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PAPAL QUESTION (continued):

BOWYER (G.)-Observations on the Arguments of Dr. Twiss respecting the New Roman Catholic Hierarchy. By George Bowyer. 8vo. pp. 44, sewed, Is....... [1689 DAWSON (G.)-Lecture on the Papal Aggression Controversy: delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham. By George Dawson. Lecture 2, 8vo. (Birmingham), sd. 3d.; Lectures 1 and 2, in 1, 8vo. sewed, 6d... [1690 FORSHALL (J.)-Remonstrance against Romish Corruptions in the Church: addressed to the People and Parliament of England in 1395, 18 Ric. II. Now first published. Edited by the Rev. J. Forshall. Post 8vo. pp. 202, cloth, 3s. 6d


..[1691 ISBELL (E. J.)-A Glance at the Practice and Doctrine of the Church of Rome; and Observations on Cardinal Wiseman's Sermon, preached Dec. 24, 1850. By Edwin James Isbell. 12mo. pp. 24, sewed, 6d. JENNER (S.)-The Queen's Supremacy Vindicated. By the Rev. Stephen Jenner. 8vo. sewed, 1s....... [1693 M'MECHAN (W.)-Protestant Security and Roman Catholic Loyalty. 2d edition, 8vo. (Dublin), 8vo. pp. 28, sewed, 1s....


Browne. Post 8vo. pp. 380, cl. 4s.; half-bd. 6s. 6d. [1661

MOLOCH (The); or, the Human Sacrifices of the Inqui

(Vide Adv. 238.)

sition. 18mo. pp. 72, sewed, 6d.


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MOORE (D.)-Romanism, as set forth in its acknowledged Formularies: a Course of Sermons, with Appendix of Authorities. By Daniel Moore, M.A. 8vo.

MACKNIGHT (T.)-The Literature of the Age: an Address delivered at the King's College Literary and Scientific Union. Svo. pp. 29, sewed, 1s.

pp. 208, cloth. 5s.



M'CRINDELL (R.)-The Convent a Narrative founded on Fact. By R. M'Crindell. 3d edition, 12mo. pp. 284, cloth, 5s.


MANN'S Country Visitor's Guide to the Metropolis and the World's Exhibition of 1851. 12mo. cloth, 1s... [1665 MANSFIELD (E. D.)-American Education; its Principles and Elements. Dedicated to the Teachers of the United States. By Edward D. Mansfield. Post 8vo. (New York), pp. 358, 7s. 6d.

NATIONAL SCHOOL SOCIETY. - Romanizing Character of the Religious Instruction provided for the Pupils and Children of the Westminster Normal Training Schools, at Christ Church, in the Broadway, and at St. Mark's Chapel, Stanley Grove. 18mo. pp. 52, sewed, 3d....

[1697 NEW TRACT (A) for the Times. -Practical Suggestions for the Present Crisis: addressed to the Church of England, Priests and People. By a Layman. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 6d.



MANUAL of DAILY PRAYERS (A): with an Office of Preparation for the Holy Communion and Companion to the Altar. 18mo. pp. 60, sewed, 6d...

NOEL (B. W.)-The Church of Rome. By Baptist Wriothesley Noel. 12mo. pp. 84, sewed, 1s....... [1099 (Vide Adv. 229.)


MARGOLIOUTH (M.)-The History of the Jews in Great Britain. By the Rev. Moses Margoliouth. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, pp. 948, 31s. 6d.

PEEL (Sir R.)-Speech on the Papal Aggression, delivered in the House of Commons on the 15th of March, 1851. 8vo. sewed, 6d.



MARIOTTI (L.)-Italy in 1848. By L. Mariotti. Post
8vo. pp. 510, cloth, 12s....
MATHIAS (B. W.)-Popery not Catholicism. By the late
Rev. B. W. Mathias. Edited by the Rev. W. B. Stewart
Mathias. 12mo. pp. 170, cloth, 3s...


POPERY in its Development, exhibited by several Terrible Annals of the Inquisition: with an obvious Political Deduction in Elucidation of the Roman Catholic Question. 8vo. pp. 42, sewed, 1s.



MEERES (N.)-Sermons on Various Subjects. By the
Rev. Nathaniel Meeres. 8vo. pp. 418, cloth, 10s. 6d.[1671
MILLER (S.)-Case of the Queen v. Commissioners of
Land Tax. 8vo. sewed, 1s.
ΜΟΝΤΕΙΤH'S Method: French in Four Lessons. 12mo.
sewed, 1s....



POTTS (R.)-The Huntyng and Fyndyng out of the Romish Fox: which more than seven yeares hath bene hyd among the Byshoppes of England, after that the Kynges Hyghness, Henry VIII., had commanded hym to be driven out of hys Realme. Written by Wyllyam Turner. Amended and curtailed, with a short Account of the Author, by R. Potts, M.A. 8vo. pp. 52, sewed, 6d.....

MURRAIE (J. P. C.) - Nouveau Guide de l'Etranger à

Londres, 1851. 12mo. sewed, 2s. 6d...


NAPIER (E.)-The Book of the Cape; or, Past and Future Emigration By Lieut.-Col. E. Napier. Edited by Mrs. Ward. Post 8vo. pp. 370, cloth, 10s. 6d.


NAPIER (W. F. P.)-History of the War in the Peninsula and the South of France, from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814. By Major-General Sir W. F. P. Napier, K.C.B. New edition, revised by the Author. Vol. 4, crown 8vo. pp. 480, cloth, 10s.



NATIONAL Cyclopedia of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 12, post 8vo. pp. 916, cloth, 5s..... NEW TESTAMENT in FRENCH. 32mo. (Edinb.) roan, embossed, 1s. 6d.


NEWDEGATE (C. N.)-A Third Letter to the Right Hon. H. Labouchere, M.P. by C. N. Newdegate, Esq. M.P. on the Balance of Trade. 8vo. pp. 156, sd. 2s. 6d... [1679 NOBODY'S SON; or, the Life and Adventures of Percival Mayberry. Written by Himself. Post 8vo. pp. 310, cloth, 10s. 6d.

(Vide Adv. 244.)


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[1702 PROTESTANT (A) PROTEST in 1850. 8vo. sd. 3d.[1703 QUESTION (The) with Rome. By the Author of "Ireland's Hour." 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 6d. ROMAN CATHOLIC QUESTION: a copious Series of Important Documents, of Personal Historical Interest, on the Re-establishment of the Catholic Hierarchy in England, 1850-1. 8vo. cloth, 4s.

[1705 ROMAN CATHOLIC CLAIMS, as involved in the Recent Aggression, impartially considered. By Amicus Veritatis. 8vo. pp. 76, sewed, 2s.... ..[1706 SCRIPTURAL Revision of the Liturgy, a Remedy for Anglican Assumption and Papal Aggression. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord J. Russell, M.P. By a Member of the Middle Temple. 8vo. pp. 194, cloth, 3s. 6d.

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PETTITT (G.)-The Tinnevelly Mission of the Church Missionary Society. By the Rev. George Pettitt. 12mo. pp. 588, cloth, 7s..... (Vide Adv. 190.)......... [1715 PHARMACOPEIA Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londi nensis. 8vo. pp. 218, cloth, 9s.; 12mo. cloth, sd. 5s. [1716 (Vide Adv. 236.)

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REVIEW (A) of the Mercantile Marine of Great Britain; its Past and Present Condition practically considered. 8vo. pp. 32, sewed, 6d...


RICHARDSON (H. D. D.)-Pigs; their Origin and Varieties-Management with a View to Profit-and Treatment under Disease. Also, plain Directions relative to the most approved Modes of Curing and Preserving their Flesh. New edition, 12mo. sewed, 1s.

[1731 ROBINS (S.) and WEIGHT (G.)-Nineteen Lectures delivered at the Early Morning Service at St. Swithin's Church, Cannon Street, in the Years 1838 and 1839. By the Rev. Sanderson Robins. To which are added, Three Lectures by Rev. Geo. Weight. 12mo. cloth, 4s... [1732 RUFF (W.) Guide to the Turf-1851. Spring edition. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d.; tuck, 4s. 6d.



SAINT FELIX (DE.)-Key to the French Genders. 12mo. (Ipswich), sewed, 1s...... SAUNDERS (J.)-Information on the Teeth. By Josiah Saunders. 18mo. pp. 34, cloth, 1s.... SCOTT (E. E.)-The Property and Income Tax the best Tax for the Community. By E. Erskine Scott, F.I.A. 8to. sd. Is.



SCRATCHLEY (A.)-Instructions for the Formation of Benefit Assurance and Investment Societies, in the various Towns of this Kingdom and the Colonies, to com. bine the leading Advantages of the New Act for Friendly Societies and Benefit Building Societies, pursuant to 13 and 14 Vict. cap. 115, and 6 and 7 Will. IV. cap. 32. With Rules, Tables, Forms for their Management, and Amendments for the better Working of Existing Friendly Societies. By Arthur Scratchley, M.A. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 350, cloth, 10s. 6d.

....1737 SECOND LOVE, or Heauty and Intellect: a Novel. By Mrs. Trollope. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 930, bds. 31s.6d.[1738 (Vide Adv. 259.)


BROCK (W.) - "Help, Lord; for the Godly Man Ceaseth"; or, the Church Bereaved. Preached on the Occasion of the Death of the Rev. Thomas Brock, M.A. by William Brock, M.A. 12mo. (Winchester), pp. 36, sewed, 6d.)


......[1739 SHAKSPEARE (W.)-Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. By C. Knight. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 590, cloth, 7s. 6d........ (Pictorial National Edition.). SHEPHERD (E. J.)-The History of the Church of Rome to the End of the Episcopate of Damasus, A.D. 384. By E. John Shepherd, A.M. 8vo. pp. 552, cloth, 148... [1741 (Vide Adv. 279.)

SHERWOOD (MRS.)-Jamie Gordon, or the Orphan. 12mo. pp. 260, ods. 3s. 6d.

(Vide Adv. 277.)


SIX Familiar Lectures for the use of Young Military Officers. By a Field Officer. 12mo. with plan, pp. 106, cloth sewed, 4s. 6d.


SMEE (A.)- Elements of Electro-Metallurgy. By Alfred Smee. 3d edit. revised and illustrated, post 8vo. pp.374, cloth, 10s. 6d.


SMITH (J. W.)-An Elementary View of the Proceedings in an Action at Law. By John William Smith, Esq. 4th edition, with additions and Notes by D. B. Ring, Esq. 8vo. pp. 336, 8s. [1747 SOMERVILLE(M.)-Physical Geography. By Mary Somerville. 3d edition, entirely revised, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. pp. 926, cloth, 12s..... [1748

STEINETZ (F.)-The Ship, its Origin and Progress. 4to. cloth, 21s. reduced; with coloured plates, 25s. 1749 STERNBERG (T.)-The Dialect and Folk Lore of Northamptonshire. By Thomas Sternberg. 12mo. pp. 200, cloth, 5s.

[1750 STURMER (F. J.)-The Plagues of Egypt, and other Poems. Dedicated, by permission, to the Rev. John Fell, M.Α. Heapham Rectory, Gainsborough. Fcp. silk, 6s. 6d.[1751 SUMNER (C.)-Orations and Speeches, by Chas. Sumner. 2 vols. 12mo. (Boston, U. S.) pp. 892, cloth, 16s..... [1752 SUPERNATURAL ILLUSIONS. By Major P. J. Begbie. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. pp. 500, cloth, 15s...

(Vide Adv. 199.)


TACITUS, Germany and Agricola. Literally translated into English Prose. 12mo. (Dublin), sewed, 28..... [1754 TATE (W.)-The Serpent in the Wilderness: an Exposition of Numbers xxi. 6 and 9, with John iii. 14, 17. By Wm. Tate. 12mo. pp. 228, cloth, 2s......

(Vide Adv. 229.)


TAYLOR (W. C.)-The History of Mohammedanism and its Sects. By W. Cooke Taylor. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 306, cloth, 4s. [1756

THACKWELL (E. J.)-Narrative of the Second Sikh War in 1848-49; with a Detailed Account of the Battles of Ramnugger, The Passage of the Chenab Chillianuallah, Goojerat, &c. By Edward Joseph Thackwell. 2d edit. revised, post 8vo. pp. 372, cloth, 10s. 6d...



TOMLINS (R.)-Sermons, by the Rev. Richard Tomlins. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 270, cloth, 5s. TROLLOPE (W.)-Questions and Answers on the Liturgy of the Church of England. By the Rev. W. Trollope. 2d edition, 18mo. pp. 130, cloth, 2s. 6d.... TURNER (J.)-A Plain and Concise Treatise on the Culture of the Gooseberry. By John Turner. Fcp. 8vo. sewed, 6d.




TWO VISITS (The): a True Story. Addressed to Sunday Scholars. Square, sewed, 4d..... ULLMANN (C.)-Gregory of Nazianzium: the Divine. A Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History of the Fourth Century. By Carl Ullmann. Translated by G. F. Cox. 12mo. pp. 326, cloth, 6s. [1762 VILLAGE SCIENCE; or, the Laws of Nature Explained. By the Author of "Peeps at Nature," "Nature's Wonders," &c. 18mo. pp. 234, with engravings, bds. 2s. [1763 (Vide Adv. 284.)


VIRGIL, Latin: with English Notes, by R. Galbraith and H. Owgan. New edition, by H. Edwards and G. В. Wheeler. - Part 1, Bucolics. 12mo. (Dublin), bound, 3s. 6d...... [1764 VLIELAND (J. N.)--French Genders: the French Student's Multum in Parvo and Companion to all French Grammars. By J. N. Vlieland. 2d edition, 18mo. pp. 38, sewed, 6d... WALCOT (M. E. C.)-The English Ordinal: its History, Validity, and Catholicity; with an Introduction on the Three Holy Orders of Ministers in the Church. By Mackenzie E. C. Walcot. Post 8vo. pp. 360, cloth, 10s. 6d. [1766 WALPOLE (H.)-Memoirs of Horace Walpole, and his Contemporaries; including Original Letters, chiefly from Strawberry Hill. Edited by Eliot Warburton. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1102, cloth, 28s.

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Life of Joseph and Last Years of Jacob. 12mo. (Glasgow) cloth, reduced to 4s. [1771

On Prostitution. 12mo. (Glasgow), cloth, reduced to 1s. 6d. [1772

WEIR (J.)-Romanism: Eight Lectures for the Times. By the Rev. John Weir. 12mo. pp. 302, cloth, 3s... [1773 WEST (Mrs.)-Memoir of Mrs. John West, who Died at Chettle, Dorset, March, 23, 1839. By John West. 3d edition, 12mo. pp. 270, cloth, 4s. 6d. .... [177+ WHITEFRIARS; or, the Days of Charles the Second: an Historical Romance. In 2 vols. vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 250, boards, 1s.; cloth, 1s. 6d. ...[1775 Corrections and Additions from "Fraser's Magazine." Post 8vo. pp. 380, cloth, 9s. [1776 (Vide Adv. 231.)

(Railway Library.) YEAST: a Problems, Reprinted with

Law Reports.

SMITH (H. S.)-An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the 43d or Monmouthshire Light Infantry from 1800 to 1850. By Henry Stooks Smith. 8vo. pp. 38, clo.5s. [1745 CHANCERY (Macnaghten and Gordon). Vol. 2, Part 2,

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