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LYRA (lī'-ra)-THE LYRE.

LOCATION. Lyra may be easily distinguished because of the brilliant Vega, its brightest star, which is situated about 12 degrees southwest of the Dragon's head. It is unmistakable, as it is the brightest star in this region of the heavens, and one of the most brilliant stars in the northern hemisphere. July and August Vega is close to the zenith.


The six bright stars in Lyra form an equilateral triangle on one corner of a rhomboid. A very characteristic figure.

(E) is a pretty double for an opera-glass, and a double double for a powerful telescope.

() is a double for a good glass.

(B) is a variable, changing from third to nearly fifth magnitude in a week's time.

The noted ring nebula lies between (ß) and (y). A powerful telescope alone renders it visible.

If the distance from the earth to the sun equalled one inch, the distance from the earth to Vega would be one hundred and fifty-eight miles.

Vega was the first star to be photographed, in 1850. It is visible at some hour every clear night, and has been called the arc-light of the sky.

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LOCATION.-The star (a) or Deneb, the brightest star in Cygnus, is at the top of the cross, and a little over 20 degrees east of Vega. It forms a triangle with Vega and Altair in Aquila—Altair being at the apex, about 35 degrees from Deneb and Vega.

The star (B) or Albireo is at the base of the cross, and a line drawn from Vega to Altair nearly touches it.

(ß) is a beautiful colored double for a small telescope.

Note "61," the second nearest star to us. It was the first star whose distance was measured. If the distance from the earth to the sun equals one inch, the earth to "61" equals 71⁄2 miles.

(o) is a double. There is a little star near it.

Half way from Albireo to the stars (C) and (ɛ) in Aquila is a group of six or seven stars in a straight row, with a garland of other stars hanging from the centre.

The cross is nearly perfect and easily traced out. It lies almost wholly in the Milky Way.

Note "The Coal Sack," the dark gap in the Milky Way. Cygnus contains an unusual number of deeply colored stars.

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