Page images
[blocks in formation]

Hogarth Mrs. 382

Mary and Anne 383
his Five Servants 383
Holland, Lord 372, 385
Hooper, Bp. 385
Hudibras 349, vii.

Huggins, W. 384
Hyde Park 367
Jacobson, Mr. 386
Jeffreys Family 373
Ilchester, Lord 372
Indian Emperor 388
Jones Family 370
Kirkman 378
Lady, unknown 387
Lady's Last Stake 362
Lambert, G. 387
Lambert's Paintings, with
Hogarth's Figures 365
Landscapes 365, ib.367, ib.
Laughing Audience 353
Le Despenser, Lord 386
Lewis, Mary 383
Lock, Daniel 385
Lovat, Lord 380
Malcolm, Sarah 379
Marriage à la Mode 358
Martin, Sam. 385
March to Finchley 360
Marys, The Three 362
Mary Queen of Scots 366
Masquerade at Somerset

House 364
Masquerades, Ill Effects

of 368
Matthias Family 373
Mayor of Garret 369
Mendez, Moses 387
Mock Election 369
Modern Midnight Conver-

sation 355

Montagu, Duke of 371
Morning 358

Moses brought to Pha-
roah's Daughter 361

Mossop, Mr. 387
Musical Party vii.
Musical Study 375
Nichols, Mr. Pictures in
his possession 375, 383,
387, 388
Night 358
Noon 358

Orator Henley christening
a Child 354
Oysters 377

Painter's Room 369, 373
Painting Room 369
Palmer, John 381
Paviour's Sign 367
Paul before Felix 360
Pellett, Dr. 386, vii.
Pembroke, Lady 387
Pembroke House 366
Picquet 374
Pine, Mr. 387

Miss 387
Politician 352

Pool of Bethesda 360
Porter, John 381
Prior, Mr. 388
Pye, Sir Robert 379
Quin 386, vii.
Rake's Progress 354
Ranger and Clarinda 364
Rich, Miss 384


Family 369

Schomberg, Sir A. 385
Scott's Paintings, with Fi-
gures by Hogarth 365
Sealing the Sepulchre 362
Sepulchre, The 362
Sewell Family 372
Shrimp Girl 364
Shudi, Mr. 378
Sigismunda 362

Sleeping Congregation 356
Sleeping Child 376
Society of Artists 376
Somerset House Masque-
rade 364

Southwark Fair 352
Statuary's Shop 373
Stay-maker 364
Strode Family 376
Strolling Actresses 357
Suspicious Husband, Scene

in 364

Sydney, Sir P. death of 368
Taste in High Life 358
Thomson, J. 388
Thornhill, Sir J. 382
Lady 383
John 383
Family 374

Treasury Garden 367
Vernon Family 371
Village Fête 365

Mr. (Mr. Cock, &c.) Walpole, Sir E. 387

Rogers Family 371

Rosamond's Pond 367, vii.
St. James's Day 377
St. James's Park 366
Salter, Mrs. 385
Sarmond, Mr. 379

Satan, Sin, and Death 363
Saviour, Our 364

Savoyard Girl 366

Theatre 363

near London 366

Wanstead Assembly 350

Family Group at 376

Welch, Justice 386

Windham, Mr. 387

Western, Mr. 386

Family 371

Woman swearing a Child


Wollaston Family 373
Wood Family 370

Scene in Goodman's Field Woodbridge, Dudley 374

Woodley, Miss 386, vii.




Academical Study 401
Analysis of Beauty 398
Anatomical Drawing 403
Beaver's Military Punish-

ments 390

Beggars' Opera 401
Burlesqued 393

Blandy, Miss 397
Broughton and Slack fight-
ing 402

Bruiser and Giants 400
Button'sCoffee-house, cha-
racters at 390
Calves Head Club 398
Chrononotonthologus 401
Character and Caricatura


Comedy 401

Country Kitchen 399

Crying Boy 403
Dennis, Jolin 402
Don Quixote 395

Duel near Windsor Castle


[blocks in formation]

George III. 400
Grenadier leading a young
Officer 402
Harlot's Progress 393
Hazard Table 402
Heads, Sketches of 402
Heidegger in a Rage 401
Hesiod 393
Hogarth's Tour 393
Hudibras 390

and Ralpho 392
Sidrophel and Whac-

cum ib.
Huggins, W. 399
Hunt, Gabriel 394
Jewish Elder, a beautiful
female, and an old wo-

man 402

Industry and Idleness 396

Falstaff reviewing his Re- King's Pantheon 400

cruits 402

Farmer's Return 399

Fat Man upset 402

Fielding, H. 399
Foundlings, The 395

Hospital Arms 396

Front-is-piss 400
Gardelle, Theod. 399

Kirby's Perspective 398
Kitchen, Country 399
London, View of 400
Lottery 390

Lovat, Lord, trial of 396
March to Finchley 396,


Marriage à la Mode 395

Misaubin, Dr. 394
Miser 393

Morell, Dr. 399
Mortimer, Dr. C. 402
Moses brought to Pha-
raoh's Daughter 397
Night Scene 403

Painter bled in his thumb


Paul before Felix 397, vii.
Pool of Bethesda 394

Ragandjaw 405
Rake's Progress 394
Read, Ben. 398
Reward of Cruelty 397
Roderick Random, Scene

in 405

Sancho in his Government

Sancho's head 393
Shepherd Boy 402

Sleeping 402

South Sea 390
Tartuffe's Banquet 403
Taylor's Epitaph 396
Tragedy 401

Tristram Shandy 401
Ward, Dr. 394
Wilkes, John 400
Winchelsea, E. of 402
Woman Swearing a Child


J. B. Nichols and Son, 25, Parliament-street.

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