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(e) Remarks by Representative Jonathan Bingham in
the House of Representatives, "Strict Label Law
Needed to End Health Danger to Consumers,'
the Congressional Record, Nov. 4, 1971 (with

1. Letter dated July 12, 1971, from Mrs. Fran-
cis J. Heffernan, New York, N.Y., to
Representative Bingham___

2. Letter dated Aug. 10, 1971, from Repre-
sentative Bingham to Mrs. Heffernan...
3. Letter dated Aug. 19, 1971, from Miles W.
Kirkpatrick, Chairman, Federal Trade
Commission, to Representative Bingham

4. Letter dated Aug. 27, 1971, from M. J.

Ryan, Director, Office of Legislative

Services, Food and Drug Administration,

to Representative Bingham...

(f) Article by John D. Morris, "U.S. Lists Brands of
Items It Buys," the New York Times, Oct. 29,






(g) Press release of the General Services Administra-
tion dated Oct. 27, 1971, "GSA Lists Equivalent
Brand Names of Products It Buys and Tests".. 1267
Attachment: List: Brand name equivalent to
items purchased by GSA under Federal

(h) Article by Robert E. Freer, Jr., "FTC-FDA-

Discretionary Regulation Under the Fair Pack-

aging and Labeling Act," the Business Lawyer,

Jan. 1972

6. Information on bank secrecy.



(a) Excerpt from Nader Task Force Report on First
National City Bank...


(b) Memorandum dated Nov. 30, 1971, from Ralph
Nader and Donald Etra to Subcommittee on
Monopoly, re: bank trust departments..

7. Materials on efforts to obtain disclosure of environmental

and employment information through the Securities and

Exchange Commission..




9. Materials on Federal Power Commission proposal to collect
fuel cost and quality reports from steam-electric plants. 1316
(a) Federal Power Commission notice of proposed rule-
making dated Nov. 26, 1971, "Monthly Report
of Cost and Quality of Fuels for Steam-Electric
Plant" and proposed report form no. 423_- -

(b) Letter dated Dec. 21, 1971, from Senator Lee Met-
calf to John N. Nassikas, Chairman, Federal
Power Commission, protesting secrecy of pro-
posed report form no. 423..........

(c) Letter dated Dec. 27, 1971, from Clarence M.

Ditlow, III, Public Interest Research Group, to

Federal Power Commission, protesting secrecy of

proposed report form no. 423___.

10. Materials on the alleged shortage of natural gas and corpo-

rate secrecy concerning substantiating data___

(a) Testimony of Charles F. Wheatley, Jr., general

manager and general counsel, American Public

Gas Association, at hearing of a subcommittee of

the House Small Business Committee, with


1. Supplement of American Public Gas Asso-
ciation and Consumer Federation of
America to Petition to Reopen Proceed-
ings in Federal Power Commission's Area
Rate Proceedings, Southern Louisiana
Area, filed July 14, 1971___.

2. Notice of release of intra-agency documents
in the Federal Power Commission's Area
Rate Proceedings, Southern Louisiana
Area, signed by FPC Secretary Kenneth
F. Plumb, July 14, 1971-

3. Petition on behalf of the American Public
Gas Association and Consumer Federa-
tion of America to Reopen Proceedings
in Federal Power Commission's Area
Rate Proceedings, Southern Louisiana
Area, filed June 25, 1971.







4. Article by Jack Anderson, "FPC Chief and
Natural Gas Rate Rise," the Washington
Post, June 14, 1971..



IV. Exhibits supplied for the record by Ralph Nader, etc.-Continued
10. Materials on the alleged shortage of natural gas, etc.—Con.
(c) Excerpt from a column by Jack Anderson, the
Washington Post, Jan. 19, 1972.

(d) Letter from Ralph Nader and David W. Calfee to
John N. Nassikas, Chairman, Federal Power
Commission (undated, but apparently written
about December 1971).

11. Remarks of Dr. Hendrik S. Houthakker, as a Member,
Council of Economic Advisers, on energy resources and
the alleged "energy crisis".

(a) Speech delivered May 5, 1971, at the 7th Mid-
Pacific Gas Marketing Conference, Honolulu,
"Economic Growth and the Efficient Use of
Energy Resources".

(b) Speech delivered May 17, 1971, at the American
Mining Congress Coal Convention, Pittsburgh,
"Will There Be an Energy Crisis?”.

12. Evidence of corporate secrecy concerning employment

(a) Form letter and questionnaire dated Sept. 23, 1971,
from James W. Olson, Yale law student, to major
corporate employers...

(b) Letter dated Oct. 14, 1971, from Donald A. Deutsch,
assistant to the vice president, public relations,
Sears, Roebuck and Co., to Mr. Olson...-.

(c) Letter dated Oct. 13, 1971, from Ralph W. Peters,
Jr., director of executive personnel, United Air-
craft, to Mr. Olson...

(d) Letter dated Oct. 19, 1971, from B. C. Boylston,
manager of personnel and management develop-
ment, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, to Mr. Olson.
(e) Letter dated Oct. 21, 1971, from W. S. Carter,
educational services public relations, The Proc-
ter & Gamble Company, to Mr. Olson-
(f) Letter dated Oct. 27, 1971, from R. W. Chase, Jr.,
college recruiting director, Northeast region,
Mobil Oil Corporation, to Mr. Olson---
(g) Excerpt from letter dated Oct. 21, 1971, from Armco
Steel Corporation to Mr. Olson















(h) Letter (date withheld) to Mr. Olson from a com-
pany that asked to remain anonymous..


(i) Article, "McDonnell To Keep Hiring Plan Secret,"
the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Feb. 13, 1970--


(j) Article by the Associated Press, "Pentagon Mum

On Negro Hiring For McDonnell,' the St.
Louis Globe-Democrat, Feb. 13, 1971-
(k) Article by Timothy Bleck, "Clay Praises Mc-
Donnell For Plan To Hire Blacks," the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, Feb. 27, 1970. -



13. Materials on secrecy of tax settlement arrangements
between the Internal Revenue Service and giant corpo-


(a) Remarks by Senator Albert Gore in the U.S. Sen-
ate, "Du Pont Tax Favoritism," the Congres-
sional Record, May 26, 1965--


(b) Data on published and unpublished revenue rul-
ings, Fiscal Years 1962 through 1965, by Ralph


(c) Remarks by Representative Alphonzo Bell in the
House of Representatives, "Individual Income
Tax Returns Are Open to Inspection by Wide
Variety of People," the Congressional Record,
Oct. 16, 1971 (with insertions)-


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(c) Letter dated Jan. 28, 1972, from Donald Etra and

Peter J. Petkas, Corporate Accountability Re-

search Group, to Cost Accounting Standards

Board, commenting on proposed rules.

(d) Article, "First Cost-Accounting Standards Issued

By U.S. for Defense, Space Contractors, the

Wall Street Journal, Feb. 28, 1972.

16. Note by the witness concerning privileged and valuable in-
formation benefits derived by Government contractors. -
17. Materials on alleged aid given by Postal Service to monopoly
position of International Business Machines Corp---.
(a) Letter dated Oct. 13, 1971, from Ralph Nader to
Representative Thaddeus J. Dulski, Chairman,
House Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv-

(b) Article by Rudy Johnson, "Nader Calls Pact 'Bo-
nanza' to I.B.M.," the New York Times, Oct. 14,

18. Materials on the secrecy surrounding ownership of corpora-

(a) Robertson v. Alaska Airlines et al., Civil Aeronautics
Board Docket No. 22468, "Complaint and Re-
quest for Investigation into Airline Ownership
under Section 4907(b) of the Federal Aviation
Act, 49 U.S.C. 1377(b)," dated Aug. 17, 1970__

(b) Article by Senator Lee Metcalf and Vic Reinemer,

"The Nominee List-Unmasking Corporate Own-

ership," the Nation, July 19, 1971.

19. Excerpt from report of Theron F. Borden, Alaska Depart-
ment of Economic Development, relating to corporate
secrecy implicit in organization of Trans-Alaska Pipeline
System, the Congressional Record, June 15, 1971-
20. Three articles on the law and ethics of trade secrets_

(a) Article by Michael S. Baram, "Trade secrets: What
price loyalty?", the Harvard Business Review,
Nov.-Dec. 1968.











IV. Exhibits supplied for the record by Ralph Nader, etc.-Continued
20. Three articles on the law, etc.-Continued

(b) Article by Walter Henderson, "Government Pro-
tection and Release of Information: The Public
Interest," IDEA Magazine, Summer 1970----
(c) Article by Joseph Schneider, "Protecting Trade
Secrets," Trial Magazine, Jan./Feb. 1972__.
21. Materials on the Federal Trade Commission and corporate
information disclosure..

(a) Federal Trade Commission resolution dated June
20, 1961, "Resolution Relating to the Quarterly
Collection and Publication of Financial Reports
of Manufacturing Corporations" 1.

(b) Letter dated Nov. 23, 1970, from George P. Shultz,
Director, Office of Management and Budget, to
Miles W. Kirkpatrick, Chairman, Federal Trade
Commission, approving transfer to FTC of Secu-
rities and Exchange Commission responsibility
for collection of Quarterly Financial Report data
from registered corporations 1

(c) Form letter dated Dec. 31, 1970, from chairmen of

the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities
and Exchange Commission to corporations in the
SEC segment of the Quarterly Financial Report
sample, directing them to report to FTC instead
of SEC

(d) Office of Management and Budget, undated, un-
signed "Notice of Meeting" of a panel of the
Business Advisory Council on Federal Reports
(BACFR), containing notice of Jan. 21, 1971,
meeting on proposed FTC Form LB, "Annual
Receipts and Income, by Line of Business" 1.
(e) Informal, unsiged memorandum dated Dec. 1,
1970, from the Federal Trade Commission to the
Office of Management and Budget, "Request for
clearance, Line of Business (Form LB) Report,'
with proposed Form LB 1.

(f) Minutes of the Jan. 21, 1971, meeting of a panel of
Business Advisory Council on Federal Reports
(BACFR), concerning proposed FTC survey
Form LB, "Annual Receipts and Income, by
Line of Business,'
," with appended statements
and letters from industry representatives 1.
(g) Article by Bailey Morris, "FTC Proposal on Cor-
porate Data Is Tabled," from the Sunday Star,
Washington, D.C., April 25, 1971, page B-5 1--
(h) Federal Trade Commission press release dated Oct.
28, 1971, "Report Issued on Quality of Data as a
Factor in Analyzing Structure-Preformance Re-
lationship" _














(i) Memorandum dated Jan. 6, 1972, from H. Michael
Mann, Director, Bureau of Economics, Federal
Trade Commission, to the Commission, "Request
from Deputy Director, Caspar W. Weinberger, to
Improve the Quarterly Financial Report. (Letter
to Chairman Kirkpatrick, dated Dec. 27, 1971)". 1468
(j) Undated, unsigned memorandum (Bureau of Eco-
nomics, Federal Trade Commission), captioned
"FTC Division of Financial Statistics".

(k) Letter dated Dec. 27, 1971, from Caspar W. Wein-
berger, Deputy Director, Office of Management
and Budget, to Miles W. Kirkpatrick, Chairman,
Federal Trade Commission 1.



(1) Letter dated Jan. 7, 1972, from Chairman Kirk-
patrick to Deputy Director Weinberger-------


'Exhibit identified by title only, with cross-reference to another appendix for the text.

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