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Contains the ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS to the Animal Organization-Potash and Lime;

The OXYDIZING AGENTS-Iron and Manganese;

The TONICS-Quinine and Strychnine;


Combined in the form of a Syrup, with slight alkaline reaction.

IT DIFFERS IN EFFECT FROM ALL OTHERS, being pleasant to taste,. acceptable to the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use.

IT HAS SUSTAINED A HIGH REPUTATION in America and England for efficiency in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs, and is employed also in various nervous and debilitating diseases with success.

ITS CURATIVE PROPERTIES are largely attributable to Stimulant, Tonic and Nutritive qualities, whereby the various organic functions are. recruited.

IN CASES where innervating constitutional treatment is applied, and tonic treatment is desirable, this preparation will be found to act with safety and satisfaction.

ITS ACTION IS PROMPT, stimulating the appetite, and the digestion, it promotes assimilation, and enters directly into the circulation with the foodi products.

THE PRESCRIBED DOSE produces a feeling of buoyancy, removing depression or melancholy, and hence is of great value in the treatment of mental and nervous affections.

From its exerting a double tonic effect and influencing a healthy flow of the secretions, its use is indicated in a wide range of diseases.

Each Bottle of Fellows' Hypophosphites contains 128 Doses.

Prepared by JAS. I. FELLOWS, Chemist,



Circulars and Samples sent to Physicians on application.

SPECIAL.-To Physicians, ONE large bottle containing 15 oz. (which. usually sells for $1.50), will be sent upon receipt of Fifty Cents with the application. This will be applied to the prepayment of expressage, and willi afford an opportunity for a thorough test in Chronic cases of Debility and. Nervousness. Express charges prepaid upon all samples.

For sale by all druggists.


Preparation.-For an infant under three months, mix one tablespoonful of the Food with ten of hot or cold water. Hold over the gas, lamp, or stove, with constant stirring, until it has boiled two or three minutes. Cool to about blood heat, and give in feeding bottle. For a child three to ten months old, mix in proportion of eight of water to one of Food. For a pap, in proportion of five of water to one of Food.


Value.- Containing only Milk, Wheaten Bread Crust and Sugar, this Food supplies all the elements necessary for complete alimentation, in the most easily assimilable form; the MILK furnishing Casein, Albumen, Hydrates of Carbon and Sugar of Milk, while the WHEATEN BREAD CRUST Supplies Nitrogen, and is especially rich in SALINE MATTER, particularly in potash salts, mainly in the form of phosphates, and Carbon is obtained from the CANE SUGAR. makes pure blood, firm flesh, hard muscle, and tough bone. It is a sure preventive of Summer Complaint, and by its use the bowels can be kept in just the state desired. It is retained on the stomach, often, when everything else is rejected. The simplicity of its preparation, and the uniformity obtainable, are two points the value of which cannot be overestimated.

Particular Attention.-We do not claim that this Food will agree with ALL child en. We do not think that any artificial food will ever be made which will do this, as nature sometimes fails, a mother's milk not agreeing with her own child. We only claim, what has been proved by its use for 15 years past, that it will agree with a LARGER PROPORTION of children than any other artificial food.

A pamphlet, by Prof. H. Lebert, of Berlin, giving fuller particulars of the Food, sent to any address on application to



18 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK CITY For a perfectly pure CONDENSED MILK, free from Starch of any kind, try Nestle's.


A new Fluid Extract of Malt, composed of pure extracts of malt and aromatic elixir made by the Shakers, at Pleasant Hill, Ky. Dunlavy & Scott, Trustees.

This is an exceedingly palatable and efficient meaicine, combining the qualities of both malt and aromatic elixir. It is an invaluable vehicle in which to combine Quinine, Iron, Cod Liver Oil and other remedies. Price $1 per bottle or 6 bottles for $5. From Dr. T. S. Bell, Professor of Science and Practice of Medicine and Public Hygiene in the University of Louisville: "I have used the Shakers' Aromatic Elixir of Malt personally with much satisfaction. I have prescribed it for patients with excellent results. T. S. BELL."

From Dr. E. D. Foree, President, Emeritus Professor of and Lecturer on Diseases of Women in the Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville: "I have frequently prescribed the Shakers' Aromatic Elixir of Malt. The pa.ients prefer it to the other preparations of malt, and it seems to have equally as good effect. E. D. FOREE." Extract from the Medical Herald for August, 1880, by Surgeon Long: Constructive medicines, I am pleased to note, are rapidly gaining favor with the profession. I now write to ask attention to the newest and best preparation of malt-the Shakers' Aromatic Elixir of Malt. In many cases of chronic Dyspepsia, with flatus, and in the debility of syphilis, tuberculosis, and in the debility of va rious forms of chronic diseases, I have used the Shakers' Aromatic Elixir of Malt with almost uniformly good results. It is palatable to persons who could not tolerate the other preparations of malt, and on account of its fluidity can be administered without difficulty to infants and to persons averse to taking syrups. It affords the best possible ve icle for administering the Iodide of potassium in cases of advanced syphilis, or the salt of iron in cases of anæmia. W. H. LONG, M. D.

MR. E. S. SUTTON; Dear Sir-In answer to your inquiry, will state that I regard the Shakers' Aromatic Elixir of Malt, as far superior to any other preparation of malt in the market, and have personal knowledge of many cases benefited by this preparation who had taken other brands without result. It is also an excellent vehicle in which to administer quinine, Potassium Iodide, and other unpalatable remedies. Sincerely, etc., THOMAS J. GRIFFITHS, Consulting Surgeon, U. S. M. H., Louisville. For Sale by Druggists Generally.

E. S. SUTTON, Louisville, Ky., Sole Agent for the United States and Canadas. This preparation will keep perfectly in any climate.

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