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Each proposed plan must incorporate the following features:

(a) A free and open opportunity for volunteers to communicate their views to appropriate ACTION regional office officials.

(b) An opportunity for all volunteers to be heard with respect to their views in connection with the terms and conditions of their service by a responsible ACTION regional office official, either personally, or through democratically selected representatives, on a regular basis. The plan must provide such an opportunity to the volunteer at least twice in each year, and provide for notice to volunteers of the time and place of the meeting at which they may be heard.

(c) Appropriate provisions with respect to volunteers' or volunteers' representatives travel expense and per diem which enable the volunteers or their representatives to attend and present their views to the regional office officials at scheduled meetings.

(d) Response to volunteer's views by appropriate ACTION officials in a prescribed period of time.

(e) Summary reports by each Regional Director to the Deputy Associate Director for VISTA and ACTION Education Programs of problems and concerns expressed by volunteers concerning terms and conditions of their service and action taken in response to such problems and concerns.

(f) An opportunity for any volunteer who feels that his/her concerns have not been properly addressed to communicate the same to the Regional Director. Such communication shall be included in the Regional Director's report to the Deputy Associate Director and shall be reviewed by him.

§ 1218.5 Procedures for approval of plan.

Each Regional Director shall submit the plan for his region to the Deputy Associate Director, VISTA and ACTION Education Programs for approval.

Approval by the Deputy Associate Director for VISTA and ACTION Education Programs of the proposed regional plan shall be based upon:

(a) The adequacy of the procedures to provide for systematic and open com

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§ 1219.1 Introduction.

Section 415(d), Title IV, of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, Pub. L. 93-113, 87 Stat. 412, provides that VISTA Volunteers who have successfully completed their period of service shall be eligible for appointment in the Federal competitive service in the same manner as Peace Corps Volunteers as prescribed in Executive Order No. 11103 (April 10, 1963). This section further provides that the Director of ACTION shall determine who has successfully completed his period of service in accordance with regulations he shall prescribe.

§ 1219.2 Policy.

Certificates of satisfactory service for the purpose of this order shall be

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court costs, bail or other expenses incidental to the volunteer's defense. For part-time volunteers, section 419 provides that the proceeding must arise directly out of the performance of activities pursuant to the Act.

Subpart B-Criminal Proceedings § 1220.2-1 Full-time volunteers.

(a)(1) ACTION will pay all reasonable expenses for defense of full-time volunteers up to and including arraignment in Federal, state, and local criminal proceedings, except in cases where it is clear that the charged offense results from conduct which is not related to his service as a volunteer.

(2) Situations where conduct is clearly unrelated to a volunteer's service are those that arise either:

(i) In a period prior to volunteer service,

(ii) Under circumstances where the volunteer is not at his assigned volunteer project location, such as during periods of administrative, vacation, or emergency leave, or

(iii) When he is at his volunteer station, but the activity or action giving rise to the charged offense is clearly not part of, or required by, such assignment.

(b) Reasonable expenses in criminal proceedings beyond arraignment may be paid in cases where:

(1) The charge against the volunteer relates to his assignment or status as a volunteer, and not his personal status or personal matters. A charge relating to a volunteer's assignment arises out of any activity or action which is a part of, or required by, such assignment. A charge relating to a volunteer's status is motivated exclusively by the fact that a defendant is a volunteer.

(2) The volunteer has not admitted a willful or knowing violation of law, and

(3) The charge(s) is not a minor misdemeanor, such as a minor vehicle violation for which a fine or bail forfeiture will not exceed $100.

(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, there may be situations in which the criminal proceeding results from a situation which could give rise to a civil claim under the Federal Tort Claims

Act. In such situations, the Justice Department may agree to defend the volunteer. In those cases, unless there is a conflict between the volunteer's interest and that of the government, ACTION will not pay for additional private representation for the volunteer.

§ 1220.2-2 Part-time volunteers.

(a) With respect to a part-time volunteer, ACTION will reimburse a sponsor for the reasonable expenses it incurs for the defense of the volunteer in Federal, state and local criminal proceedings, including arraignment, only under the following circumstances:

(1) The proceeding arises directly out of the volunteer's performance of activities pursuant to the Act;

(2) The volunteer receives, or is eligible to receive, compensation, including allowances, stipend, or reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses, under an ACTION grant project; and

(3) The conditions specified in paragraphs (b) (2) and (3) in §1220.2-1 are met.

(b) In certain circumstances volunteers who are ineligible for reimbursement of legal expenses by ACTION may be eligible for representation under the Criminal Justice Act (18 U.S.C. 3006A).

§ 1220.2-3 Procedure.

(a) Immediately upon the arrest of any volunteer under circumstances in which the payment of bail to prevent incarceration or other serious consequences to the volunteer or the retention of an attorney prior to arraignment is necessary and is covered under § 1220.2-1 or § 1220.2–2, sponsors shall immediately notify the appropriate ACTION state office or if the state office cannot be reached, the appropriate regional office. The regional office shall provide each sponsor with a 24-hour telephone number.

(b) Immediately after notification of the appropriate office, and with the approval thereof, the sponsor shall advance up to $500 for the payment of bail or such other legal expenses as are necessary prior to arraignment to prevent the volunteer from being incarcerated. In the event it is subsequently determined that ACTION or a sponsor is not

responsible under this policy for the volunteer's defense, any such advance may be recovered directly from the volunteer or from allowances, stipends, or out-of-pocket expenses which are payable or become payable to the volunteer. In the case of a grassroots sponsor of full-time volunteers which is not able to provide the $500 the ACTION state or regional office shall immediately make such sum available to the sponsor.

(c) Immediately upon receipt of notification from the sponsor, the state or regional office shall notify the General Counsel, giving all facts and circumstances at that time known to such office. Thereafter the office shall cooperate with the General Counsel in making an investigation of all surrounding facts and circumstances and shall provide such information immediately to the General Counsel.

(d) The General Counsel shall, upon notification by the state or regional office, determine the extent to which ACTION will provide funds for the volunteer's defense or reimburse a sponsor for funds it spends on the volunteer's behalf. Included in this responsibility shall be the negotiation of fees and approval of other costs and expenses. State and regional offices are not authorized to commit ACTION to the payment of volunteers' legal expenses or to reimburse a sponsor except as provided above, without the express consent of the General Counsel. Additionally, the General Counsel shall, in cases arising directly out of the performance of authorized project activities, ascertain whether the services of the United States Attorney can be made available to the volunteer.

(e) The sponsor and the state and regional office shall have a continuing responsibility for cooperation and coordination with the Office of General Counsel during the pendency of any such litigation, and of notifying the General Counsel of any facts and circumstances which come to the attention of such office or the sponsor which affects such litigation.

Subpart C-Civil and
Administrative Proceedings

§ 1220.3-1 Full-time volunteers.

ACTION will pay reasonable expenses incurred in the defense of full-time volunteers in Federal, state, and local civil judicial and administrative proceedings where:

(a) The complaint or charge against the volunteer is directly related to his volunteer service and not to his personal activities or obligations.

(b) The volunteer has not admitted willfully or or knowingly pursuing a course of conduct which would result in the plaintiff or complainant initiating such a proceeding, and

(c) If the judgment sought involves a monetary award, the amount sought exceeds $100.

§ 1220.3-2 Part-time volunteers.

ACTION will reimburse sponsors for the reasonable expenses incidental to the defense of part-time volunteers in Federal, state and local civil judicial and administrative proceedings where:

(a) The proceeding arises directly out of the volunteer's performance of activities pursuant to the Act;

(b) The volunteer receives or is eligible to receive compensation, including allowances, stipend, or reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses under an ACTION grant; and

(c) The conditions specified in paragraphs (b) and (c) in §1220.3-1 are met.

§ 1220.3-3 Procedure.

Immediately upon the receipt by a volunteer of any court papers or administrative orders making him a part

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1222.5 Advisory group expenses. 1222.6 Sponsor's responsibilities.

AUTHORITY: Secs. 106 and 420 of Pub. L. 93113, 87 Stat. 398 and 414.

SOURCE: 40 FR 57217, Dec. 8, 1975, unless otherwise noted.

§ 1222.1 Purpose.

The purpose of these regulations is to prescribe requirements for the establishment of a continuing mechanism for the meaningful participation of project beneficiaries in the planning, development, and implementation of project activities utilizing full-time volunteers authorized under Title I of the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, Pub. L. 93–113. This policy specifically implements Section 106, Title I, Pub. L. 93–113.

§ 1222.2 Applicability.

These regulations apply to all fulltime volunteer programs and projects under title I, Pub. L. 93-113, including grant programs. Included in these programs are VISTA (part A), University Year for ACTION (UYA) (part B), ACTION Cooperative Volunteers (ACV) and Program for Local Services (PLS) (part C).

§ 1222.3 Policy.

(a) Each potential project sponsor shall establish an advisory group for the project, to include substantial membership of potential project beneficiaries or, to the extent feasible, their democratically chosen representatives, prior to the submission of an application to ACTION for volunteers.

(b) The term "substantial" means, in this case, a sufficient number of appropriate persons to assure that the concerns and points of view of the potential project beneficiaries are adequately presented and considered in the deliberations of the group. The phrase "project beneficiaries" means, in this case, recipients of benefits accruing directly from project activities as conducted by ACTION Volunteers.

(c) Potential sponsoring organizations that have an established governing, policy, or advisory group whose membership is composed of at least 50% of members of the beneficiary population are not required to establish a

separate project advisory group for the purposes of these regulations.

§ 1222.4 Advisory group responsibilities.

The advisory group shall have the following responsibilities for the intent and purposes of these requirements:

(a) To the extent practical, assist the sponsor in the initial planning of a new project proposal and in the planning of a continuation project application.

(b) To review and provide written comments concerning any project application prior to the submission of the application to ACTION. A copy of such comments shall accompany each application to ACTION.

(c) To meet with the sponsoring organization's staff at periodic intervals, but no less than twice per project year, for the purpose of reviewing and commenting on the development and implementation of the project. Such project review and commentary should be directed toward the adequacy of the project to meet the identified needs of the project beneficiaries.

(d) To submit, if it so chooses, written reports and/or copies of minutes of its meetings to the sponsor to accompany the Sponsor's Quarterly Program Report (A-568) submitted to the appropriate ACTION regional office.

§ 1222.5 Advisory group expenses.

As permitted by law, ACTION regional staff may pay for certain incidental out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the advisory group in connection with its responsibilities under § 1222.4. § 1222.6 Sponsor's responsibilities.

The sponsor or potential sponsor shall furnish the following evidence of the advisory group's participation in the planning, development, and implementation of the project:

(a) Each new application to ACTION for volunteers shall contain a statement describing how the advisory group has participated in the planning of the project proposal. This statement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Advisory group (see §1222.4-2). For continuation project applications, a written statement shall be included which specifies how the advisory group complied with its respon

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