his residence, No. 3, Mead Place, Lambeth. Part 49 of the Re-issue is now ready. TO BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS, and STATIONERS.-A capital and highly improvable BUSINESS in the above line to be disposed of, with immediate possession, in a thriving Market Town near the Coast, close to a Railway, and in a most respectable neighbourhood. The valuable Printing Presses, Type, Circulating Library, and other Stock to be taken at a fair valuation; and also the lease of the Shop and Premises, which are advantageously situate and moderately rented. Coming in about £800.-For further particulars enquire of Messrs. Wiggins and Co., 10, Aldgate; or G. R. Dodd, Esq., Solicitor, 26, New Broad Street, City, and Reading. If by letter, pre-paid. WA Trade. mend their LETTERPRESS INK to the The manufacture of this Ink is conducted by them on sound Chemical Principles, under the personal supervision of an eminent Chemist, a Fellow of the Royal Society, who, for many years, has given his attention and research io the perfecting of Letterpress Ink. This Ink possesses the property of keeping the Roller in good working order, so as never to loose the grip. It distributes freely-works sharp and clean-washes easily off the types-dries readily on paper, and sets off but little. Colour deep and permanent, never changing to the brown. It does not skin in the barrel or dry on the roller, and is entirely divested of that unpleasant effluvium so injurious to the health of the workmen. Scottish Chemical Works, Leith, 1851. J. BARRETT AND CO., As Agents for England, having now had several months' experience in the sale of the above Inks, have every confidence in further introducing them to the notice of the Trade, as fully bearing out in every respect the recommendation of the manufacturers as given above. Lists of prices and terms will be forwarded, on application to Jeremiah Barrett and Co., Varnish and Colour Manufacturers, Nos. 130, 218 and 219, Bradford Street, Birmingham. WANTED a PRINTER, accustomed to Case and Press, to work at both occasionally, but particularly to take charge of the coloured and other Job Work of a London Printing Office. One accustomed to Machines as well as Presses will be preferred. The situation will be permanent, at the established full pay, to a hand thoroughly competent and steady. A Young Man recently out of his ap-о BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, prenticeship, or with a portion of it to serve, would find this a desirable opening.-Apply at Davidson's Music Warehouse, Peter's Hill, between St. Paul's and Thames Street. Το structed to Sell a flourishing BOOKSELLING, PRINTERS, and others.-Mr. Page is inSTATIONERY, and PRINTING BUSINESS, eligibly situate in a first-class City. Returns are very respectable, and can be much extended. From Auctioneer and Valuer, 28, Moorgate Street. PARTNERSHIP. Wanted, a PARTNER £1000 to £2000 required. Apply to Mr. Page, in a first-class Bookselling and Publishing Establishment in London. About £2000 required. -Address, in the first instance, by letter only, to W. W., care of Mr. Low, Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street. Το то BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, and rences will be given.—Address E. S., 1, Duke Street, TO BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS.— Derby. To BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, and PRINTERS.-A Young Man, of respectable connections, is desirous of obtaining a SITUATION in Town or Country. He has been three years in the trade, two with a bookseller, and one year with a printer. A situation where a general knowledge of business would be obtained is more desired than remuneration.—Address J., Vauxhall Bridge Office, Westminster. W Music Seller in Yorkshire, a YOUTH from 16 to 18 years of age, of good address, who writes well, to assist in a Stationer's Shop. One who has served part of an apprenticeship, or who knows anything of Printing, Binding, or Music would be preferred.-Address, in writing, to A. B., Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street, London. **A well selected Library of about 800 Volumes on sale; also, a small Circulating Library. To be disposed of, in consequence of ill health, an old-established BUSINESS in a Seaport Town. The situation is commanding, Rent and Taxes very moderate, House very commodious, with ample room for Printing Offices and Bookbinding. Returns upwards of £1,000 per annum. No Goodwill required. Apply for further particulars to A. B., care of Το ESSRS. BANGS, BROTHERS, and CO., of New York, solicit from the Publishers of Great Britain consignments of ME Books, Stereotype Plates, Stationery, either for Sale by Auction or upon Commission. Their Sales are patronised by the leading and most extensive Houses, and afford means superior to any other for the introduction to the notice of the American Trade of both surplus and new Stock suitable for circulation in the United States, being numerously attended by the dealers of the various States of the Union and the Canadas. Consignments for the Great Autumn Sales should all be shipped in August. To COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS, AUTHORS, MANUFACTURERS, and others. MR. GEORGE MEASOM, DESIGNER AND ENGRAVER ON WOOD, Continues to execute all orders entrusted to his care in the first style of the Art, An In-door Pupil required. Premium, 150 Guineas, 74, Charrington Street, Oakley Square, London. TESSRS. JOHNSTONE and HUNTER ME beg to inform their Friends that from July 1st they have disposed of the London Branch of their business to Mr. ROBERT THEOBALD, their late Manager, who is authorized to receive their accounts, and whose signature will be full discharge. J. and H. respectfully solicit continued interest in the circulation of their Publications, which Mr. THEOBALD will henceforth supply, having appointed him their exclusive Agent for England. As the Successor of Messrs. JOHNSTONE and HUNTER, ROBERT THEOBALD begs respectfully to WOODCUTS.-To be SOLD cheap, several solicit a continuance of the favours conferred on his Hundred New Woodcuts: amongst which are a superior set of Two Hundred Quadrupeds for a Natural History, and others; Illustrations for Histories of England, Robinson Crusoe, Watts's Hymns, Tables, Vignettes, Shipping, Racing, and many other subjects. Apply to Mr. J. Nicholson, Accountant and Estate Agent, 17, Kingsland Crescent, Kingsland Road. predecessors, and to promise that no effort shall be wanting to secure confidence and support. Every attention will be paid, both in Town and Country, to promote the sale of all Works committed to his care as Publisher, and general orders will meet prompt attention, on the usual terms. 26, Paternoster Row, London, Aug. 1, 1851. OOKSELLERS, TO PRINTERS.—A respectable Young Man BP то wishes to obtain a Situation as COMPOSITOR, either on News or Bookwork.-Letters addressed to G. W. M., Mr. Page, 89, Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square. STATIONERS, PRINTERS, and BINDERS, requiring wellqualified ASSISTANTS, may hear of the same at Mr. Page's, Trade Valuer and Auctioneer, 28, Moorgate Street, free of charge to Principals. Terms for Assistants may be known upon application. BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE. *** Letters to be addressed to Mr. SAMPSON Low, Office of the Publishers' Circular, stating lowest price, carriage free. Adam Thompson; or, Time and Time-keepers. Ansell on Reversionary Values. Austin's Province of Jurisprudence defined. Art-Journal. Vol. 8. Babbage on Life-Assurance. Baillie's Plays on the Passions, 8vo. Barclay's English Dictionary, 1773. Beverlac, 4to. Vol. 3. British Poets, by Park: Select Works of the Minor Poets, Butler's Poetical Works, by Park, 18mo. 1812. Vols. 2 & 3. Byron's Works, 17-vol. edition. Vol. 9 and 10. Davies' (Griffith) Table of Life-Contingencies. Bengal Medical Retiring Fund, 1839. Do. 2d edit. Lond. 1805. D'Urfey's Wit and Mirth, or Fills to purge Melancholy, Encyclopædia Britannica, edited by Napier, 7th edition. Evans's Songs of the Birds. Fielding's Works, 8vo. 1784. Vol. 6. Gallery of Portraits published by the Society for the Gompertz on Reversionary Values. Jacob, Lex Constitutiones, 1719. Jones (Jenkin) on Reversionary Payments. Journals of the Irish Lords and Commons. Complete. Kane's Industrial Resources of Ireland. Key to both Houses of Parliament, 1832. Library of Useful Knowledge, Nos. 234, 235, 238 to 258 in- Miller's View of English Government, 1818. Mountmorris's History of the Irish Parliaments, 1792. Neison's (F. G. P.) Report on the Bengal Military Fund, Owen's Welsh Dictionary, 8vo. 1793. Vol. 2. Pownall on the Administration of the Colonies, 1768. Roberton's (Mr.) Observations on the Mortality and Physi- Russell on the English Constitution, 1823. Smith's Florist's Magazine, 4to. large paper, 1836. Part 7. Stewart's Family which Jesus loved. Stockdale v. Hansard, Case of. Pamphlet. Strickland's Queens, 12-vol. edition. Vols. 1 and 2. Symond's Mechanics of Law Making, 1835. Tatlock's Poems, 2 vols. 12mo. about 1811. Thomson's (A. S.) Observations on the Influence of Climate Trial of the Mutineers of the Ship "Bounty," in 1789. Johnson's (Dr. Sam.) Debates in Parliament, from 1740 to Wilson's Sanskrit Dictionary. 2d edition. Wynn's Jurisdiction of the House of Commons, 1810. Printed at 57, Skinner Street, Snowhill, in the City of London, by ELIEZER CHATER WILSON, of 6, Palmer Terrace, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington; and published by SAMPSON Low, of 14, Great James Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the Office, 169, Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West.-Friday, August 1, 1851. THE PUBLISHERS ADV ANCEMENT OF THE NING LEARNI Fourpence. CIRCULAR AND General Record of British and Foreign Literature ; CONTAINING A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN, ALISON (A.)-The Second Reformation; or, Christianity Developed. By A. Alison, post 8vo. pp. 236, cloth, 7s. 6d.... ....[4291 ARCHBOLD (J. F.)-The New Rules and Forms of the County Courts, regulating the Practice and Proceedings: with Notes and Forms. By John Frederick Archbold. 12mo. pp. 148, boards, 4s. ..[4292 ARNOLD (T. K.)-Ecloga Ovidianæ. Part 12, Selections from the Metamorphosis: with English Notes. Edited by Thomas Kerchever Arnold. 12mo. pp. 264, cloth, 5s. ..[4293 (Vide Adv. 703.) The Oration of Eschines against Ctesiphon: with English Notes. By J. T. Champlin. Edited, with additional Notes, including those of President Wolsey, by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold. 12mo. pp. 156, cloth, 4s.... .[4294 (Vide Adv. 703.) ARROWSMITH (J.) The Paper-Hanger's and Upholsterer's Guide: a Treatise on Paper-Hanging and Upholstery, in which the Practical Operations of the two Branches of the Trade are systematically laid down. By James Arrowsmith. 12mo. 25.... [4295 (Vide Adv. 682.) BAXTER'S Pictorial Key to the Great Exhibition. 4to. sewed, 3s.... [4296 BLACK'S Tourist and Sportsman's Companion to the Counties of Scotland: a Series of 36 coloured Maps. 8vo. roan, 10s. 6d. . .[4297 BROCK (T.)-A Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Brock. By the Rev. Henry Carey. 12mo. pp. 270, cl. 4s. 6d... [4298 BROWN (R.)-Flax, its Culture and Preparation, with reference to the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland. By Robert Brown, Esq. 2d edition, demy Svo. (Glasgow), pp. 54, 18.... [4.99 BUCKINGHAM (J. S.)-Temperance and Peace: an Earnest Plea for the Reign of Temperance and Peace, as conducive to the Prosperity of Nations, submitted to the Visitors of the Great Exhibition 12mo. pp. 144, 2s. 6d. [4300 CAMPBELL (J.)-The Child's Economic Instructor. By James Campbell. 24th edit. Part 1 (Edinb.) 18mo. sewed, reduced to itd. . [4301 The Child's Economic Instructor. 19th edition, Part 2 (Edinburgh), 18mo. sewed, reduced to 3d. ..[4302 CHRISTIAN DUTIES as essentially conducive to Progress in the Spiritual Life. New edition, 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 3s. 6d.... ..[4303 COCKERELL (C. R.)-Iconography of the West Front of Wells Cathedral: with an Appendix on the Sculptures of other Medieval Churches in England. By Charles Robt. Cockerell. 4to. cloth, 21 s..... ..[4304 COFFIN (A. I.)-Medical Botany: a Course of Lectures delivered at Sussex Hall during 1850. By A. I. Coffin, M.D. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 236, cloth, 3s...... DALYELL (SIR J. G.)-The Powers of the Creator displayed in the Creation; or, Observations on Life, amidst the various Forms of the Humbler Tribes of Animated Nature: with Practical Comments and Illustrations. By Sir John Graham Dalyell, Knt. and Bart. Vol. 1, 4to. pp. 282, and 7 plates, 4. 48....... .[4308 (Vide Adv. 680.) DANTE.-The Divine Comedy, Vision of Hell. Translated in the Original Ternary Rhyme. By C. B. Cayley. 12mo pp. 270, cloth, 6s. [4309 DE CASTRO (D. A.)-The History of the Jews in Spain, from the Time of their Settlement in that Country till the Commencement of the Present Century. By Don. Adolfo de Castro. Translated by the Rev. Edward D. G. M. Kinvan. Post Svo. pp. 280, cloth, 6s.....[4310 Alphabetical List of New Works-continued. DU SUE.-The French Translator, adapted to the 4th Edition of the Author's Grammar. By Prof. Du Sue. 12mo. (Dublin), pp. 116, cloth, 2s. .[4311 ELLIOTT (E. B.)-Hora Apocalyptica; or, a Commentary on the Apocalypse, Critical and Historical. By E. B. Elliot. 4th edition, 4 vols. 8vo. pp. 2,400, cl. £2. 14s.[4312 (Vide Adv. 277.) ELLIS (Mrs. H. C.)-Sacred Thoughts. By the late Mrs. Henry Clements Ellis. Square 16mo. pp. 100, cloth, 3s. 6d.. ...[4313 ESCHENBURG'S (J. J.)—A Manual of Classical Literature. By W. N. Fiske. Royal 8vo. reduced to 20s. bound ..[4314 EVES (C.)-Exercises in Arithmetic for Junior Classes, with Tables of Money, Weights, &c. By Charles Eves. 12mo. pp. 20, cloth, 6d... . [4315 FENELON.-Extracts from the Religious Works of La Motte Fenelon. Translated from the original French. By Miss Marshall. 11th edition, 12mo. pp. 240, cloth, ..[4316 5s. FOX (W.) The Six Colonies of New Zealand. By W. Fox. 12mo. pp. 178, cloth, 3s.; with Map, 4s. 6d........ [4317 (Vide Adv. 683.) GEMS from the Spirit Mine, illustrative of Peace, Brotherhood, and Progress. Square, pp. 180, cl. 2s. 6d.[4318 GENEALOGICAL CHART, showing the Descent of Her Majesty Queen Victoria from William the Conqueror and Robert Bruce. 4 Sheets, 7s. 6d. ; on rolier, 10s. 6d. [4319 GEOGRAPHY for Children. 11th edition, revised and enlarged, 18mo. (Dublin), pp. 20, sewed, 3d........[4320 GERLACH (Dr.)—A Comprehensive German and English Dictionary. By Dr. Gerlach. 12mo. bound, 7s. 6d. [4321 GIFFORD (J.)-The Marine Botanist: an Introduction to the Study of Algology, containing a Description of British Sea Weeds. By Isabella Gifford. 2d edition, 12mo. (Bath), pp. 150, cloth, 5s...... ..[4322 GOYDER (Rev. T.)-A Biographical Sketch of the Life of Treatise on the Working and ........ [4326* HOBLYN (R. D.)-British Plants; containing an Explanation of Classification, &c. By R. D. Hoblyn. 12mo. pp. 126, sewed, 1s..... [4327 (Scott's First Books in Science.) (Vide Adv. 608.) HUTTON (C.)-Ruled Paper Books to Book-keeping. Single Entry, Books 1 and 2, folio (Edinburgh), sewed, 2s.; Double Entry, Books 1 and 2, sewed, 2s. .[4328 IGABUS; or, the Last of the Druids: an Historical Poem. By Esther Le Hardy. 12mo. cloth, 5s.............[4329 JASPER LYLE: a Tale of Kaffir Land. By Mrs. Ward. Vol. 1, pp. 220, boards, 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d................ . [4330 (Railway Library.) KATE CONNOR; or, a Text for all Things: written in Simple Language, and intended for Distribution among the Irish Peasantry. By Sidney O'Moore. 2d edition, 18mo. (Dublin), pp. 36, sewed, 4d. [4331 KIMBAR (T.)-Construction of Vauban's First System; consisting of Drawings as executed at Sandhurst and Addiscombe: with Instructions giving the dimensions of every Line and Angle, and Remarks on Plan Drawing, Shadowing, and Colouring. By Thomas Kumber, B.A. 8vo. pp. 34, cloth, 5s.. ..[4332 LATROBE (C. E.)-Letters to my Children, written at Sea during a Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, in 1815. Edited by J. A. Latrobe. 12mo. pp. 90, cl. 2s. 6d. . [4334 (Vide Adv. 568.) LETTER to Sir E. B. Lytton, Bart. commenting upon the Policy advocated in his Letters to John Bull, Esq. By W. Bull. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 6d............. ..[4335 LEWIS (L.)-International Code of Commerce: a Lecture. By L. Lewis. 8vo. (Edinburgh), sewed, 6d............ ..[4336 LONDON (The) Catalogue of Books Published in Great Britain, with their Sizes, Publishers' Names, &c. New Edition (from 1816 to 1851.) 1 thick vol. medium 8vo. pp. 644, cloth, 30s....... ...[4337 ..[4338 LYONS (J.)-An Act further to facilitate the Sale of Encumbere i Estates in Ireland, 12 and 13 Vict. 12mo. (Dublin), reduced to 2s. 6d. cloth...... MACGILLIVRAY'S (W.) British Land Birds. 3 vols. Svo. cloth, reduced to 18s. ... ..[4339 MADDOCK (A. B.)-Cases of Pulmonary Consumption. By A. B. Maddock. 8vo. cloth, advanced to 2s. 6d.[1340 MARTIN (Lieut. T.)—Guide to the Military Examination, containing every thing relating to the interior Economy of a Company, and how to keep its Accounts, according to the late Horse Guards' Circular. By Lieut. T. Martin. 12mo. pp. 88, cloth, 4s. 6d... .[4341 MARTIN (W.)-Intellectual Expositor and Vocabulary; containing Tables of Prefixes, Affixes, &c. By William Martin. 12mo. pp. 120, cloth, 1s. 6d... [4342 Intellectual Spelling Book of Pronunciation. By William Martin. 12mo. pp. cloth, 1s............ .[4343 MARY Queen of Scots, the History of. By T. A. Mignet. 8vo. pp. 384, cloth, 148. ..[+3+4 MATHIA (B. W.)-Popery not Catholicism. By B. W. Mathia. 12mo. (Liverpool), sewed, 1s. 6d. ; cl. 2s. [4345 (Vide Adv. 493.) M'CULLOCH.-Key to M'Culloch's Course of Reading. 12mo. 1s. cloth, sewed; bound, 1s. 6d. . ......... [4345 MILNER (J. W.)-The Design of God traced in the Great Exhibition, and our Duty as Christians in reference to it. By the Rev. J. W. Milner. 12mo. pp. 106, cloth, ..[4347 2s. By T. MORRIS (T.)-Recollections of Military Service. Morris. 4th edition, 18mo. cloth, 2s. 6d........... [4348 MOSCHZISKER (F. A.)—A Guide to the German Language. A Manual for the Acquirement of a Grammati cal and Correct Knowledge of German. By Franz Adolf Moschzisker. 12mo. pp. 160, cloth, 7s.... . [4319 MURRAY's Handbook of Modern London, or London as 12mo. pp. 306, cloth, 5s..... ....[4350 (Vide Adv. 514.) it is. NUNN (T.)-Posthumous Letters on Christian Experi ence to a Friend. By Thomas Nunn. 12mo. (Sleaford), pp. 140, sd. 18.; cloth, 1s. 6d. ...[4351 O'DONOVAN (Jno.)-Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland. By the Four Masters. 1st Division. 2 vols. (Dublin), 4to. cloth, .[4352 PAROCHIAL PAPERS. Edited by the Rev. John Armistead. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 464, cloth, 7s.... .[4353 PETRARCH.-Odes. Translated into English Verse, by Capt. R. G. Macgregor. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 238, cloth, 4s. 6d. ...[+354 PICTURESQUE GUIDE to the Lakes of Killarney, with Views. Svo. (Dublin), sd. 3s. 6d. .[4355 POPULAR LIBRARY. Shakespeare's (W.) Dramatic Works. By W. Hazlitt. Vol. 3, Part 2, 12mo. sd. 15.; cloth, 1s. 6d. . [4356 PRENTICE (A.)-Historical Sketches and Personal RecolBy A. Prentice. 2d edition, ..[+357 ..... lections of Manchester. Svo. cloth, 6s. RAIKE (H.)-A Popular Sketch of the Origin and Development of the English Constitution, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. By Henry Raike. Vol. 1, to the Accession of James the First. 8vo. pp. 336, cloth, .[4358 88. (Vide Adv. 653.) (Vide Adv. 662.) RUSKIN (J.)-Pre-Raphaelitism. By the Author of " Modern Painters." 8vo. pp. 70, sewed, 2s. [4359 |