LOOKING unto JESUS: a Text for Every Day in the [1657 (Vide Adv. 300.) MACAULAY (Z.)-List of all Stations on the Railways of .[1667 . [1673 MURRAIE (J. P. C.)- Nouveau Guide de l'Etranger à [1678 NATIONAL Cyclopedia of Useful Knowledge. Vol. 12, (Vide Adv. 244.) ODLING (W.)-Light thrown upon the Four Gospels: being à Treatise on the Indispensability of the distinction to be made betwixt Natural Faith and Repentance as a Duty according to law; and Spiritual Faith and RepentBy William Odling. 12mo. ance as a sovereign Gift. [1683 pp. 177, cloth, 2s. 6d. PALEY (W.)-Evidences of Christianity: with Questions and Analysis. By Rev. G. Fisk. 12mo. boards, ad[1684 vanced to 5s. 6d... PAPAL QUESTION ....... [1685 ALFORD (C. R.)-The Church of Rome: Lectures. 8vo. 1s. .[1687 [1688 PAPAL QUESTION (continued):- sd. 3d.; Lectures 1 and 2, in 1, 8vo. sewed, 6d. .. [1690 [1692 ISBELL (E. J.)-A Glance at the Practice and Doctrine [1693 [1694 MOLOCH (The); or, the Human Sacrisces of the Inquisition. 18mo. pp. 72, sewed, 6d. [1695 MOORE (D.)-Romanism, as set forth in its acknow- ..[1697 NEW TRACT (A) for the Times. -Practical Suggestions for the Present Crisis: addressed to the Church of England, Priests and People. By a Layman. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 6d. [1698 By Baptist [1699 NOEL (B. W.)-The Church of Rome. PEEL (Sir R.)-Speech on the Papal Aggression, deli- 1701 PEPYS (S.)-Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys: PETTITT (G.)-The Tinnevelly Mission of the Church 21s... PHILIPS'S Shilling Atlas of Modern Geography. 4to. sewed, Is. ..[1717 PHILLIMORE (J. G.)—An Inaugural Lecture on Jurisprudence, and a Lecture on Canon Law, delivered in the Hall of the Middle Temple, Hilary Term, 1851. By John George Phillimore. 8vo. pp. 88, sewed, 3s. 6d. .... [1718 PHILP'S Illustrations of London in 1851; lithographed from Original Drawings. By R. S. Groom. Oblong, boards, 2s. 6d... . [1719 POEMS of Early Years: in Nine Chaplets. By a Wrangler of Trinity College, Cambridge. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 228, cloth, 5. (Vide Adv. 240.) ..[1720 PREM SAGAR; or, the Ocean of Love. Literally translated from the Hindi of Shri Lallú Lal Kab into English. By Edward Beastwick. 4to. (Hertford), pp. 272, boards, .[1721 PRIDHAM (A.)—Notes and Reflections on the Epistle to the Romans. By Arthur Pridham. 12mo. pp. 402, cloth, (Bath), 68... ..[1722 (Vide Adv. 263.) PULSZKY (F. and T.)-Tales and Traditions of Hungary. By Francis and Theresa Pulszky. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 930, boards, 31s. 6d. .. (Vide Adv. 259.). [1723 RAMSAY (W.)-A Manual of Roman Antiquities. By William Ramsay, B.A. 2d edit. post 8vo. with Map and numerous engravings, 8vo. pp. 500, (Ency. Met.) cloth, 78.6d... ... [1724 RECOLLECTIONS of a Rifleman's Wife at Home and Abroad. By Mrs. Fitzmaurice. Post 8vo. pp. 216, cloth, 78. 6d. [1725 REGISTERED Shilling Bible Atlas. 8vo. cloth, sd.ls.[1726 REID (H.)-Elements of Astronomy. By H. Reid. 2d edit. (Edinburgh), 12mo. cloth, 3s... . [1727 REID (REV. J.) Memoirs of. By R. Wardlaw. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. reduced [1728 RELIGION, Rights, and Revenue. A Voice from the Tomb of the late Sir Robert Peel. By a Clergyman. 8vo. pp. 64, sewed, 1s... .[1729 REVIEW (A) of the Mercantile Marine of Great Britain; its Past and Present Condition practically considered. 8vo. pp. 32, sewed, 6d.. .[1730 RICHARDSON (H. D. D.)-Pigs; their Origin and Varieties-Management with a View to Profit-and Treatment under Disease. Also, plain Directions relative to the most approved Modes of Curing and Preserving their Flesh. New edition, 12mo. sewed, 1s. [1731 ROBINS (S.) and WEIGHT (G.)-Nineteen Lectures delivered at the Early Morning Service at St. Swithin's Church, Cannon Street, in the Years 1838 and 1839. By the Rev. Sanderson Robins. To which are added, Three Lectures by Rev. Geo. Weight. 12mo. cloth, 48... [1732 RUFF (W.) Guide to the Turf-1851. Spring edition. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. ; tuck, 4s. 6d. [1733 SAINT FELIX (DE.)-Key to the French Genders. 12mo. (Ipswich), sewed, 1s... ..[1734 SAUNDERS (J.)-Information on the Teeth. By Josiah Saunders. 18mo. pp. 34, cloth, 1s.... [1735 SCOTT (E. E.)-The Property and Income Tax the best Tax for the Community. By E. Erskine Scott, F.I.A. Bro. sd. ls. ..[1736 SCRATCHLEY (A.)-Instructions for the Formation of Benefit Assurance and Investment Societies, in the various Towns of this Kingdom and the Colonies, to com⚫ bine the leading Advantages of the New Act for Friendly Societies and Benefit Building Societies, pursuant to 13 and 14 Vict. cap. 115, and 6 and 7 Will. IV. cap. 32. With Rules, Tables, Forms for their Management, and Amendments for the better Working of Existing Friendly Societies. By Arthur Scratchley, M.A. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 350, cloth, 10s. 6d. 11737 SECOND LOVE, or Heauty and Intellect: a Novel. By Mrs. Trollope. 3 vols. post svo. pp. 930, bds. 31s.6d.[1738 (Vide Adv. 259.) SERMONS: BROCK (W.)-"Help, Lord; for the Godly Man Ceaseth"; or, the Church Bereaved. Preached on the Occasion of the Death of the Rev. Thomas Brock, M.A. by William Brock, M.A. 12mo. (Winchester), pp. 36, sewed, 6d.). ...[1739 SHAKSPEARE (W.)-Comedies, Histories, Tragedies, and Poems. By C. Knight. Vol. 1, 8vo. pp. 590, cloth, 7s. 6d.. (Pictorial National Edition.)... ..[1740 SHEPHERD (E. J.)-The History of the Church of Rome to the End of the Episcopate of Damasus, A.D. 384. By E. John Shepherd, A.M. 8vo. pp. 552, cloth, 148... [1741 (Vide Adv. 279.) ... SHERWOOD (MRS.)-Jamie Gordon, or the Orphan. 12mo. pp. 260, bds. 3s. 6d. ...... (Vide Adv. 277.) [1742 SMITH (J. W.)-An Elementary View of the Proceedings in an Action at Law. By John William Smith, Esq. 4th edition, with additions and Notes by D. B. Ring, Esq. 8vo. pp. 336, 8s. ..[1747 SOMERVILLE(M.)-Physical Geography. By Mary Somerville. 3d edition, entirely revised, 2 vols. fcp. 8vo. pp. 926, cloth, 12s.. [1748 STEINETZ (F.)-The Ship, its Origin and Progress. 4to. cloth, 21s. reduced; with coloured plates, 25s. ....1749 STERNBERG (T.)—The Dialect and Folk Lore of Northamptonshire. By Thomas Sternberg. 12mo. pp. 200, cloth, 5s. (1750 STURMER (F. J.)—The Plagues of Egypt,and other Poems. Dedicated, by permission, to the Rev. John Fell, M.A. Heapham Rectory, Gainsborough. Fcp. silk, 6s. 6d. [1751 SUMNER (C.)--Orations and Speeches, by Chas. Sumner. 2 vols. 12mo. (Boston, U. S.) pp. 892, cloth, 16s.....[1752 SUPERNATURAL ILLUSIONS. By Major P. J. Begbie. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. pp. 500, cloth, 158... .[1753 (Vide Adv. 199.) TACITUS, Germany and Agricola. Literally translated into English Prose. 12mo. (Dublin), sewed, 28..... [1754 TATE (W.)- The Serpent in the Wilderness: an Exposition of Numbers xxi. 6 and 9, with John iii. 14, 17. By Wm. Tate. 12mo. pp. 228, cloth, 2s... ....[1755 (Vide Adv. 229.) TAYLOR (W. C.)-The History of Mohammedanism and its Sects. By W. Cooke Taylor. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 306, cloth, 48. ..[1756 THACKWELL (E. J.)-Narrative of the Second Sikh War in 1848-49; with a Detailed Account of the Battles of Ramnugger, The Passage of the Chenab Chillianuallah, Goojerat, &c. By Edward Joseph Thackwell. 2d edit. revised, post 8vo. pp. 372, cloth, 10s. 6d. .......... [1757 TOMLINS (R.)—Sermons, by the Rev. Richard Tomlins. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 270, cloth, 5s. . [1758 TROLLOPE (W.)-Questions and Answers on the Liturgy of the Church of England. By the Rev. W. Trollope. 2d edition, 18mo. pp. 130, cloth, 2s. 6d. ....... [1759 TURNER (J.)—A Plain and Concise Treatise on the Culture of the Gooseberry. By John Turner. Fcp. 8vo. sewed, 6d. .[1760 TWO VISITS (The): a True Story. Addressed to Sunday Scholars. Square, sewed, 4d.. . [1761 ULLMANN (C.)—Gregory of Nazianzium: the Divine. A Contribution to the Ecclesiastical History of the Fourth Century. By Carl Ullmann. Translated by G. F. Cox. 12mo. pp. 326, cloth, 6s. ..[1762 VILLAGE SCIENCE; or, the Laws of Nature Explained. By the Author of "Peeps at Nature," "Nature's Wonders," &c. 18mo. pp. 234, with engravings, bds. 2s.[1763 (Vide Adv. 284.) VIRGIL, Latin: with English Notes, by R. Galbraith and H. Owgan. New edition, by H. Edwards and G. B. Wheeler.- Part 1, Bucolics. 12mo. (Dublin), bound, 3s. 6d... ..[1764 VLIELAND (J. N.)-French Genders: the French Student's Multum in Parvo and Companion to all French Grammars. By J. N. Vlieland. 2d edition, 18mo. pp. 38, sewed, 6d. .[1765 WALCOT (M. E. C.)-The English Ordinal: its History, Validity, and Catholicity; with an Introduction on the Three Holy Orders of Ministers in the Church. By Mackenzie E. C. Walcot. Post 8vo. pp. 360, cloth, 10s. 6d. [1766 WARD (R.)-North of England Directory; with an Almanack and Town and Country Guide, a Record of Events, and an Annual Commercial Advertiser, 1851. 12mo. 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Now ready, in 2 vols. 8vo. with Portrait, 28s. bound, MEMOIRS OF HORACE WALPOLE, Including numerous Original Letters, chiefly from Strawberry Hill. Edited by MRS. TROLLOPE'S NEW NOVEL. SECOND LOVE; OR, BEAUTY AND INTELLECT. TALES AND TRADITIONS OF HUNGARY. By FRANCIS and THERESA PULSZKY. 3 vols. 3 vols. THE DREAMER & THE WORKER: A STORY OF THE PRESENT TIME. By R. H. HORNE, Esq., Author of "Orion," &c. 2 vols. 21s. bound. MICHAELO AND THE TWINS: A TALE OF THE LAZZARONI OF NAPLES. BY AMALIE WINTER. (259) With Engravings, imperial 16mo. elegant cloth, 4s. 6d. plain; 5s. 6d. tinted; 6s. 6d. coloured. "Messrs. BINNS AND GOODWIN intend to contribute to the GREAT EXHIBITION a copy of MICHAELO AND THE TWINS, splendidly bound in blue watered silk, the attractive novelty of the coloured engravings entitling it to that distinction."-See Publishers' Circular for March 1. Bath: Binns and Goodwin. London: Whittaker; Simpkin; Hamilton; and Longman. MR. RUSKIN'S NEW WORKS. 1. 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