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Mr. NELSON. I would expect that would be one of the objectives, that you first have them in for training and in readiness for action and that as they move back into civilian life they are partly trained and as time goes on they are less and less trained, of course.

Mr. GEORGE. Of course you mentioned also that there might be an incentive for someone to enter the armed services in order to get the training.

Mr. NELSON. Yes.

Mr. GEORGE. There should not be any objection to that; should there?

Mr. NELSON. No, except this: I think there would be a tendency, Mr. Chairman, for the younger men and probably the parents to encourage them to enter service following high school, to gain the military experience and to follow it with free educational benefits provided under this bill.

I think now there is a tendency for many of the men who ar able to do so to get their education first and then move into the service. To me that would seem to be an advantage to the military services to have college graduates entering the service rather than men fresh out of high school.

Mr. GEORGE. I think there is one other question I would like to ask


Congressman Wayne Hays of Ohio told me the other day he introduced a bill to provide such benefits for children of veterans that did not use them. What is your opinion on that?

Mr. NELSON. Well, I believe each year there is one or more bills of that character introduced whereby the entitlement that a veteran has not used could in turn be passed on to his children. Of course if that were possible it would be rather a costly program as we could all recognize. I believe there were about 7,800,000 men who took advantage of some educational opportunity under World War II programs which would leave in the neighborhod of 10 million men who did not take advantage of it and many of the 7 million who took only partial advantage. Therefore, extending the entitlement to their children would probably be more costly than it was to extend it to the men themselves, because there is more unused entitlement available than was consumed.

Mr. GEORGE. We certainly thank you for coming.

Does either of the gentlemen with you have anything to say?

Mr. NELSON. No, unless there are questions with respect to matters with which they are familiar.

Mr. GEORGE. If it were not for the lateness of the hour, I think we would have a lot of questions.

Mr. NELSON. Thank you, sir.

Mr. GEORGE. It is my understanding that there are gentlemen from Texas that our distinguished chairman wanted to give a chance to be heard, representing the Texas Coordinators of Vocational Education.

Mr. Charles L. Still is the president of that organization.

Mr. Still, I wonder if you will identify yourself and introduce the gentlemen with you.


Mr. STILL. Mr. Chairman, I am Charles Still of Whitman, Tex. I am president of the Texas Coordinators of Vocational Education Association.

I have with me on my right Mr. George Gandy from Wheeler County, Tex., and Mr. James Yeates from Jasper County, Tex.

By the way, we represent a pretty fair segment of Texas. There is some 600 miles difference in our locations.

We came here not prepared to testify but after sitting in a day or two we thought there were some remarks that we would like to make. Mr. GEORGE. We would like to have you do so.

Mr. STILL. We represent the veterans who trained on the below college level primarily.

Of course our association is made up of administrators, county superintendents, and coordinators of individual counties who are in this veterans' training program.

We wish to go on record as being in support of legislatoin to further education to these so-called peacetime veterans.

It is our opinon or the association's opinon that the veterans that we are training and have trained would not receive any technical training in the skills and trades if it were not for or had not been for Public Law 550 or the old 346 law.

We have found in Texas that we have employment problems from boys who have been discharged from the services but invariably we have found it is the employment problems from veterans who have no skill or, in othher words, no training in a skill or profession.

We also endorse Mr. Wohlford's statements that he come forth from the National Association of State Approval Agencies.

Mr. Chairman, as I said, we were not prepared to testify but we would welcome any questions that any of the committee may have that they would like to direct to us at this time.

Mr. GEORGE. Mr. Adair, do you have any questions?

Mr. ADAIR. Thank you. No questions.

Mr. GEORGE. Mr. Still, I know you could answer any question we asked. Because of the lateness of the hour, I think we will refrain. I know that our chairman, Mr. Teague, is very sorry he could not be hereto see you in person and I wish that we could have been. We thank you for coming. We appreciate having your opinion in regard to this legislation.

Thanks very much.

Mr. STILL. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

Mr. GEORGE. The next meeting of the committee will be Tuesday, March 1, when the national commander of the American Legion will appear before the committee to present the legislative program of the Legion.

That will be in the caucus room.

The meeting is adjourned.

(Whereupon, at 12:25 p.m., Friday, February 26, 1960, the committee adjourned to reconvene at 10 a.m., Tuesday March 1, 1960.)




Washington, D.C.

The committee met at 10 a.m., pursuant to recess, in room 356, Old House Office Building, Hon. James M. Quigley presiding. Mr. QUIGLEY. The committee will please come to order.

Without objection a resolution adopted by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States at their regular meeting on February 8, 1960, signed by Ernie A. Carima, commander, Post 3034, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Sumter, S.C., will be made a part of the record.

(The resolution follows:)


A resolution to the Senators and Members of Congress from South Carolina to urge them to support the bill passed by the Senate in the last session extending benefits, without any loan amendments, beyond the January 31, 1955, as set by the President.

Whereas it is believed that as long as the draft is continued that all persons in the Armed Forces should be extended the educational benefits that were granted to veterans serving prior to February 1, 1955; and

Whereas it has been established by reliable statistics that the investment in education for our own American youth will be more than repaid to the Public Treasury through increased taxes, resulting from higher incomes earned by such veterans; and

Whereas many veterans will be able to further their education through the benefits of the veterans education program: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Post 3034, in regular business meeting, That we urge the delegation from South Carolina to support the extension of G.I. education benefits to all veterans who entered, or who will enter, military service from and after February 1, 1955, and that such benefits be extended as long as the provision of the draft law shall exist; be it further

Resolved, That upon adoption of this resolution, a copy be mailed to Hon. Olin D. Johnston, Hon. Strom Thurmond, Senators for South Carolina, and House Members, Hon. Lucius Mendel Rivers, Hon. John J. Riley, Hon. William J. Bryan Dorn (vice chairman, Veterans' Affairs Committee), Hon. Robert T. Ashmore, Hon. Robert W. Hemphill, and Hon. John L. McMillan.


Commander, Post 3034, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, Sumter, S.C.

Mr. QUIGLEY. Without objection we will insert in the record a letter from Paralyzed Veterans of America, Inc., dated February 25, 1960.

[blocks in formation]

(The letter follows:)

Franklin Park, Ill., February 25, 1960.


Chairman, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, House of Representatives,
House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

DEAR MR. TEAGUE: We urgently recommend favorable consideration by your committee of S. 1138 which would extend educational and vocational training assistance to veterans who served, or will serve between January 31, 1955, and July 1, 1963, or the date of termination of the Universal Military Training and Service Act whichever is latest.

The Paralyzed Veterans of America, which maintains a complete program of service to the paraplegic veteran, has sadly watched veterans totally disabled as a result of their military service during this period, being discharged from the Veterans' Administration hospitals with little hope for gainful employment. Their average age is much less than that of our World War II and Korean predecessors. They have had little or no work experience and less opportunity for formal education.

We believe these veterans have earned the right to resume an education which may have been interrupted, or improve their work experience which may have been delayed as a result of their compulsory military service. We respectfully suggest further, that anyone serving during this period and who has suffered total disability as a result of their military service, be given full veterans status and that such educational and vocational benefits, in addition to all other benefits passed on their behalf, be administered by the Veterans' Administration.

Sincerely yours,

HARRY A. SCHWEIKERT, Jr., Legislative Director.

Mr. QUIGLEY. Without objection there will be placed in the record a telegram from the Executive Committee of Western College Association, dated February 27, 1960.

(The telegram follows:)


SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF., February 27, 1960.

Chairman, House Veterans' Affairs Committee,
House Office Building, Washington, D.C.:

Executive Committee, Western College Association, comprising 55 public and private accredited colleges and universities in California and Hawaii, endorses extension veteran training through enactment Senate bill 1138. Request elimination of proposed unworkable scholastic requirement. Urge this matter be left to institutional determination.

MITCHELL P. BRIGGS, Executive Secretary.

Mr. QUIGLEY. Without objection there will be placed in the record a copy of House Resolution No. 16 of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

(The resolution follows:)


A resolution memorializing the Congress of the United States to extend Public Law No. 550, 82d Congress, relating to education and training benefits, to service men and women as long as the draft continues

Whereas the Congress of the United States, expressing the will of the citizenry by the enactment of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (Public Law 346, 78th Cong.) and Veterans' Readjustment Act of 1952 (Public Law 550, 82d Cong.), recognized the justice, equity, and general value of a sound education and training program for the veterans of our country; and Whereas the legislation enacted to provide such education and training benefits was for the purpose of restoring lost educational opportunities to those men and women who served in the Armed Forces of our country and has accomplished this purpose and has been an immeasurable factor in contributing to the economic security of our veterans and their families as well as to the security of the

Nation as a result of the increase in our general educational level and in the professional and technical skills of the veterans; and

Whereas the increased earning power of the veterans directly attributable to the program is resulting in payment of increased income taxes which will more than repay the total cost of the program; and

Whereas, notwithstanding the continuing involuntary military service program, Public Law 7, 84th Congress, denies entitlement to education and training benefits to all veterans who first entered service after January 31, 1955, which is grossly inequitable; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Kentucky; SECTION 1. That the Congress of the United States extend education and training benefits similar to the benefits provided by Public Law 550, 82d Congress, as amended, to all veterans of our country who served during any period in which involuntary military service is authorized, and urges the Congress of the United States to enact legislation to accomplish this objective;

SEC. 2. That the clerk of the House send attested copies of this resolution to the President of the U.S. Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the chairmen of the Education Committee of each House, and to each member of the Kentucky delegation in the Congress of the United States.


Chief Clerk of the House.

Mr. QUIGLEY. Our first witness this morning will be our colleague, the Honorable A. S. J. Carnahan.

You may proceed, Congressman Carnahan.


Mr. CARNAHAN. Mr. Chairman and members of this committee, I appreciate the opportunity afforded me to appear in support of S. 1138, similar to the bill I introduced in the House, H.R. 11090, to make educational benefits available to all veterans whether or not they served during a period of war or of armed hostilities.

Ample evidence was given of the value in increased productivity to the Nation and in increased taxes to the Government through the World War II GI bill of rights. Peacetime draftees and volunteers who have been on extended active duty have made and will continue to make a real contribution toward enabling our country to maintain peace and toward meeting its commitments and responsibilities to our allies. They are entitled to basic readjustment benefits which will enable them to return to civilian life and become useful and productive members of their communities. These so-called peacetime veterans are entitled to at least some of the opportunities lost by military service. It is clear that their military service, in most instances, interrupted the pursuit of education or a career in civilian life.

As a believer in education, having been in the educational field prior to coming to Congress, I was gratified to find that the Census Bureau. reported a substantial increase in earnings of veterans of World War II. That report showed that the median income of World War II veterans was once lower than the median income of a comparable age group of nonveterans, but that the median income of veterans has now gone up and surpassed that of the nonveterans. Credit for raising the earning capacity of the veterans as compared to the nonveterans, which in return raised the taxpaying ability of veterans as compared to nonveterans, was due to the GI bill of rights training they received. Due to this training the Government is in position to receive back in

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