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I respectfully submit the fiscal year 1987 budget request for the Copyright Royalty Tribunal. The Tribunal's request includes allotment increases of $152,000 and decreases of $3,000 in comparison to 1986 requirements, resulting in a net increase of $149,000.

The largest increase ($65,000) is to provide for the salaries and benefits for two commissioners and their assistants as currently authorized under P.L. 94-553. Although these positions are presently vacant, a nominee is pending Senate confirmation. The Tribunal's FY 1986 supplemental request to provide funding for these positions is for only 9 months (beginning January 1986). The additional increase ($21,000) under salaries and personnel benefits is to provide for a secretary position for the general counsel.

In 1987, the Tribunal is scheduled to review the compulsory license royalty rate for the manufacture and distribution of phonorecords (Section 115) in addition to its cable and jukebox royalty distribution functions. The Tribunal estimates it will be faced with a lengthy proceeding covering many complex issues. In order to secure the services of reputable, neutral organizations for research and economic analysis, we request $50,000 for professional and consultant services. In addition, the Tribunal will require additional funds for Printing ($10,000) and Cost of Hearings ($5,000).


Edward W. Ray


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This increase is needed to provide for the salaries of the two commissioners and their staff assistants for a full 12 months. The current FY 1986 regular bill appropriation only provides funding for three commissioners, three assistants, and the general counsel. The FY 1986 supplemental request provides funding for the additional two commissioners and their assistants for the 9 months beginning January 1986.

Service Expansion + 18,000

This increase is needed to provide funding for a secretary/assistant position (GS 7) for the general counsel. At this time, the

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This increase is needed to provide for the personnel benefits of the two commissioners and their staff assistants and a secretary position for the general counsel for a full 12 months. The FY 1986 supplemental request only provides funding for the two commissioners and their assistants for 9 months beginning January 1986.

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This increase will be needed to fulfill the Tribunal's statutory responsibilities for printing of notices, determinations and final rules in the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations.


Other Services, Miscellaneous...
Service Expansion + $1,000

$ -0



This increase is needed for delivery and messenger services required by the Tribunal. With limited support staff and demanding hearing schedules, the Tribunal often does not have the staff flexibility to send the assistants on errands to other agencies as required without leaving the offices unmanned.

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The Tribunal`s major function is fact-finding. The Tribunal should have some means of determining facts outside of an adversarial arena. This increase is needed to provide for the hiring of additional part-time staff to conduct research and/or to contract out to reputable, neutral organizations such as graduate schools, or research groups.

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This increase will be needed for the cost of reporting and transcription services for the Tribunal`s hearing schedule in FY 1987. Presently, we anticipate conducting proceedings in the areas of cable and jukebox distribution and a rate adjustment proceeding for the mechanical royalty compulsory license.

Total Increases.


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