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Sen Herschal Crow (Oklahoma)
Sen Knox Nelson (Arkansas)
Rep. Joe C. Hanna (Texas)



Rep. Ernest Cunningham

Sen. Olen Hendrix

Rep. John Lipton

Sen. J A (Dooley) Womack


Sen Charles Barham

Sen. Ned Doucet

Sen. Charles B. Duval

Rep Arthur W Sour, Jr.
Mr. Elmen J. Bergeron

New Mexico

Sen Joseph Fidel
Sen Joseph E. Gant

Rep Robert N Garcia
Rep Bob Grant

Sen Bill L. Lee
Rep Sharlyn Linard
Rep. Colin R. McMillan

Sen. John L. Dahl
Rep. Billy F. Kennedy
Sen. Jim E. Lane
Sen. John D Luton
Rep Charles Morgan
Rep. Victor Wickersham
Rep. Rubert Wilson


Sen. Peyton McKnight

Rep. Jimmy Mankins
Rep. Ed Mayes
Rep. Jim Nowlin

The Honorable John D. Dingell

2221 Rayburn House Office Building
Independence and S. Capitol St., S.W.
Washington, D. C. 20515

Dear Representative Dingell:

The State of New Mexico, one of the member states of the
Southwest Regional Energy Council, is greatly concerned about
legislation currently awaiting mark up in the Subcommittees on
Energy and Power and Energy and the Environment, regarding the
stabilization of uranium tailings piles.

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This legislation would require the state to hear 25 percent of the
cost of such stabilization with the balance to be borne by the
federal government. It has been estimated that New Mexico's
share of that cost might be as much as $40 million.

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The uranium tailings piles in New Mexico were produced during
a period w
when uranium prices were depressed as a result of fed-
eral controls in the fnterest of national security, thus reducing
the flow of severance taxes to the state and denying it a fair re-
turn on the resource.

In view of this, the New Mexico Legislature's Joint Interim Committee on Natural Resources recently passed a resolution calling for the federal government, in the interest of equity, to bear the total cost of uranium tailings stabilization. A copy of this resclution is enclosed, and, if it is still possible, I would like to request that it be made a part of the Subcommittee's hearing record on this subject.

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WHEREAS, there are presently before the congress of the United

States certain legislative measures (IR 12938, HR 12535, HR 13049) which would provide for the stabilization of uranium tailings piles; and

WHEREAS, certain of those measures require the state in which the tailings piles are situate to provide twenty-five or more percent of the money to stabilize the piles; and

WHEREAS, the uranium tailings piles in New Mexico were produced during a period when the price of uranium was controlled in the interest of national security; and

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WHEREAS, the depressed price of uranium prevented the state of New Mexico from gaining a fair return on the resource through diminution in severance taxes; and

WHEREAS, in view of such diminution of revenue, it is now grossly inequitable for the federal government to impose any financial burden on the uranium-producing states;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE JOINT INTERIM NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE OF THE NEW MEXICO STATE LEGISLATURE that in the interest of equity the total cost of uranium tailings stabilization should be borne by the federal government; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be communicated to the

Southwest Regional Energy Council and to the governor of New Mexico so that he may further communicate the intent of the committee to the Western Governors Policy Council; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that both organizations immediately express such intent to the congressional delegations of all member states.

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I am writing to you and your colleagues on the Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power to express my concern and the concern of other states who are afflicted with health hazards resulting from improperly located and unstabilized uranium mill tailings. In most cases, these tailings are the waste products of the Atomic Energy Commission's uranium procurement program which was conducted in the late 1940's to the mid1960's.

I urge you to act this session on the legislation before your subcommittee which would establish a remedial program for radioactive tailings piles. If it is necessary for the states to contribute to this program in order to secure passage, I hope that the legislation will be drafted so that the states' reguired contribution will be commensurate with its ability to pay.

It is important that our citizens realize the federal government's commitment to the protection of public health and safety associated with the United States nuclear power programs is absolute if we are to continue to have their support for the radioactive waste disposal programs which will be required.

I am attaching a copy of the testimony I personally presented at the Senate hearings on this matter, and hope it will be useful to you and your staff as you consider this important legislation.

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[Whereupon, at 1:34 p.m. the subcommittee adjourned.]

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