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Educational Works-continued.


By Dr. A. HEIMANN, Professor at University College.
the GERMAN LANGUAGE. 12mo. 5s. cloth.
ENGLISH into GERMAN. 12mo. 5s. 6d. cloth.
London: D. Nutt, 270, Strand.


[blocks in formation]

TABLEAU des VERBES IRREGULIERS (a Complete Table of the Irregular French Verbs). This Table presents to the Student a great advantage,

PIECES CHOISIES de l'AMI des EN- by exhibiting in One View the Infinitive correspon

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FANTS de M. BERQUIN, à l'usage des Pen- ing in Four Languages, viz. :—French, English, Gersions. New Edition, 12mo. 4s. 6d. roan. man, and Italian. Royal Sheet, 25 by 20 in., ls. London: Whittaker and Co. Liverpool: Deighton and Laughton. Birkenhead: Crichton and Marshall. (639)

Dulau and Co.; Longman and Co.; F. and J. Rivington; Whittaker and Co.; Simpkin and Co.; C. H. Law; J. Green; Clarke and Co.


NOTICE.-NEW YORK AUTUMN TRADE SALES. ESSRS. BANGS, BROTHERS, and CO., of New York, solicit from the Publishers of Great Britain consignments of


Books, Stereotype Plates, Stationery,

either for Sale by Auction or upon Commission.

Their Sales are patronised by the leading and most extensive Houses, and afford means superior to any other for the introduction to the notice of the American Trade of both surplus and new Stock suitable for circulation in the United States, being numerously attended by the dealers of the various States of the Union and the Canadas.

Consignments for the Great Autumn Sales should all be shipped in August,
Mr. SAMPSON Low, of London, will afford all needful explanations.
169, Fleet Street, July 1st, 1851.

OORS WANTED. The attention of
Dealers in Second-Hand Books is called to the
List of Books Wanted, published every week in
"NOTES AND QUERIES," which numbers among its
Correspondents the principal Literary Men and Book
Collectors of the day.

NOTES AND QUERIES is published every Saturday, price 3d.; Stamped, 4d.; and in Monthly Parts and Half-yearly Volumes. Vol. 3, with very copious Index, price 9s. 6d. cloth boards, is now ready. Vols. 1 and 2, also, 9s. 6d. each, may still be had.

George Bell, 186, Fleet Street.

WANTED, a Young Man, about 20, as

SHOPMAN to a Bookseller, and to make himself useful. One accustomed to the Old Book Trade.-Apply by letter, stating particulars of age, salary, and last employer's name, &c., to W. H., 29, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields.



intended for the forthcoming Number are requested to be forwarded to the Publishers by the 21st, and BILLS by the 23d instant.

Jackson and Walford, 18, St. Paul's Churchyard; and Simpkin, Marshall, and Co., Stationers' Hall Court.


PRINTERS.-The Advertiser, who is thoroughly acquainted with the above trades, is desirous of a permanent SITUATION. Could undertake the entire management of a Country Printing Office, and also make himself generally useful in the shop. The highest references can be given by his late employer, whose business he has conducted for the last fourteen years. Address A. B., care of Mr. R. J. Dangerfield, Bookseller, Dunstable.

TO BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS, &c.— The Advertiser is desirous of purchasing an established BUSINESS, either in Town or Country. Returns not less than £1000.-Address stating particulars to X., care of Mr. Gillard, 6, Farringdon Street, London.

THE HE ADVERTISER is desirous of meeting with an ENGAGEMENT in the Bookselling and Publishing Business. Having served his time, and many years subsequent remained, in the Esta blishment of a large Publishing House in the Row, he trusts that he may be found qualified to superintelle, or take the management if required, of a Book-O BOOKBINDERS and STATIONERS. seller's Business, either in Town or Country.-Ad- -Wanted, by a Young Man, aged 22, a SITUdress B. T., Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet ATION in the above business.-Apply, by letter, Street, London. to A. E., at Mr. Drayson's, Tobacconist, St. George's Street, Canterbury.


TO PRINTERS, &c.-Wanted, by a
spectable Man, of good address, about 30, a
SITUATION to manage a Printing Office, either in
Town or Country. Has been mostly in the Country.
Has a knowledge of Bookbinding.-Address W. C. G.,
Messrs. Batty and Co., Wholesale Stationers, 174,
Aldersgate Street, London.

[ocr errors]

PRINTERS, and BINDERS, requiring well-
qualified Assistants, may hear of the same at

Mr. Page's, Trade Valuer and Auctioneer, 28, Moor

gate Street, free of charge to Principals. Terms for

Assistants may be known upon application.



To be disposed of, on advantageous terms, an improving BUSINESS, eligibly situated in one of the largest manufacturing towns in Lancashire. Printing may be added with great advantage. About £500 required. Satisfactory reasons given for relinquishing.-Address X Z., care of Mr. Sampson Low, Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street, London.

O BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. -To be disposed of, a snug BUSINESS in the above line, in one of the most fashionable Watering Places in the South of Devon. The returns are good, and capable of being extended, and to a person possessing about £200 presents a rare opportunity.— Apply to Mr. W. H. Hall, Post Office, Union Street, Torquay, Devon.

ARE OPPORTUNITY for PRINTERS TO be DISPOSED of, an established Second


commencing BUSINESS.-Demy Albion Press, large Standing Press, and Stock of Printing Materials, forming one of the most complete Offices ever offered for sale. The Types form a splendid variety for an Office of moderate size; many of them have never been used, and most of the founts would be considered equal to new, the Proprietor having only just completed the fitting up of the Office when illness prevented him from following his profession.-For Catalogues and Specimens apply personally, or by letter,

Hand Bookseller's BUSINESS, situated in one of the best thoroughfares in Southwark, near the Elephant and Castle, where a good ready money business may be carried on with small capital and expense. Good, showy Shop Window. Rent low, half paid by respectable lodgers; leaving room for a small family. The fixtures and coming-in about £25. Any part of the Stock at the option of the purchaser. -Address B. J., at Mr. Pettit's, Bookseller, 137, Fleet Street, London.


at Underwood's Berlin Wool Repository, Peterborough. TO NEW and OLD BOOKSELLERS, TO BOOKBINDERS and ENGRAVERS. RAL. To be Disposed of by Private Treaty, the -To be disposed of, with great advantages to a TENANT'S INTEREST in those Old Established purchaser, an excellent BOOKBINDING and EN- Premises, situate No. 129, Market Street, Manchester GRAVING BUSINESS, and to which might be (lately carried on by Henry Whitmore, deceased), toadded Letterpress Printing: the connexion is upwards gether with the Fixtures and large well-assorted of thirteen years' standing, and will be found a first- Stock of New and Old Books, containing, amongst rate Concern to an enterprising tradesman with about the new stock, the first standard and other works ex£250 at his command. The Stock, Presses, Tools, tant; also some very rare and valuable works amongst &c., to be taken at a valuation; and arrangements the old books. The above is an opportunity rarely may be made with the present proprietor for his oc- offered to the public, as there is an extensive Pubcasional services if required. Satisfactory reasons lication and Periodical Business carried on, and the will be given for his declining this branch of his busi- returns of the business can be shown to be very great. ness.-Application, by letter, to A. B. Y., Post-Apply to Adams and Bridgford, Accountants, 32, Office, Norwich. Cross Street, Manchester.


Letters to be addressed to Mr. SAMPSON LOW, Office of the Publishers' Circular, stating lowest price, carriage free. Addison's Works, by Hurd, 6 vols. Airey on Gravitation.

Alexander (Capt.), Travels in West Africa, 2 v. 12mo. 1837.
Ancient Laws of 15th Century for King's College and Eton
School, collected by Hayward and Wright.

Annotationes ad Eschylum, 2 vols.

Art Journal. Vols. 1 to 6, and 8.

Atkins (Sir R.), Parliamentary and Political Tracts.
Bailey's Astronomical Tables.

Banister's British Colonization.

Jebb's Theology, 8vo. Vol. 2.

Joplin's Illustrations of the Currency.
Joplin's Outlines of Political Economy.
Kennedy's Texas, 2 vols.

Langhorne's Plutarch, 6 vols. 8vo.

Library of the Fathers. Vols, 4, 9, 11, and 18 to
Life of Sir James Mackintosh.

Lodge's Portraits. Part 41 of the 4to. edit. ; proofs Ind. pap.
Lucretius, by Mason Good.

Mason's Government of America.

[blocks in formation]

Ciceronis Epistolæ, 3 vols. Regent's edition.

Collier's Laws of Mines, 12mo. Two copies.

Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman, by Lady Blessington, illustrated.

Cowell's (Dr.) Institutions.

Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, 1790. Vol. 1.

De La Casa (John), Capitolo del Forno. Venice, 1538; re-
printed 1728.

Dieffenbach's Travels in New Zealand, 2 vols. 1843.
Elmsley's Scholia in Sophoclem.

Ensor's Population of Nations,

Epicure's Almanac, by B. J. Hill. 1841-3.

Fellows' Right of Property.

Fielding's Works, 10 vols. 8vo.

Forbes' California, 8vo. cloth.

Fox's Book of Martyrs, 8 vols. 8vo. 1839. Vol. 2.

Fullarton's Regulation of the Currency.

Garden of Knowledge, a Persian Tale.

Glenelg (Lord), Despatches on Canada.

Godwin's Commonwealth, 4 vols. 8vo.

Gray on the Whale.

Hayes on Chloride of Zinc.

Herman's Political Antiquities of Greece.

[blocks in formation]

Holinshed's Chronicles.

Memoirs of Geolog. Society of Great Britain, except Vol. 1.
Merivale on Colonization.

Milton's Prose, by Symmons, 7 vols.

Milton's Poetry, by Todd, 6 vols.

Mitford's Our Village. Vols. 1, 3, and 5.

Moreau's Record of British Finance.

Mundell's Philosophy of Legislation.

Musket's Tables of Value.

Nautical Magazine. 1843 to 1849.

Nicholson (Bp.), Hist. of English, Scotch, and Irish Litanies.
Nicol (Robert), Poems.

Parnell on Roads.

Pilkington's Dictionary of Painters. Vol. 1.

Politilissis on Revolutions.

Prestwick's Geology. Weale's Series.

Ray's Revenue System of India.
Rusk's Icelandic Grammar.

Russell's Modern Europe. Vol. 4; any edition since 1830.
Sharp's Anglo-Saxon Grammar.

Version of the Four Gospels.

Sheffield's Colonial System.

Spackman's Statistical Tables.

Spilman's Works and Remains, except Glossar. Archæolog.
Stewart's Human Mind, 4to. Vol. 1.

Stirling and Nuttall's Horace, 4 vols. 18mo.

Thiers' French Revolution, by Shoberl. Parts 1, 2, and 11.
Thompson's Ordinances of the Mines of New Spain. 2 copies.
Treatise on Probabilities. Weale's Series.

Trotter's Finances of the North American States.

Tyrrel's General History of England, Ecclesiast. and Civil.
Veterinarian. Vol. 19, 1846, to

Volney's Ancient History, 2 vols. 8vo.

Walton's Dissensions of Spanish America.

Weld's State of National Finance.

[blocks in formation]

Printed at 57, Skinner Street, Snowhill, in the City of London, by ELIEZER CHATER WILSON, of 6, Palmer Terrace, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington; and published by SAMPSON LOW, of 14, Great James Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the Office, 169, Fleet Street, in the Parish ofSt. Dunstan in the West.-Wednesday, July 16, 1851.






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General Record of British and Foreign Literature ;



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A FEW COPIES of the Educational Number of the CIRCULAR may still be had by Subscribers in the Trade who are able to make a judicious use of the same. Immediate application is necessary.

THE Right Hon. T. B. MACAULAY's Essay upon the Character of WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM, forms the new number of THE TRAVELLER'S LIBRARY-vide Adv. 661.

MR. MURRAY'S Handbook of MODERN LONDON is now ready. It forms a compact mass of useful information for all, either residents or strangers.

No. 1. of a NEW SERIES of THE JOURNAL OF SACRED LITERATURE, edited by JOHN KITTO, D.D., F.S.A., will be published on the 1st of October, 1851, 5s. per Number, or 20s. per Annum. This Journal has now been nearly four years before the public, and in that time the Editor has been enabled to realise many of the objects he originally contemplated. In this series more equal attention will be given to all the departments of sacred literature, and an effort will be made to render the Journal more generally readable to all who take interest in biblical investigations, without compromising the character for sound scholarship which the publication has already won.



ANDERSON (W. W.)-A Description and History of the
Island of Jamaica. By William Wemyss Anderson.
Svo. pp. 46, sewed, 6d...


. [4057

Jamaica and the Americans. By William Wemyss Anderson. 8vo. pp. 30, sewed, 6d... ANSWER to "What is to become of the Crystal Palace ?" By Greville. 8vo. sewed, is. .[4058 ARNOLD (T. K.)-Thucydides, Book I.: with English Notes and Grammatical References. 12mo. pp. 260, cloth, 5s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 671.) [4059 AUE (C. E.)-Second German Reading Book; with Notes in English. By Carl Eduard Aue. 12mo. pp. 300, cloth, [4060 (Chambers' Educational Course.) BABYLON AND NINEVEH. The Two Volumes of the Monthly Series of the Religious Tract Society bound together, with engraved frontispiece. 18mo. pp. 384, cloth, 1s. 6d. [4061 BACON (F.)-Essays, or Counsels, Civil and Moral. By Francis Bacon. With copious Notes, &c. by Dr. Spiers. 12mo. pp. 206, cloth, 38... .[4062 BAINES (J.)-Tales of the Empire; or, Scenes from the History of the House of Hapsburg. By the Rev. John Baines, M.A. 18mo. pp. 96, cloth, 2s. BALLINGALL (SIR G.)-Observations on the Site and Construction of Hospitals. By Sir G. Ballingall. to. (Edinburgh), sewed, 2s. 6d. ...[4064 BARTH (DR.)-Poor Henry. Translated from the German, by S. Jackson. Square, pp. 130, bds. 1s. 6d. [1006


[blocks in formation]

BEALE (L. J.)-The Laws of Health in relation to Mind
and Body: a Series of Letters from an Old Practitioner
to a Patient. By Lionel John Beale. Post 8vo. pp. 322,
cloth, 7s. 6d.
BENNETT (J. H.)-Lectures on Clinical Medicine. By
J. II. Bennett. Part 5, 8vo. (Edinburgh), sewed, 2s.[4068
BERLYN (P.) and FOWLER (C.)-The Crystal Palace.
8vo. cloth, reduced to 5s.


BISHOP (J.)-Collection of Chants. By J. Bishop. Ob-
long, sewed, 1s. 4d...
BLACK'S Picturesque Guide through North and South
Wales and Monmouthshire; illustrated by Maps, Charts,
and Views of Scenery. 12mo. pp. 400, cloth, 5s...[4071
BLACK (G.)-Modern English Quakerism: an Account of
a Gross Case of Fraud by certain Members of the Society
of Friends. By George Black. 2d edition, 8vo. pp. 100,
sewed, 1s. 60.
. [4072
BLOTS on the Escutcheon of Rome: a Brief History of
the Chief Papal Persecutions. By Six Protestant Ladies.
Edited by Miss Christmas; with an Introduction by the
Rev. H. Stowell. Post 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 7s. 6d. [4073
BLYTH (G.)-Reminiscences of Missionary Life; with
Suggestions to Churches and Missionaries. By the Rev.
George Blyth. 12mo. pp. 264, cloth, 48.

Alphabetical List of New Works-continued.

BOSANQUET (S.)-The Sacramental and the Mediatorial Systems contrasted. By Samuel Bosanquet. 8vo. (Monmouth), pp. 18, sewed, 6d. ... [4075 BRADSHAW'S Strangers' Guide through London. 3d edition, square, sewed, 1s.. ..[4076 BRADSHAW'S Guide through London. 2d edition, square, sewed, reduced to 18. ..[4077 BREWER (DR.)-Guide to the Scientific Knowledge of Things familiar. By the Rev. Dr. Brewer. 6th edition, 18mo. pp. 496, cloth, 38. 6d. .... [4078 CAMPBELL'S Pleasures of Hope, &c., with Collins' and Gray's Works. 24mo. cloth, 2s.. ..[4079 CHARVOLANT.-A Treatise on the Eropleustic Art; or, Navigation in the Air by Means of Kites, or Buoyant Sails: with a Description of the Charvolant, or Kite Carriage. Square, pp. 54, illustrations, bds. 2s. 6d. [4080 CHEVALLIER (T)-A Translation of the Epistles of Clement of Rome, Polycarp and Ignatius, and of the Apologies of Justin Martyr and Tertullian. By Temple Che. vallier. 2d edition, 8vo. pp. 490, cloth, 12s. ......[4081 (Vide Adv. 654.)

CHILD'S Guide to Knowledge: being a Collection of Useful and Familiar Questions and Answers on Every-day Subjects; adapted for Young Persons, and arranged in the most simple and easy Language. By a Lady. 20th edition, enlarged with several additional Subjects. 18mo. half-bound, 3s. . [4082 CHRIST in his Ministry the Fountain of Life. 18mo. (Bath), pp. 24, sewed, 3d. .[4083 CHRISTIAN (The) Armed. 12mo. pp. 208, cl. 3s.6d.[4084 CHURCHES (The) of Sussex. By R. H. Nibbs. 1st series, 4to. cloth, 2.4s.... .[4085

CLIFFE (C. F.)-Book of North Wales. By C. F. Cliffe. 2d edition, 12mo. with map and illustrations, cl. 5s.[4086 COMPANION to the Services of the Church of England for Every Sunday in the Year. 18mo. pp. 396, cloth, reduced to 3s. 6d. .[4087 COMPULSORY (The) Marriage and its Consequences: a Novel. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 920, cloth, 31s. 6d..... ...[4088 (Vide Adv. 555.) COOKSON (R.)-The Goosnargh Rambler. By Richard Cookson. 12mo. (Preston), pp. 150, cloth, 1s. 6d... [4089 CORFE (G.)-Physiognomy of Diseases. By George Corfe. 4to. cloth, reduced to 5s..... . [4090 COX (J.)-Life Reviewed and Death Surveyed: a Discourse on the Death of Mr. Pope, Baptist Minister of Meopham; with a Sketch of his Life and Death. By John Cox. 18mo. cloth, 1s. 6d.

..[4091 CROLY (G.)-Protestantism contrasted with Popery. By the Rev. G. Croly, LL.D. Three Speeches, with a Preface. 8vo. pp. 22, sewed, 1s....... ....(4092

CROLY (G.)-Scenes from Scripture; with other Poems. By the Rev. George Croly. 8vo. pp. 230, cl. 10s. 6d. [4093 (Vide Adv. 645.)

3d edition, en[4094

CROSS (F.)-Hints to all about to Rent, Buy, or Build House Property. By Francis Cross. larged, 12mo. pp. 160, cloth, 2s. 6d.... CROWTHER (J.)-An Essay on Scriptural Education. By the Rev. Jonathan Crowther. Svo. pp. 44, sewed, 6d. . [4095 CRUICKSHANK (J.)- Accordion and Flutina Teacher. By J. Cruickshank. Square (Aberdeen), pp. 40, sewed, ...[4096 CRYSTAL PALACE.-A Medical Man's Plea for a Winter


Garden in the Crystal Palace. 8vo. sewed, 6d.....[4097 CURLING (H.)-A Lashing for the Lashers; being an Exposition of the Cruelties practised upon the Cab and Omnibus Horses of London. By Henry Curling. 8vo. sewed, 6d. [4098

DAILY OFFICE for the Use of Families; to be said Morning and Evening throughout the Year. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 102, sewed, 9d.; cloth, 1s. 2d. ..[4099 DARLING (J.)-Can a Clergyman create an Equitable Charge on his Living under the Statute 1 and 2 Vict., cap. 10? By John Darling, M.A. 8vo. pp. 28, sewed,


[4099* DAVIDSON (S.)-Introduction to the New Testament. Vol. 3, The First Epistle to Timothy to the Revelations.

By Samuel Davidson. Evo. pp. 700, cloth, 15s..... [4100 NEWSPAPERde Adv. 561.)

DE DETOU (J. G. J.)-Therapeutic Manipulation; or, Medicina Mechanica. By J. G. J. De Betou. Translated by J. W. F. Blundell. Svo. pp. 50, sewed, 1s. .... [4101 DICKINSON (J.)-The Flora of Liverpool. By Joseph Dickinson, M.A. 8vo. (Liverpool), pp. 166, cl. 5s. [4102 Vide Adv. 576.)

DONALDSON (J.)-Soils and Manures, the Improvemen of Land, and the Rotation of Crops. By J. Donalds on 12mo. pp. 160, sewed, Is.... [4103 DOWER'S School Atlas. Revised by Petermann. New edition, royal 8vo. with 40 maps, 12s..... ...[+104 DOYLE (R.)-Les Moeurs et les Coutumes des Anglais en 1849. Par Richard Doyle. Avec des Extraits du Journal du Monsieur Pips. Contribués par Perceval Leigh. 4to. 158....... .......[4105 DUD DUDLEY'S Mettallum Martis; or, Iron made with Pit Coal, Sea Coal, &c. 12mo. pp. 70, boards, 2s. 6d.[4106 DUNCAN (D.)-The Law of Moses; its Character and Design. By David Duncan. 12mo. (Edinburgh), pp. 410, cloth, 6s. ....[4107

EDMUNDS (J.)-Sermons preached for the most part in a Village Church in the Diocese of Durham. By the Rev. John Edmunds. 12mo. pp. 340, cloth, 5s..

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

[4108 By the Rev. J. ..[4109

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

FLY FISHING in Salt and Fresh Water, in 6 Plates representing Artificial Flies. 8vo. pp. 76, cloth, 7s. 6d. [4115 FOOD FOR BABES; or, the First Sermons that Little Children are able to understand. By the Rev. D. Barclay Bevan. 3d edition, 18mo. (Bristol), pp. 356, cloth,


4s. 6d.

..[4116 FREEMAN (J. J.)-Tour in South Africa; with Notices of Natal, Mauritius, Madagascar, Ceylon, Egypt, and Palestine. By J. J. Freeman. 12mo. pp. 504, cloth, 78.[4117 GATTY (MRS. A.)-The Fairy Godmothers, and other Tales. By Mrs. Alfred Gatty. 12mo. pp. 154, cloth, ....[4118 GILES (DR.)-Geography in Question and Answer; for the Use of Little Children. By Dr. Giles. 18mo. pp. 98, sewed, 9d.... ..[4119 GLADSTONE (W. E.)-Two Letters to the Earl of Aber deen, on the State Prosecutions of the Neapolitan Government. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 3d edition, 8vo. pp. 60, sewed, 2s. .....[4120 GOODACRE'S ARITHMETIC. By W. Goodacre and T. Cockayne. 11th edition, 12mo. (Nottingham), pp. 260, cloth, 3s. [4191 GORTON (J.)-A General Biographical Dictionary. By John Gorton. New edit. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d. [4122) GRESLEY (W.)-The Ordinance of Confession. By William Gresley, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 148, cloth, 38...[4123 GRIFFIN (G.)-Rivals; and Tracey's Ambition. By Ge rald Griffin. 12mo. boards, 1s. ; cloth, 1s. 6d.....[4124 GUESSES AT TRUTH. By Two Brothers. 1st series, (Parlour Library.) 4th edition, 12mo. pp. 412, cloth, 6s.


Ditto. 2d series, 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 400, cl. 7s.[4125 GUIDE to Jewish History. 3d edition, 18mo. half-bound,

reduced to 2s........

[4127 GUIZOT'S Monk's Contemporaries: a Series of Biographic Studies on the English Revolution. 12mo. pp. 204, with fine portrait of Edward Lord Clarendon, boards. 1s. 6d. ..[4128

(Bohn's Cheap Series.) HAHNEMANN (S.), The Lesser Writings of, translated, collected, and edited by R. E. Dudgeon. 8vo. pp. 80, cloth, 21s..... ..(4129 HANMER (F.)-A French Lesson Book, in Three Parts containing the Elements of French Conversation; fami liar and easy Dialogues; the French Verbs as generally used in Conversation; together with Examples for Oral HAY (J.)-Sermons and Sacramental Addresses by the late Practice. By F. Hanmer. 8vo. pp. 132, cl. 3s. 6d. [4130 Rev. James Hay. With Memoir by Rev. W. Mackenzie. Post Svo. (Edinburgh), pp. 400, cloth, 68........... 4131

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Alphabetical List of New Works-continued.

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(Popular Library.) HAZLITT (W.)-The Plain Speaker; Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. By William Hazlitt. Edited by his Son. Vol. 1, 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 5s... [4133 HAZLITT (W.)-The Registration of Deeds in England; its Past Progress and Present Position; with an Analysis of Lord Campbell's Bill for the Registration of Assurances, now before Parliament. By William Hazlitt. Svo. pp. 32, sewed, 1s..

[4133 HEINE (E.)-Key to the Great Exhibition. On a sheet, 8d. ..[4134 HIGGINSON (F.)-Koh-I-Noor ; or, the Great Exhibition and its Opening. By Francis Higginson, R.N. 8vo. cloth, 58...

[4135 HIGHER PATHS in Spiritual Life; being a Retreat for Religious. From the French of Père Nepveu. 24mo. pp. 288, cloth, 1s. ......................... ...[4136

HISTORY OF GREECE from the Earliest Periods to the Close of the Peloponnesian War. By Sir Thomas N. Talfourd, D.C.L., Rev. J. B. Ottley, A.M., E. Pococke, Esq., and other Contributors. Post 8vo. pp. 550, with illustrations, cloth, 98...... ..[4137

(Encyclopædia Metropolitana, reissue.) (Vide Adv. 650.)

HITCHCOCK (E.)-The Religion of Geology and its connected Sciences. By Edward Hitchcock. Post 8vo. pp. 480, cloth, 7s.

(Vide Adv. 571.)


By H.

HOLT (H.)-The Genius of the French Language.
Holt. 3d edition, 12mo. pp. 186, cloth, 3s. 6d. ..[4139
HOME TRUTHS for Home Peace, or " Muddle" defeated.
A Practical Inquiry into what chiefly Mars or Makes the
Comfort of Domestic Life. Especially addressed to
Young Housewives. 12mo. pp. 182, cloth, 3s. 6d... [4140
HOMERII ODYSSEA. 18mo. cloth, 3s...
(Oxford Pocket Classics.)


(Vide Adv. 626*.) HUDSON (J. W.)-The History of Adult Education; in which is comprised a full and complete History of the Mechanics' and Literary Institutions, Athenæums, &c. By J. W. Hudson, Ph.D. 8vo. pp. 252, cloth, 8s... [4142 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, Vol. 14. Folio, cloth, 218..... ...[4143

IONIAN ISLANDS (THE) under British Protection. 8vo. sd. 2s. 6d... ..[4144 IRELAND, its Landlords; its Poor Law; and its System of National Education. By an English Clergyman. 8vo. (Dublin), pp. 48, sd. Is. ..[4145

JACKSON (J. W.)-Lectures on Mesmerism at Dublin. By J. W. Jackson. 12mo. sewed, 1s.. ..[4146 JAMES (G. P. R.)-John Marston Hall. By G. P. R. James. 12mo. boards, 1s. 6d. ; cloth, 28. ...[4147 (Parlour Library, Vol 63.) The Fate: a Tale of Stirring Times. By G. P. R. James. 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 31s. 6d...... ...[4148 JAMES (J. H.)-Guide to the Formation and Management of Friendly Societies. By J. H. James. 8vo. pp. 200, boards, Ss. [4149

JELF (W. E.)—A Grammar of the Greek Language, chiefly from the German of Raphael Kühner. By William Edward Jelf. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1000, cloth, 30s.... ..[4150 JERRAM (J.)-The Trial of Faith; or, the Brickmaker's Daughter: a Brief Memoir of Jane Smith. By the Rev. James Jerram. 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 88, cloth, 1s. [4151 JERROLD (W. B.)-How to See the Exhibition. By William Blanchard Jerrold. Visit 4, square, sewed, 6d. ; four visits, complete, 28. JOBSON (W.)—The Career of the Whigs. By W. Jobson. 8vo. sewed, 6d. [4153 ..[4155

JUVENALIS ET PERSII. 18mo. cloth, 1s. 6d. (Oxford Pocket Classics.)

(Vide Adv. 626*.)



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LAMARTINE (A. DE)-The Stone Mason of St. Point: a Village Tale. By Alphonse de Lamartine. Translated from the French. 12mo. pp. 156, boards, 1s. 6d. ..[4160 (Bohn's Cheap Series.)

(Vide Adv. 458.) LANDSBOROUGH (D.)-A Popular History of British Sea Weeds; comprising the Structure, Fructification, &c. of the Fresh Water Algæ. By the Rev. D. Landsborough. 2d edition, square, pp. 416, with coloured plates, cloth, 10s. 6d. .[4161

LATHAM (R. G.)-The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies. By R. G. Latham. 12mo. pp. 260, cloth, 58. .[4162 LAY (The) Member's Guide in Visiting the Sick and Poor. By M. A. M. Post 8vo. pp. 220, cloth, 3s. .....[4163 LE BRETON.-The French Scholar's First Book; comprising a Concise View of French Grammar, a copious Vocabulary, &c. By Philip Le Breton, M.A. 9th edition, 12mo. cloth, 3s. .[4164 LECTURES against Popery. Nos. 1 to 5, 12mo. (Shrewsbury), sewed, each, 2d. ..[4165

LEES (E.)-The Botanical Looker-out among the Wild Flowers of England and Wales, at all Seasons, and in the most interesting Localities. By Edward Lees. 2d edition, post 8vo. pp. 560, cloth, 8s. 6d. . [4169 LEGEND (The) of Genevieve; with other Tales and Poems. By Delta. New edition, 12mo. pp. 342, cloth, 5s... [4167 LETTERS to Mr. John Bull on subjects connected with Agriculture and Free Trade; with Remarks upon Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton's Letters to John Bull, Esq. By T. F. S. 8vo. pp. 32, sewed, 1s....... .[4168 LITTLE HENRY'S Holiday at the Great Exhibition. Square, pp. 180, cloth, 2s. 6d... . [+169 LONDON LABOUR and the LONDON POOR. By H. Mayhew. Vol. 1, roy. 8vo. cloth, 5s. 6d.. . [4170 LONSDALE (J. J.)—A Lecture on the Importance to all Classes of a general Acquaintance with the Criminal Law. Delivered in the Harveian Institution, Folkestone, on the 14th of April, 1851, by James John Lonsdale. 8vo. pp. 36, sewed, 18... .....[4171 LOWESTOFT.-Illustrated Handbook to Lowestoft; with Details of the New Route to Denmark. By the Author of the Eastern Counties' Illustrated Guides. Fcp. 4to. pp. 54, sewed, 18. [4172 LUCRETII CARI. . [4173

18mo. cl. 3s. (Oxford Pocket Classics.)

(Vide Adv. 626*.) LYTTON (SIR E. B.)-Ernest Maltravers; or, the Eleusina. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. Part 1, with a frontispiece, square crown 8vo. pp. 286, cloth, 3s. 6d. ; half-bound, 68...... .[4174 MACARTHUR (C.)-Scale of Medicines with which Merchant Vessels are to be furnished. By Chas. Macarthur. 6th edit. 12mo. pp. 80, cloth, 2s. 6d. ..[+175 MACAULAY (T. B.)-William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Square, sewed, 1s....... ..[4176

(Traveller's Library, No. 5.) (Vide Adv. 657.) MACLACHLAN (P.)-The Bible, its Use and Abuse; or, an Inquiry into the Results of the respective Doctrines of the Catholic and Protestant Churches relative to the Interpretation of the Word of God. By the Rev. Paul Maclachlan. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 298, cloth, 4s...........[4177 MACCABE (W. B.)—A True Account of the Hungarian Revolution; its Purposes and Pretences. By an American Democrat. With Preliminary Observations, by William Bernard Maccabe. 12mo. pp. 144, swd. 28.[4178 M'NEILE (H.)-"Baptism doth save:" a Letter to the Bishop of Exeter. By the Rev. Hugh M'Neile, D.D. 2d edit. 8vo. (Liverpool), pp. 32, sewed, 6d. [4179 (Vide Adv. 577.)


MARSH (W. T.)-Wise or Foolish, or Safe or Unsafe? being a Question for every one in these times. By the Rev. W. Tilson Marsh, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 2d. .......[4180 MASTERS (T.)-On the Production of Ice and Artificial Cold, &c. By T. Masters. 8vo. pp. 112, cloth, 58. [4181 MELVILL (H.)-Sermons. By Henry Melvill. Vol. 2, 8vo. pp. 400, boards, 10s. 6d..... MERCANTILE PENMAN (The): a Series of Commercial Letters to qualify the Pupil for Mercantile Correspondence. New edit. 4to. half-bound, 4s. [4183


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