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and thereby enable you to legislate on this important blessings we enjoy, and an habitual desire to preserve branch of our jurisprudence. them, are, the wholesome fruits of that good seed, which By the laws, regulating hawkers and pedlars, the it is the object, aud with the favour of Providence, the the courts of quarter sessions are authorized to recom-effect of moral and intellectual instruction to implant. mend to the state executive, for license, those citizens, who from age, loss of limbs, or other bodily infirmity, are prevented from acquiring a livelihood by labour. To obtain this license, from the seat of government, is atattended with delay, trouble and expense. It is suggested, therefore, whether the object of the law would not be as effectually complied with, by authorizing the courts to grant such licenses. The fees to be received and accounted for by the county treasurer. Licenses are now granted, by law, in this manner to tin pedlars, without any disadvantage to the interest of the commonwealth.

A settlement has been made of the account, arising out of the late war, between the government of the United States, and the state of Pennsylvania, by which a balance is found in favour of the state, exceeding in value two hundred thousand dollars. This settlement has been ratified by the general government, and will be laid before you.

It cannot be supplied to all in equal measure, but it is hoped, the time will come, when none will be left entirely destitute. Then will the Legislature truly be, in this respect, what the framers of the constitution desired it should be, a parent to the children of the poor-and they in return, will have strong inducements to love and to honour, and to do their utmost to perpetuate, the free institutions from which they derive so signal a benefit, so prolific a source of happiness.

Until the difficulties, in the way of a general plan of education for all, which have hitherto been found insuperable, be overcome, it will be in the power, as it has always been in accordance with the disposition of the Legislature, to afford a liberal aid to the exertions of public spirited and benevolent citizens, as well as to promote such local schemes of instruction, as may be suited to particular parts of the state, though not applicable to all. What has been done in this way, has, it is believed, been productive of much good; and has caused the pa ternal care of the Legislature to be gratefully felt, and affectionately acknowledged.

A report of the trial of the case of the commonwealth vs. the Harrisburg Canal, Fire Insurance and Water Company, before the Supreme Court, at Sunbury, on an In conducting the great experiment of free governissue directed by that court, pursuant to an act of Assem-ment, founded on written constitutions, and carried into bly, will be laid before the Legislature. There are fees effect by the representatives of the people,itis no less the due to witnesses, sheriff and prothonotary, for services duty, than it is the interest of the citizens of the republic, rendered in this action, for the payment of which, no to exercise towards each other, and towards their pubappropriation has been made by law; as the Harrisburg lic functionaries, a spirit of kindness and conciliation, of company has dissolved, I recommend that provision be mutual respect and forbearance. Differences of opinion made to defray the expenses incurred in prosecuting the will arise, where there is freedom of choice and discussuit to a termination. sion, and they will ocaasionally be accompanied with earnestness and warmth. But we owe it to ourselves, and we owe it to the lofty position we occupy in the world, to avoid every thing which may shake the confidence of mankind in the competency of man for self-government, or wastefully diminish the stock of our nation

The last loan, authorized by act of Assembly, was taken by the Bank of Pennsylvania, on better terms for the Commonwealth, than any former loan it has made. On this subject, and on all others connected with the financial concerns of the state, the report of the state Treasurer and Auditor General will, it is believed, pre-al reputation, by detracting from the distinguished indisent clear and satisfactory statements and views.

vidual reputations of which it is composed. The success of the cause of free government, which we all anxiously desire to promote, is of infinitely more importance than the occasional questions which excite and divide us. These considerations should be of sufficient weight to suppress violent feelings, which if indulged, might en danger all that is most conducive to our character as a

The agreeable duty enjoined on the Governor, of communicating to Governor Carrol of Tennessee, the high and sincere regard entertained by the representatives of his native state, for his distinguished military services during the late war, was faithfully discharged. A copy of the resolution of the General Assembly, and a letter from the Governor of Pennsylvania, were trans-people, and our happiness as individuals. mitted to Governor Carrol, whose answer has been received. These papers shall be transmitted to the Legislature. The sword directed to be presented to captain David Conner, of the navy, for his skill and gallantry in the late war, was presented to that distinguished officer, by the Adjutant General of the state, on the last anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, in front of that hall in which it was adopted.

The great number of reports from public officers, boards of commissioners, and incorporated companies, which are annually laid on the table of the representatives of the people, give them much valuable and minute information, as to the condition and wants of the commonwealth.

Among the injunctions of the constitution, there is none more interesting than that which enjoins it as a duty on the Legislature to provide for the education of the poor throughout the Commonwealth. Whether we regard it in its probable influence upon the stability of our free republican government, or as it may contribute to social and individual happiness, it equally deserves the earnest and unremitted attention of those who are honoured with the high trust of providing for the public welfare. If the culture of the understanding and heart, be entirely neglected in early life, there is great reason to fear that evil propensities will take root, where, with proper discipline, there might have been a rich harvest of usefulness and worth. A knowledge of our rights, and a sense of our duties, a just estimate of the value of the

It shall be my study, as it is my duty and inclination, cordially to co-operate with the General Assembly, in carrying into full effect whatever measures they may devise, to ensure the freedom, and contribute to the happiness of those who have selected us to watch over their welfare, and guard their rights.

Harrisburg, Dec. 6, 1827.



IN SENATE Saturday, Dec. 15.

Mr. Hawkins, from the Committee on the Judiciary, made report, which was read as follows:

The Judiciary committee to whom was referred the
petition of a number of the citizens of the county of
Beaver, relating to the Society at Economy,

That they have carefully examined the petitions and documents submitted to them, and have heard the statements of the representatives of the parties interested, from which they have gathered a slight knowledge of the rise, progress and present condition of the society; a brief sketch of which may gratify the curiosity, if it should not contribute to a proper understanding of the subject referred to your committee.

It seems that a Mr. GEORGE RAPP, and his followers, who now constitute the society at Economy, emigrated to this country from the province of Swabia; having left

[blocks in formation]

there as they assert, on account of persecution for their religious opinions. Mr. Rapp, arrived in this country in the year 1803 or 4, a year in advance of his followers, to look out a body of land, on which to settle them. Accordingly he purchased a quantity of land in Butler county, and in a short time afterwards, the company settled and improved it, and built a town which they called HARMONY. They laid out a vineyard, built mills, raised sheep and erected a large cloth manufactory, with which they succeeded well. But having the cultivation of the grape very much at heart, which appeared not to do so well as they wished; their merino sheep likewise not thriving so well, they transferred themselves to the state of Indiana, near the Wabash, where the climate was supposed to be more congenial to the cultivation of the vine as also for raising merino sheep, both of which seem to have been leading objects of their wishes. Governed by these considerations, they bought a large body of land, sold their establishment at Harmony, and went down the river to the new purchase. There they cleared a large body of land, built a beautiful village, erected a cotton and woolen manufactory, a brewhouse, a distillery and steam mill. But after remaining there sometime, it was discovered that the change of the climate and unhealthiness of the country, called for a speedy retreat. The society therefore determined to return to Pennsylvania, and pursuant to that resolution purchased a large body of land on the Ohio, in Beaver county, about eighteen miles below Pittsburg; here they commenced their operations about three years ago. They cleared a spot of ground, on which they have built a handsome town, now consisting of about 130 houses, and not less than 800 souls-among these are an elegant church, a large woollen and cotton manufactory, a store, a tavern, a large steam mill, a brewery, distillery, tanyard, and various other work shops. Besides this they have a large and commodious house built for a concert-hall, of 120 ft. by 54 ft. arched underneath, in which they have a museum of natural curiosities, a collection of minerals, a mathematical school, a library, and a drawing school.The committee have also understood, that they purchase from 60 to 70,000 dollars worth of wool, and about 20 or 30,000 dollars worth of other articles from the surrounding country, for manufacture and consumption.

With the objects of the society or its policy or regulations your committee have derived but a very limited knowledge, except what is communicated in a document accompanying the petition of the complainants, which is altogether exparte and was unsupported by the oaths of those who signed it. It seems to be admitted, however, and not denied by either party, that the joint labour and property of the society, is either held or was originally intended to be held and enjoyed in common, and that George Rapp, the priest and patriarch of the company, has the supervision, controul and management over all their concerns, both spiritual and temporal. They have formed at different times, two several constitutions; one at Wabash and the other at Economy, which contain provisions very similar, except that the last one is more favourable to persons disposed to withdraw. It contains in substance the following conditions, viz.

1st. That all holding property, who joined in the society, put it into the common stock, and when they leave the society, they get back what they put in, without interest.

2d. Those who put no property in the society, and leave the society without leave, or giving notice to the society of their intention, their services are to be considered voluntary, and entitled to no compensation.

3d. That those who put no property in the common stock, who give notice of their intention to leave the society, and behave well, will be given something to begin the world with, the amount in the discretion of the society.

Before signing this, persons having a desire for admission, have a probation from six to nine months, during which time they are instructed in the principles, rules


and regulations of the society. Jacob Shriver, (whose case gives rise to the present application,) states that he entered into this association at the age of seventeen, and remained among them about twenty years; when, having made some discoveries which caused him to be dissatisfi ed, he left them. When he entered the society, he contributed no property to the common stock, so that his claim is wholly for services rendered. He states is the petition, "That the inhabitants are now suffering the greatest injustice and imposition, contrary to the spirit of the constitution, &c." but does not refer to the nature of the offence against the constitution, or to any paracular clause in the constitution which is violated. Your committee are therefore at a loss to understand in whas particular the constitution is infringed. He also sets forth, that numbers, through ignorance, have been drawn into the slavery of George Rapp, through the delusion of being joint partners of the institution; but when they wished to withdraw, they found they were mistaken, and were not allowed one cent for their services. Without presuming to affirm, or deny the truth of these allegagations, your committee are clearly of opinion that they are legitimate subjects of judicial enquiry. Nor have the petitioners pointed out any definite mode of relief, which could be given by the legislature. If Mr. Shriver has voluntarily entered into a contract with Rapp, individually, there can be no doubt of his obtaining redress, in a court of law, if by the terms or nature of his contract he be entitled to it--but if his agreement was with the society, whether it has been faithfully complied with or not, it is absolutely void. As a society, having no charter of incorporation, they have no legal existence-they can make no binding contract, nor can they sue or be sued. If Mr. Shriver has made a contract, which has turned out to his disadvantage, it is his own fault. That contract can neither be cancelled by the legislature, nor can they create a new one for him. Besides, a suit at law has been brought, and is now pending undetermined, in the court of common pleas, of Beaver county; and if no other difficulty was presented, this would seem a sufficient one, at least for a delay of legislative interference. That he should have spent twenty years, in the prime of his life, in the service of the society, and then leave it, may perhaps be regarded as a serious evil; but it was one which was brought upon him by his own act. When he entered into it, he entered with the knowledge, that the forfeiture of his labour would be the consequence of his withdrawal; and in consideration of his services, while there, if he had remained, he was entitled by the terms of his contract, to shelter, food and other necessaries of life, and be instructed in the religious opinions of their priest and ruler, Mr. Rapp.

That a society thus formed should spring up in the bosom of a country, whose constitution and laws are based upon the equal rights of man, may seem novel and extraordinary. But that they have a right to associate in this way, by their own agreement, while they commit no overt acts of transgression against the laws of the country, cannot, perhaps, at this day, be questioned. Whether the sum of human happiness is advanced, or the cause of religion and the commonwealth promoted, by such associations, your committee deem it improper to inquire. Neither does it seem to your committee, to be within the scope of legislative duties, to inquire whether the society has been brought together, as has been suggested, either through superstition, ignorance, or design. If it be so, the true christian and philanthropist may lament, but no power in this government can shackle the free operations of the mind in its religious exercises, or prevent any freeman from disposing of his property or services as may seem to him right. There is a marked difference between a voluntary contribution to a religious society, and a compulsory one. In the former case, it is lawful for a citizen to maintain by his property or service whatsoever churches he pleases; but in the latter the great chart of our liberties declares, "that all men have a natural and indefeasible right to

worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own conciences; that no man, of right, can be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship or to maintain any ministry against his consent; that no human authority, can in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience, and that no preference shall be given, by law, to any religious establishment or modes of worship."


Domestic Consumers.-We understand that at a mill erected on Chester creek, in Delaware county, near Villege Green, one hundred bushels of wheat are ground and consumed weekly by the manufacturers of a neighboring establishment. This, at one dollar per bushel, will amount to $5200 per annum raised and consumeda fact and argument in favour of domestic manufactures well worthy of notice.-Vil Rec,

Vaccination. Dr. Joseph G. Nancrede, Vaccine Physician for the city of Philadelphia, has reported to the city clerk the names and residences of 1724 persons successfully vaccinated by him during the past year.

While your committee thus express themselves with regard to the power of the legislature, or the legal obligation of the parties to this controversy, they cannot suppress some feelings of regret, that charges made against the society, are of such a nature as renders them improper subjects of legislative inquiry.-Your committee has not thought it proper to condense those charges United States, on the 31st Dec. adopted the following Manufactures.-The House of Representatives of the in their report: ist. Because they are not established by resolution, offered by Mr. Oakley: Resolved, That the proof; and 2dly. Because, if established, they are not fit Committee on Manufactures be empowered to send for subjects for legislative investigation. They, however, and examine persons on oath, concerning the present deem it their duty, in order to lay the whole matter condition of our manufactures, and to report the minutes before the senate, to submit the document containing of such examination to this house-Yeas 102. Nays 87. those charges, with this report; so that the nature and extent of those charges may be understood. It is Iron.-The forge belonging to Mr. A. M'Calmont, of perhaps to be regretted, that no method can be thought on this place, is now in operation, and is manufacturing by which those charges, if true, can be publicly investi-iron of an excellent quality. These works are calculat gated, and if false, detected and refuted. Upon the ed to drive two hammers, and have been erected within whole, your committee recommend the adoption of the the past season. following resolution:

Resolved, That the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. Laid on the table.

MISCELLANEA CURIOSA. 1683. March 12. N. M. President to the Society of Free Traders, for speaking against the proceedings of the governor, provincial council and assembly, was ordered to appear before the governor and council, who exhorted him to prevent the like for the future.

15. J. P. was ordered to pay 5s. and be reproved for being disordered in drink.

The assembly agreed nemine contradicente, that all laws should be prepared and proposed by the governor

and council.

1685. 9th. 11th mo. The secretary reporting to the council that in the chronologie of the almanack sett forth by Samuel Atkins of Philadelphia, and printed by Wm. Bradford of the same place, there was these words: (the beginning of government here by the Lord Penn) the council sent for Samuel Atkins and ordered him to blott out the words Lord Penn; and likewise for Wm. Bradford the printer, and gave him charge not to print any thing but what shall have lycence from the council. 1686. 17th. 9th. mo. The petition of Abraham Opdengrafe was read, for the governor's promise to him who should make the first and finest piece of linen cloath.

1683. 7th. 12th. mo. Margaret Mattson and Yethro Hendrickson examined and about to be proved witches; whereupon this board ordered that Neels Mattson should enter into a recognizance of fifty pounds for his wife's appearance before this board the 27th instant. Hendrick

Jacobson doth the same for his wife.

We now have two forges within less than two miles of Franklin, which when completed, will manufacture daily from two to three tons of first rate iron. The pig metal at present used in these establishments, we have been informed, yields from 75 to 80 per cent.-Venango Democrat.


Bank U.S.-Nicholas Biddle and John B Trevor, of Pennsylvania; Campbell P. White of New York; E. J. Dupont, of Delaware; and Benj. Hatcher, of Virginia, have been appointed by the President to be Directors on the part of government, for the current year.

Pittsburgh, Dec. 26. Snow.-On Friday night last, snow fell to the depth of about four inches. It is the first that we have had this season.

Harrisburg, (Penn.) Dec 29. Accident.-On Saturday last a distressing accident occurred in Lyken's valley. The following are the particulars as related to us:-Christian Messner and James Woodside, brothers-in-law, went out together to hunt deer. Having killed one they skinned it and went home

different ways.

Messner carrying the skin of the deer

threw it over his shoulders.-Woodside, sometime after they had separated, heard a rustling in the bushes, and saw the tail of a deer, he raised his rifle and fired, and killed instantaneously his friend and brother-in-law. Argus.

Mild Weather.-Yesterday afternoon (Jan. 3.) A bat was observed flying for several hours, evidently from its motions, in search of prey; and 'with the agility peculiar to them on a summers eve.-Poulson.

27th. of the 12th mo. Margaret Matson's indictment Intemperance.-The Pennsylvania Society for diswas read, and she pleads not guilty, and will be tryed by couraging the use of ardent spirits-at a quarterly meetthe country. The jury went forth, and upon their re-ing held 26th Nov. last--appointed Alexander Henry, turne brought her in guilty of having the common fame Matthew Carey and David M'Clure, a committee to reof a witch; but not guilty in manner and forme as she quest the several clergymen of Philadelphia to deliver stands indicted. one or more discourses to their respective congregations Neels Mattson and Antho. Neelson enters into a recog-to promote the important object of the association. nizance of fifty pounds apiece, for the good behaviour of Margaret Matson for six months. Jacob Hendrickson enters into the recognizance of fifty pounds for the good behaviour of Yethro Hendrickson for six months.

Printed every Saturday morning by WILLIAM F. GEDDES, No. 59 Locust street, Philadelphia; where, and at the EDITOR's residence, No. 51 Filbert street, Subscriptions will be thankfully received. Price five dollars per

1684. 10th. 3d. mo. The governor informes the councill that he had called the Indians together, and proposed to them to let them have rum, if they would be content-annum-payable in SIX MONTHS after the commencement ed to be punished as the English were; which they did agree to, provided that the law of not selling them rum be abolished.-Council Books.

of publication and annually thereafter, by Subscribers resident in or near the city-or where there is an agent. Other Subscribers pay in advance.







The following documents relate to the injuries received by the New Haven purchasers, of lands on Delaware, referred to in our chronological sketch (1640), and also to their settlement on that river. They are taken from vol. 2d. "Historical Collections."

NO. 2.

Swedes had any just Title yet without any legall protest or warning Monsere Kieft the then Dutch Gouernor sent armed men 1642 and by force in an hostile way burnt theire trading house seized and for som time detained the goods in it not suffering theire servants soe much as theire boate and for a while kept theire men Prisoners to take a just Inventory of them; hee there allsoe seized for which to this day they can get no satisfaction.

Extract from proceedings of the Commissioners for the peled Mr Lamberton theire Agent by force or threaten2condly. That the said Dutch Governor 1642 comUnited Colonies of New England, held at Boston 21stings to give in at the Monhattoes an accoumpt of what September, 1643: beauers hee had traded within Newhauen lymits at Delaware and to pay recognicon for the same.

Vpon Informacon and complaynt made by Mr Eaton and Mr. Gregson to the Comissioners of sondry injuries 3ly. John Johnson the Dutch Agent with the Swedes and outrages they haue receiued from the Dutch and Governor at Delaware charged Mr. Lamberton as if hee Sweads both at Delaware Bay and elsewhere the parti-had ploted with the Indians to cutt them off a Capitall culers with their proofes being duly considered. It was agreed and ordered That a letter be written to the Sweadish Gouernor expressing the particulers and requireing satisfaction which letter is to be vnderwritten by John Winthrop, Esq. Gouernor of the Massachusetts and President of the Comissioners for the Vnited Colonies of New England.

Extract from proceedings of an extraordinary meeting of the Commissioners for the United Colonies, held at Boston, 23d July, 1649:

"From Newhauen General Court it was propounded to the Comissioners what Course might be taken for the speedy planting of Delaware Bay The title som Marchants at New Hauen haue by purchase from the Indians to considerable tractes of land on both Sides of the River was opened, and the Comissioners did Reade and consider what had pased at a former meeting of theires in Anno 1643.

A writing delivered into New Haven Court by Mr. Leech concerning the Healthfulnes of the Place the Goodness of the Land Conveniency of the lesser Riuers with the Advantage of a well ordered trade there was also perused. The Commissioners with the premisses considering the present state of the Colonies, the English in most plantations already wanting hands to carry on their necessary ocations thought fitt not to send forth men to possesse and plant Delaware nor by any publick acte or Consent to incurrage or allow the planting therof; And if any shall voluntarily goe from any of the Colonies to Delaware and shall without leaue and concent from the Marchants att Newhaven sitt down vppon any Part or Parts of theire land there or in any other respects shalbee iniurius to them in their title and enterest there, the Colonies will neither protect nor owne them therin; The Newhauen Marchants being notwithstanding lefte to their just libbertie to dispose improve or plant the land they haue purchased in those parts or any part therof as they shall see cause."

Extract of a letter dated Hartford, Conn. Sept. 16,1650, signed Edward Hopkins, President; and addressed to the Dutch Governor Stuyvesant:

"The Comissioners for New Haven informe and complayne first that wheras by theire Agents they had duly purchased of the Indians Sachems and theire Companies seuerall tracts or parcells of land on both sids of Delawarr bay or River to which neither the Dutch nor

Crime for which they imprisoned and tryed him but could bring no proofe to satisfy themselves who both accused and sat Judges yett they sett a fine vpon him for trading within Newhauen Limits there." Extract from Articles of Agreement, made and concluded at Hartford, vpon Conn. Sept. 19, 1650 betwixt the Delegates of the honored Commissioners, &c. "ARTICLES of AGREEMENT made and concluded at HARTFORD Upon CONECTICOTT September 19th 1650 betwixt the Delegates of the honored Comissioners of the Vnited English Collonies and the Deligates of PETER STUYVESANT Governor Generall of NEW NETHERLAND. 1. Vpon serivs consideracon of the differences and greivances propounded by the two English Colonies of Coneeticott and Newhaven and the answare made by the honered Dutch Governor Peeter Stuyvesant Esqr. according to the trust and power comitted vnto vs as Arbetrators or Deligatts betwixt the said parties; Wee find that most of the offences or grievances were things done in the time and by the order and comaund of Monsieur William Kieft the former Governor and that the present honered Gouernor is not duly prepared to make answare to them; Wee therefore think meete to respet the full consideration and Judgment conserning them tell the present Gouernor may acquaint the H.M. States and West India Companie with the particulars that soe due Reparacon may accordingly bee made.

2. The Comissioners of New Haven complained of seuerall higli and hostile Iniuries which they and others of that Jurisdicon haue recued from and by order of the aforsaid Monsieur Kieft in Delaware bay and River and in theire Returne thence as by theire former propositions and complaints may more fully appeere; and besids the English Right claimed by a pattent presented and shewed seuerall Purchases they have made on both Sids the River and bay of Delaware of seuerall large tracts of land vnto and somwhat aboue the Dutch house or Fort there with the consideracion given to the said Sachems and theire Companies for the same acknowledged and cleared by the hands of the Indians whom they affeirme were the true propriators testified by many Witnesses; they also affeirmed that according to theire apprehensions they have sustained £1000 damages partly by the Swedish Gouerner but chiefly by order from Monsieur Kieft and therefore required due satisfaction and a peacable possession of the aforesaid lands to Inioy and Improve according to their just Right; The Dutch Gover

nor by way of answare affeirmed and asserted the Right and title to Delaware or the south River as they call it and to the lands there as belonging to the H. M. States West India Company and professed hee must protest against any other Claime, but is not provided to make any such profes as in such a treaty might bee expected, nor had hee Comission to treat or conclude any thinge therein, vpon consideracon whereof Wee the said Arbetrators or Deligates wanting sufficient light to issue and determine any thinge in the premisses are necesitated to leave both parties in Statu quo privs to plead and improve their just enterests at Delaware for planting or trading as they shall see Cause; onely wee desire that all proseedings there as in other places may bee carried on in love and peace tell the Right may bee further considered and justly issued either in Europe or heere by the two States of England and Holland." Petition addressed "To the honored Commissioners, &c.

To the Honored Comissioners for the vnited Colonies now assembled at Newhauen.

The humble Petition of Jasper Graine Wm. Tuttill and many other the Inhabitants of Newhauen and Sotocket. Humbly sheweth That wheras divers years sence seuerall marchants and others of Newhauen with much `hazard charge and lose did purchase of the Indian Sagamores and theire companies the true propriators seuerall large Tracts and parcells of land on both sides of Delaware Bay and Riuer and did presently begine to build and to set vp factories for Trad and purposed to set vp plantations within their owne limmits wherby the Gospell allsoe might haue been carried and spred amongst the Indians in that most Southerly part of New England and the vnited Colonies might before this time been enlarged with conveniency both for themselues and posteritie had not the whole work by hostile and iniurivs opposition made both by the Dutch and Sweeds been then hindered.

and the men imprisoned tell they were forced to engage
vnder theire hands not then to preceed on theire voyage
towards Delaware but with lose of time and charg to
returne to Newhauen; Threatening that if hee should
after find any of them in Delaware hee would seize
theire goods and send their persons prisoners into Hol-
land and accordingly they returned though their damage
thereby as they conseiue doth amount to aboue 300lb.
all which youer petitioners refere to youer wise and seri-
us consideracon and being assured you will haue due
respect to the honer of the English nation which now
suffers by this injurius affront taken notice of by all the
naighboring Indians, They humbly desire that som
Course may be agreed and ordered for the due repaired
of theire loses satisfaction for theire vnjust Imprison-
ment with libertie and encorragement to improue theire
just Rightes in Delaware for the future to which pur-
pose they further humbly offer to consideracon.

First That Delaware in the Judgment of those that have often and seriously viewed the land and considered the Climate is a place fitt for the enlargment of the English Collonies at present and hopfull for posteritie that wee and they may enjoy the Ordinances of Christ both in Sperittuall and Ciuill Respects.

2condly they feare that if the English right bee not seasonably vindicated and a way opened for the speedy planting of Delaware; the Dutch who haue layed allreddy an injurious hand both vpon our persons and Rightes they haueing (as is reported) lately begun a new Fortification and plantation vpon our duly purchased lands will dayly strengthen themselues and by large offers draw many of the English to settle and plant under them; in soe hopfull a Place which will not onely bee dishonerable to the English nation but enconuenient to the Collonies and of mischevius Consequences to the persons who shall soe settle in reference to that lycencius libertie their suffered and practised.

Thirdly as the Petitioners haue not in theire eye any other considerable place within the limitts of New En gland either for the enlargement of the Collonies at present or for comfort and conueniency of posteritie soe if the Dutch may thus oppenly opose vs in our persons and Rights if they may plant and fortifye vpon the land which themselues the English Sweeds and Indians know to be ours. It may incorrage them to encroach and make further hostile attempts vpon som or other of the smaler English Plantations to bring them under theire Gouerment and may annimate the Indians with whom the Dutch engratiate themselues by a larg constant mischevius Trad in Guns powder and shott to despise and make assaults vpon vs: Wherfore they againe humbly entreat youer aduise with seasonable and sutable assistance according to the weight and Import of the Case: that all youer Consultations and labores may tend and issue in the honer of Christ and welfare of the Collonies.

The foregoing Petition being presented and read The Comissioners took into serius consideracon the Contents therof and what was to bee donn therin.

And wheras youer petitioners streightened in the respectiue plantations, and finding this parte of the Countrey full or affoarding little encorragement to beginne any considerable new plantations for their owne comfort and conueniencye of posteritie; did vpon a serivs consideracon of the premises and vpon encorragement of the Treatye betweene the honered Comissioners and the Dutch Gouerner the last yeare at Conecticott by agreement and with consent of the said marchants and others resolue vpon a more difficult Remoue to Delaware; hopeing that our aimes and endeauors would be acceptable both to God and to his people in these Collonies being assured our title to the Place was just; and Resoluing (through the healp of God) in all our carriages and proceedings to hold and maintaine a naighborly Corespondence both with the Dutch and Sweeds; as was assured them both by the tennor of the Comissions and by letters from the honored Gouernor of this Jurisdiction; To those ends and with these purposes preparations were made in the winter a vessel was hired and at least fifty of vs set forward in the Springe and expecting the fruite of that wholesome aduise giuen at Hartford the last yeare in the case by the arbetraters joyntly, Those chosen by the Dutch Gouernor concuring in it; wee went to the Monhatoes which wee might haue auoyded; and from our Honered Gouernor presented a letter to the Dutch Gouernor vpon perusall wherof (without further prouocation) hee arrested the two Messengers and comitted them to a priuate house close prisoners vnder a guard; that donn he sent for the masier of the uessell to com on shore as to speak with him and comitted him allsoe after which two more of the companie coming on shore and desireing to speak with theire naighbours vnder Restreint he comitted them as the rest then desireing to see our Comissions and coppie them out promiseing to returne them the next day though the Coppes were taken and the Comissions de-managed. maunded hee refused to deliuer them and kept them

They considered the English Right to Delaware by pattent The Right of the Marchants and other Inhabitants of Newhauen to sertaine tracts and parcells of land there by purchase The Iniury donn them by the Dutch both formerly and this last Summer in theire hostile and forceable proceeding against them as the petitioners relate and the great affronts thereby giuen to the English nation the ensolency of the Dutch and the Contempt it is like to bring the English into among the Indians if som speedy course bee not taken to preuent it by Righting the oppressed.

As alsoe the Comodiusnes of the place for plantations and how preiudiciall it may bee to the English in these partes if it should bee planted by enimies or people of another nation not being vnmindfull of the straight accommodacions of many in seuerall places and the beneifite of Trade with the Indians in Delaware if prudently

They likwise considered what had pased betwixt the



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