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After reading the various types of examples, you can clearly understand the vast difference between teaching values in the home and the values clarification in the school. When someone asks you if you believe values should be taught in the school, you will know enough to ask for a definition before giving your opinion...Or perhaps you will not wait for them to give you a definition, but will be able to explain that there is more than one concept of what it means to "teach values". (You may even want to share a copy of this newsletter with them.) Perhaps you are thinking, "That isn't enough. Now that I better understand the problem, I want to have a few more suggestions as to what I can do in a constructive manner." Below are a few ideas, and perhaps you will be able to think of some further action not listed. Be sure to let me know what works for you, as your thoughts may be helpful to another reader, or may something I can suggest when someone calls for help with a specific problem.


1. Do further research so you can share what you know with your friends and relatives when the opportunity arises. By ordering a copy of Change Agents In The Schools now (p. 12), you will have time to read it before school begins in the fall. I would also suggest that you read a series of articles in Newsweek:

April 20, 1981, "Why Public Schools Fail", pp. 62-65
April 20, 1981, "The Bright Flight", pp. 66-72

April 27, 1981, "Teachers Are in Trouble", pp. 77-84
May 4, 1981, "Hope for the Schools", pp. 66-72

It is interesting to notice that nowhere in these articles is values clarification suggested as even a small part of the solution. The last article does state: "Ronald Edmonds of the Harvard Graduate School of Education is one of several researchers who have examined the characteristics of effective schools. He has come up with five that seem to be indispensable: principals who are active leaders; an orderly climate; an emphasis on basic skills; standardized tests to measure those skills (Editor's note- They are refering to tests such as math competency, English competency, and similar basic skills.), and teachers who have high expectations for all students." (p. 66)

2. Parents, we must set high standards and teach good moral values in the home. Often just one or two leaders in a class can influence others. In addition to giving our children a strong religious background, I would like to suggest that you consider some of the ideas presented in the June 1981 issue of Reader's Digest in an article entitled, "Five Enduring Values for Your Child", by Ardis Whitman. As strongly as change is being promoted almost at every turn, it was a pleasant surprise to read: "No matter how times change, we will always have the same need our ancestors did to live out our lives in joy and courage; to get along with our fellow men; and to hold to those values which show us how to grow, learn and to become better people." (p. 163)


3. Teachers, I would like to recommend that you, too, read the article mentioned in #2. There are several things that could apply to teachers, although this is written mainly to parents. On the topic of love, the author writes, "How does one channel these seedling signs of love into the permanent and mature expressions of a loving person? By making sure that your child is in daily contact with a loving adult--yourself." (p.164) Honesty is a value which must be supported in the school. A school can not function properly if students constantly lie, steal, and cheat. The author comments, "...I would teach a child that integrity matters. Nothing will ever change the need for that--it is impossible to imagine any livable society without it." How do we go about "teaching" integrity? author suggests, "We teach integrity by the way we live ourselves..... Perhaps a child learns trustworthiness best of all when he has tasks to do and is required to do them. That isn't much fun...It means holding


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4. Teachers and parents molt vart sscenter in tembok reze The pacenta. Lvcvement should be more than just for 'show'' - They s be given Thild reapons onces, and mould be ustanet and respe Faces, the same token, stout be ready to listen and calmly disc Issues in the teacters, DELIC descend LI wresent a new a cocos: FOLIE of Tia. 3cc1 parents and teachers are exculated to consacr Sadler for unformation on any series of terbOCKS WILD are moer Sbetetson for your school. The "el Galers, F.C. Box 7518, chique, Texas, 5604. If you need stomaco 21 a tu, ali 214 13-2903. Be sure to send a generous am so telp them cover den costs such as research materials, long tostance one calls, offi Siccizes, secrecanal tels, etc. TENCJICHI m fi explains how they became savolved, and res mary exames m TELI ICH NOW otac co for a techs and scxcc arcans. Some af LIE LEICH SOMEanies princ a special feras etton, as you 700 want to check tee if y are cu a tercer dominatee. The book price is Lorted on page 22.) 5. Parents and teachers who live and work with moldren ages 13-15 benefit greatly from reading Brecaring for kaolescence by Dr. James Thas cock is scent to the TOURI, ON TES the act reader a greate: sche to the problems of our youn... After reading a copy o= borrowed from the library, I am dous to purchase a cocy for each of my own children ages and 14, and one to send for an 8 grade gradu De Tong people need all the tela ter can get to face the problems of today $ ** Be sure to get a copy from your putice libr or buy one at your frictite book store for $1.E. 15:s Hot on stoc ch 100 ask then * order it for YOLL It is published by Taston House. This would be an excellent book to donate to the wettle section of yo public Library: 6.

Subscribe to the hold Care Commentary for your United States Congre Even if they don't read every Commentary, their audes do a lot of researon, and condense the mood of the public for them. It is vital tha you let your point of They be heard. There is definately strength in BUNDES. With readers in 39 states, the hole care Conmentary has a great potential to soften and influence mands throughout the tation. of even just one or two concessien from each state were on the mailing list, they could influence other Totes from your state! DI ing the north of June, you may subscribe for for Congressmen for a discomt price of $5 each. Remember: YOU ARE GEORGE... There is no one else to do the job but YOU.

7. Why not order a gift subscription for a friend or relative who would like to become better informed A special offer us being made for the month of June only. You may order a copy of the book, Chance Agents In the Schools, and a subscription either a gift or a renewal $22. This is a value of $18. Order now and save $6.

for only

8. Order a copy of the report, "Taldes Clarification-Rel for the Fire" for only $1, and make additional coples for friends. Wazy have asked if they could copy the reports on Quest and Trobes, and have been most uderstanding when I have explained that I must sell these an order to cover the general operating expenses. Soverer, the above report gaves much general information on both of these programs, and I hope you will be able to distribute it widely to inform your friends.

9. Do your friends need more information about Fumanism and values clarification? Be sure to order copies of "Weep for your Children" to give away. It contains the Rumanist Manifesto II, and a general description of what is happening in the schools and sells for only $1 each.

This is not a test of right or wrong answers! This is simply to help you identify and understand your own values through making choices.

Circle one of the 2 choices in each section.




to be reasonably sure about the future for myself and my family to do things well

to have people think well of me

to have as much freedom as possible to do the things I want to do

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to arrange for family atmosphere that makes for satisfying family living

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to arrange for a family atmosphere that makes for satisfying family living to have things neat, orderly and organized

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to have as much freedom as possible to do the things I want to do to do things well

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a child to a task until it is finished....Integrity means also that a is taught to accept blame when that is what he ought to do..."


Teachers and parents should work together on textbook review commi The parental involvement should be more than just for "show". They sh be given valid responsibilities, and should be listened to with respec Parents, by the same token, should be ready to listen and calmly discu issues with the teachers, being patient in presenting a new or opposit point of view. Both parents and teachers are encouraged to contact th Gablers for information on any series of textbooks which are under con sideration for your school. Write: The Mel Gablers, P.0. Box 7518, Longview, Texas, 75602. If you need information in a hurry, call 214753-5993. Be sure to send a generous contribution to help them cover den costs such as research materials, long distance phone calls, office supplies, secretarial help, etc. Textbooks on Trial explains how they became involved, and gives many examples which help you know what to l for in textbooks and school programs. Some of the textbook companies print a special Texas edition, which you will want to check into if you are on a review committee. (The book price is listed on page 12.) 5. Parents and teachers who live and work with children ages 10-15 wil benefit greatly from reading Preparing for Adolescence by Dr. James Dob This book is written to the youth, but gives the adult reader a greater insight into the problems of our youth. After reading a copy which I borrowed from the library, I am anxious to purchase a copy for each of my own children ages 11 and 14, and one to send for an 8th grade gradua tion gift. Our young people need all the help they can get to face the problems of today's world! Be sure to get a copy from your public libra or buy one at your frvorite book store for $2.25. If it is not on stock why not ask them to order it for you. It is published by Vision House. This would be an excellent book to donate to the juvenile section of you public library!


Subscribe to the Child Care Commentary for your United States Congre men. Even if they don't read every Commentary, their aides do a lot of research, and condense the mood of the public for them. It is vital tha you let your point of view be heard. There is definately strength in numbers. With readers in 39 (THIRTY-NINE!) states, the Child Care Commentary has a great potential to inform and influence minds throughout the nation. If even just one or two Congressmen from each state were on the mailing list, they could influence other votes from your state! During the month of June, you may subscribe for your Congressmen for a discount price of $5 each. Remember: YOU ARE GEORGE!!! There is no one else to do the job but YOU!

7. Why not order a gift subscription for a friend or relative who would like to become better informed? A special offer is being made for the month of June only. You may order a copy of the book, Change Agents In the Schools, and a subscription (either a gift or a renewal) for only $12. This is a value of $18. Order now and save $6.

8. Order a copy of the report, "Values Clarification--Fuel for the Fire" for only $1, and make additional copies for friends. Many have asked if they could copy the reports on Quest and Tribes, and have been most uderstanding when I have explained that I must sell these in order to cover the general operating expenses. However, the above report gives much general information on both of these programs, and I hope you will be able to distribute it widely to inform your friends.

9. Do your friends need more information about Humanism and values clarification? Be sure to order copies of "Weep for your Children" to give away. It contains the Humanist Manifesto II, and a general description of what is happening in the schools and sells for only $1 each.

This is not a test of right or wrong answers! This is simply to help you identify and understand your own valuas through making choices.

Circle one of the 2 choices in each section.





to be reasonably sure about the future for myself and my family
to do things well

to have people think well of me

to have as much freedom as possible to do the things I want to do

to have as many good things as possible

to do things well

to do new and different things often

to have as many good things as possible

to have friends

to have things neat, orderly, and organized

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to arrange for family atmosphere that makes for satisfying family living

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to do what is right according to my belief

to arrange for a family atmosphere that makes for satisfying family living to have things neat, orderly and organized

to do things for my family and others



to have as many good things as possible

to have things neat, orderly and organized

to do things well

to have as much freedom as possible to do the things I want to do
to do things well

[blocks in formation]
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