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In introducing these writings of a departed brother in the ministry to the notice of the public, the editor feels that he is called upon to say but little. Where the author of the Sermons and Essay were known familiarly, they will need no introduction to insure a favorable reception; and where he was less known, they will of themselves win for him the reader's respect. While it is believed that they have an intrinsic merit which will repay any one who shall peruse them, it is more especially for the region in which he labored that they are given to the world. They are a pleasing memorial to his many surviving friends, of one whom they loved and honored. Though his head is now low, and his voice silent in death, he may speak to them through these pages as affectionately and impressively as when among them. They will be read with profit by those who were the attendants upon his ministry; and from them all may learn their duty towards God, and derive important instruction respecting his word.

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