Letters, statements, telegrams, etc. -Continued Page Humphrey, Hon. Hubert H., Senator from the State of Minnesota, statement_ 132 26, 27 Lavelle, William, assistant legislative director, CIO, letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 28, 1949-- Lawrence, Jos. S., M. D., director, Washington office, American Medical Association, letter to Senate Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, July 29, 1949- Miller, Dr. James R., American Medical Association, statement------ Monfort, J. J., M. D., Batesville, Ark., statement- Perry, Leslie S., legislative representative, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, telegram to Hon. John L. Sifton, Paul, national legislative representative of the United Auto- mobile Workers, CIO, in behalf of the Congress of Industrial Stein, Fred W., Atchison, Kans., statement- - - Swope, Dr. Chester D., chairman, department of public relations, American Osteopathic Association, statement. Taylor, John Thomas, director, national legislative commission, The American Legion, letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 20, 1949-- Tobin, Maurice J., Secretary of Labor, letter to Hon. Margaret Chase Tyson, William S., Solicitor, Department of Labor, memorandum to the Secretary of Labor-Experience-rating systems under State Wainwright, J. M., national commander, Disabled American Vet- 135 Welfare Association, statement.. 57 Wright, Mrs. C. D., chairman, legislative department, General Fed- 135 Zander, Edwin L., M. D., chairman, Committee on Congressional Matters, letter and statement to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 19, Message from the President of the United States transmitting Reorgan- ization Plan No. 2 of 1949, transferring the Bureau of Employment Security, now in the Federal Security Agency, to the Department of Labor and vesting in the Secretary of Labor the functions of the Fed- Ewing, Oscar R., Federal Security Administrator, Washington, D. С. Findley, A. R., vice president, Wieboldt Stores, Inc., Chicago, Ill., and chairman, social security committee, National Retail Dry Goods Association, Chicago, Ill. Goodwin, Robert C., Director, Bureau of Employment Security, Social Security Administration, Federal Security Agency, Wash- 304 E., chairman, unemployment compensation advisory Horton, Dwight, member, Texas Employment Commission_ Kerr, Paul W., member, board of directors, Indiana State Chamber of Commerce; president, Henry Weis Manufacturing Co., Elkhart, 280, 285 Ketchun, Omar, director, legislative service, Veterans of Foreign 317 Krawczyk, B. A., attorney at law; supervisor, compensation depart- Mackey, Walter J., representing the Ohio Manufacturers' Associa- 191 Martin, Robert B., social security committee, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, Ill.; treasurer, Kable News Co., Mount Pace, Frank, Jr., Director, Bureau of the Budget, Washington, D. C Patty, Kenneth C., assistant attorney general, Richmond, Va- Rowe, Jame H., Jr., attorney at law, Corcoran, Youngman & Rowe, Washington, D. C.; member, Commission on Organization of the Russell, P. M., chairman, social security committee, New Jersey 239 Sattler, Charles, labor commissioner, West Virginia, and president, 315 ment Compensation Bureau, Inc., Detroit, Mich- 270 Taylor, Brig. Gen. John Thomas, director, national legislative com- Smith, vice chairman, national economic 215 Tobin, Hon. Maurice J., Secretary of Labor; accompanied by Michael 155 Wrabetz, Voyta, chairman, Industrial Commission, State of Wiscon- sin, Madison, Wis- 205 Telegrams, letters, statements, etc., submitted for the record by- Anderson, C. S., president, Belle City Malleable Iron Co., telegram to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 25, 1949---. 325 Argo, R. K., Birmingham, Ala., statement_ 248 Ariens, Mando S., vice president, Ariens Co., Brillion, Wis., letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 26, 1949-- 340 Backman, Gus P., secretary, Salt Lake City Chamber of Commerce, 334 Cantrell, Frank, managing director, Associated Industries of Arkansas, Inc., telegram to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 23, 1949-- 325 347 303 Telegrams, letters, statements, etc. -Continued Cruikshank, Nelson H., director, social insurance activities, American ---- Statement__ 321 Dineen, Charles, secretary, Milwaukee Cooperative Milk Producers, letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 25, 1949---. 335 Ewens, James J., Grede Foundries, Inc., letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 22, 1949- 332 Federal Malleable Co., Milwaukee, Wis., letter to Hon. John L. 332 Fox, Leonard P., general secretary, Pennsylvania State Chamber of 337 Frey, Frank T., chairman and treasurer, Gender Paeschke & Frey Co., 325 Gardner, Everett L., director, Indiana Employment Security Division, 340 Gilbert, C. C., secretary, Tennessee Manufacturers Association, letter Goodwin, Robert C., director, Bureau of Employment Security, Social Security Administration, Federal Security Agency, statement- Haberman, George A., president, Wisconsin State Federation of Haertel, George, Henry Haertel Service, letter to Hon. John L. Hatton, Robert E., chairman, unemployment compensation advisory committee, Department of Economics Security, State of Kentucky: Kimball, Edw. A., executive vice president, Iowa Manufacturers Association, letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 19, 1949-- Krawczyk, B. A., attorney at law; supervisor, compensation depart- Telegrams, letters, statements, etc. -Continued Page Lyman, Ormond F., executive vice president, Illinois State Chamber Mackey, Walter J., on behalf of the Ohio Manufacturers Association, 341 334 Mallon, W. L., chairman, public affairs committee, National Auto- mobile Dealers Association, letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, Martin, Robert B., representing the Illinois State Chamber of Com- 244 Moomaw, Paul C., managing director, Interstate Tax Service Bureau, 338 336 Nelson, George R., representative International Association of 353 Pearman, John A., veterans, employment representative for Arkansas, 345 Schaefer, A. G., secretary, Sengbusch Self-Closing Inkstand Co., letter Scull, Miles, Jr., staff member, Senate Committee on Expenditures in 339 331 Sifton, Paul, Congress of Industrial Organizations, statement--- Smith, Raymond C., director, Michigan Manufacturers Unemploy- ment Compensation Bureau, Inc., Detroit, Mich., statement_ Stein, Fred, president, Kansas State Chamber of Commerce, tele- Tanham, James, chairman, committee on industrial problems and relations of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, Taylor, Frank J., president, American Merchant Marine Institute, Thomas, director, national legislative commission, the American Legion, letter and statement to Hon. John L. McClellan, Tucker, Harold W., president, the Associated Industries of Rhode Island, Inc., letter to Hon. John L. McClellan, July 26, 1949------ Unbehend, W. B., president, Syracuse Chamber of Commerce, state- Vogeler, Rudolf F., manager, Industrial Council, Chamber of Com- merce, Philadelphia, Pa., statement-- 266 Whitehouse, Al, president, Kentucky CIO Council and secretary, Telegram to William Lavelle, July 27, 1949-- 328 Resolution_ 329 Williams, Hon. G. Mennen, Governor of the State of Michigan, tele- 326 Letters, statements, telegrams, etc.—Continued Page Woolmuth, Edmund W., executive vice president, Newark Chamber of 348 Wunner, E. G., vice president, Yellow Cab Co., letter to Hon. John 336 |