PUBLISHED FROM THE 14TH TO THE 29TH OF JUNE. (Vide Adv. 505.) ADAMS'S Descriptive Guide to the Watering Places of England, and Companion to the Coast. By E. L. Blanchard. 12mo. pp. 300, cloth, 2s. 6d.... ..[3667 AHN (DR.)-Practical and Easy Method of Learning the French Language. 1st Book. By J. P. and T. Hall. 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 92, cloth, 1s. 6d. .[3668 AIRY (G. B.)-Six Lectures on Astronomy, delivered at the Meetings of the Friends of the Ipswich Museum, at the Temperance Hall, Ipswich. By George Biddell Airy. 2d edition, 8vo. pp. 260, cloth, 10s. 6d.......[3669 (Vide Adv. 541.) .... .[3671 ANNUAL REGISTER, 1850. Vol. 92, 8vo. bds. 18s. [3670 (Vide Adv. 532.) AQUATICS, as applied chiefly to the Amateur Sculler. By a Rower of Thirty Matches. 18mo. (Lowestoft), pp. 32, sewed, 1s...... ARTHUR (T. S.)-Debtor and Creditor. 32mo. pp. 170, sewed, 8d.; cloth, 1s. 2d. [3672 ARVINE'S Cyclopædia of Moral and Religious Anecdotes. Edited by the Rev. John Flesher. Part 1, crown 8vo. sewed, 18... [3673 ATHERTON (C.)-On Marine Engine Construction and Classification. By Charles Atherton. 8vo. pp. 112, cloth sewed, 2s. 6d. [3674 AUSTEN (J.)-Mansfield Park: a Novel. By June Austen. 12mo. pp. 303, boards, 1s.; cloth, 1s. Ed. [3675 (Parlour Library, Vol. 60.) BACON (LORD)-The Life of Francis Lord Bacon. By the Rev. Joseph Sortain, A.B. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 306, with a portrait engraved on steel, cloth, 3s. 6d. ..[3676 (Vide Adv. 514.) BALFOUR (J. H.) Phyto-Theology; or, Botanical Sketches intended to illustrate the Works of God. By John Hutton Balfour. 12mo. pp. 260, cloth, 3s. 6d.[3677 BALLOON (A) View of London (as seen from Hampstead), exhibiting 8 square Miles, showing all the Railway Stations, the Great Crystal Falace, &c. In a case, 6s.; reduced to 3s... .[3678 BARNES (A.)-Notes, Critical, Illustrative, and Practical, of the Book of Job; with a New Translation and Introductory Dissertation. By the Rev. Albert Barnes. Printed from the Author's revised edition, with a Preface by the Rev. E. Henderson, D.D. 2 vols. 12mo. Vol. 1, pp. 486, cloth, 2s. 6d. [3679 BAXTER'S Library of Practical Agriculture. With Memoirs of the Duke of Richmond and the late John Ellman, Esq. 4th edition, greatly enlarged. With Sketches and Plans of the Models of Improved Farm Yards and Buildings, shown at the Exhibition of All Nations, 1851. 2 vols. super royal 8vo. cloth, £3. [3680 BAYLEY (F. W. N.)-The Exhibition. By F. W. N. Bayley. Square, pp. 34, sewed, 18. .[3681 [3684 (Vide Adv. 530.) (Little Folks' Laughing Library, No. 1.) BAYLEY (R. S.)-The Church of Christ, and the Man of God; being an Introductory Essay by the Rev. R. S. Bayley, F.A.S., and a Charge by the Rev. William Forster, delivered at the Settlement of the Rev. T. E. Stallybrass, B.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 48, sewed, 6d. .. ....[3682 BEALE (L. J.)-The Laws of Health in relation to Mind and Body: a Series of Letters from an Old Practitioner to a Patient. By Lionel John Beale. Post 8vo. pp. 316, cloth, 7s. 6d. [3683 BELDAM (J.)-Recollections of Scenes and Institutions in Italy and the East. By Joseph Beldam. 2 vols. post Svo. pp. 800, cloth, 21s. BELLAMY (J.)-The Works of Joseph Bellamy, D.D.; with a Memoir of his Life and Character. 2 vols. 8vo. (Boston, U.S.), pp. 1334, cloth, £1. 88............. ..[3685 (Vide Adv. 529.) BERQUIN, Pièces Choisies de l'Ami des Enfants à l'usage des Pensions. Douzième edition. 12mo. roan lettered, 4s. 6d..... .[3686 BETTSWORTH (J.)-Correct Tables of Interest, calculated from 1 to 1000, for 1 day to 100 days, and for 1 to 12 months, at from 2 to 5 per cent. per annum; with Tables of Brokerage, and for Valuing Annuities. By John Bettsworth. New edition, enlarged, by J. Goodluck. 18mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. . .[3687 BEWICK (T.)-Facsimile of a Letter from Thomas Bewick, the Wood Engraver, respecting his History of Quadrupeds. Imp. 8vo. 1s. ; or large paper, imp.[3688 (Vide Adv. 552.) BICKERSTETH (E.)-Companion to the Holy CommuNEWSPA Adv. 518.) nion. By the Rev. Edward Bickersteth. 18th edition, pp. 210, cloth, 28. ....[3689 BICKERSTETH (R.)-Means of Grace: Lectures deli- [3690 BLAINE'S Canine Pathology; being a Description of the Diseases of Dogs, Nosologically Arranged, with their Causes, Symptoms, and Curative Treatment; and Practical Observations on the Breeding, Rearing, and Sanitary Treatment of these Animals. 5th edit. revised and corrected by Thos. Walton Mayer. 8vo. cl. 7s. 6d. [3691 BLAKENEY (R. P.)-A Manual of Romish Controversy; being a complete Refutation of the Creed of Pope Pius IV. By the Rev. R. P. Blakeney. 12mo. pp. 260, cloth, 2s. 6d. . [3692 BRADSHAW'S Guide des Etrangers en Londres et ses Environs. Sq. sewed, 18. 6d; with plates, 2s. 6d... ¡3693 BRAITHWAITE (W.)-The Retrospect of Medicine: being a Half-Yearly Journal. Edited by W. Braithwaite. Vol. 23, January 6 to June 1851. 12mo. pp. 480, cloth, 6s. ... [3691 BRIEF THOUGHTS on the Gospel, &c. New edition, 32mo. pp. 130, cloth, 1s. ....[3693 BROMBY (C. H.)-The Pupil Teacher's Grammar and History of the English Language, adapted to the Use of Normal Schools. By C. H. Bromby. 3d edition, 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. ....[3696 BUCCAU (QUAMINO)-Memoir of a Pious Methodist. By William J. Allenson. 12mo. pp. 30, sewed, 6d. [3697 BURKE (J. B.) — Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. By John Bernard Burke. 13th edition, royal 8vo. pp. 1180, cloth, 388. ..[3701 BUSHNAN (J. S.)-Miss Martineau and her Master. By J. Stevenson Bushnan. 12mo. pp. 183, cloth, 5s... [3702 CALDECOTT (J.)-Practical Guide for Retail Tradesmen and others to Book-keeping, by Double Entry, according to the Italian Method. By John Caldecott. Post 8vo. pp. 320, cloth, 5s. ... .......[3703 CALMET (A.)- Dictionary of the Bible, abridged. By Theodore Alvis Buckley. 12mo. pp. 712, cl. 4s. 6d. [3704 CAPPER (S.)-The Acknowledged Doctrine of the Church of Rome; being an Exposition of the Roman Catholic Doctrines. By Samuel Capper. Vol. 2, 8vo. pp. 520, cloth, 12s... .[3705 CATECHISM for Children, in Scripture Language. 4th edition, 32mo. (Bath), sewed, 3d... ..[3706 CATECHISM (A) of the Incarnation. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 68, cloth limp, 1s. 6d....... ..[3707 CHAMBERS'S Edinburgh Journal. New Series. Conducted by William and Robert Chambers. Vol. 15, Jan. 6 to June 1851. Royal 8vo. pp. 420, cl. 4s. 6d. [3708 (Vide Adv. 538.) CHAMBERS'S Papers for the People. Vol. 9, boards, 1s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 538.) ..[3709 CHRIST in his Ministry the Fountain of Life. 18m0. (Bath), pp. 24, sewed, 3d. . [3710 CHRISTIE (J. A.)-The Constructive Etymological Spelling-Book. By James A. Christie. New edition, carefully revised, 12mo. pp. 156, cloth, 1s. 6d...........[3711 CICERO.-Selections from Cicero. Part 3, Tuscular Disputations; with English Notes by the Rev. B. Paul. By Thomas Kerchever Arnold. 12mo. pp. 386, cloth, 5s. 6d. ...[3713 (Vide Adv. 524.) CLARE ABBEY; or, the Trials of Youth. By the Author of "Discipline of Life." 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 612, bds. .[3714 (Vide Adv. 527.) 21s... .[3724 (Vide Adv. 529.) [3755 CUP (THE) and the Lip: a Novel. By Laura Jewry. 3 | GORRIE (P. D.)-The Churches and Sects of the United vols. post 8vo. pp. 964, 31s. 6d... States. By the Rev. P. Douglass Gorrie. 12mo. (New (Vide Adv. 504.) York), pp. 240, cloth, 4s. DANDOLO (E.)—Italian Volunteers and Lombard Rifle Brigade; being an Authentic Narrative of the Organization, Adventures, and final Disbanding of these Corps in 1848 and 1848. By Emilio Dandolo. Post 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 493.) [3725 DE FIVAS (V.)-New Grammar of French Grammars; with numerous Exercises and Examples illustrative of every Rule. By Victor de Fivas. 11th edition, 12mo. bourid, 3s. 6d.. [3726 - Key to the above. 12mo. bound, 3s. 6d.. [3727 DESCRIPTIVE and Critical Catalogue of Works illustrated by Thomas and John Bewick, Wood Engravers, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne; with an Appendix of their Miscellaneous Engravings, brief Sketches of their Lives, and Notices of the Pupils of Thomas Bewick. Imp. 8vo. pp. 86, with portraits and other illustrations, cloth, 10s. 6d.; or large paper, imp. 4to. 18s.......... ... [3728 (Vide Adv. 552.) DRAWING and Perspective, in a Series of Progressive Lessons; with general Instructions. Parts 1 to 6, 4to. sewed, each 1s. 6d... [3729 (Vide Adv. 458.) DRUMMOND (D. T. K.)-The Preacher in the House; or, Family Sabbath Readings. Edited by the Rev. D. T. K. Drummond. 12mo. pp. 306, cloth, 4s. 6d. .... [3730 DUFF (A.)—Addresses delivered at the Opening and Conclusion of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland, May 22 and June 3, 1851. Together with the Addresses to the Deputation from Evangelical Churches. By Alexander Duff, D.D. Fep. pp. 80, cloth, 1s... [3731 EMERSON (R. W.)-Essays, Lectures, and Orations. By Ralph Waldo Emerson. New edition, 12mo. pp. 570, cloth, 5s. [3732 28. EVERY LADY'S GUIDE to her own Greenhouse, Hothouse, and Conservatory: Instructions for Cultivating Plants which require Protection. 12mo. pp. 156, cloth, . [3738 FAMILY SUNDAY BOOK; or, Pleasant Pages for Sabbath Hours, for Young People, Sunday School Teachers, and Parents. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 106, cloth, 18. 6d... [3739 FAMILY Friend (The). Vol. 4, post 8vo. el. 2s. 6d.; gilt 3s. 6d... [3740 FAMILY TUTOR. No. 1, English Grammar and a Miscellany. Post 8vo. pp. 400, cloth, 2s. 6d. [3741 FARINI (LUIGI CARLO)—The Roman State, 1815 to 1850. Translated by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 880, cloth, 248. . [3742 FERDINAND CASTLETON: a Novel. 3 vols. post 8vo. 31s. Ed.. [3743 FOLLEN (MRS.)-Sketches of Married Life. By Mrs. Follen. New edition, 12mo. pp. 214, cloth, 2s. 6d. (3744 FOSS (E.)-Judges of England: with Sketches of their Lives, and Miscellaneous Notices connected with the Courts at Westminster. By E. Foss. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1000, cloth, 28s. (Vide Adv. 493.). .[3745 FRESH GATHERINGS for Christian Children. 18mo. pp. 200, cloth, 2s. 6d. .[3746 GAIRDNER (W.)—On Gout, its History, its Causes, and its Cure. By William Gairdner. 2d edition, post 8vo. pp. 300, cloth, 7s. 6d. .[3747 GALIGNANI'S New Paris Guide for 1851. 12mo. bound, 108. Ed.; without plates, 7s. 6d. .[3748 GALLOWAY (R.)-First Steps to Chemistry. By Robert Galloway. Post 8vo. pp. 106, cloth, 3s... . [3749 GAMBIER (S. J.)-Seven Cries from the Cross: a Course of Lectures during Lent. By S. J. Gambier. 12mo. pp. 150, cloth, 33. .[3750 (Vide Adv. 512.) GERLACH (J. J.)-Comprehensive German and English Dictionary. In 2 parts, German and English, and English and German. By J. J. Gerlach. 12mo. pp. 800, bound, 7s. Ed... [3751 GIBSON (G. M.)-Le Petit Fablier. Par G. M. Gibson. 2d edition, enlarged, 18mo. cloth, 1s. 6d. [3752 GLORY (The) and the Shame of Britain; being the Essay which obtained the Premium of One Hundred Pounds offered by the Religious Tract Society for the best Essay on the Present State of the Manufacturing Classes, together with the Means of securing their Elevation. Pp. 242, cloth, 28. [3753 (Vide Adv. 514.) GORHAM (G. C.) The Exeter Synod: a Letter to the Bishop of Exeter on the Diocesan Syncd convened by his Lordship, in the Chapter House of Exeter, June 25, 1851; with an Appendix. By G. C. Gorham. 8vo. pp. 28, sewed, 6d. .[3754 GOSPEL of the Prophet: an Exposition of the 53d Chapter of Isaiah; comprising the Three last Verses of the 52d Chapter. 18mo. pp. 180, cloth, 2s. .[3756 GREATLEY (T.)-Philosophy in the Fens; or, Talk on the Times: a Poem in Twelve Chapters. By T. Greatley, Esq. Small 4to. pp. 370, cloth, reduced to 7s. 6d. . [3757 GREGORY (0.)-Letters on the Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of the Christian Religion. By Olinthus Gregory. 9th edit. with many additions and corrections, 12mo. pp. 508, cloth, 3s. 6d.. .[3758 (Bohn's Standard Library.) GREY (W. H.)-Church Leases; or, the Subject of Church Leasehold Property considered with a View to place it on a Firmer Basis. 3d edition, enlarged, 8vo. pp. 106, 2s. 6d. .[3759 GUIDE to the Great Exhibition. New edition, 12mo. boards, 1s, . [3760 HADDON (J.)-Examples and Solutions in the Differential Calculus. By James Haddon. 12mo. cloth,1s.[3761 (Weale's Series.) HALL (S.)-Travelling County Atlas, with all the Railways accurately laid down. By Sidney Hall. In case, 16s... [3762 HANDBOOK of Precedents in Conveyancing. 12mo. bds. 10s. 6d. . [3763 HANKINSON (T. E.)-Poems. By Thomas Edward Hankinson. Edited by his Brother. 3d edition, 12mo. pp. 416, cloth, 78. ..[3764 (Vide Adv. 545.) HAWKINS (E.)-Sermons on Scriptural Types; preached before the University of Oxford; with Observations upon some recent Theories. By Edward Hawkins. 8vo. pp. 170, cloth, 6s... .[3765 HAWTHORNE (G. S.)-Doctrine of the Trinity not of Divine Origin, and the Duty of Christian Men in relation thereto. By George Stuart Hawthorne. 8vo. pp. 200, cloth, 10s. 6d. ..[3766 HENRY MASTERTON. By G. P. R. James. 12mo. pp. 460, boards, 1s. 6d. ; cloth, 2s. (Parlour Library.) .[3767 HERO of Alexandria, Pneumatics of, from the Original Greek. Translated for and edited by Bennett Woodcroft. Crown 4to. pp. 139, cloth, 12s. 6d.. .....[3768 HICHENS (W.)-Sermons preached in the Parish Church of St. Flock, Cornwall. By the late Rev. Wm. Hichens, B.A. 8vo. pp. 350, cloth, 9s. 6d.... ..[3769 HINTS addressed to the Common People, upon the assumed Supremacy of the Bishop of Rome: a Tract for the Times. By a Rutland Rector. 12mo. sd. 2s... [3770 HOME CIRCLE. Vol. 4, royal 8vo. cloth, 4s. ; cloth gilt, 4s. 6d... .[3771 HOME is HOME: a Domestic Tale. 12mo. pp. 320, cloth, 6s. ..[3772 (Vide Adv. 516). HOPKINS (W. B.)-A Series of Figures illustrative of Geometrical Optics. 8vo. (Cambridge), plates, folio, sewed, 28.... ..[3773 HOWELL (J.)-Thoughts on the Chief Bards of the Bible: a Lecture delivered before the Members of the Brighton Mechanics' Institution, April 2, 1851. By James Howell. 12mo. (Brighton), pp. 64, cloth, 2s.... ..[3774 HUNT (R.)-Synopsis of the Contents of the Great Exhibition of 1851. By Robert Hunt. 3d edition, fcp. 8vo. pp 96, sewed, 6d. ..[3775 (Vide Adv. 448.) INDESTRUCTIBLE Reading Book, illustrated with 12 Pictures. Square, sewed, Is. . [3776 INGLE (J.)-The Synod no Treason: a few Words in Reply to the Opponents of Synodal Action in the Diocese of Exeter. 12mo. pp. 20, 2d. ....[3777 ISAAC (D.)-The Polemic Divine; or, Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Opinions of the Rev. Daniel Isaac. By James Everett. 2d edition, cloth, 3s...........[3778 Vide Adv. 469.) 2. 28. JAGOE (J.)– Judex to the Reported Cases and Statutes, Rules and Orders, of the Court of Equity in England and Ireland. By John Jagoe. 2 vols. royal 8vo. boards, .[3779 JERROLD (W. B.)-How to see the Exhibition. By Wm. Blanchard Jerrold. In Four Visits. Visit 2, square, sewed, 6d... .[3780 JERROLD (D.)-The Writings of Douglas Jerrold. Collected edition. Vol. 1, St. Giles and St. James. Square, pp. 404, cloth, 4s. . [3781 (Vide Adv. 505.) JESUITS (The): an Historical Sketch. 18mo. pp. 192, cloth, 10d.; sewed, 6d.... . [3782 (Religious Tract Society's Monthly Volume. Vol. 68.) (Vide Adv. 514.) JOBERT (A. C. G.)-Sounds against Pure Immaterialism; or, the Sounds are not Pure Sensations. By Antoine Claude Gabriel Jobert. 12mo. pp. 31, cloth, 1s. 6d.[3783 JOHNSON (E.)-The Domestic Practice of Hydropathy. With 15 Illustrations and Portrait. By Edward Johnson, M.D., assisted by his Sons Dr. Walter and Dr. Howard Johnson. 2d edit. 8vo. cloth, reduced to Ss. .[3784 JOHNSON (H. J.)-Clinical Observations on Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs. Part I. Gonorrhoea and its Consequences. By Henry James Johnson. 8vo. pp. 370, cloth, 10s. 6d... JONES (T. W.)-The Wisdom and Beneficence of the Almighty as diplayed in the Sense of Vision. By T. Wharton Jones. (The Actonian Prize Essay for 1851.) 12mo. pp. 140, cloth, 4s. 6d. ....[3788 "JOSHUA and the SUN and MOON." 8vo. sd. 1s. [3789 JOURNAL of the American Oriental Society. Vol. 1, 8vo. (New York), pp. 591, cloth, 18s. (Vide Adv. 529.) .[3790 Ditto, ditto. Vol. 2, 8vo. pp. 342, cloth, 15s..... [3791 (Vide Adv. 529.) KEBLE (J.)-A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Bursley, occasioned by the proposed Synodical Meeting in the Diocese of Exeter. By the Rev. John Keble. pp. 16, sewed, 6d. 8vo. ..[3792 KELLY (W. K.)-The French Revolution of 1848. 12mo. sewed, reduced to 1s.... [3793 Excursion Companion from London, 1851. 8vo. cloth, 5s. . [3797 LANE (J. H.)-Compendium of Materia Medica and Pharmacy, adapted to London Pharmacopoeia. By J. Hunter Lane. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 312, cloth, 5s. 6d......... ..[3798 LARDNER (D.)-Handbook of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy. By Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. 1st CourseMechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sound Optics. Post 8vo. with 400 illustrations, pp. 484, cloth, 12s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 473.) [3799 LAURIE (J.)—Manual of Foreign Exchanges: being British Coins reduced to the Money of the Principal Countries of the World. By James Laurie. 32mo. pp. 40, sewed, 9d..... [3800 LEADAM (T. R.)-Homœopathy as applied to the Diseases of Females, and the most important Diseases of Early Childhood. By Thomas R. Leadam. Svo. pp. 420, cloth, 10s. 6d.... .[3801 LEYBURN (J.)-The Soldier of the Cross: a Practical Exposition of Ephesians vi. 10-18. By the Rev. John Leyburn, D.D. Post 8vo. (New York), pp. 339, cloth, 7s. ..[3802 (Vide Adv. 529.) LIFE (The) of Mary the Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. By a Lady. Cloth, 4s...... .[3803 (Vide Adv. 358.) LONGFELLOW (H. W.)-Hyperion and Kavanagh. By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow. 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 2s. 6d.... ..[3804 Outre Mer: Pilgrimage beyond the Sea; to which are added the latest Poems of the Author. By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow. 12mo. pp. 230, cloth, 2s. 6d. .. [3805 LOWE (R. T.)-Facts and Documents relative to the Lord Bishop of Bombay's late Visit to Madeira, in Reply to a Statement of the Right Rev. Dr. Dealtry. By R. T. Lowe, M.A. 8vo. pp. 58, sewed, 2s. 6d. [3806 78. [3810 (Vide Adv. 483.) MADELEINE: a Tale of Auvergne; founded on Fact. By Julia Kavanagh. 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 336, cloth, . [3811 MAIDSTONE (Viscount).-Abd-El-Kader: a Poem, in Six Cantos. 8vo. pp. 390, cloth, 16s.. .. [3812 MANNERS (Lord J.)—The Church of England in the Colonies: a Lecture delivered before the Members of the Colchester Literary Institution, January 22d, 1851. By the Right Hon. Lord John Manners, M.P. 8vo. pp. 36, sewed, Is.... ..[3813 MARRIAGE with a Deceased Wife's Sister.-Opinions of the Rev. R. Bickersteth and other Eminent Divines in favour of the Lawfulness of Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister. Svo. pp. 12, sewed, 6d. [3814 .......... MEREDITH (G.)-Poems. By George Meredith. 12mo. pp. 160, cloth, 5s. ..[3815 MILTON (J.)-The Works of John Milton, in Verse and Prose, printed from the Original Editions; with a Life of the Author. By the Rev. John Mitford. 8 vols. 8vo. pp. 4003, cloth, 4. 4s. ..[3816 MILTON (JOHN), a Biography, especially designed to exhibit the Ecclesiastical Principles of that Illustrious Man. By Cyrus R. Edmonds. 12mo. pp. 260, cloth, 2s. 6d. ... [3817 MINING MANUAL (The) and Almanack for 1851; being a Yearly Compendium of Information on general Science, with Tabular and other Statistical Details relating to the Mining Interests, compiled and arranged by Henry English. 12mo. pp. 436, cloth, 6s...... ......[3818 MINOTESSARON; or, the Gospel Records of the Life of Christ. Edited by Richard Lant Carpenter. 12mo. pp. 262, cloth, 3s. 6d. .[3819 MINTON (S.)-"Speaking Lies in Hypocrisy;" or, The Art of making Proselytes in a Protestant Country: showing how in this case "Corruption does win more than Honesty." The substance of a Lecture upon "A Papist Misrepresented and Represented." By the Rev. Samuel Minton, M.A. 12mo. pp. 60, sewed, 6d. ........[3820 MONTAGU (M.)-The Seven Penitential Psalms in Verse; being Specimens of a New Version of the Psalter. New edition, enlarged, by M. Montagu. 8vo. pp. 190, bds. ...[3821 5s. (Vide Adv. 520.) The Psalms, in a New Version, fitted to the Tunes used in Churches; with Notes in Examination of the Difficult Passages. By M. Montagu. 8vo. pp. 608, cloth, 15s.; without Notes, fcp. 8vo. pp. 444, cloth, 2s. 6d. .[3822 (Vide Adv. 520.) MOORE (D.)-Concise Notices of British Grasses best suited for Agriculture; with Preserved Specimens. By David Moore. 3d edit. folio, boards, 10s. 6d....... [3823 MURRAY (J.)-Horatian Criticism; or, Original Views of Passages in the Life and Writings of the Poet-Philosopher of Venusia; with which is combined an Illustratration of the suitability of the Ancient Epic and Lyric Styles to Modern Subjects of National and General Interest. By John Murray, M.A. 8vo. cloth, 9s. ..[3824 NEALE (J. M.)-A History of Greece for Young Persons. Edited by the Rev. J. M. Neale. 18mo. pp. 396, 3s.[3823 (Juvenile Englishman's Historical Library.) (Vide Adv. 438.) OFFERING (The): a Selection from the Poems, published and unpublished, of a Minister's Daughter. 12mo. pp. 340, cloth, 5s. . [3826 OLDHAM (R. S.)-Passion Week; being Five Lectures on the Passion of Our Blessed Lord, with special reference to the Fulfilment of Prophecy. By Rev. R. S. Oldham, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. (Glasgow), pp. 60, cloth, 2s. 6d. ..[3827 ON APPOINTMENTS to the Episcopate in the Colonies and Mother Country; a Paper read to the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at their Monthly Board, May 16, 1851. 8vo. pp. 20, sewed, 1s. OPERATIVE CLASSES (The) of Great Britain; their existing State and its Improvement: being the Essay which obtained a Premium of £50, offered by the Religious Tract Society, on the Present State of the Manufacturing Classes. Extra cloth boards, pp. 254, 2s. [3829 (Vide Adv. 514.) [3828 OVID.-Excerpta ex P. Ovidii Nasonis Carminibus. 12mo. pp. 280, cloth, 3s. 6d. ..[3830 (Chambers's Educational Course.) PAGE (D. P.)-Theory and Practice of Teaching; or, the Motives and Methods of Good School-keeping. By David P. Page, A.M. Crown 8vo. pp. 349, cloth, 7s. 6d... [3831 PALIN (W.)--History of the Church of England from the Revolution to the Last Acts of Convocation, 1688 to 1717. By William Palin. 12mo. pp. 460, cloth, 8s. 6d. ..[3832 (Vide Adv. 528.) PARKHURST (J.)—A Greek and English Lexicon to the New Testament. To this Work is prefixed a Plain and Easy Greek Grammar, by John Parkhurst, M.A. With the more valuable Parts of the Works of some late Writers added by the late Hugh James Rose, B.D._ New edition, carefully revised. By J. R. Major, D.D. Royal 8vo. cloth, 21s. .[3833 PARRY (Mrs.)-The Young Christian's Sunday Evening; PASHLEY (W.)-The Morning Stars: a Treatise (en per- (Weale's Rudimentary Treatises.) PEARSON (J. N.)-Sermons, Doctrinal and Practical. By John N. Pearson. 8vo. pp. 502, cloth, 10s. 6d. .... [3839 PHARMACOPOEIA of London, Dublin, and Edinburgh, Translation of, by J. B. Nevins; forming a Complete Materia Medica. Post 8vo. pp. 780, cloth, 18s..... [3840 (Vide Adv. 493.) PICTORIAL HALF-HOURS, or Miscellanies of Art. Vol. 4, crown 4to. cloth, 3s. 6d. [not 5s., as in last No.]..[3841 PIDGEON (H.)-Memorials of Shrewsbury; being a Concise Description of the Town and its Environs: adapted as a General Guide. By Henry Pidgeon. Post 8vo. pp. 300, cloth, 5s. [3842 PLEADING with God; or, Extracts from various Authors on Prayer. 5th edit. 18mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. ... [3843 PLEASANT PAGES. Vol. 2, 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. ; cloth gilt, 4s. 6d. ..[3844 POEMS. By a Member of the University of Oxford 12mo. pp. 94, 3s. 6d. .[3845 POPULAR HISTORIAN (The) and Fireside Companion: a Monthly Periodical. No. 1, 8vo. pp. 32, swd. 2d. [3846 PREMILLENIALISM a Delusion. By a Member of the Presbytery of Northumberland. 12mo. pp. 180, cloth, . [3847 3s. (Englishman's Library.) ... PRIDDEN (W.)-Australia; its History and Present Condition. By the Rev. W. Pridden. New edit. 12mo. pp. 360, cloth, 5s. [3848 PRIDEAUX (C. G.)-The Act to Amend the Law for the Registration of Voters; with an Analytical Introduction, a Reference to all the Cases decided under the Act, and the Points decided in the Court of Common Pleas on the Construction of the Reform Act; with other Matters of Election Law. By Charles Greville Prideaux. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 170, boards, 5s. .... .[3849 PUNCH. Vol. 20, 4to. cloth, 8s. 6d. . . [3850 RAMSAY (E. B.)-Manual of Catechetical Instruction; compiled and arranged for the Use of Young Persons. By Edward B. Ramsay. 6th edit. 18mo. pp. 206, sewed, 1s. 6d.; cloth, 2s. [3851 REDDING (C.)-The Stranger in London; or, Visitor's Companion to the Metropolis and its Environs; with an Historical and Descriptive Sketch of the Great Exhibition. By Cyrus Redding. 12mo. pp. 294, bds. [3852 28. REINER (C.)-Lessons on Number: Master's Manual, as given in a Pestalozzian School, Cheam, Surrey. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 238, cloth, 5s. .[3853 RELIGIONS (The) of the World. Illustrated by coloured Maps and Historical and Descriptive Letterpress. Forming No. 1 of "An Atlas of Statistical and Historical Geography." 4to. sewed, 2s. .[3854 RELIGIOUS WORLD; or, These Last Perilous Times. 12mo. (Bath), pp. 310, cloth, reduced to 3s. 6d. .... [3855 REMARKS on some portion of the Recent Pastoral Letter of the Bishop of Exeter. By a Clergyman of the Diocese. 8vo. pp. 32, sewed, 1s. . [3856 RICHARD (A. B.)-Poems, Essays, and Opinions; being Selections from Writings in the Mirror of the Times from Aug. 7, 1850, to Feb. 1851. By Alfred Bate Richard. 2 vols. 12mo. pp. 800, cloth, 5s. ..[3857 ROBINSON (J.)-The Gold, its Alloys, and other Metals used by Dentists. By James Robinson. 12mo. pp. 50, cloth, is. [3859 ROSE ALLEN, a Martyr Story; and other Poems, chiefly Sacred. 18mo. pp. 170, cloth, 2s. 6d..... . [3860 RYLE (J. C.)-Prove All Things. 12mo. (Ipswich), sewed, 2d. ...[3861 38. SADLER (T.)-Closet Prayers, Original and compiled from the Writings of Eminent Holy Men of Various Churches. By Thomas Sadler. 32mo. pp. 186, cloth, 1s. 6d. .. [3862 SADLER (T.)-The Silent Pastor; or, Consolations for the Sick. By Thomas Sadler. New edit. 12mo. pp. 232, cl. . [3863 SANDFORD and MERTON; with Harvey's Designs. New edit. revised, 12mo. cloth, 4s. 6d..... . [3864 SCHOELL (C. W.)-De Ecclesiastica Britorum Scotorumque Historiæ Fontibus. Royal 8vo. (Berlin and London), pp. 83, 38. ..[3865 ..... SCULLY (V.)-Irish Land Question; with Practical Plans for an improved Land Tenure, and a new Land System. By Vincent Scully. 12mo. (Dublin), pp. 290, cl. 4s.[3866 SERMONS: COLEMAN (J.N.)-The Foretold and Foredoomed Apostacy, anathematised of God and under the Law of Divine Excommunication. Preached in Ventnor Chapel, Isle of Wight, Nov. 24, 1850. By the Rev. J. Noble Coleman, M.A. 8vo. pp. 34, sd. 1s....... [3868 FORD (J.)-Holy Communion, at a Visitation. Preached in the Parish Church, Totness, at the Triennial Visitation of the Lord Bishop of Exeter, June 17, 1851. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 6d. ..[3869 SERMONS (continued):KINGSLEY (C.) The Message of the Church to Labouring Men. Preached at St. John's Church, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, June 22, 1851. By Chas. Kingsley, jun. 8vo. pp. 28, sewed, 1s. ..[3870 MARSHALL (T. L.)-Moral Aspects of the Great Exhibition of 1851; preached in the High Street Chapel, Warwick, on Sunday, May 4th. By Thomas L. Marshall, Minister of the Chapel. 8vo. sewed, 6d. .. [3871 MINTON (S.)-The Confession. Preached at St. Silas Church, Liverpool, Jan. 22, 1851. By the Rev. Samuel Minton, M.D. 2d edit. fcp. 8vo. pp.34, sd. 6d. .. [3872 SKENE (W.)-Consolations in the Early Death of God's Spirits. 8vo. (Durham), pp. 20, sewed, 6d....... [3873 SHAKSPEARE (W.)-Dramatic Works, with Notes, &c. by W. Hazlitt. Vol. 2, 12mo. pp. 536, cloth, 2s. 6d. [3874 SHALL WE KEEP THE CRYSTAL PALACE and have Riding and Walking in all Weathers among Flowers, Fountains, and Sculpture. By Denarius. 8vo. pp. 16, 6d. .... [3875 SHARPE'S London Journal of Entertainment and Instruction for General Reading. Vol. 13, 8vo. pp. 386, with elegant steel engravings, cloth, 6s. 6d..................... .......[3876 SHAW (G.)-A Manual of Apocalyptic Interpretation; or, Short Exposition of the Prophecies of the Revelation of St. John, according to the most approved Commentators. By the Rev. George Shaw, M.A. 18mo. (Bristol), pp. 82, sewed, 8d.. [3877 SHAW (H.)-The Decorative Arts, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of the Middle Ages. By Henry Shaw, F.S.A. Imp. Svo. small paper, 41 plates, 42s.; folio, large paper, 84s. [3878 SIR ROGER DE COVERLEY. By the Spectator. With Notes and Illustrations by W. Henry Wills. Square, pp. 148, sewed, 1s..... [3879 (Traveller's Library, No. 4.) (Vide Adv. 493.) SMALL BOOKS on Prophecy, in a pocket. 32mo. (Bath), 9d. [3880 SMITH (T.)—Practical Book-keeping, Commercial Reference, and Counting-House and School Assistant; Single and Double Entry Book-keeping rendered easy to all Trades and Professions, and other useful information of a practical Business character. By Thos. Smith. 12mo. boards, 4s. . [3881 SMITH (T. F.)—A Manual of Devotions for Choristers and Schoolboys. By Thomas Frederick Smith. Cloth, 28.; limp calf, 3s. [3882 (Vide Adv. 373.) SNOWBALLS, and other Tales, in which they who seek will find their Best Friend. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 92, cloth, 2s. 6d..... [3883 SOYER (A.)-The Modern Housewife or Ménagere. Illustrated with engravings, including the Unique Kitchen and Magic Stove. By Alexis Soyer. New edit. royal 12mo. cloth, 7s. 6d. STRICKLAND (A.)-Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman Conquest; now first published from Official Records and other Authentic Documents, Private as well as Public. By Agnes Strickland. New edit. revised and greatly augmented, embellished with Portraits of every Queen. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 638, cloth, 12s. ..[3885 .. [3884 .......... (Vide Adv. 534.) SULLIVAN (W.K.)-The Manufacture of Beet-Root Sugar in Ireland. 2d edit. 8vo. (Dublin), pp. 52, sd. 6d... [3886 SURENNE (G.)-New French Manual and Traveller's Companion. Intended as a Guide to the Tourist and a Class-Book for the Student. By Gabriel Surenne. 9th edition, remodelled and enlarged, 12mo. pp. 290, cloth, 38. 6d. ..[3887 SURENNE'S New French Dialogues; with an Introduction to French Pronunciation, a Copious Vocabulary, and Models of Epistolary Correspondence. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 144, cloth, 2s. . [3888 SUTRO (S.)-Lectures on the German Mineral Waters, and on their Rational Employment for the Cure of certain Chronic Diseases. By Sigismund Sutro. 12mo. pp. 460, cloth, 7s. 6d. . [3889 (Vide Adv. 522.) SYMONDS (J. A.)-Sleep and Dreams: Two Lectures delivered at the Bristol Literary and Philosophical Institution. By John Addington Symonds, M.D. 8vo. pp. 98, stiff cover, 2s. 6d. (3890 THOMAS (G.)-An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pennsylvania, and of West New Jersey in America; with a Map of both Countries. By Gabriel Thomas. (Reprint from 1698.) 12mo. (New York), pp. 34, cloth, 10s. 6d. . [3891 TODD (J.)-The Student's Manual. (Vide Adv. 529.) By the Rev. John Todd. New edit. Vol. 2, 12mo. pp. 190, boards, 1s. [3892 (Syckemore Library.) TREATISE on Practical Mathematics. Parts 1 and 2, 12mo. cloth, reduced to 3s. 6d. each [3893 (Chambers's Educational Course.) TRENCH (R. C.)-Poems from Eastern Sources, Genovea and other Poems. By Richard Chenevix Trench. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 244, cloth, 5s. 6d....... . [3894 TUCKER (W. H.)-The Psalms, from the Version used in the Services of the Church of England; with Notes, shewing their Prophetic and Christian Character. Royal 12mo. cloth, 58. . [3895 UPHAM (T. C.)-A Treatise on Divine Union; designed to point out some of the Intimate Relations between God and Man in the higher forms of Religious Experience. By Thomas C. Upham, D.D. 12mo. (Boston), pp. 435, cloth, 8s. [3896 (Vide Adv. 529.) VESTIGES of the Natural History of Creation. 9th edit. 12mo. pp. 318, sd. 2s. 6d..... . [3897 WAGSTAFF (W. R.)-On the Diseases of the Mucous Membrane of the Throat, and their Treatment by Tropical Medication. By W. R. Wagstaff. Post 8vo. pp. 186, cloth, 4s. 6d, . [3898 WALKER (J.)-Rhyming Dictionary; answering at the same time the purposes of Spelling and Pronouncing the English Language. By J. Walker. New edit. 12mo. pp. 70), cloth, 6s. 6d, (Vide Adv. 507.) ..[3899 WALSHE (W. H.)-Practical Treatise on the Diseases of the Lungs and Heart; including the Principles of Physical Diagnosis. By W. H. Walshe, M.D. Post Svo. pp. 390, cloth, 12s. 6d.... . [3900 WATSON (T.)-Christ! not Antichrist; or Papal Heresies attempted to be introduced into the Parish of East Farleigh by the late Vicar, the late H. W. Wilberforce, M.A., resisted and exposed by the present Vicar, the Rev. T. Watson, M.A. 12mo. pp. 72, sd. 1s......, [3901 WEDGWOOD (R.)-Essay on the Constitution of Decrees of the Holy Apostles: being the Commandments of Ordinances given to them by the Lord Jesus Christ for the Establishment and Government of His Kingdom on Earth. By R. Wedgwood. Post 8vo. pp. 256, cloth, 3s.; sewed, 2s. 6d. . [3902 WHARTON'S Law Tractates, No.2-Conveyancing Series: Copyholds,Customary, Freehold, and Ancient Demesnes. 8vo. pp. 332, sd. 58. WHATELY (R.)-Selection of English Synonymes. By Richard Whately, D.D. 12mo. pp. 150, cloth, 3s. [3903* (Vide Adv. 526.) . [3903 WHITE (DR.)-Sacred History, from the Creation of the .. [3904 . [3906 WILKINSON (J. J. G.)-The Human Body and its Con- WILLIAMS (W.)-The Traveller's and Tourist's Guide (Vide Adv. 529.) ..... 68. YOUNG (J. R.)—Introduction to Algebra and to the Solu- 2imo. ..[3918 YR ADGYFODIAD: Poems, in Welsh. By Gan y Parch e Evans Ince. 12mo. pp. 63, sewed, 6d........ .[3919 Law Reports. BAIL COURT (Lowndes and Co.) New Series, Vol. 2, 3s. CROWN CASES RESERVED (Denison). Foreign Literature. ..... 88. [3923 New series, ..[3924 19s. Bearb. v. Dr. R. Stier u. Dr. K. G. W. Theile. Altes Testament. Vol. II. Part 1 (5 Nos.), royal 8vo. (Bielefeld) 10s. REINAERT de VOS.-Episch fabeldicht van de 12, en 13. eeuw, met aenmerkingen en ophelderingen van J. F. Willems. 2. Druk, royal 8vo. (Gent), 14 plates...... 12s. REMAK (R.)-Untersuchungen üb. die Entwickelung der Wirbelthiere. I. Ueber die Entwickelung d. Hühnchens im Eie. 4to. 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(Prag), plate BEST (W. M.)-Grundzüge d. englischen Beweisrechts, bearb. u. m. Anmerkgn. u. Beilagen üb. den engl. Prozess hrsg. v. Dr. H. Marquardsen. 8vo. (Heidelb.)9s. 6d. BRUGSCH (H.) Sammlung demotisch - griechischer Eigennamen ägyptischer Privatleute aus Inschriften u. Papyrusrollen zusammengestellt. 8vo. (Berlin)...... 68. CICERONIS Synonyma ad L. Veturium. Curavit G. L. Mahne. 8vo. (Lugd. Bat.)... .6s. COTTA (B.)-Der innere Bau der Gebirge. 8vo. (Freib.), 25 woodcuts 2s. 6d. DOZY (R. P. A.)-Catalogus codicum orientalium bibliothecæ academiæ Lugduno Batavæ. Vol. I. 8vo. (Lugd. Bat.). 13s. 6d. GIEBEL (C. G.)-Bericht üb. die Leistungen im Gebiete der Paläontologie m. besond. Berücksicht. der Geognosie während 1848 u. 1849. 8vo. (Berlin) ... 6s. HAGENBACH (K. R.)-Encyklopädie u. Methodologie der theologischen Wissenschaften. 3d edit. 8vo. (Leipzig) 5s. 6d. JOANNOVICS (E.)- Grammatica linguæ ecclesiasticoslavicæ. 8vo. (Vienna) .. 12s. LUTHER (MARTIN), der deutsche Reformator. In bildl. Darstellungen v. G. König. In geschichtl. Umrissen v. H. Gelzer. 4to. (Hamb.), 48 plates MERCKLIN (LUDW.), die Talos-Sage u. das Sardonische Lachen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte griech. Sage u. Kunst. 4to. (St. Petersb.), 2 plates.. MUELLER (K. ().)-Die Lelire d. Römischen Rechtes v. der Eviction. Vol. I. 8vo. (Halle) 288. 68. 56. NITZSCH (K. J.)-Praktische Theologie. Vol. II. Part 2. ....5s. 2s. PLAUTI Comœdiæ. Ex recens. F. Ritschelii. Tom. II. 10s. 6d. 3s. 6d. 3s. 6d. Text complete in 2 vols. ..... £5. 58. SUSRUTAS. Ayurvédas. Id est Medicinæ Systema a venerabili D'Hanvantare demonstratum a Sus'ruta discipulo compositum. Nunc primum ex Sanskr. in Lat. vertit, introd. annot. et rerum ind. adjecit Dr. F. Hessler. Tom. III. Uttaratantra. Royal 8vo. (Erlang.), 20s. TOBLER (T.)-Golgatha. Seine Kirchen u. Klöster. Svo. (St. Gall.), 4 plates and plans..... 13s. 6d. VENEDEY (L.)-Schleswig-Holstein im Jahre 1850. Ein Tagebuch. 2 vols. 1: mo. (Leipz.) WOLZOGEN (L. F. v.) -Memoiren. Aus dessen Nachlass v. A. F. v. Wolzogen. Royal 8vo. (Leipz.), boards.. 12s. ZUMPT (A. W.) de Caroli Timothei Zumptii vita et studiis narratio. Acced. Car. Tim. orationes latina sex. Svo. (Berlin), portrait... 7s. 58. |