No. 1.—THE BLOOD of the CROSS. By the Rev. HORATIUS BONAR, Author of the "Night of Weeping," &c. “A singularly impressive and solemnizing little work." No. 2.-LOOKING to the CROSS; or, the Right Use of Marks and Evidences in Ascer With Preface and Notes, by Rev. H. BONAR. "A small volume of great practical value." CHRISTIAN NEWS. THOUGHTS on ELECTRICITY, with Notes of Experiments. Hydrogen obtained from Water without Oxygen-Oxygen obtained from Water without Hydrogen. By CHARLES CHALMERS. 3d Edition, with Illustrations, 2s. 6d. cloth. Edinburgh: Sutherland and Knox, George Street. London: Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. (322) A MILLION of FACTS of CORRECT DATA. By Sir RICHARD PHILLIPS. New Edition, enlarged and improved, 12s. Darton and Co., 58, Holborn Hill. (323) NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS, Published by T. Hatchard, 187, Piccadilly, London. NO. 3.-NO CONDEMNATION; or, the CR True Ground of Christian Triumph. By the Rev. JOHN PURVES. "We speak confidently when we say that this little work is destined to have an extensive circulation, but not more so than it merits."-WITNESS. "This is an eminently spiritual and practical treatise, deserving of a wide circulation and a prayerful perusal.” ABERDEEN BANNER. Kelso: J. and J. H. Rutherfurd, Market Place. By the Author of "The Listener." Fcp. 5s. cloth. OME'S OUTWORKS: or, Our Controversy with Rome. By C. R. DE HAVILLAND, M.A. Oriel College, Oxford, Incumbent of Downside, Bath. 8vo, 6s. ROME SERMONS, chiefly Catechetical. By the FIRST SERIES of PRACTICAL Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd. Edinburgh and A SERMONS. By the Rev. FREDERIC JACKSON, London: Johnstone and Hunter. London: James (321) Incumbent of Parson Drove, Isle of Ely. Fep. 5s. cloth. SIXTH THOUSAND WITHIN A FEW MONTHS. Small 8vo. elegantly printed and bound, with attractive Portrait on India Paper, price 3s. 6d. THE MORNING OF LIFE: A MEMOIR OF MISS A———————N, Who was educated for a Nun. (324) With many interesting Particulars and original Letters of Dr. Doyle, late Roman Catholic Bishop of Carlow. By her Friend, M. M. C. M. "POSSESSES ALL THE CHARMS OF A ROMANCE WITHOUT ITS HOLLOWNESS."-Christian Times. "There are scenes in the book of striking interest and much beauty."-Edinburgh Evening Post. "Deeply interesting."-Protestant World. "A narrative invested with unusual interest." Christian Treasury. "A character most interesting and lovely. Will amply reward perusal."-Free Church Magazine. "Will well repay perusal."-Church of England Mag. "The character of Miss A-n was no ordinary one." Protestant Magazine. Evangelical Christendom. "A truthfulness and beauty which cannot fail to delight all readers."-Liverpool Courier. "We have been deeply interested." "Many of the scenes are of surpassing interest and beauty."-Leamington Spa Courier. "Cannot fail to be perused with the greatest interest." St. James's Chronicle. Bath: Binns and Goodwin. London: Whittaker and Co. Dublin: J. Robertson and Co. MURRAY'S ENGLISH HANDBOOKS. On May 1st will be published, as a Pocket Volume, 16mo. MODERN LONDON; Or, Handbook of London as it is in 1851 with full Descriptions of all Places and Objects of Interest PALACES. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. GOVERNMENT OFFICES. GALLERIES of Art. CHURCHES. PARKS AND GARDENS. MUSEUMS. in the Metropolis, including PRIVATE MANSIONS. PRINCIPAL STREETS. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. EXHIBITIONS. THEATRES. The aim of this work is to describe those features of the Metropolis which are best worth seeing, and the way in which they may be seen to the best advantage, as well some general hints as to Hotels, Lodgings, &c.; in other words, it is intended that 'MURRAY'S HANDBOOK OF MODERN LONDON" shall be arranged on the plan adopted with so much success in "MURRAY'S CONTINENTAL HANDBOOKS." 2. THE GALLERIES OF PICTURES In and near London; including the National Gallery, Windsor Castle, Hampton Court, Dulwich Gallery, Soane's Moseum, Barry's Pictures. With Catalogues, and Biographical and Critical Notices. Post 8vo. 10s. HANDBOOK OF LONDON-PAST AND PRESENT; Containing, amongst its numerous contents, full Descriptions of all the Remarkable Old Inns, Coffee Houses, and Taverns. Old London Prisons. Places referred to by Old Writers. Burial Places of Eminent Individuals. Second Edition, revised, post 8vo. 16s. 6. WINDSOR AND ETON: The Castle, St. George's Chapel, and Eton College. New Edition, 16mo. 1s. 7. HANDBOOK OF ENGLAND AND WALES; Giving an Account of the Places and Objects in England best worth visiting, or likely to attract the notice of intelligent Strangers and passing Travellers. Arranged in connection with the most frequented Roads and Railways in England. Post 8vo. with Maps. Part I. The Eastern Counties-Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridge, & Lincoln. [Nearly ready. VII. Devon and Cornwall. Post 8vo. 6s. 8. THE OFFICIAL HANDBOOK; Or, Manual of Political and Historical Reference. Fcp. 8vo. [Ready. 1 This work shows concisely the Machinery by which the Government of the Country is carried on, including the duties, authorities, and rights of the Queen and Royal Family, with such a succinct account of the various departments, Civil, Military, Judicial, and Ecclesiastical, with their political relations, as will, it is hoped, render it useful to all desirous to make themselves acquainted with British Institutions. JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. (326) A NEW LONDON DIRECTORY and COURT GUIDE for 1852. At the end of the present year will be published, WATKINS'S Commercial and General London Directory and Court Guide for 1852, Extending on the North to CAMDEN TOWN, South to CAMBERWELL, Royal 8vo. handsomely and strongly bound, price, in cloth, 19s. 6d. ; to Subscribers, 16s. 6d. THE Proprietor having been induced to undertake the compilation of the above work, from the conviction that a Directory embracing the Metropolis and Suburbs within the above limits, and containing all necessary Mercantile Information, which could be supplied at a moderate price, would be appreciated by the Public, begs to state that he has been for several months engaged in making the necessary arrangements to render "THE COMMERCIAL and GENERAL LONDON DIRECTORY" perfectly complete. Whilst neither expense nor exertion will be spared to insure accuracy in all its divisions, care will at the same time be taken (in order not to increase unnecessarily the cost to the purchaser) to avoid useless repetition, and the insertion of all matter which may be considered unnecessary for general Commercial purposes; with which view, the names of working shoemakers, working tailors, retail coal dealers, &c., &c., will be excluded from this Directory. TO FACILITATE REFERENCE, THE WORK WILL BE ARRANGED AS FOLLOWS:GENERAL ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY-containing the Names, Trades, and Addresses of those engaged in Commerce, Professions, &c. SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORY-giving the Names and Addresses of the Members belonging to all the Scientific Institutions, Societies, &c. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY-containing the Names and Addresses of all the Members of each Profession residing within the above limits. CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES-arranged so that the Names and Addresses of those engaged in any particular Trade may be seen at one view. COURT GUIDE-containing the Names and Addresses of the Nobility and Gentry residing within the above limits. LEGAL DIRECTORY-giving all the Law Officers and Offices; Names and Addresses of all the Barristers, Solicitors, Proctors, Notaries, Law Booksellers, Stationers, Parliamentary and Patent Agents. GUIDE TO ALL THE GOVERNMENT AND OTHER PUBLIC OFFICES-with the full Christian and Surnames of those holding important Appointments, arranged in their order of Precedence. PARLIAMENTARY COMPANION-containing the House of Peers and House of Commons, with the Town and Country Residences of the Members of both Houses. LIST OF BANKERS-containing all the London and Country Private and Joint-Stock Banks, with their Branches, and the Banks they draw upon. STREET KEY-Comprising the Streets, Squares, &c. &c., Alphabetically arranged, with the Names and Trades of the Inhabitants in their numerical order. POSTAL INFORMATION-giving all the Cities, Towns, and principal Places in England and Wales; the County in which they are situate; and distinguishing the places where Money Orders are granted and paid. Places where Money Orders are not granted, have the Nearest Money Order Town attached; also copious Information respecting Foreign Mails, &c. CONVEYANCE-giving full particulars of all the Railways having Stations in London; Names of the Directors and Secretaries; Names of all the Places where there are Stations down each line, and the distance each place is from London. A list of all the Coach Offices, with the Names of the Coaches, Omnibuses, and Carriers that leave each, the Time they leave, and the Place they go to. A List of all the Wharfs; the Names of the Wharfingers; Names of the Vessels and Steam Boats that leave each Wharf, the time, and where bound to, and average duration of voyage. A general Alphabetical List of Places throughout the Kingdom, giving the fullest particulars of every species of Conveyance that leaves London for each place. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION-Almanac; Abstract of the New Stamp Act; Interest Tables; Insurance; City Officers; &c. &c. ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED AT THE FOLLOWING CHARGES: The Public is requested not to pay any Money, either for Advertisements or for Subscriptions, until the Work is published. It is most respectfully requested that notice may be given immediately to the Office of any alteration of address, in order that the necessary corrections may be made before going to press. OFFICE-38, Nelson Square. PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIetor, f. w. WATKINS, BY LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, Paternoster Row. Works in the Press and New Editions. 1. THE LIFE of EDWARD BAINES, late | New Works and New Editions. Will be published on the 1st of May, in post 8vo., with Maps and Illustrations, price 5s. handsomely bound in cloth, HE BRITISH METROPOLIS in 1851. Classified Guide to London, possessing several new and distinctive features, and made interesting to every Taste and Occupation.—Also, A COMPENDIUM of the BRITISH METROPOLIS. With Maps and Illustrations, 2s. bound in cloth. And a FRENCH EDITION, price 3s. 6d., containing several of the chapters of the larger work in full, and the other chapters arranged in a tabular form, with Maps and Illustrations, &c. Arthur Hall, Virtue, and Co., Art Journal Publishing Office, Paternoster Row. (329) In a few days, price 6s 6d. a new and thoroughly revised Edition. bound in cloth; or 17s. morocco antique, NINEVEH AND PERSEPOLIS: An Historical Sketch of Ancient Assyria and Persia; with an Account of the recent Researches in those Countries. By W. S. W. VAUX, M.A. of the British Museum. 2. **This edition has been thoroughly revised and enlarged, and several new illustrations introduced, from recent additions to the collection in the British Museum. Second Edition, fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. uniform with "Proverbial Philosophy," with Vignette and Frontispiece, BALLADS FOR THE TIMES, And other Poems. By MARTIN F. TUPPER, Esq. D.C.L. F.R.S. THE CROCK OF GOLD, And other Tales. Cheap Edition, 1 vol. with Leech's Illustrations, 8s. 4. Just published, fcp. 8vo. 3s. cloth, KING ALFRED'S POEMS. 5. Just published, 8vo. 10s. 6d. handsomely bound, Or, Papal Rome, Her Priests and Her Jesuits: with HE NEWSPAPER PRESS DIREC- Sacred Apostolic Palace, &c. &c. TTORY. BY CHARLES MITCHELL. This standard book of Reference, in addition to all changes in Newspaper Property, contains Original Articles of vital importance to, not only the whole Newspaper Proprietary, but all the leading Commer. cial, Agricultural, Trading, Professional, and Literary Associations, Government and Public Establishments throughout the Empire, by whom the former Editions have been so largely patronised. Mr. C. Mitchell trusts he may be permitted to observe that the Directory is now the recognised Guide for Advertising, by the most influential Literary and Scientific Societies and Associations, the Government Offices and Public Establishments; as well as by the most eminent Bankers, Merchants, and Traders. It has been pronounced by the Editor of the Spectator to be "indispensable to the bureau, the desk, and the counter, whence Advertisements are issued, or where any knowledge of Newspapers may be requisite," and the utmost efforts of the proprietor have been directed to impart to the new edition such improvements as will render this edition superior in merit and intrinsic attraction to those previously issued. To Advertisers of all classes the work forms a safe guide. 6. Just published, 2s. 6d. EMILIE THE PEACE-MAKER. By Mrs. THOMAS GELDART. TRUTH IS 7. EVERYTHING. Published by C. Mitchell, Red Lion Court, Fleet LECTURES for the TIMES; or, IllustraStreet; by whom Advertisements will be received for a few days longer. (330) EUCHARISTICA: Meditations and Prayers on the Most Holy Eucharist, from Old English Divines. With an Introduction by the BISHOP of OXFORD. 2s. 6d. cloth; 5s. bound in morocco. HORÆ SACRÆ : Prayers and Meditations for Private Use, from the Writings of the Divines of the Anglican Church. With an Introduction by the Rev. JOHN CHANDLER, M.A., Vicar of Witley. 2s. 6d. cloth; 5s. bound in morocco. The above are also kept in a variety of handsome bindings. London: R. and A. Suttaby. (331) NEW MONTHLY PERIODICAL, "The Comic History of England." Illustrated by John Leech. On the First of May will be published, price One Shilling, WITH COLOURED ENGRAVINGS AND NUMEROUS WOODCUTS BY JOHN LEECH, The FIRST NUMBER of The Comic History of Rome, For the Use and Amusement of Schools and Families. LONDON PUBLISHED BY BRADBURY AND EVANS, 11, BouVERIE STREET. (333) MYTTON.-A NEW EDITION OF THE HE LIFE of the late JOHN MYTTON, WAL (334) TALKER'S RHYMING DICTIONARY: in which all Words are arranged according to their Terminations; answering at the same time the purpose of a Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language. A New Edition, revised and corrected, thick 12mo. 6s. 6d. cloth. (335) G. Willis, Piazza, Covent Garden. EAR Lately published, by the same Author, THANKFULNESS; or, Pages from the Diary of the Rev. Allan Temple. 2d Edition, fcp. with Engravings, 6s. 6d. Sampson Low, 169, Fleet Street. (336) REV. C. G. FINNEY'S LECTURES. LECTURES on SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY; embracing Lectures on Moral Govern. ment, The Atonement, Moral and Physical Depravity, Natural Ability, Moral and Gracious; Repentance, Faith, Justification, Sanctification, Sovereignty, Elec. tion, Divine Purposes, Perseverance, &c. By the Rev. C. G. FINNEY. The whole work Revised, with an Introduction, by the Rev. Dr. REDFORD, of Worcester. In one thick volume, pp. 1016, with Portrait from an original drawing, and engraved on steel by J. Cochran, 16s. cloth. Upon several important and difficult subjects the author has thrown a clear and valuable light, which will guide many a student through perplexities and difficulties which he had long sought unsuccessfully to explain. The editor frankly confesses, that when a student he would gladly have bartered half the books in his library to have gained a single perusal of these Lectures; and he cannot refrain from expressing the belief, that no young student of theology will ever regret their purchase or perusal. PORTRAIT of the Rev. C. G. FINNEY, on India paper, 4to. price One Shiiling. William Tegg and Co. 85, Queen Street, Cheapside, (337) Just published, in folio, half-bound morocco, uncut, price £1. 16s. Flatters' Compositions from Milton. THE PARADISE LOST OF MILTON, Illustrated in a Series of Fifty-four Plates of the Human Figure, for the Use of Sculptors, Artists, &c. By J. J. FLATTERS, Sculptor. Fifty-four beautiful Outline Engravings, with Quotations in English and French. The Thugs, or Secret Murderers of India. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE HISTORY AND PRACTICES OF THE THUGS; The Suppression of the Crime of Thuggee. Compiled from the best Authorities and the Papers of Captain Sleeman. 8vo. cloth, (pub. at 15s.) 5s. 6d. Also, on the First of May will be published, price 6d., or free by post on the receipt of Six Postage Stamps, A Catalogue of Two Thousand Books, In all Classes of English and Foreign Literature, selected from the Stock of (338) |