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Salaries and Expenses


The Selective Service System registers, classifies, selects, examines, and presents for induction men who serve in the Armed Forces, in accordance with current legislation and, in accord with Section 6 (j) of the Act, the System must find jobs for men classified as conscientious objectors, and supervise them during their two years of alternate service. The Selective Service System must be flexible enough so that it can be utilized by the Nation in a way that the President and the Congress now or in the future might determine. The main function of the Selective Service System in a standby status is to maintain the capability to provide manpower to the Armed Forces on short notice in response to an emergency. The System must be prepared to meet two types of emergencies a limited emergency, or a and the different problems they pose must be studied if

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total emergency one is to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed standby structure. Mobilization, of course, presupposes the reenactment of the authority to induct by Congress, or the use of the residual authority to induct men whose liability is extended to age 35 due to an earlier deferment. The magnitude of the Selective Service System's operations during fiscal year 1974 stems from considerations by the administration, including a National Security Council decision after fiscal year 1974 this level will be determined by the follow

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of the volunteer program in satisfying manpower needs for the Armed Forces; and (4) international political and military situations.

FY 1974 is the year during which the Selective Service System reduces its operation from the current level to a standby mode.

In summary, the Selective Service System is requesting funds to maintain its proposed level, with a decrease of 2,475 average positions throughout the System. The reductions are a direct result of more efficient operations, improved procedures, and fewer administrative sites. With the advent of the service centers, and as a part of a general administrative up-grading, additional economies of operation have been possible.

The estimated direct obligations for fiscal year 1974 total $55,000,000 a decrease of $28,500,000 under the amount appropriated for fiscal year 1973.

1. Service to Registrants:

This program encompasses those functions directly related to the processing of registrants, the most important of which are registration, classification, examinations, selection and delivery of personnel for ind tion or placement and supervision in alternate service programs in accordance with current legislation. In compliance with the law, regulations, and directives of National Headquarters, the States administer the Military Selective Service



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