Fourpence. THE PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR DVA MANT OF LEARNING. AND General Record of British and Foreign Literature; CONTAINING A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN, The ANNUAL CATALOGUE, including Pamphlets, Single Sermons, &c. THE "WORLD'S FAIR" is at present occupying the mind of all within newspaper report to an extent unprecedented, indeed, as it would appear, to the almost perfect exclusion of every other consideration: the graver subjects of literature and science are therefore almost out of the pale of thought, so much so, that our larger publishing houses have kindly announced to their various assistants that they propose giving to each two days' holidays, with a suitable sum for their free admission to the EXHIBITION: no doubt this will be adopted generally, so that very few will be prevented participating in the feast now provided for all refined tastes; nevertheless, there is a continuous stream of novelties, although not of the higher class, and there are, of course, many publications particularly calculated for the guidance of our visitors, foreign and provincial, in the perambulation of our vast metropolis: these will be found in the Alphabetical List of the present number. There are also an almost endless variety of PRINTS of the "wonderful building:" those of Messrs. ACKERMANN (vide Adv. 396), are really beautiful illustrations, and especially the INTERIOR OF THE NAVE, which is really almost as wonderful as the building itself. Mr. Alderman Moon has also published two beautiful PORTRAITS OF HER MAJESTY AND PRINCE ALBERT, the size of life, after Winterhalter. A fine three-quarter PORTRAIT OF MR. PAXTON is just ready for publication; it is engraved in mezzotint: the proofs before letters are now ready. AMONGST the more sober class of publications we may announce Mr. DE MORGAN'S BOOK OF ALMANACKS, presenting an almanack for any year preceding A.D. 2000-past, present, and future. Dr. CUMMING has produced another volume, entitled VOICES OF THE DAY, uniform with his preceding successful VorCES OF THE NIGHT.-The Second Part of Messrs. LONGMAN and Co.'s TRAVELLER'S LIBRARY is published: LORD CLIVE, by Mr. MACAULAY. MR. BENTLEY'S List of New Publications presents us with-LADY EMMELINE STUART WORTLEY'S TRAVELS IN THE UNITED STATES; THE ONE PRIMEVAL LANGUAGE TRACED; THE CORRESPONDENCE OF HORACE WALPOLE WITH THE REV. WILLIAM MASON; LEAR'S ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL OF A LANDSCAPE PAINTER IN ALBANIA, with Twenty Illustrations, &c. MR. MURRAY will publish in a few days-THE DOVECOTE AND THE AVIARY, by the Rev. E. S. DIXON: the Drawings and Woodcuts are really beautifully executed, and are all from life. PUBLISHED FROM THE 29TH OF APRIL TO THE 14TH OF MAY. ADAMS (W.)-Cherry Stones; or, Charlton School, a Tale | BUCHANAN (J.)-Comfort in Affliction: a Series of Me- (Vide Adv. 394.) [3006 AMERICAN EXPORTS and IMPORTS: Calculations and Tables of Corresponding Equivalents, at different Rates of Exchange, of American Exports and Imports; adapted to the Commerce of Great Britain and the United States, as a Manual for Merchants and Manufacturers. 2d edit. 4to. pp. 84, cloth, 10s. 6d. [3007 ..[3008 AMOS (A.)-Gems of Latin Poetry, with Translations by various Authors. To which are added Notes and Illustrations. By Andrew Amos. 8vo. (Cambridge), pp. 380, cloth, 125. ANDERSEN (H. C.)-Pictures of Sweden. By Hans Christian Andersen. Post 8vo. pp. 324, cloth, 10s.6d.[3009 ANTI-PROTESTANTISM; or, the Irish Executive Government exposed; being a Reprint of Articles which appeared in the Quarterly Review, Dec. 1849, and March 1850, entitled, "Lord Clarendon and the Orangemen of Ireland." With an Addendum. Post Svo. (Dublin), pp. 64, sewed, 1s. 6d. [3010 ARCHBOLD (J. F.)-The Law relative to Pauper Lunatics, with Forms in all Cases required in Practice; also, the Law and Practice in Appeals against Lunatic Orders. By John Frederick Archbold. 12mo. bds. 7s. 6d... [3011 ARCHER (T. G.)-An Index to the Unrepealed Statutes connected with the Administration of the Law in England and Wales, commencing with the Reign of William IV., and continued to the close of the Session 1850. By Thomas G. Archer, Solicitor. 8vo. pp. 108, bds. 5s.[3012 ARNOLD (T. J.)-A Treatise on the Law relating to Municipal Corporations. By Thomas James Arnold. 12mo. pp. 560, boards, 12s... AUSTRALASIAN Board of Missions. Report of the Proceedings at a Meeting of the Bishops, Clergy, and Laity of the Province of Sydney, New South Wales, on Tuesday, October 29, 1850, convened for the purpose of establishing an Australasian Board of Missions. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 46, sewed, 6d.; cloth gilt, Is. BAINES (E.)--Life of Edward Baines, M.P. By his Son, 8vo. cloth, 95. (Vide Adv. 403.) [3013 [3014 [3015 BAKER (W.)-A Practical Compendium of the Recent Statutes, Cases, and Decisions affecting the Office of Coroner; with Precedents of Inquisitions, and Practical Forms. By William Baker, Esq. 12mo. pp. 702, cloth, 148.... ..[3016 BALFOUR (J. H.)-A Manual of Botany: an Introduction to the Study of the Structure, Physiology, and Classifi cation of Plants. By John H. Balfour. 2d edit. crown 8vo. pp. 652, numerous illustrations, cloth, 12s. 6d. [3017 (Encyclopædia Metropolitana.) BERNAYS (L. J.)-The Church in the School Room; being Discourses to Schoolboys. By the Rev. L. J. Bernays, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 256, cloth, 5s. (Vide Adv. 404.) [3018 BIRD (C. S.)-Romanism Unknown to Primitive Christianity; the Substance of Lectures delivered in the Parish Church of Gainsborough. By the Rev. C. S. Bird. 12mo. pp. 458, cloth, 5s. [3019 BISHOP (J.)-On Articulate Sounds, and on the Causes and Cure of Impediments of Speech. By John Bishop. 8vo. pp. 70, cloth, 4s. ..[3020 BLACK MORE (REV. R. W.)-The Doctrine of the Russian Church; being the Primer or Spelling Book, the Shorter and Longer Catechism, and a Treatise on the Duty of Parish Priests. Translated from the Slavono-Russian Original. 8vo. cloth, reduced to 8s. [3021 ..[3022 Harmony of Anglican Doctrine with the Doctrine of the Catholic and Apostolic Church of the East. 8vo. reduced to 3s..... BLAND (R.)-A Key to the Rev. Robert Bland's Elements of Latin Hexameters and Pentameters, as edited by the Rev. G. C. Rowden, D.C.L. 12mo. cloth, 5s....... [3023 BOOK of THOUGHT; or, Observations selected from various Authors. New edition, 2 vols. post 8vo. reduced to 5s. each [3024 [3025 BOOK (The) of English Songs, from the 16th to the 19th Century. Square 12mo. pp. 312, cloth, 2s. 6d. (National Illustrated Library, Vol. 3.) BOOTH (J.)-The Theory of Elliptic Intergrals, and the Properties of Surfaces of the Second Order, applied to the Investigation of the Rotation of a Body round a fixed Point. By the Rev. James Booth. 8vo. pp. 160, cloth, 76. 60. BRAINERD (DAVID), The Life of, Missionary to the Indians. By Jonathan Edwards; with Preface by the Rev. Horatius Bonar. 12mo. pp. 316, cloth, 1s. 6d. [3027 (Christian's Fireside Library.) ditations. By James Buchanan. 12mo. pp. 256, cloth, Is. 6d... [3030 BURKE (J. and J. B.)-Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales. Part 4, sewed, 10s. 6d., and Vol. 2, pp. 633, 21s..... [3031 CAHAGNET (L. A.)-The Sanctuary of Spiritualism:a Study of the Human Soul, and of its Relations with the Universe, through Somnambulism and Ecstacy. By L. Alph. Cahagnet. Translated from the French by M. Flinders Pearson. 12mo. pp. 240, sewed, 2s. 6d.... [3032 CAMBRIDGE Customs and Costumes; containing upwards of 150 Vignettes. Oblong folio, 9 plates, sewed, (Christian's Fireside Library.) CHARLIE DASHWOOD: a Persecution in 1850. 18mo. [3036 CHRIST in his Temptation the Believer's Example and Strength. 18mo. (Bath), pp. 22, sewed, 3d...... [3037 COMPANIONS of my Solitude. 12mo. pp. 276, cloth. 6s. CRICKET (The) Field; or, the History and the Science of Cricket. 12mo. pp. 250, half-bound, 5s. CRICKETER'S (The) Manual. By Bat. 5th edition, containing the Character, History, Elements, and Laws of Cricket, as revised by the Marylebone Club, May 1, 1851. 18mo. pp. 128, cloth, 1s. CRYSTAL PALACE (The); its Architectural History and Constructive Marvels. By Peter Berlyn and Charles Fowler, Jun. 8vo. pp. 120, numerous illustrations, cloth, 7s. 6d. CUMMING (J.)-Voices of the Day. By the Rev. John Cumming, D.D. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 460, cloth, 7s. ..[3043 (Vide Adv. 393.) DEERING (W.)-A brief Account of the Origin, Establishment, and Working of the Office for the Registration and Regulation of Coal Whippers of the Port of London. By W. Deering. 8vo. pp. 48, sewed, 6d. [3044 D'EYNCOURT (C. T.) -Eustace: an Elegy. By the Right Hon. C. T. D'Eyncourt, M.P. 8vo. pp. 48, with plates, 7s. 6d..... [3045 DISTANCE MAP of London for Cab Fares, &c. 32mo. cloth case, 6d..... EMIGRANT'S (The) Manual: New Zealand, Cape of Good Hope, Port Natal, &c. 12mo. pp. 120, sewed, 1s... [3052 (Chambers' Instructive and Entertaining Library.) EURIPIDIS Iph. Taur. et Helena. Textum emendavit et Notulas subjecit Carolus Badham, A.M. 8vo. pp. 196, cloth, 10s. 6d....... [3053 (Vide Adv. 403.) EVENINGS at Wychwood Rectory; or, Sketches from English Church History. Square, pp. 92, cloth, 1s.[3054 FAIRY TALES.-The Fairies of the Forest; The Fairy and the Snake; The Fairies, the Elf, and the Gnome. Square (Ipswich), pp. 44, with col'd designs, cloth, 28. [3055 FAVOURITE Song Birds; containing a Popular Description of the Feathered Songsters of Britain, with an Account of their Habits, &c. Edited by H. G. Adams. 12mo. pp. 200, with 12 coloured illustrations, cloth, 6s. 6d. .. [3056 FINLASON (W. F.)-The Catholic Hierarchy vindicated by the Law of England. By William Francis Finlason, Esq. 8vo. pp. 62, sewed, 1s. 6d. [3057 FIVE HUNDRED PSALMS, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs; setting forth Doctrine, Experience, and Practice, as written by their respective Authors: selected for Public and Family Worship. Stereotype edition, 24mo. roan, 1s. 6d.; calf, 2s. 6d.. [3058 FORSTER (C.)-The One Primeval Language traced experimentally through Ancient Inscriptions. Part 1, 8v0. chart in case, 21s. F A FOX (W.)-The Western Coast of Africa; comprising Sug- | HOW do the Czars of St. Petersburgh educate the Poles ? gestions on the best Means of Exterminating the Slave Trade, and some Account of the Success of the Gospel, and of the Present State and Prospects of the Wesleyan Missions on that Coast; with Remarks on the Church, and Hints for the Preservation of Health. By William Fox. 8vo. pp. 146, sewed, 2s. 6d... [3061 FRIAR'S (The) Prophecy.-Father Pierre Reilloc, ancientlie of the Abbie of Waltham by Holie Crosse, his right Wonderful Prophecie, "which shall come to passe in eighteene fifthe and one." 8vo. sewed, 6d... [3062 FUNERALS and Funeral Arrangements. 8vo. pp. 34, sewed, Is..... [3063 GEARY (E. M.)-Musical Education; with Practical Observations on the Art of Pianoforte Playing, including a Model of a Scale of Practice for Pupils of all ages. By Eleanor M. Geary. New and revised edition, square, pp. 96, boards, 5s... [3064 GLASS BERG: a Poem-Opening of the Great Exhibition. Post 8vo. pp. 22, sd. Is. 6d... .[3065 GODS (The) of the North: an Epic Poem. By Œhlenschlæger. Translated from the Original Danish by W. E. Frye. 8vo. pp. 372, reduced to 10s. [3066 GOMPERTZ (L.) -Mechanical Inventions and Suggestions of Lewis Gompertz, Esq., on Land and Water Locomotion, Tooth Machinery, and various Branches of Theoretical and Practical Mechanics. 12mo. with engravings, cloth, 2s. 6d..... [3067 GOOD (W. W.)-The Theorists Confuted; or, the Practical Farmers Vindicated. With a Reply to Mr. Mechi. By William Walter Good. 8vo. pp. 344, cl. 8s. 6d. [3068 GOSSE (P. H.)-The History of the Jews, from the Christian Era to the Dawn of the Reformation. By Philip Henry Gosse. Post 8vo. pp. 400, cloth, 5s. 4d..... [3069 A Text-Book of Zoology for Schools. By Philip H. Gosse. 12mo. pp. 450, cloth, 3s. 4d. [3070 GRAY (J.)-Harmony of Scripture and Geology; or, the Earth's Antiquity in Harmony with the Mosaic Record of Creation. By James Gray. 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 300, cloth, 58. [3071 GRIFFITHS (T.) -Chemistry of the Crystal Palace: a Popular Account of the Chemical Properties of the Chief Materials employed in its Construction. By Thomas Griffiths. 12mo. pp. 250, cloth, 5s..... ..[3072 (Vide Adv. 257.) [3077 HALL (MARIA.)-Guide to English Orthography; in which the Words containing Difficulties are classed and arranged, and the Rules of Orthography illustrated by numerous Examples. Written for the use of Children, and calculated to assist Foreigners studying the English Language. By Maria Hall. 18mo. pp. 148, cl.1s.6d.[3078 HAMERTON (P. G.) - Observations on Heraldry. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. 8vo. pp. 88, cl. 68...... [3079 (Vide Adv. 415.) HAMON and CATER; or, the Two Races: a Tale. 12mo. pp. 280, cloth, 5s. [3050 HAND-BOOK to the Places of Public Worship in London. New edition. With a List of Clergymen and Ministers, and reference to the Places at which they officiate. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 118, sewed, 1s. 6d.; or in Two Parts separately, 1s. each HIRST (S.)-What is the Church of Rome? a Lecture deli. vered Jan. 2, 1851, at the British Schoolrooms, Cowper Street, City Road. 8vo. pp. 38, sewed, 18. HOOKER (SIR W.)-Species Filicum; being Descriptions of all known Ferns. Part V. Vol. 2, Part 1. 8vo. pp.60, and 20 plates and descriptions, sewed, 10s......... [3086 (Vide Adv. 419.) HORNE (J.)-Chapters on Prophecy; or, an Exposition of the Wo-Trumpets, with the Connexion between Daniel vii. and Revelation x. and the Era and Fulfilment of te 1260 Days. By James Horne. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 190, cloth, 38. By V. O. Zierkiewicz. 8vo. pp. 40, sewed, 1s.... [3090 HYMN of Praise for all Nations: a Sacred Cantata for Four Voices, with Chorus, and Organ or Pianoforte. The Words selected from the Holy Scriptures, the Music by T. Lloyd Fowle. Folio, pp. 28, sewed, 7s. 6d... [3091 IRELAND as it was, as it is, and (by the Grace of God) as it will be. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 60, cloth, 18. [3092 JERROLD (D.)-Retired from Business: a Comedy, in Three Acts. By Douglas Jerrold. As performed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket. 12mo. pp. 64, sd. 1s. [3093 JOHNS (C. A.)-Flowers of the Field. By the Rev. C. A. Johns, B.A. 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. pp. 714, cloth, 7s. 8d.[3094 JOHNSON (SAMUEL), Life of, by Boswell, Vol.2. Square, JONES (S. S.)-The Heavenward Road. By S. S. Jones. 18mo. pp. 126, cloth, 1s. JONES (T.)-A Memoir of the Rev. Thomas Jones, late of Creaton, Northamptonshire. By the Rev. John Owen, Vicar of Thrussington. 12mo. pp. 402, cloth, 5s... [3098 (Vide Adv. 370.) JORDAN (H.)-Practical Observations on the Teeth, designed for Popular Use. By Henry Jordan. 12mo. pp. 110, cloth, 3s. 6d. KEMPIS de Imitatione Christi, et Contemptu Mundi, omnium que ejus vanitatum, Libri IV. Codex De Advocatis Seculi xiii. New edition, 24mo. cloth, 5s..... [3103 KING (F.)-Friendly Advice to Young Men, as to the Importance of employing their Leisure Hours in the Improvement of their Minds. By the Rev. H. King, A.B. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 76, sewed, 1s. KITTO (J.) - Daily Bible Illustrations; being Original Readings for a Year on Subjects from Sacred History, &c. By John Kitto. Vol. 4, 12mo. pp. 480, cloth, 6s.[3105 (Vide Adv. 400.) [3104 [3107 KNIGHT'S Cabinet Edition of the Works of Shakspere. Vol. 4, 18mo. pp. 392, cloth, 1s. 6d.... [3106 LADIES' OWN BOOK: a Companion to the Work-Table, issued by the Proprietors of "The Home Circle." In monthly parts. Oblong, sewed, each, 6d. LAMING (R.)-Matter and Force; their Nature and Laws analytically derived and synthetically applied: a New System founded upon the Gravitation of Electricity, and proving the Universe to be sustained by a Moral Power. With an Essay on the Philosophy of Physical Science. By Richard Laming. 8vo. pp. 114, 5 plates, cl. 48. [3108 (Vide Adv. 412.) LAWES (E.)-The Act for Promoting the Public Health; with Notes and Appendix containing the Supplemental Acts of 1849 and 1850. By Edward Lawes. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 336, boards, 8s.. [3109 LAWS and Practice of Whist. By Celebs. 12mo. cloth, LILLYWHITE'S Guide to Cricket. By Authority and under the Patronage of the Marylebone Club. 4th edit. 18mo. pp. 80, sewed, 1s. 6d. [3114 LOGIC for the Million: a Familiar Exposition of the Art of Reasoning. By a Fellow of the Royal Society. 12mo. pp. 426, cloth, 6s. (Vide Adv. 403.) ..[3115 LONGFELLOW (H. W.)-The Prose Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 12mo. pp. 500, cloth, 6s.. [3116 The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 12mo. pp. 560, cloth, 6s... [3117 M'CULLOCH (J. R.)-A Dictionary, Geographical, Statistical, and Historical, of the various Countries, Places, and Natural Objects in the World. By J. R. M'Culloch, Esq. Illustrated with 6 large Maps. New edit. (1850-51), corrected, and in part re-written; with& Supplement. Vol. 2, 8vo. pp. 1000, cloth, 31s. 6d. HOURS of Solitude and Sempronius. By Miss M. Franklin. Post 8vo. pp. 78, cloth, 5s. [3088 HOUSE (The) that Albert Built: a Humorous Sketch of the Great Exhibition. Illustrated by numerous large engravings. 4to. sewed, 6d... MARTIN (S.)-The Useful Arts; their Birth and Development. Edited for the Young Men's Christian Association. By the Rev. Samuel Martin. 12mo. pp. 520, cloth, 38. 6d.. ........ [3120 [3089 (Vide Adv. 355.) MARTINEAU (H.)-History of England during the 30 | PAPAL QUESTION (continued) : Years Peace. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, 42s. [3121 MAUNDER (S.)-The Biographical Treasury: a Dictionary of Universal Biography. By Samuel Maunder. 7th edit. revised and extended to the present time. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 900, cloth, 10s.. (Vide Adv. 403.) [3122 MOLESWORTH (Sir W.)-Speech of Sir William Molesworth, Bart., M.P., in the House of Commons, on April 10, 1851, for a Reduction of the Colonial Expenditure of the United Kingdom. 8vo. sewed, 1s. [3127 MORGAN (A. de). -The Book of Almanacs, containing the 35 Almanacks, with Index, by which the one belonging to any year preceding A.D. 2000 can be found, with means of finding new and full moons from в.с. 2000 to A.D. 2000. By Augustus de Morgan. Oblong demy 8vo. pp. 110, cloth, 5s. (Vide Adv. 392.) [3128 NAPIER (W. F. P.)-History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the Year 1807 to 1814. By Major General Sir W. F. P. Napier. Vol. 5, new edit. revised, post 8vo. pp. 450, cloth, 10s... [3129 NATION (The) and the Sabbath. 2d edit. enlarged, 12mo. pp. 82, sewed, 1s. [3130 NICHOL (Prof.) Architecture of the Heavens. Library edition, 8vo. pp. 300, cloth, 168. [3131 (Library of Illustrated Standard Works, Vol. 9.) (Vide Adv. 364.) NICHOLSON (W.)-The Treasure of Gospel Privileges fully Described. By W. Nicholson. 32mo. pp. 130, cloth, 6d. [3132 NO PRIEST, NO CHURCH; or, the Utility of Anglican Ordination and Consecration incontestably proved. By Amicus Veritatis. 12mo. pp. 24, sewed, 4d. .....[3133 NOT so Bad as we seem; or, Many Sides to a Character: a Comedy, in Five Acts. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton. 8vo. pp. 144, sewed, 5s. [3134 NUMA POMPILIUS, Second Roi de Rome. Par Florian. Neuvième édition, avec la Signification Anglaise des idiomes, et des mots les plus difficiles au bas de chaque page. Revue et soigneusement corrigée, par N. Wanostrocht. 12mo. roan lettered, 4s. [3135 O'DWYER (C.)-Belgium in 1828-Ireland in 1851. By Carew O'Dwyer, Esq. 8vo. pp. 48, sewed, 1s...... [3136 ONE Primeval Language (The). Part 1-"The Voice of Israel from the Rock of Sinai." With a large Chart, bound separately. 8vo. pp. 182, map, 218. [3137 ORIGINAL Letters and Papers in illustration of the History of the Church in Ireland during the Reigns of Edward VI. Mary, and Elizabeth. Edited, with Notes, by Evelyn Philip Shirley. Post 8vo. pp. 340, cl. 10s.6d.[3138 PALGRAVE (Sir F.) The History of Normandy and of England. By Sir Francis Palgrave, K.H. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 806, cloth, 218....... AN OCTAVE of Catholic Prayers for the Eventful Year 1851. By a Protestant Catholic. Edited by the Rev. Edw. Phillips. Post 8vo. pp. 32, sewed, 8d....... [3141 ARE ROMAN Catholics Allowed to Read the Bible? A Compendium of the Doctrine and Practice of the Church of Rome in reference to the Use of the Scripture; contained in a Correspondence between a Roman Catholic Layman and a Protestant Layman, occasioned by a late Meeting on the Papal Aggression. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 88, sewed, 1s. 6d... [3143 PUREFOY (G. P.)-The Great Change, No Change, the Real Change: a Dialogue. By the Rev. George P. Purefoy, A.M. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 20, sewed, 2d...... [3148 PARKER (F.)-The Church. By Franke Parker, M.A. Folio, with a Chart, pp. 378, cloth, £3. 3s. PAUL (J.)-A Popular Treatise on the Sacrifice of Christ: its Nature and Extent. By John Paul. 8vo. pp. 22, sewed, 6d.... [3149 ..[31501 PEARS (S. A.)-Sermons. By the Rev. Stewart Adolphus | Pears. 12mo. pp. 306, cloth, 5s. 6d.. [3151 QUAKERISM; or, the Story of my Life. By a Lady who was a Member of the Society of Friends for upwards of Forty Years. Royal 12mo. (Dublin), pp. 412, cloth, 10s. 6d. [3152 QUEEN ADELAIDE. Square, pp. 40, sewed, 4d.... [3153 RAINE (R.)- Floreat Ecclesia: a Manual of Church Poesy. By Miss Rosa Raine. 18mo. pp. 110, cloth, 2s. 6d. [3154 RALPH RUTHERFORD: a Nautical Romance. By the Author of "Petrel." 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 1008, bds. 31s. 6d. [3156 [3155 REALITIES: a Tale. By E. Lynn. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 880, boards, 31s. 6d. RECOLLECTIONS of Mrs. Anderson's School: a Book for Girls. By Jane M. Winnard. 12mo. pp. 296, cloth, 3s. 6d.. (Vide Adv. 348.) [3157 REMARKS on Fumigating Horticultural and Agricultural Crops. 8vo. sewed, 6d. [3158 RETROSPECT (A): being some Passages in the Life of an Infidel who obtained Mercy, testifying to the Reality of the Work of the Holy Spirit. By Aliquis Secundus, with a Recommendatory Preface by W. W. Champneys, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 42, cloth, 1s. [3159 [316) 3161 RIPON (Bp. of)-A Letter to the Parishioners of St. Saviour's, Leeds. With an Appendix. By the Lord Bishop of Ripon. Svo. sewed, 1s. 6d. RIVAL (The) Crusoes; or, the Shipwreck Voyage to Norway and the Fisherman's Cottage. By Agnes Strickland. 6th edit. 18mo. pp. 220, cloth, 2s. 6d.. ROGER MILLER; or, Heroism in Humble Life: a Narrative. By George Orme. Dedicated to the Right Hon. Lord Ashley. 12mo. pp. 170, cloth, 1s. 6d..........[3162 ROSAMOND: a Poem, in 5 Books. No. 1 in the Series of "Melibœus." 8vo. pp. 188, cloth, 6s.. [3163 ROYAL CALENDAR, and Court and City Register, for England, Ireland, Scotland, and the Colonies, corrected to April, 1851. 12mo. with Index of Names, 6s. 6d.[316+ (Vide Adv. 352.) RUSKIN (J.)-Examples of the Architecture of Venice, selected and drawn to measurement from the Edifices. By John Ruskin. Part 1, large folio, 6 plates, £1. 1s.; proofs, £2. 2s. [3165 SACRAMENT (The) of Responsibility; or, Testimony of Scripture to the Teaching of the Church on Holy Baptism. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 48, sewed, 6d.... SCRIPTURE ATLAS, for the Use of Schools. 4to. cloth, [3167 28. [3166 SEDGWICK (A.) and M'COY (F)-A Synopsis of the Classification of the British Palæozoic Rocks. By the Rev. Adam Sedgwick, M.A. Fasciculus 1st, containing the Radiata and Articulata (11 plates); with a detailed and systematic description of the British Palæozoic Fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge. By Frederick M'Coy. Part 2, Palæontology. 4to. pp. 200, 12 plates, sewed, 16s. SERMONS: [3168 BERENS (E.)-On Sorrow for the Death of Children. By the Rev. Edward Berens, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 12, sewed, 2d.... ....[3169 CLAYTON (G.)-Sermons on the Great Exhibition. By the Rev. George Clayton. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 36, sewed, 6d. [3170 CRISP (E.)-The Honor and the Sanctity of the Christian Ministry: being the substance of a Charge delivered at the Public Setting Apart of the Rev. Alfred Crisp to the Pastoral Office, at Langden, Salop, Nov. 21, 1850. By Edmund Crisp. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 6d. [3171 EVEREST (T. R.)-Preached in the Church of St. Augustine, Old Change, Cheapside, April 9, 1851, in aid of the Hahnemann Hospital. By the Kev. Thomas R. Everest. Svo. pp. 80, sewed, 1s. FOWLE (F. W.)-Two Sad Deaths on One Sabbath. Two Sermons. 12mo. pp. 20, 2d. [3172 [3173 Conviction not necessarily Conversion. 12mo. pp. 12, 1d.. [3174 HODFERN (J.)-The Armour of Light: Four Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Rosherne during Advent, 1850. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 76, sewed, 2s. [3144 O'SULLIVAN (M.)-A Plan for Inquiry into the Political Constitution of Romanism. Speech delivered by the Rev. Mortimer O'Sullivan, D.D. at a Meeting, Jan. 28, 1851. 8vo. (Dublin), pp. 32, sewed, 6d. [3145 MARTYR'S (The) Memorial; or, Papal Aggression, &c. a Poem, in Two Parts. By Paraxius. 12mo. pp. 28, cloth, 1s. 6d.; cloth, gilt, 2s... GOODE (D.)-What have they seen in thy House? or, Reflections on the Opening of the Great Exhibition, preached April 27. 8vo. sewed, 1s... [3175 HOSKYNS (J. L.)-Preached in the Parish Church of Cuddesden, at the Ordination held by the Lord Bishop of Oxford, March 16, 1851. By the Rev. J. L. Hoskyns, M.A. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, Is..... [3176 MANNING (F. J.)-Our Christian Simplicity in Danger. Preached in the Parish Church of St. John, Hampstead. By Rev. J. F. Manning, M.A. Fep. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 3d. [3177 [3146 PAPAL SUPREMACY; tested Singly and Apart from all other Roman Catholic Doctrines, by the Texts of Scripture on which it is Claimed. By a Lay Master of Arts. 12mo. pp. 44, sewed, 1s. NOLAN (T.)-Jesus an Example to Children. Preached in St. John's Chapel, Bedford Row, on Easter Tuesday, April 22, 1851. By Rev. 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