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data policy are found in the balancing of the needs and equities of the Government, its contractors, and the general public.

(b) It is important to keep a clear distinction between contract requirements for the delivery of technical data on the one hand, and rights in technical data on the other. The legal rights which the Government acquires in technical data in DOE contracts (other than "facilities" contracts) are set forth in the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause of 952.227-75. However, this clause does not obtain for the Government the delivery of any data whatsoever. Rather, known requirements for the technical data to be delivered by the contractor shall be set forth as part of the contract (e.g. in the statement of work). The Additional Technical Data Requirements clause at 952.227-73 may be used along with the clause at 952.227-75 to enable the contracting officer to require the contractor to furnish additional technical data, the requirement for which was not known at the time of contracting. There is, however, a built-in limitation on the kind of technical data which a contractor may be required to deliver under either the contract statement of work or the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause. This limitation is found in the withholding provision of paragraph (e) of the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause of 952.227-75 which provides that the contractor need not furnish “proprietary data.” It is specifically intended that the contractor may withhold "proprietary data" even though a requirement for technical data specified in the statement of work or called for pursuant to the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause would seemingly require the furnishing of proprietary data. This withholding of proprietary data is the primary means by which the contractor may protect its proprietary position.

(c) There are, however, two situations where the Government, or its representative, may need to have limited access to a contractor's proprietary data.

(1) First, paragraph (f) of the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause gives the contracting officer's repre

sentatives the limited right to inspect


at the contractor's facility the contractor's proprietary data which were withheld from delivery under paragraph (e) of the clause for the purpose of verifying that such data were properly withheld or to evaluate work performance. In carrying out the inspection, normally the contracting officer's representative is a DOE employee although he may be an employee of a DOE contractor acting under agreement to treat in confidence the proprietary data to be inspected. However, where the contractor whose data are to be inspected demonstrates that there would be a possible conflict of interest if the inspection were made by such a contractor employee, the contracting officer's representative may be limited to a DOE employee. Paragraph (f) has a built-in exclusion from these inspection rights for "specific items of proprietary data" when they are so specified in the contract schedule. Such exclusions limit even DOE's minimum rights of evaluating contract work performance and verifying that technical data withheld by the contractor is proprietary in fact. Such exclusions should be sparingly used, and only in situations where program personnel stipulate to the fact that DOE has no need for access to the specified items to be excluded from paragraph (f), i.e., that the nondisclosure and nonaccessibility will not adversely affect the DOE program involved. It should also be noted that paragraph (f) permits exclusion of "specific items" of proprietary data and, accordingly, should not be used to exclude classes of technical data or all technical data pertaining to specific items or processes or classes of items or proc


(2) The second situation, where the Government may have limited access to a contractor's proprietary data, is provided in optional paragraph (g) of the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause at 952.227-75 Alternate I. When used, optional paragraph (g) provides the Government the right to require the contractor to furnish with limited rights the proprietary data previously withheld under paragraph (e). In this situation, the limited rights in proprietary data and the Govern

ment's obligation for limited use and disclosure of such data as set forth in the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause provides the means by which the contractor protects its proprietary position. Paragraph (g) will be used only where it is determined by DOE that for programmatic reasons there is a need for the delivery of proprietary data to the Government. Where proprietary data is to be delivered under paragraph (g) and subparagraph (a) or (b) of the limited rights legend is to be applied to the data, the contractor may, if he can show the possibility of a conflict of interest regarding disclosure of such data to other contractors, limit or modify subparagraph (a) or (b) as set forth in 927.402-3(e)(2), to exclude or include certain contractors.

(d) The contractor licensing provisions of optional paragraph (h) at 952.227-75 Alternate II of the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause enable DOE to require limited licenses in proprietary contract data to be granted to the Government and responsible parties in certain circumstances. Such a license may parallel or supplement the license obtained in background patents under the provisions of paragraph (k) of the Patent Rights clause of 41 CFR 9-9.107-5(a). Paragraph (h) is normally to be included in contracts for research, development or demonstration where it is deemed by DOE that the limited license afforded therein is necessary to ensure widespread commercial use or practical utilization of a subject of the contract. As explained in 927.4023(e)(3), paragraph (h) provides that upon request by DOE, the contractor will grant to the Government and responsible third parties a license in proprietary data only where such data in the form of results obtained by its use, i.e., essential equipment, articles, products, and the like which were the subject of the contract, are not otherwise available, or cannot be made available in a reasonable time as set forth in paragraph (h).

(e)(1) It is the responsibility of prime contractors and higher tier subcontractors, in meeting their obligations with respect to contract data, to obtain from their subcontractors the

rights in, access to, and delivery of such data on behalf of the Government. Accordingly, subject to the policy set forth in these regulations, and subject to the approval of the contracting officer where required, selection of appropriate technical data provisions for subcontracts is the responsibility of the prime contractor or higher-tier subcontractor. In many but not all instances, inclusion in a subcontract of the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause of 952.227-75 will suffice to obtain for the benefit of the Government the rights in and, if appropriate, access to technical data. Access by DOE to technical data, i.e., the inspection rights afforded in paragraph (f) of the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause at 952.227-75 normally should be obtained only in first-tier subcontracts having as a purpose the conduct of research, development, or demonstration work or the furnishing of supplies for which there are substantial technical data requirements as reflected in the prime contract. If a subcontractor refuses to accept technical data provisions affording rights in and access to technical data on behalf of the Government, the contractor shall so inform the Contracting Officer in writing and not proceed with the subcontract without written authorization of the Contracting Officer. In prime contracts (or higher-tier subcontracts) which contain the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause, it is the further responsibility of the contractor (or higher-tier subcontractor) to determine whether inclusion of such clause in a subcontract is required to satisfy technical data requirements of the prime contract (or higher-tier subcontract).

(2) As is the case for DOE in its determination of technical data requirements, the Additional Technical Data at 952.227-73 Requirements clause should not be used at any subcontracting tier where the technical data requirements are fully known, and normally the clause will be used only in subcontracts having as a purpose the conduct of research, development, or demonstration. Prime contractors and higher-tier subcontractors shall not use their power to award subcontracts

as economic leverage to inequitably acquire rights in the subcontractor's proprietary data for their private use, and they shall not acquire rights on behalf of the Government to proprietary data for standard commercial items unless required by the prime contract.

(f) Related to the acquisition and use of technical data are the contractor's rights in contract data as well as technical data furnished to the contractor by DOE or its contractors. These rights are set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of each Rights in Technical Data clause and provide that the contractor may, subject to patent, security and other provisions of the contract, use for its private purposes contract data it first produces in the performance of the contract, provided that the contractor has met its data requirements (e.g., delivery of data in form of progress or status reports specified to be delivered) as of the date of the private use of such data. It is not necessary that a final report be submitted in order to privately use data if all required progress and interim reports and other technical data then due have been delivered. Paragraph (b)(2) further provides that technical or other data received by the contractor in the performance of the contract must be held in confidence by the contractor in accordance with restrictions accompanying the data.

(g) An additional clause described further at 927.402-3(f), the text of which is found at 952.227-76 entitled Rights in Data-Special Works, is to be used in place of or in addition to the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause in contracts where a purpose of the contract is the production of copyrightable material, a substantial portion of which is to be first produced in the performance of the contract, such as motion pictures, television recordings, books, histories, etc. Where, during contract negotiations, it may be determined to purchase, i.e., "specifically acquire," unlimited rights in technical data, or to lease or obtain a license therein, or to obtain rights in existing data, an appropriate clause therefor should be obtained from patent counsel. In situations where technical data including computer software are to be leased or licensed,

the terms of any agreement restricting the Government's rights will be included in the contract as either a special clause or an agreement annexed thereto. Another clause, the Rights in Technical Data (short form) clause further described at 927.402-3(g), the text of which is found at 952.227-77, is provided for use in research contracts with educational institutions and consultants. Such contracts may, for example, include those for conducting symposia, training, or education, or other contracts not involving possible use of proprietary data.

(h) In contracts involving access to certain categories of DOE-owned restricted data, as set forth in 10 CFR Part 725, DOE has reserved the right to receive reasonable compensation for the use of its inventions and discoveries, including its related data and technology. Accordingly, in contracts where access to such restricted data is to be provided to contractors, the following parenthetical phrase shall be inserted after "contract data" in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of the clause at 952.227-75, after "technical data" in paragraph (b)(2) of the clause at 952.227-77, or after "technical data” in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of the clause at 952.227-78 as appropriate: "(except Restricted Data in category C-24, 10 CFR Part 725, in which DOE has reserved the right to receive reasonable compensation for the use of its inventions and discoveries, including related data and technology)." In addition, there are other types of contract situations (e.g., no cost contracts for studies or evaluation) wherein the contractor is given access to restricted data. In such contract situations, limitations on the use of such data may be appropriate.

927.402-2 Policy.

The technical data policy is directed toward achieving the following objectives:

(a) Making the benefits of the energy research, development and demonstration programs of DOE widely available to the public in the shortest practicable time;

[blocks in formation]

(a) Known requirements for technical data. Technical data requirements are determined in relation to the intended use of the data which in turn depends upon the intended use of the contract end item. In many contracts for research, the end item may often be a technical report or series of such reports, while in contracts beyond research, the subject of the contract may be a feasibility model, an engineering or advance development model, or a prototype. The extent to which required technical data may be needed often depends on the level of maturity of design and perfection of the end item, and for a demonstration plant or prototype, may include data pertaining to performance, operational and environmental testing, repair, maintenance, operation, quality assurance, detailed design, logistics, training, etc. Known technical data requirements shall be programmatically ascertained prior to contracting and shall be included in requests for proposals or disclosed during contract negotiations for incorporation as data requirements in the contract statement of work.

(b) Additional requirements for technical data. In contracts for research, development, or demonstration, it is not normally possible or appropriate for the Government to ascertain all actual needs for technical data in advance of contracting. Accordingly, the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause at 952.227-73, shall normally be used in such contracts (and, if appropriate, in subcontracts) to enable the ordering of technical data as the actual need and requirement

therefor becomes known during the course of the contract. If all technical data requirements are known in advance of contracting and are set forth in the contract statement of work, this clause need not be used. The Additional Technical Data Requirements clause should not normally be used in supply contracts because the required technical data therefor are ordinarily known in advance and thus are specified in the contract statement of work or specification. When the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause is used, the Rights in Technical DataLong Form clause at 952.227-75 shall also be used.

(c) Clause text. The text of the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause is found at 952.227-73.

(d) Proposals. (1) The policy and procedures for treatment of proposal information are set forth in FAR 15.413 for solicited proposals, in FAR 15.509 for unsolicited proposals, and 927.70.

(2) Solicited proposals are to be handled in accordance with the procedures of FAR 15.413-2. Evaluation of such proposals outside the Government is authorized in accordance with the procedures of FAR 15.413-2(f) and paragraph (d)(4) below. In order to assure that solicited proposals are properly handled, the handling notice of FAR 15.413-2(e) shall be affixed to a cover sheet attached to each proposal upon receipt by DOE. Use of the notice neither alters any obligation of the Government, nor diminishes any rights in the Government to use or disclose the information.

(3) Unsolicited proposals are to be handled in accordance with FAR 15.509. Outside evaluations of such proposals are authorized in accordance with the procedures of 927.7000.

(4) It is DOE policy to have proposals evaluated by the most competent persons available in Government. In addition, DOE may meet its evaluation needs by having proposals reviewed by evaluators and contractor organizations operating or managing government-owned facilities. Where it is determined to evaluate a proposal outside the Government, such as by consultants, grantees and contractors including those who operate or manage

Government-owned facilities, the agreement of 927.7000 or an equivalent arrangement for the treatment of the proposal shall be obtained from the outside evaluator before DOE furnishes a copy of the proposal to such person. In addition, care should be taken that the required handling notice is affixed to a cover sheet attached to the proposal before it is disclosed to the evaluator.

(5) Should a contract be awarded based on a proposal, it is DOE policy, in consideration of the award, to obtain unlimited rights for the Government in the technical data contained in the proposal unless the prospective contractor marks those portions of the technical information which it asserts as "proprietary data”, or specifies those portions of such technical data which are not directly related to or will not be utilized in the work to be funded under the contract. "Proprietary data" is defined in 927.401(b). A proposer who receives a contract award shall mark the data identified as proprietary by specifying the appropriate page numbers to be inserted in the Rights to Proposal Data clause of 952.227-82, which clause shall be inserted in the contract. Subject to the concurrence of the contracting officer, information unrelated to the contract may be deleted from the proposal by the contractor. The responsibility, however, of identifying technical data as proprietary or deleting it as unrelated, rests with the prospective contractor.

(e) Rights in technical data. (1) The Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause set forth at 952.227-75 shall be used in all contracts having as a purpose the conduct of research, development, or demonstration, or in contracts for supplies, or in any other contract where technical data are expected to be first produced under the contract, where technical data are specified to be delivered in the contract, or where the contract contains the Additional Technical Data Requirements clause. Accordingly, all such contracts shall contain the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause at 927.227-75, except as noted in 970.2702 and 927.402-3 (f) and (g) and except contracts for standard

commercial off-the-shelf supplies where technical data such as operating or repair manuals are routinely furnished with the supplies.

(2) Optional paragraph-Limited Rights in Proprietary Data. In research, development, or demonstration contracts, and supply contracts where it is determined that delivery of proprietary data is necessary with limited rights in the Government, the Rights in Technical Data (long form) clause at 952.227-75 shall be supplemented by the additional paragraph (g) set forth at Alternate I to the clause. It should be noted that this paragraph does not entitle the contractor to place a limited rights legend on any technical data furnished to the Government under paragraph (g) unless the contracting officer requests in writing delivery of identified technical data previously withheld under paragraph (e) of the Rights in Technical Data clause. Paragraph (g) provides that proprietary data may be specified in the contract as being excluded from the delivery requirements of paragraph (e). Alternatively, the limited rights legend specified in Alternate I may be made applicable to only those classes of proprietary data determined as being necessary for delivery with limited rights. In addition, when furnishing proprietary data with the limited rights legend, subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) thereunder may be modified as follows. When proprietary data is to be furnished only for evaluation, subparagraph (a) of the limited rights legend shall be used, and subparagraphs (b) and (c), if otherwise inapplicable, may be deleted. When there is a programmatic requirements that proprietary data be disclosed to other DOE contractors only for information or use in connection with work performed under their contracts, subparagraph (b) of the limited rights legend shall be used, and subparagraphs (a) and (c) may be deleted if otherwise inapplicable. In either of the foregoing examples, the contractor may, if it can show the possibility of a conflict of interest because of disclosure of such data to certain contractors or evaluators, exclude such contractors or evaluators from subparagraphs (a) or (b). If the data is required solely for emer

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