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In the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, from the 1st of January 1827, to the 1st of January 1828.

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1136 293 215 131

74 128 444 538 364 241 157 131

67 22


NOTE. Of the foregoing there were Males of 20 years and upwards 1152; 1026 under 20 years; 845 Females of 20 years and upwards, 922 under 20 years.

There were 443 returns received at the Health Office of persons who died in the Alms-House of the City during the year; and 757 People of Colour are included in the statement of interments.

Agreeably to returns made and collected from 127 Practitioners of Midwifery, there have been born in the City and Liberties, from the 1st of January 1827, to the 1st of January 1828, 3581 Male, and 3452 Female Children; making the total number of Births 7033; leaving a difference between the births and interments for the year, of 3088:


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Adults. Children, Total.




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By order of the Board of Health,

Health Office, Philadelphia, January 1, 1828.


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There was a method in doing business, peculiar to our ancestors from which the present generation appear to have departed very widely. There was a particularity in recording even minute circumstances, which at once stamps their records with the character of fidelity, and is very satisfactory to those who have occasion to investigate any of their proceedings. The following minute, from the printed journals of the Assembly in 1754, amused us not a little, and will serve as a model to some of the secretaries and clerks of the present day, who are not always sufficiently attentive to record even circumstances of consequence.

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The above said Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen and Com

Mem. That an ordinance be considered to prevent boyling tar into pitch, heating pitch upon the wharf, or within twenty feet of any building or hay stack.

Ordered, that the Crier of this city, give public notice to the inhabitants, &c. that the act for preventing of fire will be vigorously put in execution.

the rounds to the respective bread-bakers in this city, Ordered, that the Mayor, once in every month, goe and weigh their bread, and seize all such as shall be deficient in weight, and dispose of the same as the law directs.

At a Common Council held at the Coffy House 15th Dec. 1704, present G. Jones, Mayor, &c. &c.

Joseph Yard and John Redman, who were appointed by an order of the last council, to view the Arch in the front street, and to report to this council, what may be required to repair and make good the same, report, that they have carefully viewed the Arch, and are of opinion that the sum of £12 will be required to repair and make good the same,

It is ordered, that the ground on each side of the arch fronting of King street, be built upon by such persons as shall be willing to take the same upon ground rent, and that Alderman Wilcox and Jones, may treat with any persons concerning the same, and that they give public notice thereof, and make their report at the next meeting what progress they have made therein.

It is ordered that this city be divided into ten wards.


Wilkesbarre, Luzerne county, Pa. June 24.

The editors have received from a friend at Braintrim, mon Council, pursuant to the business of the day, pro-a curious old Indian pot. In the great flood of 1807, when ceeded to the election of a Mayor for the said city, for the bank of the river was in some places cut away three the year ensuing, and Alderman Griffith Jones is elected or four perches, the flat called 'Hemlock bottom, in Mayor, Nemine Contradicente, of which he accepted Braintrim township, suffered exceedingly. Some rods and moved that the £20 fine laid upon him, for refusing of the bank were entirely swept away. After the waters to accept of the Mayoralty the last year, may be remit- subsided, Mr. Young, the gentlemen from whom we reted him, and it is granted, and the said fine is hereby received the information and to whom we are indebted for mitted and forgiven.

Whereas, it appears that the Reason of Alderman Jones had refusing the Mayoralty the last year was, for that he was non-resident in the city, but inhabited at his plantation in the country; also, he then being under some dissatisfaction as to the affirmation to be taken by him in order to his qualification. It is now ordered that the remitting him his fine for refusing the Mayoralty the last year, and the electing of him Mayor for the year ensuing, shall not be brought in practice or president. And no Alderman of this Corporation shall pretend to have or claim the same liberty or privilege as is now granted to or allowed Alderman Jones.

this curiosity, in walking under the bank, discovered the pot interwoven among the roots of a tree. With some trouble he got it out without damage, and it is entire except a small hole in the side, from which it seems probable a spout or handle had projected. The pot was found about 6 feet below the surface of the earth, and the tree which grew over it is more than two feet in diameter. Its time of lying there, therefore, must have been very ancient, undoubtedly for ages.

The white people have no knowledge of the art of making such ware. The race of Indians that inhabited this country when the white people came here was equally ignorant of the art. That there must have been At a Common Council at the Coffy House, the 1st day different race of people who inhabited this country beaf December 1704, present Griffith Jones, Mayor, Re-fore the savages who occupied when it was discovered by the white people admits of little doubt; they were undoubtedly rude, but yet more civilized than their suc

corder and Aldermen.

Richard Pruse, John Till, Widow Bristow, Myles Godforth, Christopher Lobb, Philip Wallis, &c. persons who keep teems within the city, being sent for, now came and are admonished, (that mischief being lately committed by some of them) to take care how they drive their carts within this city, for that an ordinance will be immediately made for their regulation.

It is ordered, that John Budd and Henry Badcock, do winter the Two Town Bulls, until the 1st of June next, and that they shall bave £4 a peace for the same, to be paid them out of the public stock of this city, which they undertook to do.

Joseph Yard and John Redman, are appointed to view the Arch in the front street, and to make their report at the next meeting, in what condition they found the same and what money will be required to mend the same, and make good the bank or cast side.

Ordered and agreed that a Watch-house shall be built in the Market-place, 16 feet long, and 14 wide.



The pot holds about 2 quarts; the bottom is round; it swells gradually to the middle and then decreases in size to the top-the lower half is like the bottom of a gourd; the upper part like the top of an urn. It is very thin and light, perfectly smooth inside, but on the outside beautifully and regularly figured.

Printed every Saturday morning by WILLIAM F. GED DEs, No. 59 Locust street, Philadelphia; where, and at the EDITOR's residence, No. 51 Filbert street, Subscriptions will be thankfully received. Price five dollars per annum-payable in SIX MONTHS after the commencement of publication-and annually thereafter, by Subscribers resident in or near the city-or where there is an agent. Other Subscribers pay in advance.







From the Bellfonte Patriot, Feb. 23, 1826. Mr. Petrikin,-Having observed a communication in a late Huntingdon paper, relating to the establishments for the manufacturing of Iron in that county, deem it proper to furnish for publication, in your paper, a list of the Iron Manufactories in Centre County: they are as


NO. 7.

200 tons annually. This enterprising company have, also, a manufactory for making wood screws, which are in every way superior to those imported. They are made with great facility, and in great quantities. To the screw manufactory is attached a cupola. They are collectively the property of Hardman Phillips, esq. and Co.

Rock Forges:-Situated about 4 or 5 miles from Bellefonte, are capable of making 600 tons of bar iron annually. There is also a Rolling Mill, for rolling boiler, nail, slit and sheet iron, and a Nail manufactory connected with these works. The property of Gen. Benner.

Pennsylvania Furnace:-Situated about 20 miles from Bellefonte, and on the margin of the county; the furnace, stack, nearly all the building, ore bank, coaling ground, are within Centre county, and the supplies of Bellefonte Forge:-Situated half a mile from Bellefonte provisions, &c. are principally derived from this county, on Logan's branch of Spring creek. Messrs. Valentine's I am thus particular, as the Huntingdon writer claims and Thomas, the owners of this forge, are at present enthis furnace. It makes about 1500 tons of pig metal an-gaged in erecting a new forge on the same stream, a nually. It is the property of Messrs. Stewart and Lyon. short distance above their present one, which is expect Tussey Furnace:-Situated about 14 miles from Belle-ed to be in operation in June next. They have also, fonte at the foot of Tussey mountain. This furnace has erected a been out of blast for some years, but is capable of making upwards of 1000 tons of pig metal annually. It is also the property of Messrs. Stewart and Lyon.

Centre Furnace:Situated 9 miles from Bellefonte, directly opposite the end of Nittany mountain. This furnace has not been in operation for a number of years; but preparations are now, and have been for sometime, making by Messrs. Miles and Green, and they expect to have it in blast in May next. It is capable of making 1500 tons pig metal annually.

Rolling Mill for rolling bar iron from the bloom; connected with these forges, they expect to make 800 tons of bar, bolt, boiler, nail and slit iron annually.

Milesborough Forge:-Situated one mile and a half from Bellefonte, in the gap of Muncy mountain, on the waters of Spring creek. This forge is capable of making 400 tons annually. Connected with it, is a Rolling Mill for rolling boiler, sheet, nail and slit iron, also a

Nail Manufactory:-all of which do a considerable Spring Furnace:-Situated about 4 miles from Belle-business. They are owned collectively by Gen. Miles fonte, on Spring creek. This furnace is capable of making upwards of 1000 tons pig metal annually. It is the property of Gen. Benner.

and Co.

Eagle Forge:-Situated 5 miles from Bellefonte, on Bald Eagle creek, is capable of making 400 tons of bar iron annually. It is the property of Roland Curtin, esq. Washington Forge:-Situated 15 miles from Belle

Logan Furnace:-Situated 3 miles from Bellefonte, on Logan's branch of Spring creek. This furnace makes about 1200 tons of pig metal annually. It is the pro-fonte, on Fishing creek, is capable of making 300 tons perty of Messrs. Valentine and Thomas.

Eagle Furnace:-Situated about 5 miles from Bellefonte, in Bald Eagle valley, is capable of making 1200 tons of pig metal annually. It is the property of Roland Curtin, esq.



Furnace:-Situated about 7 miles from Bellefonte, in Logan's gap of Nittany mountain, was built the past season, and will be in blast in a few days. This furnace is expected to make 1200 tons of pig metal annually. It is the property of Judge M'Kinney. Clearfield Furnace:-Situated on the Susquehanna river, and immediately within the line of Clearfield counThis furnace is capable of producing 1200 tons of pig metal annually. A cupola is attached to it. These works may be fairly estimated as belonging to this county, as nearly all the supplies necessary for carrying them on are drawn from it. The distance from Bellefonte is about 24 miles; and they are the property of P. A. Karthaus, esq.


Washington Furnace:-Situated 15 miles from Bellefonte, on Fishing creek. This furnace has not been in operation for some years, but enterprising men have been lately examining it, and it is believed it will be in full operation the next or following season. It is capable of making 1200 tons of pig metal annually. It is the property of Mr. Henderson.

Phillipsburg Forge:-Situated 29 miles from Bellefonte, on the waters of Big Mushannon, makes about

of bar iron annually. This forge has not been in opera tion for a few years past, but it is not much out of repair, and without doubt will be started shortly. It is the property of Mr. Henderson.

Harvey's Forge:-Situated about 20 miles from Bellefonte, on Fishing creek, is capable of making 400 tons of bar iron annually, This forge is in a similar situation with Washington forge.

From the above it appears, the iron works in this county are capable of making annually, eleven thousand tons of pig metal, and three thousand one hundred tons of bar iron; and this quantity, no doubt, will be greatly increased, by increased facilities of transportation to market. The iron is but a part of the exports of this county. I believe no county in the State, of equal po pulation, exports as great a quantity of flour and wheat, besides various other articles.


We are informed that some of the canalmen, a few days since, upon one of the sections, a short distance below Sunbury, Pennsylvania, disinterred the bones of several human beings, in a tolerable state of preservation. They were deposited from six to eight feet below the surface, and directly over them, there grew a white oak tree of more than usual size.

It is also said that a pair of nippers or pincers, of singular formation, was found with them.--Emporium.


Extract of a letter from Joel Lightner, Esq. dated Sowlsburg, Lancaster county. Pa. Nov. 30, 1816, to the

Rev. Mr. Shaffer, of New York.

My absence from home, and being otherwise much engaged, prevented me from writing sooner. It is with pleasure that I undertake to give you all the satisfaction that I am capable of giving respecting the circumstances connected with the discovery of certain fossil bones, found on my land; their dimensions, locality, manner in which they lay deposited, nature of the earth in which found, &c.


No. 9. To the Beard of Canal Commissioners of the
State of Pennsylvania:

Gentlemen-In conformity with the instructions of the board, directing me "to make an examination, survey and estimate, of a route for a rail-way from Philadelphia through Chester and Lancaster counties, so as to connect by the nearest and most eligible route, with the Eastern Division of the Pennsylvania canal," I have the honour to present the following as a part of my report, upon the subject.

Dividing the whole route surveyed into two divisions, I shall consider the summit on Mine ridge, at Henderson's, as the point separating the eastern from the western, and proceed to describe, first, the various graduations of the western division. Western Division.

Commencing at the level picket at the summit in the Gap of Mine ridge at Henderson's, which was formerly ascertained to be 588 feet above the tide waters of Schuylkill river, a level was carried from thence along the west face of the ridge, graduating the line as it progressed at the rate of 27 feet to the mile, which was considered as the maximum number in the various experimental lines which were traced in the course of this preliminary survey.

Five or six years since, I discovered upon a bank of limestone, within five rods of the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road, the appearance of handsome flag stones, standing partly on their edge, inclining somewhat to the north, with their ends north-east and southwest, at which time and since, we have occasionally taken several of them out; and as they proved to be valuable for sills, flags, &c. and the demand considerable, I concluded to have the quarry completely opened, in doing which, it was necessary to begin at the foot of the hill or bank, and to dig on a level until we could reach the stone. This work I commenced with a few hands in August last; and after having penetrated twentyIn the first reconnoisance the level was carried to a four feet into the bank, on a level, through a rich black picket at Mr. Linville's which is 1894 chains from the earth, intermixed with a small piece of limestone (per-Gap, but finding at this point that the ground, on the pendicular depth about eight or nine feet) we came to south side of Loudon run would not be favorable toa body of hard clay, also intermixed with small pieces of wards the Pequea creek, which it was our object to limestone, materially different from the earthy matter cross, we returned to another picket nearly opposite dug up on entering the bank, being a yellowish cast, Aby's barn, which was 129 chains from the Gap, and abounding in some parts with calcareous spar, and so carried a line of levels towards the Lancaster turnpike extremely hard that it was with difficulty to be entered road, which we crossed, and then continued the same to with a pick or mattock.-After having worked into the Williamstown, passing the latter place to the north, body of this stratum of clay, limestone, &c. about four through Judge Lighter's property, and crossing Pequea feet and a half from its surface, and within a few inches at Frantz's mill pond, thence down the north bank of of the rocks or flag stones, (the object of our labour,) a that stream to a bluff upon the creek, opposite to Mr. large bone was found, supposed to be the upper bone Whitmer's field, which presented a favourable position of the fore leg of some large animal, the lower part ap- for crossing the stream with a bridge, and which was 19 peared to have been broken off, as nothing of the joint feet below the Gap. From the latter point we crossed could be seen. The upper part was to be seen in its the stream, and graduated an ascending line 27 feet full size, but being much decayed, and the clay and per mile, along the side slopes of Eshelman's run, to a small stones so very hard pressed in and about it, that picket east of the Black Horse tavern, on the Strasburg the greater portion of it could not be kept together, road, and thence to Linville's; but the ground over which leaving only a small spongy end to it, and that also with this line passed, was both rough and circuitous, and exclay and the small pieces of limestone firmly united ceedingly unfavourable for the formation of a road. An with it. off-set level was also carried from the same line near Paradise, which extended across Eshelman's run, at his mill pond, and was united with the Williamstown line. On this line, were it not for the expense of crossing Eshelman's pond, the ground would be favourable. Towards the fork of Brishborne's run at a level picket in M'Caslin's field, about a half mile north of the bluff at Whitmore's, another line of levels was extended up the PeThis bone was found lying partly in a horizontal posi- quea, which crossed that creek below Hershey's mill, tion, the thick end within three or four inches of the and from thence following the north branch of Huston's rock's termination, and appeared to have been thrown run, the line was finally united with the Gap summit. there promiscuously, as well as the pieces of limestone The exploration of these various lines, resulted in the around it, which are evidently fragments of larger ones. opinion that the most favourable point on the Pequea to Within three or four feet of the same place, in a black cross it with a road, was at Eckert's mill; from which earth or mould, appearances of other large bones present-to the Gap, we shall consider as the first section of the ed themselves, but they were so much decomposed that line. they could not be preserved entire, resembling pulverised chalk, or slaked lime.

The length of the bone, as much as I was able to save of it, is fifteen inches, and measures ten and a half inches around the smaller solid part; the circumference of the thicker or upper part is twenty-two inches, but the thickest part could not be preserved, being so much decayed, and probably there might have been eight or ten inches wanting.

I have put up specimens of the different earths as mentioned above, also of the rocks and stones found near the spot where the bones were discovered; and also, a piece of the bone which I intend to forward to you by the first safe opportunity.

Since the discovery of these bones on my land, I have been informed that many years since, an extraordinary large tooth (grinder) was found in a spring about two miles from my quarry, but I am not able to learn what has become of it.

Section 1, From the Gap to a point west of Strasburg road and Aby's barn, the distance is 162 chains, cutting down the summit ridge 30 feet, the descending gradua tion will be 29.04 feet per mile, and from thence to Pequea, at Eckert's mill, 340 chains, and descending graduation 274 feet per mile. Bridge atPequea 28 feet high. There are three ravines on this section.

Section 2, From the bluff at Eckert's mill, to the level picket in M'Caslin's field, the distance is 125 chains, and line nearly level.

Section 3, From M'Caslin's through the farms of John King and Pederkein to the lane leading to Weaver's

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